Author note- Well, this is the end. I hope you have enjoyed the story. It has been an immense joy to write. It has gotten me through more then one hard time over this last year. I want to reassure you all that I am still planning on writing a sequel, and already have many ideas in my notebook. I'm hoping to take a couple of weeks off posting to go back over this story and make some edits. I appreciate everyone's understanding these past few chapters. You're reviews over the whole story have been amazing. You guys are the best.
UPDATED NOTE- The sequel is now up 'The Joy and The Chaos'.
Also, I made a playlist on Spotify for all the songs in this story. If anyone is interested in that. The title is Living with the Uncertainty Fanfic playlist.
Song inspiration- Take Me home, Country Roads- John Denver, United We Stand- Brotherhood of Man
Chapter 70
Return to Hogwarts
Harry fidgeted as he waited for everyone else at the Burrow to join him in the sitting room. The house was alive with activity. Despite Mrs. Weasley's pleas for everyone to be packed up early, everyone seemed to be missing something. Even Draco.
Harry snickered as Ginny ran through the sitting room looking for her jumper. Harry was reminded of his first time at the Burrow four years ago.
The floo flared and Fred stepped out quickly followed by George.
"Morning Harry." Fred said with a smile.
"Morning." Harry greeted.
George looked over him more critically and Harry plastered a fake smile on his face. He'd had a difficult night and hadn't slept much even as Akela. He'd even been up early enough to help Mrs. Weasley with breakfast despite her fussing.
Fred wandered into the kitchen and George stepped closer to him.
"Are you alright?" George asked.
Harry smiled a little more hoping George would buy it. He didn't want to upset anyone this morning. There were already worries about the trip to the station and rumors about the train being a target. No one needed to be worrying about him.
"Yeah, just waiting for everyone. Ginny has lost her jumper, and Ron seems to think he needs something he keeps calling his lucky socks." Harry said with a half laugh.
Geroge smiled.
"By lucky, I think he means unwashed." Geroge joked back.
Harry gave George a more genuine smile this time. He loved spending time with the Weasley's, especially Fred and George. It was going to be hard not having them at school this year.
"We'll be late if your not all in the living room in two minutes!" Mrs. Weasley yelled up the stairs.
Harry flinched at the raised voice. Mrs. Weasley was one of the kindest people he knew but she could be very loud, especially when she was trying to round up rowdy children.
"Fred there's some breakfast in the kitchen if your hungry. You're brother's already in there." Mrs. Weasley said walking over to Harry and George.
"I'm George." George said.
Mrs. Weasley huffed and rolled her eyes.
"Honestly, at this age you would think you two would stop with that nonsense." Mrs. Weasley said throwing up her hands.
Harry laughed.
"This is George." Harry confirmed.
Mrs. Weasley looked over her son and nodded.
"I've never understood how you've always been able to tell them apart." Mrs. Weasley said.
George also looked to Harry with a curious expression. Harry just smirked.
"Well, it wouldn't be funny if I gave away my secret." Harry said to George.
George smiled and Mrs. Weasley just shook her head. She smiled again at Harry.
"You take care of yourself this year. We love you very much. Write us and let us know how things are going." Mrs. Weasley said stepping closer and cupping Harry's cheek gently.
Harry leaned into the soft touch and smiled.
"I will Mrs. Weasley. Thank you for having me this summer. I always love coming to visit." Harry said honestly.
Mrs. Weasley rubbed his cheek with her thumb before dropping her hand.
"You're always welcome here, Harry." Mrs. Weasley said before heading back to the bottom of the stairs.
"The lot of you will be staying home to help me clean if I don't hear feet on those stairs in the next thirty seconds." Mrs. Weasley hollered upstairs.
Harry laughed this time and listened as everyone traipsed into the living room carrying trunks.
Harry bent down and picked Edgar up before setting him on his shoulder. He had all of his belongings shrunk and in his pocket. He'd sent Hedwig off this morning for Hogwarts. He'd sent a short note to Remus about Hedwig not liking the train and asked him to watch her for the day.
Soon Harry found himself in a circle of people and luggage.
The floo flared again and Mr. Weasley stepped out. Harry noticed the stress lines on the mans face.
"Change of plans. We will be using portkey's to get to the station." Mr. Weasley said holding up two crushed soda cans.
Harry felt a twist in his stomach. He really did not care for traveling by portkey. Ever since the graveyard he had avoid it if he could. The last one had taken him, Snape, and McGonagall back to number four and that had been its own hardship.
"Two adults and three of the kids to a portkey. We need to leave now before the station is too full." Mr. Weasley said seriously.
Everyone nodded and broke up quickly. Harry found himself with Mr. Weasley, George, Draco, and Ron. Everyone else grabbed hold of the other can and suddenly Harry felt the pull in his navel and the Burrow was gone.
Harry closed his eyes as he landed. He tried to remind himself when he opened his eyes, he was going to be on the platform, safe with the Weasley's. A hand gently landed on his back and his eyes flew open. He looked up and saw George with a concerned look on his face.
"You okay?" George asked.
Harry looked around and verified that everyone was there and nodded.
"Fine. I just don't like portkey's." Harry said, gently rubbing Edgar's fur. Clearly, he had not appreciated the trip either as his nails were digging into Harry's shoulder.
