This work was written in collaboration with my partner and friend Dice-King: (u/15396639)
If Akechi was being honest, Sae having a Palace was not anywhere close to being a surprise to him.
What was surprising was that said Palace was a casino. Because she had a... gambling addiction?
He enters the casino's courtyard and ascends a metal staircase, wondering why assassinating Sae had to be so complicated. Under normal circumstances he would just have to enter the metaverse, track his targets Shadow and 'deal' with the problem, it was so quick and easy that his targets never knew he was there, let alone defend themselves.
Palaces on the other hand?
Before this, Akechi had only been in two, including his father Shido's, which was a cruise ship, maybe his father really wanted to take a vacation?
The other was three months ago, a whistle-blower whose palace was themed after old adventure games, the kind filled with convoluted puzzles with even more convoluted solutions.
It had taken Akechi more than a month to complete every single puzzle and after he had defeated the Shadow (which required solving even more puzzles) he had not even given it a chance to speak before he had murdered it.
Akechi sneaked closer to look at his soon to be late partner's Shadow and confirmed that she was wearing an interesting dress.
Akechi had always thought that Sae's business suit and black turtleneck in the real world were like her, professional and commanding.
In the Metaverse he discovered that she wore a dress as well as she wore a business suit.
The dress was like something out of an old foreign film he had seen years ago but with a dark, sultry and Gothic charm that shows an enticing amount of skin.
A sigh escaped the young detective's lips, he was, for a moment, genuinely sorry.
Such a waste
He summoned Robin Hood. The Persona appeared with his signature golden winged bow ready to do something completely unmerry.
"Eliminate her, Robin Hood!"
His Persona released the drawstring and the arrow soared towards the Shadow's back.
"Hi, Sae-san." said Akechi, showing a shining, innocent smile as he approached the bar. Even for someone obsessed with perfection, the place was truly comfortable, with its own unique charm. "What do you have for me today? Something interesting?"
The openness of his tone with a touch of casual aptitude composed the perfect mask of innocence that was just so him.
The Prince of Detectives was his usual self, the slightly condescending but still upstanding Akechi. Of course, he would never be too much of the former talking with a distinguished, justice seeking, prosecutor.
No, he was just... eccentric.
"Hi, Akechi-kun." She was not only not smiling but her eyes had a fiery intensity that perfectly betraying the importance of whatever she was going on in her head. It appears that she has found something more important than the usual open-and-shut case.
Even if he was only doing this for his own ego's sake, the promise of intellectual stimulation seemed like a nice treat today, he hoped that this it will be more fulfilling this time.
"I wouldn't call it 'interesting' but, yes, it's something that outside the usual case… I don't even know what to call this."
She took a sip of her glass (Wine? Oh, seems we have a classy woman here…) and he asked for a apple soda and gave her a (condescension-free) smile, inviting her to talk openly about this 'unusual case'.
"'This... it's like something right out of a spy novel." She said, her beautiful, red lips giving just the briefest smirk. It seemed that she did in fact have a sense of humor. "...What would you say if I told you that there is a conspiracy in our government?"
Was she actually...?
"I don't have all the clues right now, but it seems feasible. Not even the attorney's office is clean. Most of the time, is a necessary to tolerate evil for the greater good, but... this is a criminal operation with accomplices in many different areas of the government and even the private sector."
Sure, sure, Sae-san. Explain all these things to pure, innocent Akechi-kun so he cannot be corrupted by all the pragmatic and necessary Machiavellian affairs happening behind closed door in our noble country justice system. Oh, wait! I'm involved with one of the biggest cases of corruption ever in the country. Still, he couldn't help but think she looked cute trying to 'soften the blow' to his 'ruined' ideal of justice in the Japanese system.
"...But this seems like a criminal operation with accomplices involved in many different areas of the government and the private sector. That's why I have not talked to anyone in the office. You are outside all this, so… I thought this would appeal to your sense of justice. And helping a court officer topple government corruption would be a shining accomplishment for the 'detective prince'."
And right now, I'm the only one you can trust to deal with this, right? Her admitting (even if unspoken) that she was depending on him was just delighting.
"The chance to help you would be good enough, Sae-san." He said, wanting to ensure that this never happened again.
"I know that your life will be in jeopardy, so I want to know if you are willing to risk everything to take down this disease that has infected Japan?"
