"Girls, that is not the proper way to walk." Glynda told them.

"Well, all of us were quadrupedal monsters. This is how we walked." Wisteria told her.

"I could walk on two legs, but only for a little bit and I had to turn off my thermoregulation to do that." Cerule explained.

Both adults raised an eyebrow at this, but shook their heads, deciding that to be a question for later. "Well, regardless. This is how people in our world walk." Ozpin told them.

The girls all sighed at this and nodded in acceptance, rising up onto their feet. While Cerule seemed to be somewhat fine, the others struggled quite a bit, with Wisteria and Onyxia falling over and Silver having to flap her wings and going into the air to stop herself from also falling.

"I suppose with the way all of your feet are structured, walking would be a bit difficult to learn at this age. You're essentially walking on your toes the entire time." Glynda admitted.

"Well, to be fair, Glynda, with the height of your heels, you may as well be walking on your toes yourself." Ozpin said with an amused smirk, earning a glare from his right-hand woman.

Glynda just sighed at this. Let's just start with simple basics." She explained.

From there, they worked on several balancing exercises: leaning to the sides and back again, standing on one leg and lightly jumping up and down, before finally working on slow, small steps and gradually extending the strides until finally, the girls were able to take steps with relative ease, at which point Glynda had them follow her in small circles around the thankfully large infirmary until the girls had a firm grasp of walking in these new forms.

"Well, I think I still miss our old way of walking, but I guess this isn't too bad." Onyxia admitted.

"Very well then. But now, I believe we should find you girls some proper clothes." Ozpin said.

"Why?" Wisteria asked. But as if on cue, Cerule accidentally stepped on the blanket covering the purple girl, causing it to fall to the floor, to which Ozpin quickly looked away.

Glynda sighed at this, pinching the bridge of her nose and shaking her head. "That's why." Glynda told her.

"I believe Miss Adel is still at Beacon, correct?" Ozpin asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. Too many shopping sprees caused her to miss doing her homework. She even skipped a few classes just to burn through her money on clothes and such." Glynda confirmed.

"Excellent. Then, maybe you should call her hear and have her bring a decent selection of clothing items." Ozpin said.

"I've never understood why hunters wore clothes in the first place." Onyxia said.

"It makes sense. They don't have thick fur or tough hide, scales and plating like we do to protect them from harsh weather... Or grievous injury." Silver explained.

"Exactly. And also, it's inappropriate to simply walk around in the nude, exposing oneself to prying eyes." Glynda said.

"That sounds more like a you problem. Who cares if you have your bits out. Everyone has them, what's the big deal?" Cerule asked.

Glynda simply facepalmed at this. And she had a feeling this wasn't going to be the last time she did that today...

A short while later, Coco Adel, leader of Team CFVY, entered the room. Or rather, tried to. As behind her, she was dragging a massive backpack absolutely loaded to the brim with clothes. "H-Hey, Professor Ozpin! Professor Goodwitch! I'm here. So, what did you need all these clothes fo- WHOA!" The fashionista began, before looking to the monster girls in awe. Or rather, their barely-dressed state. And with one massive lunge forward, she finally managed to get the backpack through the doorway, dropping it as she walked up to three lords and the Barbarous Beast. "Whoa! It must be my birthday!" She said, ogling the four girls from head to toe, holding her chin in the crux between her thumb and index finger.

"Miss Adel, please control yourself." Glynda reprimanded her.

"So, I'm guessing these are the girls that used to be those weird giant monster things?" Coco asked.

Ozpin sighed at this. "I was hoping not many people would have noticed that." He said.

"To be fair, it's pretty hard to ignore a giant ball of energy exploding and spitting out creatures you've never seen before. But luckily, there's not even half the students there usually are here, so not too many people saw." The fashionista explained.

"Well, then. With that out of the way, do you think you might be able to find proper clothing for our new students here?" Ozpin asked, his back still to the girls.