"Shh. It's okay." Harry whispered.
Harry watched as the Weasley's hugged everyone, then pulled him in for hugs as well.
The station was starting to fill up and quickly they were making there way on to the train and waving goodbye.
Harry took a deep breath as he led everyone down the train. When they found an empty compartment, he slid inside and was followed by his friends.
Ginny and Dean said that they would be back, but Ginny wanted to find some of her other friends. There was a slightly awkward silence as the four of them settled into the compartment. Ron and Hermione on one side and he and Draco on the other.
Harry set Edgar in his lap, who quickly plopped onto the floor and began sniffing at Crookshanks. The older cat took one look at the kitten before closing his eyes and laying his head back down. Edgar wandered around until he saw pig's cage. He jumped up on the seat to sniff at the bars. The small owl began to chirp happily and fly around.
The human occupants laughed a little at the interaction.
"We should probably go." Hermione said with a sigh, looking at Ron and then Draco.
Harry felt himself deflating a little when he remembered they were all prefects and wouldn't be able to spend much of the ride with him.
"Do you mind watching the animals?" Hermione asked, turning to Harry.
Harry nodded.
"Of course." Harry said.
"We'll be back when we can." Hermione said, standing and setting the large orange cat in her seat.
Harry bit his lip and nodded before turning to Draco.
"Are you coming back?" Harry asked quietly.
Draco smiled and Harry felt the familiar twist in his stomach.
"Well, my stuff is here. So yes, I'll be back." Draco said softly and then smirked.
Harry felt his face heat before he nodded.
"Okay." Harry replied before lowering his head and digging in his pocket for his bag.
Ron, Hermione, and Draco all left, and Harry pulled his headphones from his bag and slipped a new tape into the player. He still hadn't listened to all the tapes they had picked out. The Harding's had also recommended several and he'd noticed they spanned a lot of years and genres. he'd found music to be very soothing and hoped that if he just listened to music on the train, it would keep him calm until they were back at Hogwarts.
Remus looked around his new office. He was impressed with how it had turned out. He had collected lots of thing's on his trip to the states to make the space feel warm and welcoming, without feeling overwhelming. He hoped that having a mind healer on staff at Hogwarts would make a difference. Albus intended for each student to have a short session with him after their health exam, as a way to get the student's comfortable with the idea.
He felt a little overwhelmed by the prospect but was looking forward to the new challenge. He dearly wished they weren't in the middle of a war. He had never felt so proud of himself or happier in his life, but he knew that those feelings didn't match a lot of what was happening around them.
Remus smiled anyway. He'd been given a fresh start at life. His condition was all but cured. He was no longer a risk to anyone, himself included. Sirius had finally been pardoned and they were married.
Remus felt a giddy thrill run through him at that thought. He ran his thumb over the ring on his finger and looked at the photo of them together, that was perched on his desk.
With a sigh of contentment, he thought about how he was finally in the job he had always wanted, in a place he loved. Things were finally what they always should have been.
His eyes wandered to the photo of Harry, and he felt his chest tighten. He supposed everything wasn't quite right just yet. They'd gotten a floo call from Arthur last night. He'd informed them that Harry had hurt himself again. Arthur had told them George had cleaned him up and calmed him down, but it was still upsetting. He knew Harry was still struggling. He hoped the normal rhythm of being back at school and continuing counseling would help him improve.
He shook his head and headed out of his office. He was pleased that it was situated near the middle of the school. It was on the third floor and not close to any specific house common room or classroom. It allowed for a neutral ground for all students. He also was pleased to note that it wasn't terribly far from their quarters.
He and Sirius had set up there living space last night. Sirius was now getting his office, and their classroom, in order.
Smiling as he walked down the hall, he wondered how Sirius had set everything up. They both acknowledged that Sirius would mostly be teaching, and Remus would mostly be counseling. In hopes of breaking the curse they had agreed to Remus teaching one class a week. This would also allow Sirius, the time that Minerva had never had, to focus on being head of house.
Remus walked to the door of the defense classroom and smiled. He thought about his time here, two years ago. He had enjoyed teaching that year. It had been one of the best times of his life. Pushing the door open he gaped at the classroom.
Sirius had moved all the desks to face the center of the room in a half circle. On the walls he had hung photo's that depicted various creatures, cursed objects, and location's known to have dark magic attached to them.
Remus snorted when he saw a photo of the shrieking shack. Sirius had obviously hung it for him to see.
"Well, what do you think?" Sirius called from the upper level where the office was located.
Remus smiled up at him. Sirius looked like he'd just stepped out of their dorm in seventh year. He wore black boots and muggle jeans with a few holes in them. His shirt was a Rolling stone's graphic T-shirt with the sleeves cut off. His hair was twisted back, and his wand was sticking through the knot of hair at the back of his head.
"I hope you don't intend on teaching that way. You look like you're sixteen." Remus said with a laugh as he made his way up the stairs.
Sirius grinned widely and gathered Remus in his arms as he reached the landing. Remus found himself pushed against the railing and Sirius face very close to his own.
"You know you like this look." Sirius whispered.
Remus smiled and leaned in to kiss Sirius.