"Sae-san, I cannot imagine a better person to unravel this conspiracy than you, I am with you to the end!"
Not a difficult promise, after all, I will be ending you tonight
Poor Sae, she was too smart for her own good and not anywhere near paranoid enough to even contemplate if the 'detective prince' was a wolf in sheep's clothing. The young detective never had given too much thought to the idea of gods and fate, not even after finding out that such things were real, but right now he felt like God was smiling down at him.
Why did you have to be so noisy? Now I have to kill you and I doubt my next partner will be anywhere near as hot as you
"When do we start, partner?"
Until now, most of his victims were weak. Even the weirdo with a Palace were just 'eccentric'. But he should have understood that Sae's Shadow was a cut above most of them. So far, all his attacks had always hit his enemies, never missing, whatever they were projectiles or slashes of his blade.
But this time, the golden arrow failed.
The scream of the Shadow was nothing like the scream of agony of someone getting shoot in the leg meant that he did hit her but not in any vital point. From his point of view, he could feel her trying to detect his presence in the palace. But he was skilled enough to hide his kegare. The fact he kept his everyday clothes showed he was still hidden.
He saw her running with a slight limp but still vigorous. Even as a part of her psyche, that woman was resourceful. Before his Persona would shoot another arrow, the elevator doors were closing behind her.
"Ok" he said, his frustration clear in his voice. He was going to blow some steam with the Shadows…
The idea was simple: he only needed the ID to open the elevator, get to his target and end the job. And the feeling of multiples Shadows playing the role of "security" in the casino made clear that the only possible way to get the ID was to cut his path through the projections.
His skills were exceptional as always. Even if a Palace was the mark of the ones with true power in the metaverse, he was one willing to do whatever it took to win.
Maybe it was why I got along with Sae-san A soft tought in the middle of his bloodlust-filled mind, while his body acted on its own. We are both in the same wave. At the end, success is all that matters.
His strikes became more precise. His blade cut through the shadows like they were not there, his gun hits its mark again and again.
Maybe it was simply the catharsis of making some actual effort to end the job, but he was excited.
The difference between us, he cutted down the last Shadow and claims the security card, is that I do not serve any 'Great Justice'
With an almost giddy expression, he swept the card and the elevator doors opened.
How is this even possible?
The Shadow of the prosecutor was running as she considered her situation.
Violence is prohibited in this place. The only way to get anything is playing… and winning
The sounds of the many machines served as a reminder of that absolute truth in this inner world.
What kind of being is capable of this?
The blood still dripped a little from the wound. She had removed the arrow while ascending and by then it barely stung. But she still had a limp and the bleeding wouldn't stop. Somehow, a wound that should not have even made her blink was lingering over her, as it would in the real world. That intruder was imposing his reality against her own...
No, it is against the rules she corrected herself, her will was like a flame in her chest. He's an intruder. A dirty criminal. A cheater. Nothing his kind does will stay in this casino. He will have no place in my world!
The elevator opened with a 'ding' and Akechi dispatched the Shadows that try to greet him and kills his way through the casino floor.
And Sae's Shadow is... waiting for him?
"You should have hired better security." He mocked, feeling absolutely ecstatic, as he massacred the 'bodyguards'.
And now, with the floor clean of enemies, now it was his turn to be surprised.
She laughed a confident, haughty, as if she did not have a wounded leg or a killer infront of her.
"Is your death so funny for you, Sae-san?"
"Do not speak to me as though you are my equal." The winner said with a hint of uncertainty. "I am the manager of this casino and its number one player. You lack the qualifications to fight me." She is looking down to me…? Beneath the adrenaline rush, fury began to flourish. He hated condescension more than anything. Even if the hypocrites called it 'compassion' or 'mercy'.
"And what if we would like to battle you, no matter what?" his fury was not explosive right now, but focused. It was a new feeling, like holding a gun right to the Shadow's head and waiting for the right reason to shoot.
"I had to win time and time again in order to reach my number one rank. If you want to face me, you must continue to win as well.
"So… I just need to be the most successful guy in this place?" , his voice had a deceitful calm tone.
"Correct" said her, her smug smirk covered in that goth black lipstick infuriated him…
He really wished he did not have to kill Sae, she looked amazing as a goth.