"I'd be HAPPY to." Coco said, quickly rushing at the girls with some measuring tape and quickly getting their dimensions... while also being sure to observe their bodies very closely. "Alright, I've got everything I need to get you guys the right fitting clothes. So, first off... The undies~" Coco said, she said flirtatiously, pulling out several pairs.

"Perhaps this was a bad idea, Ozpin." Glynda said.

"Did you have any better ones?" He asked simply.

"You humans wear MORE coverings under your coverings? What's the purpose?" Wisteria questioned.

"So prudes don't get mad at you." Coco answered simply as she slid a pair of red boyshorts up the Malice Tiger girl's legs.

"They are to protect your body from abrasions from your outer clothing and protect the outer clothing from sweat and other body fluids. Not to mention, it preserves modesty." Glynda explained more seriously.

Coco then put a pair of white hipsters on Cerule, camo boxers on Onyxia and frilly purple granny panties on Silver. "And next up, bras." Coco said as she saddled the first three girls with bras that matched the underwear she gave them.

"So, why does a smaller girl like you have clothes that can fit me?" Onyxia couldn't help but ask.

"I sometimes get my teammate Yatsuhashi to model for me." Coco explained.

"I'm... going to pretend I didn't hear that." Glynda said.

"That's best for all of us." Ozpin agreed.

Coco then stopped when she came to Silver. "Uh..." She said, stopping when she realized the former Elder Dragon's wings would get in the way. "Well... that complicates things a bit. Good thing I've got some strapless ones we can try." She said, retrieving a strapless bra that, while the back was lower than it should be, it still did the job it was intended for.

"I feel that's not QUITE how this is supposed to work, but I also feel like that's the best we'll get." The Silver Duke Dragon noted.

From there, Coco dressed Onyxia in a pair of camo cargo shorts and a matching vest and Cerule in biker shorts and a tank top the color of blue ice. Next up was Wisteria, who she dressed in red tiger striped cargo pants and asymmetrical zip hooded jacket, but thanks to the claws on both her hands and her feet, the spike on her heel and her arm blades, the clothes became slightly shredded. Not unwearable, but visibly torn up. However, Coco raised an eyebrow and gave a nod of approval at the look. "You know, I think that actually works for you. Gives you a pretty badass 'don't mess with me' vibe." She praised.

"That basically sums up everything about me." Wisteria said proudly.

She had to pause once again at Silver, however. "Hm... The wings would make it tough for you to wear a normal shirt, plus those plates on your thighs wouldn't let you wear pants too well and you don't seem like the shorts type. This dress is the best thing I got and even then, you'll need to make a hole for your tail so you don't lift the dress and flash everyone if you move it too much." Coco said, offering up a silver gothic dress with puffy off-shoulder sleeves.

"Well, if it will keep me acceptably clothed in human society, I graciously accept. Thank you." Silver said, stabbing her tail through the back of the dress just above the waist and putting it on.

"Excellent. Glad to FINALLY have that dealt with. You may turn back now, sir." Glynda told Ozpin.

The headmaster turned around and was quite impressed with the looks Coco pulled together for them. "I must say, those outfits work for all of you perfectly. Excellent work, Miss Adel." He praised.

"Yep. I'd say these ensembles might just be my best work." Coco patted herself on the back.

"Well then, I suggest you get back to your studies so you can actually move onto the next year." Glynda told her.

"O-oh! Right! Well, later girls. And definitely come see me some time! I'd LOVE to dress you all up again sometime." Coco said, before quickly leaving.

"So, what now, then?" Cerule asked.

"Well, next we will have to fit you girls into private classes with our teachers in order to catch you up on everything you should know about Remnant and its history, society, languages and the Grimm, so you will not have a suspicious lack of knowledge amongst other students." Ozpin explained.

"Also, we'll have to examine your combat skills and how well they've transferred over to these new forms of yours." Glynda added.

"Well, I'm definitely excited for that last bit. The rest of it? Not so much." Wisteria said.

"Why can't that peach professor put all that in our minds like she did with your language?" Onyxia asked.

"Unfortunately, Professor Peach's semblance can only transfer verbal knowledge. Words. Which isn't always sufficient for conveying information. Sometimes visuals are needed as well in order to grasp a proper understanding of certain subjects." Glynda told them.