"I do. It's not very professor like though." Remus said with another kiss.
Sirius laughed again and released his hold on Remus.
"Who would have ever thought I'd be a professor." Sirius said pulling the wand from his hair and waving it at a few items still sitting in boxes.
Sirius focused out on the classroom and Remus watched him. Sirius jaw was tense as were his shoulders.
Remus walked up behind Sirius and wrapped his long arms around him. He lowered his head a little and whispered in Sirius ear.
"You'll do great."
Sirius turned and looked back at Remus with a soft smile, love shining in his eyes.
"Thanks' Moony." Sirius said, pecking him on the cheek.
Remus stepped back, though he gave Sirius butt a quick squeeze as he stepped away. He couldn't resist when Sirius insisted on wearing jeans like that.
Sirius sent a wink over his shoulder before descending the stair's back into the classroom.
"I think the room looks nice. Are you intending to teach from the middle of the room?" Remus asked.
Sirius shook his head as he stopped at the front of the class near his desk.
"Not always. I wanted the room to be more open, so that I can see what the kids are doing. There won't really be a back of the class to hide in. It also allows for the center to be good for demonstrations." Sirius explained.
Remus nodded. It was a well thought out plan.
"Are you still planning to help me catch a Grindylow for my first lesson?" Sirius asked.
Remus smiled. They'd planned to go for a walk down by the lake after they were done, as the train would not arrive for a few hours. Remus had been joking about the Grindylow but if Sirius wanted one, he would catch him one.
"Sure." Remus laughed.
Sirius pouted a little.
"You were having me on." Sirius said with a sigh.
Remus laughed again and wrapped his arm around Sirius waist.
"If you want a Grindylow I will get you one. I'd do anything for you Pads." Remus said with a smile as he led them out of the classroom.
Draco walked down the train by himself. Pansy had given him the cold shoulder during the prefect's meeting. The other prefects from his house had simply ignored him. He was getting close to the end of the train when hands suddenly grabbed him and pulled him into a compartment. He reached for his wand, but his hands were quickly pinned behind his back.
He struggled to pull away, but it was no use.
He looked into the compartment and was surprised to find it very full. It was nearly all the Slytherin's from his year.
Pansy stood at the front of the group with her wand pointed at his chest.
Draco swallowed thickly.
"What is your name?" Pansy spat.
Draco felt confused before a strange sensation overcame him compelling him to answer.
Alarm ran through him. He'd been dosed with Veritasserum. It must have been in his water at the meeting. He closed his eyes and tried to fight but his head felt foggy.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy." Draco answered.
"Did you help a Muggleborn escape your home this summer?" Pansy asked.
Draco sighed.
"Yes." Draco answered.
"Did you cast fire at a room full of Death Eater's, in order to escape with the Muggleborn?" Pansy asked.
Draco grit his teeth as he tried to fight the potion.
"Yes." He said between clenched jaws.
"Do you appose the Dark Lord?" Pansy asked.
Draco opened his eyes and looked directly into Pansy's. He might be about to die but he wasn't going to go out like a coward. He would never support that maniac. Not after all that he had seen this summer.
"Yes." Draco growled.
"Were you marked as a Death Eater?" Pansy asked.
Draco felt a little relief from the potion. He had been marked but no longer wore the mark. The potion seemed to be allowing him to choose his answer.
"Yes. Though I no longer bare his mark." Draco answered, raising his chin defiantly.
Pansy looked confused and looked at the others in the compartment.
"Do you now support Dumbledore in this war?" Pansy asked, though there was now a slight shake in her voice.
"No." Draco answered honestly.
He had told Harry last night that he would follow him, and he would. He couldn't follow Dumbledore though.
Pansy looked even more confused. She raised her wand, and Draco held his breath as he prepared to be cursed.
The world went black around him, and he felt hand's guiding him to the floor.
To Harry's disappointment no one ever returned. He hadn't even seen Neville or Luna. He sat with Edgar fast asleep in his lap and Crookshanks tucked tight to his side. His headphones played soft country music as he watched the mountains and river's pass outside the window. He knew he was headed home. To the place he belonged. He'd tried to find a place to belong in all his stops along the way this summer.
No place would ever be home like Hogwarts though.
The sky had a dusting of pink in it now and he new it wouldn't be long before they reached Hogsmeade station. This summer had felt like several lifetimes, and it was hard to believe that it had only been three months' since he'd been here.
He glanced at the door and felt his eyes sting a little. He felt very alone right now and wished someone would come join him.
He sniffed a little and looked back out the window. He watched the sun fully set and the dark, star-filled sky come into view.
He pushed gently at the cuts from last night on his wrist and sighed. He focused on his glamour and made sure all the marks on his body were covered. He took deep breaths and tried to focus on his goal for the year. He needed to make sure his friends survived this war.
He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the window. He worked on pushing up all of his mental barriers. Despite returning home, he was also returning to the Wixen world and the war raging around them. He needed to stay focused on that.
The feeling from last night welled in his chest. His longing for a normal life. It ached deeply and he bit harshly at his lip to keep himself from crying. Soon he felt a slight trickle of blood slide down his chin. He wiped it off with his cuff and tried to take deep breaths.
