A/N: I made a mistake with the gacha system last chapter. It's supposed to be 1 free spin available. He will use it in this chapter.
Added Laptop to list of items received from starter pack in chapter 2.
Added Dates. Might not stick with them.
Nov. 5, 1984
Looking towards the sound on my left. A small house-elf had appeared. If I didn't know that it would be female from the coupon, I wouldn't be able to tell. She was small, just as one would expect a house-elf to be, standing at approximately two and a half feet tall and wearing only a white pillowcase. She had the staple enormous eyes with bat like ears. Her excitement was clear as she bounced from foot to foot.
I spoke after a brief period of observing her. "Hello, I'm Jonathan Cross. What's your name, little one?"
"Hellos young master Jon. My name bees Nilly." She spoke in with a high pitched, excited voice. "I bees so excited to have a master."
"Well, I'm excited to have you as well. I'm not sure what you can do right now, as I'm unsure if I have any property for you to maintain, but before we get into all that, let's set some ground rules. First, you are never to punish yourself. If you feel you have made a mistake, you may come to me and we will discuss it. Second, you are not to be seen by muggles without a glamour charm applied. Lastly, once we get my financial situation in order, you are to buy fabrics and make yourself a uniform. I do not care how other wizards do it, but no servant of mine is going around in a pillowcase."
As I spoke, she nodded her head rapidly in agreement. She spoke once I finished. "Yes, young sir. I bees following those rules."
"Good. Hopefully, we can become friends. Now, as to my financial status, are you able to go to Gringotts Bank? If so, can you get a brochure that lists their services? Also, just call me sir or Jon when we are alone. Save the young sir for the muggle world and master for the wizarding world."
Her nodding continued. "Yes sir. When I was broughts here, I gots training for the elves' in this world. There bees a booklet for the things goblin bank offers."
"Excellent. Please retrieve one for me." I told her, and with a mutter of "sir," she vanished.
While she did that, I pulled out my Phoenix Coupon and read its description.
[Phoenix Coupon]
Summons a phoenix from the multiverse that has a desire for a companion when torn. Warning: While phoenix are not paragons of good, they lean into the 'good' spectrum. Committing heinous acts too many times, for pleasure, or profit, will lead to bond being broken.
I studied the coupon for a few minutes. Reflecting on the implications of that warning and what it might suggest about Dumbledore's actions (or lack thereof) towards Harry. Maybe Dumbledore is a dark lord who has enslaved Fawkes, or simply a tired old man doing his best for the world he cares about, or anywhere in between. For now, I returned the coupon to my inventory. I don't have what I need to care for a phoenix at the moment.
Just as I put the coupon away, Nilly quietly popped back into the room. "Sir. Here you are." She said as she handed me the booklet. I looked it over, noticing the large Gringotts logo on the front, and chuckled at the title. "Gringotts for dummies" Well, that confirms someone at Gringotts has a sense of humor.
Looking over at Nilly, I spoke up. "Nilly, I have little for you to do, but could you please go through both the dresser and the chest at the foot of my bed and sort them?" She nods. "After that, you may do as you please, but listen for my call." With that, the little being was snapping her fingers and clothes and miscellaneous items from the chest were floating around my room. I paid it no mind as I began flipping through the Gringotts booklet.
After reading though the booklet, I was both pleased and disappointed. Though Gringotts offers more than just storing your gold, as in canon, it's not as extravagant as some fanfictions from my previous life depict. Aside from storing your gold and artifacts, they also provide money exchange, curse breaking, property management, investing, and heritage test/identity verification.
According to the booklet, the heritage test is explained as a requirement for those establishing a new vault to determine if they are entitled to any dormant vaults. Dormant vaults are vaults that have been without an heir for up to 100 years, after which they are 'claimed', whatever that means. According to my build, I definitely have vaults to claim. I'm just unsure how many.
I looked around and noticed that Nilly had finished sorting my stuff and disappeared. I called out for her, waiting for her to reappear. "Nilly, I need you to find a decently sized space away from people where I can work out."
It was around 2 pm, so I decided to get my exercise out of the way. It would be too cold to do the 1k run in the morning or evening at my age. Seeing Nilly pop back into the room, I grabbed my jumper from the top of my dresser and had Nilly pop us to where she had chosen for my workout spot.
Later that night
Laying in bed that evening after dinner, I closed the quest notification that told me I had finished my daily workout quest and banked 100 system points. Just thinking out that workout causes my already aching muscles to shiver. I thought being a kid again that I would be full of energy, but no. It took me almost 2 hours to do 25 push-ups, 25 sit-ups, and to run 1k. I can sort of blame it on the cold. It had been a brisk 48F and my small body wasn't used to the cold. Poor Nilly spent almost the entire time telling me I shouldn't be out in the cold. I've already decided I had a brain fart. I could have done the push-ups and sit-ups in the comfort of my warm room.
After suppressing the shiver caused by the memory of my workout, I glanced at the clock. 6:48 pm. Still have 2 hours before bedtime. I decided I should go over those textbooks I got.
I opened the engineering textbook and started reading after pulling them out one at a time. While reading, I could immediately grasp the advantages of utilizing photographic memory and occlumency together. I absorbed, sorted, and comprehended information at an astounding rate. Gaps in my knowledge that I didn't know were there were filling in quickly.
For the next hour, I read the engineering book, astounded by the information contained. It was written in such a way that my brain just absorbed the knowledge. I could feel the gaps in my current knowledge closing. Level 4 is just a few more hours of reading away. I could tell that understanding the information became progressively harder as the levels increased, just by how the material for levels 1-3 varied.
After putting the textbook back in my inventory, I lay back against my pillow and thought about the future. I didn't really have a plan set out for what I should do in this world. The only concrete goals I have here are to have fun and learn all I can about both science and magic, well that and to be a complete nuisance to Tom.. and possibly Dumbledore.. I ultimately don't have enough information about this world, which is something I'll have to fix soon. Too many questions and not enough answers.
As I was about to close lie down for bed, I remembered I still had a free gacha spin.
1 Free spin available
Spin now? Y/N?
Mentally clicking the Y option, a small spin wheel popped up in front of me. After a few moments, it slowed, and finally stopped.
Free Spins Remaining: 0
Congratulations, you have received Template - EMIYA.
Template - EMIYA Activating this Template permanently changes both Element (Nasuverse) and Origin (Nasuverse) to sword. Unlocks Magic Circuits (Nasuverse).
Skills Gained:
Magic Resistance D
Clairvoyance C
Mind's Eye (True) B
Magecraft C-
Unlimited Blade Works E-A+++
Oh yes, this is exciting. I never really liked Shirou, or EMYIA as characters, but their abilities and fighting styles are another story. It's too late to activate the template now, but ill have to get it done soon. Training to use it will take forever and I highly doubt UBW as is standard will work for me, so getting started sooner would be for the best. Even though I now have sword/sword element/origin like Shirou, our souls are different. Figuring out my version of UBW is going to be as frustrating as it is challenging.
With everything but my phoenix coupon taken care of, I settled onto my pillow for a good night's sleep.