To all who wonder how to overcome their dark sideā€¦



No one dared enter this place.


This place consisted of forever pain. But you would never die from it.


That was the only thing to do here.


And also wish you hadn't done what you did when you once lived on earth.

Hell was a murderous place. Demons didn't have many opportunities to roam free on earth. They feared God would destroy them if he could help it, and he certainly would.

But some people strayed far from him, and that was when the awaiting demons sprang for the chance to get the heck out of there-for a while, anyway.

One day a demon long in his misery and short with an escape, strayed far from the main part of hell and came near the boundary between heaven and hell. The demon was suffering so much he bumped right into the void that nothing could get through without noticing he was there.

Only God's own power could go through it without being blocked. The demon narrowed his eyes, wishing he was on the other side and walked across the side. Then suddenly, he noticed a weird hole in the ground surrounded by rocks that hadn't been there before, and he knew hell. The demon looked down into the hole with curiosity. He only saw darkness.

Still curious, he stepped closer to it, but the ground beneath him gave way and he fell right in it! He landed on hard, rocky ground. The demon got up and saw a small glittering stone on a pillar of rock. Fascinated, he walked to it, and realized it was the same stone that had brought out Maniac from Rocky. He wondered what it was doing here, and who had built this place. He remembered how fun it was watching and helping him destroy things.

Thinking more than ever, the demon suddenly grinned slyly.