Draco's head felt fuzzy as he came to consciousness. His back ached. He realized he was sitting on the floor propped up against the wall of a compartment.
He opened his eyes and found Pansy and Milly sitting to his right, and Teddy and Greg sitting to his left. Vince was standing in front of the door with his arms crossed. They were all staring at him and Draco felt terribly uncomfortable.
He straightened himself and met each of there eyes. He hoped he would see some glimpse of what was happening. Pansy nodded to the other's and rolled up her sleeve. Draco watched in horror as each of his friends displayed a dark mark.
He was sure he was going to die. Or they would take him back to the Dark Lord and let him torture him to death.
"How did you remove it?" Pansy asked quietly.
Draco looked at Pansy and saw desperation in her eyes. She looked terrified.
Draco cleared his throat.
"Potter removed it. He's a parselmouth." Draco said,his voice scratchy.
He hoped he was making the right choice. He hoped what he was seeing in Pansy was wanting to also escape.
Pansy bit her lip and looked to the other's.
"He rounded us all up after you left. Some of the seventh years too. He marked us all. We're supposed to kill you, Snape, and Dumbledore." Pansy said shakily.
Draco felt his heart pound in his chest. He didn't care about Dumbledore, but he wouldn't let them kill Severus.
"We don't want this Draco." Pansy said in disgust as she pushed her sleeve back down.
Draco nodded as he looked around the room.
"I can help you. Harry can help you." Draco said earnestly.
There were a lot of skeptical looks at that statement.
"He's not like we thought. He promised me last night that he would help you. Please let us help you." Draco begged.
There were more glances around.
"Did you know that my dad died?" Teddy asked quietly.
Draco sighed and nodded.
"I was there." Draco admitted. He wanted to be as honest with them as he could.
The look of surprise on Teddy's face was almost comical.
"Did you kill him?" Teddy asked leaning forward.
Draco shook his head.
"Harry did. He set him on fire." Draco said meeting Teddy's eyes.
Teddy set back and looked at the ceiling before a dark chuckle left his mouth.
"I never thought I'd be free of him." Teddy said.
Draco nodded. He knew how painful Teddy's life had been.
"I thought I was just getting some time alone. Then the Death Eater's showed up and dragged me back to your house. The Dark Lord told me that my father was dead, and I was going to be taking his place. Then he held me down." Teddy's jaw tensed and he shook his head looking away from them all.
Draco felt anger rage in his chest. Teddy was a sweet boy. He didn't deserve the pain he'd been forced to endure. He thought Harry and Teddy would get along well. They were both smart and a little broken down by life.
"My uncle died the same night. My dad was pissed. He dragged me down the stairs by my hair and told me it was time to grow up." Pansy whispered.
Draco hesitantly reached out and took her hand. Pansy squeezed it tight, and he knew in that moment that his friends weren't going to stay with the Dark Lord.
"Greg and I trained all summer. We knew we'd be marked before school started." Vince said.
Draco shook his head. Vince and Greg weren't very smart, but they were loyal. Their families didn't see anything in them but brut force. They were loyal to Draco though.
Draco turned to Milly. She had been noticeably quiet the whole time.
"My parent's sold me to him." Milly said softly.
Draco felt himself shake. He'd seen several people be sold or traded over the summer. There fate was limited.
"I'm so sorry." Draco said softly.
Milly wiped her face and shook her head.
"Just tell us you have a plan. I want him to suffer." Milly said with anger in her voice.
Draco nodded.
"Yeah. We've got a plan." Draco said confidently.
He didn't know the plan, but it was clear Harry had one. He just hoped he wasn't wrong to trust Harry.
"Which of the seventh years have been marked?" Draco asked.
"All of them." Pansy whispered.
"Two refused and he killed them." Greg added.
Draco closed his eyes.
"He did it in front of the others." Teddy whispered.
Draco sighed and shook his head. When he opened his eyes, he saw all of his friends looking at him with desperate hope. He nodded and pulled himself from the floor.
"Here's our part of the plan then. We need to be an example to younger years. No picking fights with the other houses. You don't have to be friends but if they start something just brush it off and go to Severus. No more use of 'The Dark Lord' or 'Mudblood'. We need to go as neutral as possible. I'll talk to Harry and get your marks removed. I'm sure we can meet up soon." Draco started.
He thought quickly.
"If any of you are close to a seventh year try and convince them to join us. If it doesn't look like it's going to work let the others know who we need to watch out for." Draco said.
The other's nodded.
"Me and the boys will talk to Blaise tonight when we get to the dorm. His family is neutral, we shouldn't have to worry about him. It's best to be sure though. I'm going to rely on you to talk to Daphne and Tracy. They're from neutral families as well, but we all know how things can get in the common room. Try and convince them to be neutral to the other houses as well." Draco said, looking to Pansy and Milly.
The girls nodded.
"What about the war?" Teddy asked worriedly.
Draco sighed.
"Harry's planning on continuing to train the others. I think he'll let us join him. But the others are only going to except us if we really do go neutral. If we're picking fights were going to be on our own." Draco said firmly.
The other's nodded.
"Okay." Pansy said.
"Sorry about earlier. We just needed to get answers." Pansy said with a slight blush.
Draco shrugged. This was turning out far better then he could have hoped.