"Well, that's lame." Cerule said.

"Fair enough. So, what's first, then?" Silver asked.

The four girls now sat in a classroom, looking ahead at the bespectacled, green-haired teacher before them. "Ah, hello, girls! My name is Doctor Oobleck! I must say, I am quite excited to see such new and unique students from VERY unique circumstances here at Beacon! And I'm even more excited to teach such fresh, young new minds all about the illustrious history of this world we call Remnant! And one of the most important topics of discussion is the Great War! A massive conflict involving all kingdoms of our world." Oobleck began.

"Yeah, Ozpin told us about that already. Next." Wisteria said.

"Oh... I see..." Oobleck said, deflating a bit.

"He informed us of the general reasoning behind the war, but nothing about the war itself, like the events that took place in it." Silver corrected.

Oobleck quickly perked back up. "Ah, excellent! Then, as you were likely informed, the Great War started due to a misguided belief that the removal of all forms of self-expression would limit, if not outright eliminate attacks from the Grimm, as there would be no negative emotions to draw them in. It all began when..." Oobleck began.

And from there, the profess- I mean, DOCTOR, informed them all about events of the Great War, as well as familiarizing them with all the major kingdoms and settlements throughout Remnant and even some of the smaller, yet equally important towns and even lesser known settlements outside the kingdoms, both active and defunct. "And thus, the Great War came to an end. Though even though one side had lost, due to having restored our freedoms of expression, we've become more united than we ever had in the past." Oobleck explained.

"Bright futures coming from tragedies of the past. Maybe our worlds aren't so different after all." Onyxia said with a smile.

"Indeed. However, that is not to say things are perfect, as this leads us to the Faunus War." Oobleck explained.

"Another war? Don't you have the Grimm to deal with? Why do people of this world spend so much time fighting each other?" Cerule asked.

The Doctor became rather curious at this. "Did the people of your world not fight with each other?" He asked.

"No. They pretty much had their hands full with, you know, US. They didn't have much time to beef with each other." Wisteria said.

"Really? And did they have any other off-human species similar to Faunus?" Oobleck asked.

"Yeah, there were the Wyverians. They're pretty close to humans, but they had pointed ears, four-fingered hands and feet like ours." Cerule explained, putting her feet on the desk in front of her to show what she meant. "And some of them are the size of toddlers while some others can get taller than some monsters... Oh. And some idiots think they lay eggs." She added.

"Fascinating. Two different races, yet they managed to live in harmony, united against one enemy." Oobleck pondered.

"And even that enemy was made because they were assholes to us." Onyxia said.

"While that language isn't appreciated, I must say, I am intrigued. Would you be able to tell me more?" Oobleck asked.

""Very well." Silver said, standing up. "It all started with the Ancient Civilization. Predominantly led by Wyverians, but humans were also a notable part of it, along with several other races. And it was fair to say, they dominated the world. And us..." She began, her tone quickly turning dark.

2 hours later...

Glynda entered the room. "Bartholomew, where are the new students? They were supposed to be in their next class hours ago..." She began, only to trail off and slump a bit with a deadpanned expression on her face at what she saw.

Oobleck was now sat at one of the desks, taking notes as if HE were the student, while Silver was up at the board, lecturing as if SHE were the teacher. "And thus, the Elder Dragon known as Fatalis descended upon the kingdom of Schrade and razed it to the ground in a single night, effortlessly destroying the Ancient Civilization and leaving it in ruins. But, through the actions of the evil dragon, the remnants of humanity learned they had to change and respect monsters and the world around them. And so, they rebuilty their civilizations and while they are nowhere near as advanced as the Ancient Civilization was, they are far more prosperous, living in balance with nature and only hunting as needed when monsters pose a legitimate threat to innocent people." Silver explained, drawing Fatalis in front of an image of an ancient kingdom, before drawing fire from Fatalis' mouth and putting a giant X over the kingdom.