"Do you have the confidence to…"
Akechi smiled and Robin Hood was again at his side, ready to win .
" Megidola! "
Orbs of worryingly bright light appeared above the crowd of soon to dead 'winners' and security guards.
When the Almighty spell fulfilled its purpose and the light dispersed, it revealed the Shadow of Sae, her face was frozen, and her dark lips still with the last word between them. Her bewitching golden eyes open as she realized a fundamental flaw:
Rules were irrelevant to the willful and chaotic.
And Akechi was both.
"Yes." He said with the same smile that he had anytime he had the right deduction during a case, or was recounting a successful investigation to his fans club. "I won, Sae-san ."
The Shadow's beautiful face showed an appropriate amount of fear and understanding of where she was standing.
Her legs decided to retreat, and her body searched for the elevator. She needed to get to the top floor, she couldn't access her battle form otherwise and fear had made her forgot that she could manifest herself in any floor of the casino at will.
Behind her, Akechi walked to her with the same causal stride that he carried himself with in the real world. Like this was nothing more than a walk in the park.
"This has been fun, Sae-san, but you have bitten off more than you could chew. It's time to retire, winner ."
The elevator! the elevator! I must get to the elevator ! The whole world was just that elevator, her retreating to it, and Akechi following her…
Then she fell onto the cold glass of the elevator. Her hand reached towards the button…
Only for said hand to wrenched away from the button by Akechi. His face was close enough that she could see the malicious intent in his eyes and, even now, innocent smile.
"Sweet dreams, Sae-san…" Akechi lifted his sword-
"Wait!" she screamed, the desperation in her voice freezes Akechi in place.
"Hmmm?" While the murderous intent was still there, his face also showed curiosity from seeing such fear and despair face coming from a woman he had known to be so controlled, focused and determined.
"You… you are right." The defeated tone in her voice made it sound even more like a seductive to his ears. "The only thing that matters is winning. Whatever it takes… and you won."
Her black hat fell, and Akechi to see the surrender in her beautiful yellow eyes.
"I am the manager of this casino. It is my duty to give you your prize. You need me. If I'm dead, you will get nothing." Shadow Sae's tone was not boasting or arrogant. For the first time in both in the real world and the metaverse, she sounded like someone who knows that her life was on the line.
"You are the number one player of this casino. Ask for whatever you want as prize." She looked and sounded like a newly made slave kneeling before her conqueror
"... And what is stopping me from cutting off your head and taking what I want anyway?" He gestured to the destroyed casino hall. "Everyone else is dead."
The shadow gave an almost imperceptible shiver as she bowed her head lower, and lower, until it touched the ground. She was willing to do anything to survive.
His target, the proud and powerful Niijima Sae, the genius, daughter of the honorable superintendent of the police, and a model citizen, submitting to his will.
"I... am at your mercy. I will do anything for you." The fear was like music to Akechi's ears. She was a doll now. His doll. "... Master."
Her voice echoed through the palace, his words were awakening something in her, something that had been buried deep inside of her.
His hands ruffled her hair with equal parts tenderness and condescension. He lifted her head up so she could see his brown, almost maroon-red, eyes. An Angel promising peace and joy to this beautiful, broken and, oh so lonely, Demon.
"You're just a dog... right?" He asked with an almost teasing tone as he caressed her face. His thumb traced her black lips.
"And dogs need masters, right?" His voice was now oozing condescension and he touched her dog choker with the same mock tenderness as he had with her face. "A dog knows her place. Will you be my dog, Sae-san?"
The Shadow only had one response to this question , only one answer;
"I-I would love to... Master."
Sure enough, Sae Niijima, always successful prosecutor, in gothic clothes and makeup kneeled in dogeza pose before him and calling him Master was not something he expected to see when he had woken up this morning. A surprising development, indeed, but a welcomed one.
If he had to be honest, he was a bit put off by the whole experience, but the feeling of satisfaction after a successful job was still with him even the day after, waiting for his 'partner' to come. This was the first time he had done anything inside the Metaverse outside causing a mental shutdown or a psychotic breakdown and his mood was full of anticipation, waiting to seeing the effects on the prosecutor's psyche.