"I understand. We can't be second guessing each other though." Draco answered.
Pansy nodded.
Draco looked out the window and saw that it was dark. They'd be at the school soon.
"I need to go get my things. I'll see you all at dinner." Draco said walking towards the door on slightly shaking legs.
Vince didn't move for a moment and then to Draco's surprise leaned forward and swallowed Draco in a hug.
"Thank you, Dray. I don't want to do this." Vince said. His voice shaking in fear.
Draco hugged his friend back and nodded.
"It'll be okay." Draco said pulling away.
With a last breath he pulled the door open and walked down the hall.
He groaned when he nearly ran directly into Granger and Weasley.
"Where have you been? You and Pansy disappeared. We got stuck on patrol the whole time." Granger complained.
"Sorry. Had something I needed to take care of. How long do we have?" Draco asked.
Weasley gave him a slight glare and Draco grimaced slightly.
"About five minutes. We've been letting everyone know it's time to get ready." Granger said.
"Okay. I'll grab these last few cars. Sorry again." Draco said sincerely.
He really hadn't meant to leave them to do it all alone. He sighed again when he realized that meant Harry had been left alone the whole ride. He was acting off today and that worried Draco.
They looked skeptical but nodded.
Draco popped his head back into the compartment he'd just left and collected Pansy before heading down the last few cars.
Hermione stopped when they were nearly back to the compartment.
"Do you think Draco's up to something?" Hermione asked quietly.
Ron looked back down the hall and shrugged.
"I still don't trust him. Who knows what he's doing." Ron answered.
Hermione bit her lip. She didn't want to give Harry more to worry about, but she didn't want him to blindly trust Draco either. Harry and Draco had been at odds since first meeting. While Harry had explained how there relationship had changed, it still didn't sit right with Hermione.
She also suspected Draco had been flirting with Harry. Draco had laughed and smiled a lot at Harry while they had been playing last night. She didn't care if Harry started seeing someone, she just didn't want Harry to get hurt. He'd been through enough, and she knew she still didn't know all of it.
"Malfoys got a thing for Harry, doesn't he?" Ron asked with a slight growl, as if he had just read Hermione's thoughts.
Hermione sighed.
"I think so." Hermione answered with a sigh.
Ron groaned.
"Do you think they are together?" Ron asked.
Hermione thought about it for a moment and shrugged. She thought maybe Harry had responded somewhat to the flirting, but he also seemed a little clueless.
"I don't know. I'm worried about Harry though. I don't think he told us everything about this summer and he just seems so…" Hermione trailed off in thought.
"Gloomy. Yeah, I caught that too. I mean everything seems kind of dark and depressing right now but Harry just seems like he can't relax at all." Ron chipped in.
Hermione nodded. Depressed was probably the word she was looking for. It wasn't surprising really. Harry's life was pretty depressing. She just hoped things would improve.
"Should we tell Harry about Malfoy disappearing?" Ron asked.
Hermione bit her lip and eventually shook her head.
"We'll wait for now. Maybe he just met up with friends and lost track of time. If he's still acting strange at school, we'll talk to Harry. I don't want to upset him. I don't know what's going on with him, but he seems worse than he normally does at the end of the summer." Hermione answered.
Ron sighed and nodded his agreement.
When they opened the compartment door, they found Harry curled up and asleep on the seat. Edgar and Crookshanks were cuddled together by his feet.
Hermione reached into Harry's bag and pulled out his camera. He'd taken a few pictures at the Burrow of them, but this was just too cute. She snapped the picture and set the camera back in his bag before stepping up next to Harry.
She reached out and touched his shoulder. Harry flew straight up nearly hitting Hermione. Hermione stepped back in surprise.
"What!?" Harry said looking around wildly.
Hermione looked at Harry sadly. She felt bad waking him up. She could tell he hadn't been sleeping well. He'd had dark circles under his eyes this morning, and she knew he'd woken up early.
She also didn't like that she had frightened him. She had woken Harry up before and he always woke up in panic. It saddened her, now knowing what she did about his relatives.
"We're at Hogsmeade." Hermione said as the train rolled to a stop.
Harry looked out the window and nodded before rubbing his face.
"Okay." Harry grumbled as he stood.
With a wave of his hand his bag was shrunk and in his pocket. Hermione hadn't seen much of Harry's wandless magic, but it was rather impressive. She looked forward to seeing what else he'd learned over the summer.
Edgar climbed up Harry and perched confidently on his shoulder.
"We're supposed to leave our pet's here." Hermione said.
She knew they were supposed to leave there bags too, but Harry wasn't exactly dragging a trunk around so that hardly mattered.
"I don't think he'll stay. I'll run him up to the dorm before dinner. We usually have a little time before the first years make it across the lake." Harry said petting Edgar.
Hermione smiled and nodded.
"All right well let's go. Ron and I have to help round up the first years." Hermione said with a dramatic sigh.
Harry laughed but Hermione could see that it was shallow. Harry's eyes looked as dead as they had been on the train ride home.
Hermione looked away. It hurt her that not only was Harry hurting that bad, but he was also keeping it to himself. It had become obvious when they'd all talked that Harry kept a lot to himself. She didn't blame him, but she wished that he could rely on them more.