"Fascinating. It truly is deplorable what this Ancient Civilization did, to the point an evil dragon, feared even by its own kind needed to step in, but it does warm my heart to know that this new civilization has learned from the mistakes of the past and looks to improve themselves going forward. It's everything I hope to achieve as a History Teacher." Oobleck said in awe as he wrote down notes a mile a minute.

Glynda's eye twitched for a moment, before she let out a long sigh while rubbing her temples. "Professor..." She started.

"DOCTOR." The history teacher corrected.

"Oobleck." She said in a tone that DEMANDED silence. "YOU are supposed to be teaching these students about OUR world. NOT the other way around." Glynda told him harshly. "In addition, they are two hours overdue for their next class." She told him.

The coffee-addicted historian jumped up in shock at this. "Oh, my goodness! I can't believe I lost track of time like this. I'm quite sorry, girls. We'll have to pick this up in our next session." Oobleck said.

"I HOPE you're referring to the history they're SUPPOSED to be learning, not the one you want to learn." Glynda said, before looking to the monster girls. "Now then. come along, girls." Glynda said, walking back to the door and waiting for them.

"Great. All this learning was making me exhausted." Cerule said, heading to the door.

"You know we're probably just going to do more learning, right?" Onyxia told her, following just behind her.

"So, what would our next class be, Professor Goodwitch?" Silver asked at the end of the pack.

"Well, you used up all the time we had saved for you for Professor Port's Grimm Studies for today." Glynda began.

Meanwhile, in his own classroom, Professor Peter Port sat around in confusion, waiting for four new students of otherworldly origin, only for them to never show up. "Wasn't I supposed to be getting some new students to teach about Grimm and all the impressive ways I've defeated them? This better not be Ozpin getting back at me for telling him that faculty meeting was a costume party." The boisterous professor pouted.

"So, instead, you'll be going to Plant Studies with Professor Peach." Glynda said.

"Any chance she could just give us all the knowledge she has on plants so we can skip that class?" Cerule asked.

"I'm quite sure we already covered the fact that is beyond the limitations of her Semblance." Glynda said with a sigh.

"If she could do all of that, there would be no point for these classes in the first place. Think, dog brain." Onyxia told her.

"Come now, girls. We all know what Hunters in our world could do with all the herbs and fungi in it. Maybe they're capable of all the same here." Silver pointed out.

"Eh. I guess that could be worth looking into. It beats just sitting and hearing about humans being stupid and killing each other." Wisteria said.

Nearly a week had passed and the girls were actually settling in quite well. They were managing to understand the materials decently enough. And slowly, but surely the four of them were even starting to pick up on hobbies that would help them better fit into society. Onyxia had gained an interest in sports, particularly boxing. And she was now in the gym, training to master the various punches in boxing with a training robot. "You know, I never thought I'd see the appeal of two people slugging each other in the face, but I gotta say, it really gets the blood pumping!" She declared, throwing a punch and accidentally missing the gloved hand she was supposed to punch, instead taking the robot's head off. She just looked on in shock for a minute. "Oops... I'm sure they have someone to clean that up." She said, quickly fleeing.

While Cerule became intrigued by video games after seeing Coco play some on her scroll. The girls were eventually given their own scrolls and Cerule was quick to load it up with several video games, including one that Coco had highly recommended to her: Kung Fu Ninja Slayer Ultimate Death Battle II. And she quickly found herself fascinated with the game. "This might be the greatest human creation of all time." She said in awe as she used a blue ninja with ice powers to defeat a red ninja with fire powers, performing a lethal finisher. "Unalive-ity!" She repeated after she heard the game announcer say the phrase.

Silver, meanwhile, had grown fascinated with reading, becoming enamored by all the different tales the people of this world could come up with. "It's truly incredible what these humans and Faunus can come up with using that 'imagination' thing they have. Maybe I should try it and see if we monsters have it, too." She said, putting the book she was reading, A Man With Two Souls, back in its rightful place. She then started to walk out of the library, when she suddenly stopped upon seeing a certain book. "Ninjas of Love, huh? I've seen Cerule playing that game with ninjas in it. They seem to be pretty interesting characters." She said, grabbing the book and reading it, before noticing one page seemed to be extra thick, turning the book to allow the poster image to extend and be revealed in all its glory. "Now that's a katana..." She said, impressed.