So far, there were not many people eating here at this time of day. So, he could only could see three people: a purple-haired girl in a high school uniform, eating a piece of cake with an absent look in her doll-like face; a redhead girl who seemed too much focused on a drawing (an anatomical diagram?); and a blonde guy with a red jacket wolfing down a steak. Hmmm… was the only thought Akechi gives to this assortment of strange people before going back to his glass of apple soda and asks himself if Tokyo has always been this strange.
But right then the door opened and he sees the prosecutor. He gave her his usual reassuring smile and waves his papers filled with 'deductions' (fancy-sounding gibberish, given that he already knows the whole extent of conspiracy) to share with Sae, some of them written with the idea to see her reaction so he would know the true extent of the manipulations from his encounter with her Shadow self.
As usual, Sae was the same as ever: no trace of black lipstick, no gothic dress, no dog collar. She was wearing the usual business suit that the court officers usually wear.
"Hi, Sae-san? Any advances with the new case?
"You know that is why I called you here." she whispered, giving a subtle once over of the restaurant. Suspicious that even among the bizarre collection of people, there could be someone that was a part of the conspiracy.
She is not necessarily wrong , Akechi thought, honestly surprised that someone was showing any intelligence given humanities general stupidity and laziness.
"Would it be fine if we talked about this in a most private place?" her voice betrayed a level of concern he had never heard from her before. The inscrutable prosecutor is afraid, she is smart .
Akechi then saw that she didn't even bother to take a seat. Instead, she had walked to his table with slow, deliberate steps.
Then she stood right behind him and leaned forward, giving him a very generous view of her cleavage.
"I just think that we are at risk here." She said like it was a fact. Still, her voice was softer than the day before or any time Akechi had talked to her.
Is this because I changed her cognition?
"Ok, where do you want to go that's safe ?" Once again, his tone was one of a simple, innocent prodigy putting himself in his beloved mentors' hands. "A woman as smart as you surely have plans inside the plans inside plans…"
"Indeed." she turned back to the exit. "That is why I'm the number one player…"
"Hmmm?" she turned back to him "I said nothing? Are you ok?"
"Oh… yeah. Just the nerves" he had to make a conscious effort to not let his innocent smile turn into a twisted smirk. The kind he had when everything fell into place.
She called for a taxi and in no time, they were looking at the passing buildings through the cab's windows.
They were both quiet as they waited for the cab to arrive at the 'safe place' and he was, out of habit, looking for any familiar black vans. And it seems that there is not any this time. He smiled; whatever this was for Shido allowing him to take care of her on his own terms or just because of general apathy (or both) and it seemed like he was going to be able to deal with Sae in private.
When he confirmed the path was clear of unscrupulous characters, he turned his eyes back to Sae. She was scratching almost unconsciously at the back of her neck, with a gesture that brought back memories of what he had seen last night and Akechi once again had to make a conscious effort to not grin.
Maybe I'm just enthusiastic. Who wouldn't be? I finally get to work a case with a such upstanding prosecutor and bring true justice to our country! If he could actually trust the Shadow to fulfill her promise (otherwise, he must go back to the casino and burn it to the ground), and comply with his goals.
"Welcome to my home." She opens the doors of her apartment.
"Your house?" She closed the door before answering.
"It's the only place that I know is safe" Her tone was uncharacteristically reassuring, like her house was a place where even safe from everyone, and everything, so she could truly be herself.
It was a nice apartment. Even for the standards of a working prosecutor, it seemed that her long hours on the job had paid off. The decor was tasteful and well-kept. The kind of place one would expect of a woman always seeking for the next success, the next challenge to beat. That reminded him a bit of his own apartment. But bigger...
Without another word, she pulled out a folder from a drawer and put it on the table.
"Please, take a seat."
And so, like two artists, they were weaving a web of ideas and logical connections, sharing and making cross-comparing his 'deductions' with her information.
And, less than 15 minutes off later, he was reminded that Sae was brilliant . It in a way that truly made happy him to work with her.
The bad news was that for each new fact she brought to the table it was clear she was onto something. Even if he never had all the facts with him (Shido would first shoot himself than let him have that much information), he knew enough to see that Sae had pulled the thread and, after some years of 'partnership' he knew that an Act of God will be needed to stop her.
That madman was sometimes talking about the Divine Right, being a Chosen One and things like that… Persona is real, I know that. But there must be a limit for the supernatural things in this world… right?