Albus paced his office. He was anxious for the students to arrive. There had been several patronuses sent from the train from Order members in disguise, that everything was fine, but he wanted to know the students were safely in the castle.
Several teachers would be meeting students at the gate to check for banned items. Then there luggage would be looked over as the elves brought them to the school. He hoped he could limit the potential dangers to the students this year.
The staff had discussed their main concerns and Albus tried to address them all. They still needed to put in place a few things but those would have to wait a few days. He hoped that before the end of the second week they would be prepared for just about anything.
Feeling too restless to stay in his office he ventured out. He felt his whole body relax as the sound of student's echoed through the halls.
Albus spotted a few students headed to dorms. There were always a few that headed to there rooms before the feast. He didn't mind as long as they made it back before the sorting ceremony.
A shock of black hair caught his eye, and he noticed Harry headed up to Gryffindor tower with a black kitten on his shoulder.
He'd like to speak with Harry. Clear the air a little and hope that the boy could forgive him. Though he knew he did not deserve forgiveness.
Turning down the hall he used a few secret passageways to get to his old common room. He looked around and nodded. Sirius had added a few touches to the space and Albus thought they looked nice. Severus had mentioned a more secluded area to meet with his students in the common room. All the other heads of house had agreed to add a little wizarding space to the common rooms to accommodate such an area.
It wasn't much. Just a little area with another small fireplace and a couple of couches.
Albus made his way up the spiral staircase until he reached the sixth-year dorm. He knocked on the door and waited. The secret passages allowed for less stairs, but the trip took slightly longer then a sixteen-year-old could run up to the tower.
The door opened and Albus found himself looking at Harry. The kitten still perched on his shoulder. Albus noticed the dark circles around his eyes and the blank look in them. It was obvious that Harry was occluding hard.
"Headmaster." Harry greeted neutrally.
Albus nodded.
"May I come in for a moment?" Albus asked.
Harry looked back at his room and nodded before stepping back and allowing Albus to enter. Harry wrapped his arms around his waist and leaned against what Albus assumed was his bed.
"I know we both need to get down to the feast so I will keep this short. I want to sincerely apologize Harry. I didn't know what was happening. I should have and I am deeply sorry that you had to go through that." Albus started.
Harry looked away and nodded.
"I understand." Harry whispered.
"I loved your parent's. losing them was extremely hard and I was afraid we would lose you too. I thought the blood wards would keep you safe." Albus tried to explain.
Harry bit his lip and nodded.
To his surprise Harry pulled a bag from his pocket and began shuffling through it. He pulled something out and then held it out to Albus.
Albus felt tears prick his eyes. It was a photo of him and Harry in his office.
"You thought my beard was fascinating. You're parents often handed you to me when we had Order meeting's to help keep you calm." Albus said softly.
Harry gave him a half smile.
"I don't want you to be my enemy, but I can't say I trust you either." Harry said honestly.
Albus shoulder slumped. He knew Harry's answer was reasonable.
"I understand. I hope that I may be able to earn that trust back." Albus said.
Harry nodded and pet his kitten.
"He knows you found and destroyed the horcrux." Harry said.
Albus' brows creased. That was concerning, though not surprising.
"I suspected. He sent Death Eater's after us when we went to collect it." Albus offered.
Harry looked concerned.
"Was everyone alright?" Harry asked.
Albus considered for a moment. He knew better then to lie. If he wanted to build trust with Harry, he would need to be honest.
"Severus unfortunately was cursed by the container holding the item. He has recovered and Professor McGonagall and I were unharmed.
Harry's jaw clenched and he looked away from Albus.
"Thank you for the fang. We used the sword of Gryffindor instead though, to limit proximity to the item." Albus explained.
Harry nodded and finally looked back at Albus.
"I supposed that was the smartest way to do that." Harry said though he still looked angry.
"I would like to offer to help you, Harry. I'm not sure what I can do to make up for my oversight, but I know I owe it to you." Albus said, clasping his hands in front of him.
Harry seemed to consider for a moment before nodding.
"Training. I plan to reform the DA, and I don't want interference this year. The student's need to know how to protect themselves and a couple of Defense classes a week isn't going to cut it." Harry said firmly.
Albus nodded.
"Very well. I will not interfere in your training. I would only ask that you reach out to a professor if any accidents occur, so that we may assist you." Albus said.
Harry nodded.
"I'd like to extend you your own training if you are interested. You have many abilities of which I was unaware. I once told you I burned the curtains in here. I used Elemental magic. The ability is exceedingly rare. I would be happy to help you train that ability." Albus offered.
Harry looked hesitant but eventually nodded.
"I could use all the training I can get." Harry said wearily.
Albus nodded. He knew Harry was taking the war very seriously. He wished Harry did not have to carry such a heavy burden.
"I have a few matters to address these first few weeks. I will send you a note when I am ready to begin your lessons." Albus said.
Harry sighed a nodded.
"I'd also like to be included in the Order meetings. Whether we like it or not I'm going to be involved in this war. I need to know what is happening. We can't keep going on like we have. They need to know what's happening, and so do I. If you continue to keep secrets, I fear we will not only lose more people but the war as well." Harry said.
