Disclaimer: I don't own Flash or any of its characters.

This fic is written for hunter41963801 for using my suggestion in one of his fics. Thanks a lot, dude.

Reverse-Flash and Barry vs Godspeed!

"Good riddance. You did put up a better fight than your kids. " Godspeed tries to kill him but gets punched by Reverse-Flash which throws him into the building.

"Barry? Your daughter with my help beats this idiot. God, you suck ever since the Crisis ended. " Thawne said in a mocking tone.

" Bite me, Thawne! Let's just kick his ass!" Barry said as Reverse-Flash helps Barry get up to his feet.

" Considering I am the only thing that keeps Flash from being canceled, you should be thanking me. Also language, Barry. I thought you were taught not to say naughty words?"

" I have a bad boy side. I once smoked a cigarette in high school. How is that a shocking revelation?" Barry said with a smirk on his face. Thawne just looked at him with an amused look on his face.

" You mean the same elevation that Iris had once she realized that you were the guy who was stalking her like a creep? Also letting her decide who you date in high school, Barry? God, Barry, I knew you were pathetic, but letting her take your balls and keep them in her purse is just sad. You do realize that you have a brain that you could use to think on your own?" Thawne said looking with a smug look on his face.

" Iris is flawless, Thawne. She obviously can do nothing wrong. "

"Because of you helping that stupid girl, I lost in season 5. I am going to kill you and Flash! " Godspeed angrily shouted at Reverse Flash.

"By the end of this, you are going to lay dead at my feet for calling Nora stupid." Reverse Flash said looking with a pissed-off look at Godspeed

He, Barry, and Godspeed create lightsabers.

" Oh yeah! Let's kick his ass in Star Wars style! May the Speed Force be with us. "

Both speeders jumped on Godspeed. He struck his long lightsaber to parry both before trying to swipe Barry's feet from underneath him. Barry jumps in the air to avoid it only for Godspeed to use lightning to appear in front of Barry ready to strike him down. He creates a second lightsaber to stab only to be blocked by Reverse-Flash. They both spin-kick Godspeed throwing him to the ground.

Reverse-Flash impales Godspeed with the sword shocking Barry at seeing him kill him despite knowing that he was the villain.

" I told you I would kill you for talking about Nora like that. " Thawne said in a cold tone.

" You did not have to kill him, Thawne. He could have been converted and could have become a friend. " Barry said in an angry tone.

"Even if he nearly killed your future son and future daughter? Oliver was right in what he said about you. If you can not do what it takes to keep the city safe, you should not be going on the streets. He would be so disappointed in you, especially since he gave his life to you and Kara. " Thawne said in a mocking tone

" Wanna end this right now, Thawne? We don't need to wait till the next season." Flash said now pissed at hearing Thawne saying Oliver's name, unleashing the full power of Speed Force shocking Reverse-Flash Wanna

" Impressive. But I will leave this to the next season and Mia to finish me off."

" Oliver's daughter? But I am the hero and you are my villain. I am supposed to end you." Flash said looking at Reverse Flash with a surprised look

" Just like you did with Godspeed, Barry? " Reverse Flash said smirking at Barry which shuts him up. "

"See you next season, Barry! " Reverse Flash says as he speeds off.

" I swear I am going to take his speed from him. He is so annoying." Barry said before speeding off at the center.

" Barry! Welcome back. " Both Iris and Caitlin cried out in happiness before hugging him. He gave them a passionate kiss to both of them. They all 3 strip and have passionate sex.