Obviously, no one inside his head answered.
"Are you ok?" His musings were put on hold by Sae's concerned tone.
"Sure... sure" he said, for once unable to give a convincing face to the prosecutor. Even less when she seemed to be 'in the zone' right now.
"So, summing up: the main accomplices should be a deputy of the United Future Party: a kazoku with contacts with the government, the President of Sakura TV, the President of RECT Progress, and a couple of Yakuza hitmen?
"Yes…" she said, not even bothering to hide the satisfied smirk on her face and at that point, he almost imagined her lips with black lipstick for how similar her expression was to her Shadow.
"How did you come to figure out this much?" He needed to know how many other people would be involved with this.
And he was beginning to feel truly astonished by her insight.
For the first time, Akechi could see Sae being openly shy. She averted her gaze, and looked at her hands resting on her lap for a moment before getting up from her seat. Before he could say anything, she moved her chair next to his.
"I began to suspect something was wrong when I was brought a few forms to the Director. Paperwork about some 'extra budget' that we had been managing since the beginning of the year."
"That doesn't sound like something that I would classify as illegal ."
"They were bribes. Everyone in the Unit knows that and all of us... I ignored it." For the first time since he had me her, he could see that Sae truly ashamed. "But that never seemed to give us a problem. He always talked about how 'a leader must have contacts and build a respectable department'. Well… I took a copy of all those papers. It's like a spider web."
"... So, criminals have been giving bribes to a corrupt old man. What makes you think this is an actual conspiracy?"
" None of those cases appear in any of our records. If there had been paperwork done by the director, it would be in our records. But they were all marked as information for other departments. I checked with my contacts in the respective departments and all of those cases were about people committing petty crimes and having pre-existent contacts to get away with that. But all their bails were paid anonymously." Sae smiled. "I put a bug in the Director's office."
Now was Akechi's turn to look her with wide open eyes. She actually did…?!
"I know what I did was not... lawful . But I already had enough reasons to think the department was rotting. Akechi-kun, sometimes you must do a lesser evil to defeat a greater one."
Sure. Also, that record of 99% of convictions sure have some lesser evils. But he could see that she was speaking with true conviction.
"So, after a month, I got many recordings of the Director speaking to someone on the phone. I still don't know who he was but they were talking about the bails. The same ones that appeared in the papers. That was the first time I heard the Director sound afraid of someone… I feel that, whoever this person is, is someone with enough power to strongarm the police and turn a blind eye to the crime."
She let out a long sigh, as if a huge weight had just been lifted off her shoulders.
"... You're right, this sounds like something pulled right out of a detective novel" admitted Akechi.
"So, I thought that only an aspiring detective would believe me." She admitted. "You… you believe me, right?"
"... To be honest, I would rather think all of this is just coincidence…"
How can I make her forget about this? Something inside him (his Persona?) told him so. That feeling, that instinct, an unconscious memory flying above the limits of his rational mind…
"... But if this is truly a criminal conspiracy with influence in many parts of society, I think that would be dangerous. Are you sure you want to take this risk? have a little sister, right? What would happen to her if you…?"
For a moment, Sae Niijima seemed to be at a loss for words.
"And… even if this sounds selfish… I would be really sad if something were to happen to you, Sae-san…"
Not even having cut a path through a whole army of Shadows would have prepared him for what came next. If a fortune-teller had told him what would happen, he would have thought they were crazy.
She kissed him.
And, again, driven by that primal instinct beyond all rational thought, he kissed back. Their mouths had the passion of starving beasts. His hands were ruffling her hair in the same way that they had been doing to the prosecutor's Shadow, but now with unmistakable tenderness, the kind of touch one had when pleasing their lover and helping them forgot life's burdens. To give a gift of bliss.
Only for a moment their lips did separate. Their gazes met and he saw that she was in the same trance as him.
There were no regrets, no inhibitions. She was just silently asking for his acceptance. And he, with a nod, gave it to her.
"In my room" she whispered before taking his hand with surprising strength. Still, he felt with the same feeling of dominance that the last night. This is just the final result , he understood then, crossing the door of Sae's room.
Sae was nervous but also... exited? This was happening so fast, not even a day ago that she realized that she had a crush on Akechi (a younger man!) and now she was going to... This was happening so fast, but she did not regret it at all, in fact she had never felt so alive!