Albus looked Harry over. He spoke with confidence that Albus had not seen before. He knew Harry was right and hoped that he was making better decisions where information was concerned. He also knew that the Order would not be in favor of Harry joining them and he could not explain to them why he was being included. Harry was right though. Whether they liked it or not Harry was going to be involved in this war.
"Very well. We should make our way down. I imagine the first years are nearly across the lake and we will both be expected downstairs." Albus said.
"Yes, sir." Harry said.
Albus watched as Harry set the kitten on his bed. He smiled sadly at Harry's back and made his way back the way he'd come. Hoping to make it quickly to the great hall.
Harry turned and found himself alone in the dorm room. He shook his head at the old man's tricks. The conversation felt like the first of a new relationship. As he had told Dumbledore he didn't trust him. However, Harry knew they would need to work together to bring down Voldemort. There was no way around that.
The headmaster had people out in the wizarding world gathering information. He could hardly fight a war with no information, while stuck inside a school.
He took several deep breaths and pet Edgar before heading out of the dorm.
He quickly made his way down the stairs and found his friends waiting for him near the doors to the great hall. Neville and Luna had joined them, and Harry caught sight of Draco approaching.
"Geez mate, I thought you got lost up there." Ron said.
Harry huffed a laugh.
"Sorry. Should we head in?" Harry asked.
The other's nodded and Harry turned to Draco as he joined them.
"A word." Draco requested quietly.
Harry nodded and stepped aside with Draco.
Harry raised a privacy ward around them and looked at Draco. He looked anxious. Harry stomach twisted. He didn't like that look on Draco.
"What's going on?" Harry asked.
"The sixth and Seventh year Slytherin's were all marked over the summer. Not all the sixth years but almost. They don't want it." Draco said worriedly.
Harry took a deep breath and nodded. He understood why Draco was so upset. He would remove their marks if that's what they wanted. He wouldn't allow children to be enslaved by that psychopath if he could do something about it. He thought quickly, and watched as hopes for a calm first night in the castle vanished.
"All right. Meet with Snape tonight. I will use the cloak and try and come down. Maybe we can start helping them tonight." Harry said confidently.
The more of the war that he was faced with, the more confidence he found in himself to lead. His personal life might be a mess, but he'd been facing Voldemort since his first year at the school and he knew how to be a leader in that situation.
Draco bit his lip, and Harry could see the near tears in his eyes.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it." Harry said reaching out and squeezing Draco's shoulder.
Draco nodded.
"Go sit with you're friends. Will meet tonight." Harry said, trying to give Draco a reassuring smile.
Draco took a deep breath and walked back towards the doors.
Harry noticed that his friends had already gone in. He steadied himself before entering the great hall.
His eyes scanned down the Gryffindor table first. He was relieved to not only see Colin and Dennis but also Katie. Many at the table looked at him and smiled or gave short nods before turning back to there conversations.
Harry looked to the Hufflepuff table and quickly met Justin's eye. He was sat between Ernie and Hannah and across from Susan. They all looked up to him and nodded. He quickly found Tim who was nestled amongst the other second years. There were others scattered along the table that looked at him. Harry met each of their eyes with confidence before he looked to the next table.
His eyes briefly scanned the Ravenclaw table and found many more looks. He spotted Cho, luna, and Padma. There were quick smiles before Harry hesitantly looked over to the Slytherin table. His eyes immediately sought out Draco's and he was surprised to find him already looking at him. He felt the familiar flutter in his stomach as he stared into the grey eyes.
Harry quickly glanced around Draco and noticed all of his friends were also looking at Harry. Harry nodded to them and to his surprise they nodded back.
Harry was used to stares from his classmates but so many of them were not staring, but looking to him for leadership now. It felt slightly overwhelming, and he quickly made his way to Gryffindor table and sat next to Hermione.
"Hey." Hermione said softly.
"Hey." Harry said back, taking a few deep breaths.
"Are you alright?" Hermione asked.
Harry pulled up his walls tight again and nodded. This year was going to be difficult and despite feeling more at home here, it was obvious that his home was under immense pressure.
"I'm fine, Hermione." Harry said with a forced smile, before he looked across the table to Seamus, who was loudly describing his summer to anyone who would listen.
Severus was headed to the great hall when he noticed Albus slipping into one of the hidden passages. He looked out at the few children heading up the stairs and spotted Harry. He was certain that Albus was planning to speak with him.
He shook his head and hoped that the old man would not upset the boy. It was his first night back and he deserved to have an enjoyable time with everyone else.
Severus continued down the stairs and entered the great hall to find that it was already beginning to fill with students. He would deny it of course, but the chatter of happy children was actually a relief to him. This summer had been bad for so many and to see them happily chatting with their friends and excited for a new year was reassuring.
Severus swept through the center of the hall between the Hufflepuff table and the Ravenclaw table and made his way to his seat. He glanced down the long staff table and realized how many new faces were joining them this year. Aside from Remus and Sirius who were sat next to him, Albus had also found a replacement for Charity. It twisted something in him to know that she was gone.
There were also three additional teacher's this year. One would be starting a warding class, for those who had passed Runes as well as Arithmancy, and wished to know about warding and curse breaking specifically. It was a class once taught at Hogwarts but had been dropped many years ago.