Wisteria seemed to be the only one having difficulty picking up some form of hobby, but that soon changed during one study hall the girls had with Glynda, during with the professor had a radio going, playing calming and relaxing classical music in hopes to keep the girls focused and on task. At first, the only one who seemed mildly interested was Silver, but eventually a song came on where the singer's voice just resonated with the Barbarous Beast. "Hm... This song isn't too bad. What is it?" She asked the teacher.

"Oh. This is from Atlas' premier orchestra. It's Weiss Schnee singing one of her newest songs, Mirror. On the service, she just seems to be another pretty voice, but if you truly listen to the words and pick up on their deeper meanings, you realize she's speaking from her heart and that she's something of a tragic, lonely soul." Glynda explained.

"Huh. I like it. She's got a nice voice." The Hellfire-user admitted, lightly swaying to the music.

"Well, perhaps you'll get the chance to tell her that when classes start. She'll be a student enrolling her when the new school year begins. But if you want time to socialize, you'll have to finish your schoolwork." The blonde woman said.

And, despite still not being too keen on socializing yet, the Magnamalo girl found the idea to meet this girl appealing. "Maybe I will. Maybe I will." She said, before giving her full focus to the schoolwork in front of her.

It had been a full week now since the monster girls had been in this new world, but so far they had only been doing school studies that everyone on Remnant learned as they grew up, not just those in Huntsmen Academies. And while they did find their interests eventually, they also couldn't help but feel a bit pent up. But thankfully, this would come to an end when Glynda walked in at the end of one of their study halls. "Alright, girls. The headmaster and I were talking it over and we believe it is time you show us what you are capable of." She told them.

"So, what did you have in mind?" Onyxia asked.

"Combat practice with me. Professor Ozpin will also be there to gauge your abilities." The blonde woman explained.

"Oh, FINALLY! We're back in my wheelhouse! If there's one thing I can always do, in ANY body, it's combat!" Wisteria declared.

"I wouldn't get too far ahead of myself, Champagne. We barely know how to stand in these bodies. Fighting in them might be next to impossible." Silver warned her.

"Speak for yourself. I already used to fight on my hind legs. I'll probably be even better at it now." Cerule said confidently.

To say Glynda and Ozpin were shocked by the abilities the girls displayed in combat would be an understatement. The Combat Instructor had laid out several training dummies and instructed the girls to show them what they were capable of. At first, it was the standard affair they might have guessed from the girls, claw swipes from the three former predators, plus slashes from Wisteria's arm blades and punches from Onyxia, as well as some jumping slams from the former Fanged Beasts and bites from Cerule and Wisteria. And, while a bit surprising, they still could've assumed that Silver and Wisteria used their tails in a manner similar to spears. And Cerule doing a backflip and hitting her target with her tail was unexpected, but still made sense.

But then, they were caught completely off-guard when the girls broke things not even Ozpin had seen before. First off, Cerule leapt over her line of targets, unleashing bursts of ice to descend upon them as she did so, as well as unleashing a chilling plume of frozen gas to further freeze her targets, as well as give herself some form of ice armor and make her claws even deadlier as she did a spear hand strike to impale one of the training dummies, then slashing two more with a jumping slash from both claws that created a large burst of ice. She even dug her claws into the ground and thrust them forward, tearing up the ground in a line until they knocked down her targets.

Glynda would've been madder, but her Semblance could fix the damage, so it's only a small inconvenience.

Next, Onyxia slammed her fists into the ground, allowing her to get her fingers into it and both tear up and throw a huge chunk of ground at her targets. And she took a bit of ice from the ground from one of Cerule's attacks that hadn't connected with her target, at which point, the ice was somehow infused into the stony protrusions of her arms, now as if she had gauntlets of ice, adding to her attack power and allowing her to freeze her targets similarly to the Moonlight Nocturne. And at the end, she slammed both fists into the ground to make an explosion of ice.