So many things were going through her head. And at least half of them has been triggered by the detective's sweet words.
He was right, Makoto would be left helpless. All of her effort to keep her safe and give her the life she deserved, wasted .
And what would happen to Akechi if they traced her efforts back to him?
This was simple, basic and reachable. Even if she was still virgin, she felt like there was nothing she couldn't do right now. A paradoxical feeling. She knew all the dangers surrounding the conspiracy. And yet, she felt so close to success…
She just finished closing the bedroom door when he pulled her in for another kiss and she melted in his arms.
It's all so perfect, why did she not do this before? She sacrificed so much for her job, her youth, her happiness, her chance at love, she was so lonely .
I don't want to be alone anymore.
She felt his hands moving down her back and he began massaging her butt and despite everything, she did not want him to stop. Not now, not ever.
She did not care if he molested every part of her. He could use her anyway he wanted, as long as he never left her or judged her, she would be his toy.
His slave.
His pet .
Before she realized it, they were on the bed, still making out and his hands travel to her thighs, up her stomach and-
She moaned as he began kneading her perfect breasts in a fast, rough way and even though it should be unpleasant, right now it felt...
Perfect .
If this is a dream, she thinks to herself as she moans from both his kissing and rough foreplay. I hope I never wake up.
She was not lying. Despite everything she had accomplished as a Prosecutor, her life was a living hell.
No dates.
No friends.
No parties.
No hobbies.
No sister.
No life.
No love.
Only misery.
The kiss ended and she wanted to go back to being embraced by Akechi because... she was not empty anymore, she was alive and she never-
She looked down at Akechi.
The look he was giving her was mischievous and heated, and his hands were still making her breast feel incredible , the sight of her own body being used like she was nothing more than a toy bringing back fantasies and wet dreams that she had not thought about in years.
He leaned over and whispered into her ear:
So, she stood up on shaky feet and began taking off her clothes. First the pants with a sense of elegance and submission to her Master. A way to show she was not going anywhere after finding the one who could make her feel like this .
Her legs were strong after years of martial arts, like pieces of art. The fact she was able to remove her pants without losing one point of her usual everyday elegance was proof enough that her agility was going to be wonderful in bed. She tossed the piece of cloth to the corner of the room. Her skin was creamy and white and Akechi was honestly tempted to bite into her thighs.
There's no rush… they both thought, and they knew the other knew it too, We have all night.
She took off her jacket even slower to tease him, knowing she was testing his patience.
Don't be bad, naughty pets get punished Whispered a voice from her memories... but she could not place from when. Nor did she want to do it now.
The cloth fell to the ground and now he could see what no other man has had the fortune of seeing. She was wearing a beautiful purple underwear that covers the most delicate parts of her, it only gives him even more incentive to see everything . From her long legs to her child-bearing hips, to her flat stomach, to her massive breasts, each one a glorious mound that she pushed together to create an enticing cleavage.
She shakes her beautiful platinum looks with a carefree air that he had never seen in her, for the first time since he had met her, Sae looked happy.
She gave him another longing look, showing she knew the effect she had o on him and that she would not stop until he took what was his .
Finally, she put her hands in her back and with a single movement, her bra fell to the floor, and her perfect breasts were now on full display for Akechi's delight. They bounced for a while after coming out of their confinement, bouncing for various seconds, almost like they were inviting the young man to feast on their juicy and creamy flesh and shower them with kisses and bites. Her nipples were soft, pink and round like cherries. He wanted to taste them right now.
But his pet still had a last piece of cloth before they got to the bed and Akechi had never left anything half-done. Not even with his crotch boiling and he could tell that Sae was in the same hungry state as him.
She moved her hands back to her hips and slowly pushed down her panties with, again, with that cute submissive, erotic air and giving him that seductive smirk.
Finally, the panties were thrown to the corner of the room, leaving her wet flower, from only a short fun, exposed for him to see and it was clear what she wanted to happen next.
"Come here."
Before she knew it, Sae was back on the bed, being kissed while her nude body was dominated by her Master's hands, her perfect breast, thighs and butt being roughly groped and teased. Some part of her, beneath the lust, euphoria and submission, noticed the two dark humanoid shaped figures behind Akechi, it was like something out of a nightmare. It made her feel even more vulnerable and aroused than she already was.