The second was coming on to teach Alchemy. This class would be open to more students as it was being offered at every level for those interested in the subject.
Lastly, Albus had hired what he was calling an all-purpose professor. Something of a substitute to fill in should members of the Order be called away during teaching hours.
Severus had argued that they had managed without such a position in the past, but the others were relieved that there would be help available.
Severus had recommended the Alchemist when Albus brought up wanting the subject to be taught again. He had been a friend of Severus' from his time in France. The Curse Breaker had been recommended by Bill Weasley. The young woman seemed knowledgeable and during a war the skill was invaluable.
The new muggle study's teacher was a former classmate. Andromeda Tonks, Nymphadora's mother. Severus didn't know her at all, but she seemed personable enough, despite her strong resemblance to Bellatrix.
The only Professor that Albus had personally brought on was his 'all-purpose' teacher. Severus had gathered that he was something of a jack of all trades. He'd done time as an auror, healer, and curse breaker. Albus had met him years ago when he'd come to the school to help with a cursed classroom.
Severus was a little hesitant as Albus recommendations for teachers over the years had been questionable at best.
"How are you feeling today?" Remus asked from next to him.
Severus picked up his goblet of water and took a sip.
"Better, though I still have a bit of a strange sensation in my hand. I'm hoping it will pass before I need to brew." Severus answered neutrally.
Remus nodded.
Severus scanned the tables and noticed the other Gryffindors sit down. He wondered were Harry was. They'd been waiting for him outside the hall when he'd come in. He glanced down the Slytherin table and noticed it was slowly filling up.
His eyes glanced back to the doors, and he was surprised to see Draco walk in with nearly his entire year. They all had practiced neutral faces as they took seats near the far end of the table. Draco looked up and nodded at him. He hoped that meant things were going to be okay.
There were murmurings at the end closer to him and he noticed some heated glances from the seventh years. He did not miss spy duty, but he did miss being informed about what was going on. He hoped he could get a feeling for what was happening when he talked to Draco this evening. He didn't intend to turn Draco into a spy amongst his own house, but depending on how things went it may become necessary.
Harry stepped into the hall and seemed to freeze up as he looked at each table. Severus was surprised how much attention he drew. It was not the normal gossip or fawning either. It was looks of hope and admiration. He even saw the group of Slytherin's sitting near Draco nod to Harry before he made his way to his seat. It was fascinating to watch. If Albus truly intended to unite the school, Harry was the one to look to.
Severus looked back down the table of fellow professors and now noticed everyone was in there seats except Minerva. He saw her peak into the hall before disappearing again and knew that the sorting was about to start. He could only hope that this would not be there last such ceremony.
Harry watched as the new batch of first years marched in following Professor McGonagall. They all looked so tiny and unsure. He remembered being in that position. Feeling like this was the most wonderful place he'd ever been and hoping that he would be allowed to stay. Worried that the hat would turn him away. Worried he would be bullied again. Worried he wouldn't make friends. It had seemed like the most important moment of his life.
Watching it years later and knowing how it would turn out was interesting. He knew they'd be all right. They'd get sorted, eat too much pudding, and make new friends tonight.
He cheered for each sorting regardless of house. The more he did this the more it seemed everyone else joined in. It took longer for the others to join in when he clapped for the new Slytherin's, but they were just first years too. They deserved the celebration as much as there other classmates.
When the sorting was done and McGonagall had taken her seat, Harry looked up to the teachers table and let his eyes scan the group. There were many unfamiliar faces. But there were a lot of familiar ones too. He looked at each of the familiar ones and knew that he did have support here. He wasn't on his own.
Snape nodded to him when he met his eye and Harry felt a warmth fill his chest. Seeing the man back in his old place at the table and still acknowledging him without malice lowered some of his anxiety that he was going to lose that support.
His eyes flicked to Remus and Sirius who both gave him big smiles and Harry smiled softly back. He didn't realize until this moment how thankful he was that they would be here this year. He didn't know what the future would hold but this very well could be the end for him, and he wanted to spend more time with them. Get to know them better. He also knew they were here with important jobs that would hopefully help him with his goal of keeping his friends and classmates safe.
His eyes glanced over Sprout and Flitwick. He like them both and looked forward to there classes this year. Dumbledore gave him a slight nod as did McGonagall. He was glad to have them in his corner. He looked forward to talking to McGonagall this year and wondered if she had enjoyed the tapestry he'd had Dobby hang in her office.
Dumbledore would take longer for him to become comfortable with again, but he felt they were on a good path as well. He glanced to Hagrid and gave the man a big smile. His eyes danced over the new members of staff and wondered which one was going to try and kill him.
It was a dark thought but usually it was a new teacher that seemed to have it in for him. He just hoped he would be prepared this time. His eyes had lingered longest on a woman who bore a striking resemblance to Bellatrix. She was smiling softly though, and her laugh wasn't making the hair on the back of his neck stand up. There was no doubt that she was a black though. He wondered who she was.
"Good evening students. Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, standing from his seat.
Harry took a deep breath and prepared for the new year. There was a lot of uncertainty in his life, but he was not uncertain about the support he had. He smiled at Ron and Hermione as he looked up to the headmaster to hear about there new year.
The End.