Wisteria then suddenly began to exude a strange purple gas from her forearms and tail, rushing in and slamming her palm into a dummie's chest, resulting in an explosion, leaping back a large distance while releasing several purple fireballs from her tail and, upon landing, she dropped to her hands and feet, waving her tail around in a circle while pink flames built up during this motion, before she thrust her tail forward and unleashing a tunnel of flames that knocked down all her targets. All the while, the teachers noticed the purple gas changed to pink flames, which turned to a bluish-white, before she suddenly unleashed a small explosion from both hands and feet to launch herself into the air, curling into a ball and doing two backflips, before straightening out and aiming herself at her downed targets, before unleashing another blast to shoot herself at the targets, unleashing a large explosion upon reaching them.

And while her movements weren't nearly as flashy as the others, they were quite surprised to see Silver do a flip to slam her tail down on a target, before thrusting it forward to impale the one behind it almost too fast for even them to register. And then she began using her wings to attack as well. The teachers might have guessed striking with the hooks on the wings, but they never would've expected her to fold her wings to be used like a sword, thrusting and impaling one training dummy, then slicing down the one behind it. And she even folded one of her wings in front of herself while charging forward, both making a shield out of her wing and making herself into a battering ram. And for one final impressive move, she flew up into the air, before shooting forward like a missile while rolling in place, knocking down the remainder of her targets.

"So, how'd we do, coach?" Wisteria asked confidently.

"I must admit, I'm quite impressed. There are students out there who have Semblances that allow them to manipulate certain elements. But nothing quite on the scale of what you all were capable of." Ozpin said.

"I take it this was the thermoregulation you spoke of before?" Glynda asked Cerule.

"Yep. I've got an organ in my chest that freezes the air I breathe, so I can breathe out icy mists, shoot out big balls of ice or even make myself ice armor to improve my claws. And I used to be able to walk on two legs by turning OFF that thermoregulation, but now that's my default, so..." The Moonlight Nocturne explained, shrugging at the end.

"Fascinating. And what about you, Onyxia. I've never seen someone take an element and add it to their arsenal in a fashion QUITE like that before." Ozpin thinking, shuddering at the thought of a certain enemy from his past who can do something similar with Dust.

"Well, I used to live in a place called the citadel. It's a place that mixes a few different biomes together. So I used to be able to slam my fists in the ground and I'd usually come up with one fist covered in lava and the other fist covered in moss filled with water. And, in snowy parts of the biome, I can get ice." She explained.

"Interesting. Very versatile." Ozpin said, before walking over to a nearby trunk and opening it to reveal several Dust crystals, grabbing out pair of Fire Dust crystals and walking back over to the former Fanged Beast. "Try crushing these in your hands." He instructed, handing her the crystals.

She raised an eyebrow at this, but shrugged and did as he instructed, breaking the crystals. At which point, the fragments of the stone burst into flame and rushed into the gaps of her stony arm armor, almost like the lava from when she naturally did this in her old life. "Whoa! What kind of rock is that?" She asked, looking at her flaming forearms.

"That is known as Dust. A special mineral we mine from the very planet itself and it is perhaps our greatest advantage against the Grimm, arguably more so than our aura and Semblances. It is used for nearly every aspect of our daily lives, ammunition in our firearms, amplifying our aura and semblances and even powering our cities and homes. And they come in countless forms: fire, water, Earth, wind, lightning, energy, hard-light and even gravity." Ozpin explained.

"Whoa. That's pretty cool. In our world, Hunters gained the power of the elements by using our organs and body parts." Cerule said, leaving the two teachers shocked and disturbed.

"Yes, well... What about you, Wisteria? I've never seen purple flames like that before. Much less ones so volatile and explosive." Glynda said.

"I believe the Hunters referred to my power as Hellfire. I gain the power by eating and metabolizing the bones of my prey." The former Barbarous Beast explained.