Her thoughts were interrupted by her gushing flower being touched and then, to her delight, Akechi started playing with it with the same rough intensity as he had done with the rest of her body.
Whatever this was or was not an illusion, she had nothing to fear now. Her master was there.
He dominated her depths with a calloused disregard, plunging in and out of her and it felt so amazing and she was reaching her peak and she was reaching it fast . Before this, she had never climaxed this hard, no matter how much she played with herself and with only a few minutes of foreplay he-
Sae's back arched as her world became bliss and the only reason she was not screaming was because she was still kissing Akechi.
Then he stopped. Her gaze went again to his, needy and longing, silently asked why he stopped. But Akechi's hands were fast and precise. Bye, tie. Bye, jacket. Bye, pants. Bye, boxers. Now, there he was, over Sae, now with nothing between them and nothing hidden.
Sae was delighted to see that, hidden under Akechi's clothes, has a slim but strong body, like a runner or swimmer. That, added to his mischievous, wolfish expression, showed to her a new Akechi she would have never thought existed before that night.
But She thought, feeling as the detective held her in his arms Before today, I never believed that I would never feel this happy either .
He aligned his penis with her entrance, only stopping to see the look on her face. And with the way she was looking at his length, with her expectation mixed with a little fear. But the excitement was leagues above any other emotion and that stroked his male pride as a raging fire because this perfect Goddess of a woman was his.
He decided that the conspiracy could wait until tomorrow.
Sae did not get a chance to even think as, with one powerful thrust, Akechi took her virginity.
He basked in the feeling of her velvety walls around his manhood and as she clenched them around him, her own excitation and pleasure overwhelmed her body with delicious feelings; as if she were trying to keep him with her even by instinct. To give her all to him, to swear herself to him.
More! Ruin me more!
As he began thrusting, they were in a primal dance, no different from animals in heat, their hands exploring each other while moving in synch, looking for more and more pleasure.
The strength of his thrusts were enough to make her breasts bounce even as she was on her back, and for a few moments he just enjoyed the show before finally giving into his urge and without even stopping or slowing his thrusts, he lowered his head and his lips closed around one of Sae's nipples.
His sucking was strong enough to make Sae moan, it was as if she was nothing more than a sex doll for her Master as her body shivered at the contact. Seconds turned to minutes, and Akechi never stopped, if anything, he only groped her more and more, squeezing her breasts, like it was something designed to give him the simple satisfaction of squeezing some velvety mound, pinching her little, pink nipple and delighting him watching her writhing, her body shivering and her flower clenching around him even tighter, each one of her gesture, main among them her beautiful face twisted in pleasure, just asking him for more and more and more…
At some point he changed, alternating between her breasts, groping one while squeezing the other. Sae opened her eyes to see Akechi's beautiful hair as his head was alternating between her breasts, seeking his own pleasure and the delight of hearing her moans, to make clear to each cell of her body that he was the one giving her pleasure, that all good things came from him, that there was no reason to seek them from another.
You're mine. You're mine. You're mine.
His hips moved even faster, now going with a kind of strength he never believed himself capable of. Her breasts continue bouncing, now right against his face. Nothing else mattered.
There was only the soft bed, and the Pet giving herself to her new Master.
Conspiracies, politicians, courts, justice, chaos… None of that was in their minds.
"I'm close…" His first conscious words in the sea of pleasure.
"Do it." She begged, her hands were now the ones riffing his hair, smothering him with her breasts. "Its safe. Do it. I want it inside!"
So, feeling a series of spams in the union of their sexes, Akechi's essence filled her accepting womb with his essence. The ultimate assault to her body and mind. Both basked in the feeling of that fulfillment she didn't know until that night. His penis was still spamming inside her vagina, while her walls clenched even more, looking to milk until the last drop of seed out of her lover. And the answer of his body made clear he was not willing to accept anything else.
A storm against a fortress that had never been impregnated until now. Claiming victory above the prosecutor body and forcing the subjects to submit to his conqueror. And now, those subjects accepted the leash, wishing nothing more than the absolute submission.