"Well, you girls are certainly full of surprises." Ozpin said, before looking to the Elder Dragon. "And I'm sure you would be as well, Silver, if you showed us everything you were capable of." He told her.

"What? How did you-?" The winged girl asked.

"I've seen more than my fair share of warriors. And its quite easy to tell when they are holding back or not giving it their all. Your friends here-" Ozpin began.

"Eh. That's pushing it a bit." Cerule said.

Ozpin sighed at this. "The others all seem to have a fantastical power or abilities. So, what is yours?" He asked.

Silver sighed at this, before using her wings to send a vertical blade of black mist forward, knocking down a row of dummies, before unleashing a beam of red and black energy from her mouth in the middle of the group of targets, resulting in an explosion that knocked them all down. "Will that suffice?" She asked.

The teachers were surprised for the umpteenth time that day. "What... was that?" Glynda asked.

"The Hunters of our world refer to it as the Dragon Element. It is the most ancient and powerful of all elements, possessed by Elder Dragons like myself since ancient times, found in only a small handful of other monsters not much weaker than Elder Dragons... As well as in a species of berries and bugs that feast on these 's immensely powerful, but also highly dangerous, even to its user. Failing to use it perfectly could even kill us by overloading our brains. However, I simply prefer just to use my physical abilities and skills instead of relying on a power that could destroy my enemies before they have a chance. It just feels unnecessary to use all the time." Silver explained.

"While I can appreciate the restraint, that is not the proper mindset to have in this world. Against the Grimm, you must use everything at your disposal and hold nothing back. Or you will die." Glynda told her.

"I'll keep that in mind, Professor." Silver told her.

"Well, then. I'd say you're all still more than capable in combat. There's just one more thing." Ozpin said.

"And what would that be?" Onyxia asked.

"To unlock your aura. You may have tough scales, plating and armor, but as Glynda just said, it's best to use everything you have at your disposal. We wish to give you all the best tools to guarantee your survival in this world. And for that, I can think of no better tool than aura." Ozpin declared.

The four of them looked at each other, before eventually nodding. "Alright." They all agreed.

"Excellent. Wisteria and Silver. You two step forward first, please." Ozpin instructed.

The two girls stepped forward, at which point, their teachers approached them and placed a hand on their shoulder, Ozpin to Silver and Glynda to Wisteria. "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and, by my shoulder, protect thee." The two teachers chanted, glowing green and purple respectively. Then, a moment after they started, Silver and Wisteria also began to glow, Silver the same bluish-purple as her wing membrane and Wisteria the same red as her underside.

The two were shocked at this as they looked down at their glowing bodies."Whoa... This is unreal. We were strong before, but I feel like I'm on another level now." Wisteria said.

"Truly, this world and the power your people have achieved is amazing." Silver said, looking up to the two teachers, who both appeared to be winded. "Professors?" She asked.

"We're quite alright, Silver. The process of unlocking someone's aura is just a bit taxing. We had to use our own aura to unlock yours." Ozpin asked.

"Yes. But now the power that protects you in your own. Try to be worthy of it." Glynda told them.

And then, after a few more moments for the teachers to recover, they would repeat the process with Cerule and Onyxia, the wolf girl gaining an aura white as the snow and ice she uses while the former Fanged Beast gained a green aura much like the moss that once covered her body in her old world. "Whoa... This is amazing..." Onyxia said in awe.

"So, then... what now?" Cerule asked.

"Now we will teach you how to use your Aura. How to generate a defensive field to protect yourself and to use it offensively in attacks against the Grimm. And eventually, we should discover your Semblance." Ozpin said.

"How are you sure we have one?" Wisteria asked.

"Semblances are one with aura. If you have aura, you have a Semblance. There has never been an exception to this rule, only those who have not yet discovered their Semblances. Or if it was stolen by someone who has a Semblance that can take another's Semblance." Glynda said, thinking of the infamous assassin, Marcus Black.

"But regardless, we will work on this. And by the time classes begin in the fall, all of you will be warriors worthy of entry into this prestigious academy. And maybe even already on the level of some professional Huntsmen and Huntresses." Ozpin declared.