With a last and deep sigh, Sae closed the eyes, her body, mind and soul free of years of accumulated stress and pain, finally finding satisfied in all the senses, ready to give herself to a merciful dream. Akechi feel her hands loosening her grip but still caressing his hair. His tongue was still probing and tasting her nipples to the content of his heart, now with slightly slower, weaker movements.
Still, he was not done yet.
His Pet began to close her eyes with a satiated expression. He watched her for a second, seeing as her body relaxed until end inert, like a discarded doll after a play session…
And then he lifted her in his arms and rolled her over, putting her face against the pillow, and her juicy ass and gushing flower before him.
He looked at it for a moment, enjoying the view of his exhausted pet and her delicious purring against the sheet…
And he slammed his hips right back into her. And he couldn't help but smile watching as Sae arched her back, any trace of sleep forgotten with his first thrust, leaving clear she was not getting rest until her Master was satisfied. Their hips moved again in synch, with her moans sounding even more delicious for his ears, like a mix between delirious pleasure and helpless. It only made it better for him: she knew what was her place here, and she was loving it.
I'm going to put a leash on you and you are going to worship me for that.
The bed trembled under them while he took her from behind like the loyal dog she was. He saw her arms trembling trying to stay firm, to let him unleash whatever energy he still had inside of him. To be a receptacle for his lust. He delighted himself viewing the arching and withering of her delicious back. There, he saw her platinum locks contrasting with the white of her skin. Another indulgence. But what other thing was left to both of them that night but indulgences?
His right hand closed around a handful of her beautiful and soft hair. It was so soft that he almost fell guilty of what he was going to do.
She was lying face down, unable to do anything but take it, when Akechi pulled her hair, jerking her head back and the pain sending waves of pleasure throughout her body and her walls clenched around his manhood as pleasure and pain became one and the same.
"Mo-more Master more!"
Sae tried to support herself on the mattress to keep her back and head straight. He gave it to her: even when overwhelmed for both pain and pleasure, left to his 'tender mercies', she tried to endure his onslaught.
She was going to give him everything .
Her body, mind and soul.
Her career and freedom. Everything she owned and cherished so that she will be unable to survive without him.
All for Akechi.
All for her Master.
His thoughts were cut short when the movement of her velvety walls pushed him over the edge, pushing both of them into their second orgasm of the night. Her flower milked his member and he flooded her insides. He, even at the end, kept his grip on her hair, enjoying the feeling of having Sae whither under his onslaught, basking in the last spasms of her loins, unleashing the last drops of semen inside the beautiful prosecutor. It was primal, basic, elemental. He was taking Sae's body like a prize and unleashing his semen inside like she was a sex toy.
He finally ran out of stamina, so he with a sense of accomplishment, made the view of the soft bed (and the even softer female body still at his mercy), very tempting.
The pillow over his head felt great, like a promise of a good dream after a challenging if rewarding day.
The last surprise of the night was when he turned off the light.
Why is she holding me?
Through the shadows of the room, he could see the serene and satisfied expression on the prosecutor's face, who was holding on to him with unmistakable clinginess.
The blush in his face was one of the occasional reminders that, supernatural powers and all, he was still a human being too.
For a second, he just stood there, in the bed, without moving a muscle…
Hmmm, I suppose it don't matter, he thought, relaxing all his muscle finally while covering him and his Pet with the sheets. It's not like having her this close is uncomfortable, after all, he smirked while he kneaded and squeezed her breasts for a last time this night. Compared with everything else, this was a gesture of tenderness.
Akechi's, while his new toy cuddled against him, decided that he should try new things more often, because new can be better.
Even if his passions were just cooling, the infinite possibilities from what he just did were almost bulging in the rear part of his mind. What was not possible after this?
Seemed the future days harbored many good reasons for him to keep that mischievous smirk in his face.
He was about to roll over and sleep when something unexpected happened.
Light showered over his eyes. For a second, his tired mind thought someone else just turned the lights. Seconds after that, the reason came back to his mind and he opened the eyes.
The light don't hurt them, more like it was projected right to his mind.
Like an illusion, a little panel was floating over his face. He saw he was still lying in the bed, Sae still holding his arm with no signs of ever letting him go.
The black words written over the white illusory panel had a simple but clear message.
Congratulations! You have won "Sae Niijima"'s heart!
And for the first time in years, Akechi Goro the Detective Prince was truly confused.