Chapter 1 Eclipse is near
Ishgar x3xx
The dragon war was bloody and horrific for the humans that was until they created dragon slaying magic with help from a few friendlier dragons though that didn't end the bloodshed it was the worst times to live in for a long long while but the citizens of Ishgar made do and they had to or well it wouldn't be pretty but this isn't about the dragon war per say more about the dragon slaying magic it created and that's where it begins
''I don't have aquarius key so there's only one way to open this gate'' said a slender blonde woman by the name of Anna Heartfillia
She quickly grabbed the scarf she has in her back pocket and quickly place it on top of a pink haired boy before sending the multitude of children who were asleep through the wormhole but something shined in her when she realised that these alone dragon slayers who had not Completed their training could defeat Acnologia so she decided she needed precautions since the eclipse gate would only be open for another few days with the Amount of ethernano she supplied it with so she decided on one think it was time she used the lacrima she got all those Months ago when she was a mere child so she went out heavily drained but still alive to find a person to use this magic.
A young blonde boy ran through streets and alleys avoiding dragon breath of all kinds poison, fire and more but thats when he saw it… a small hole which no adult could fit in but a child, a child definitely could and thats what he did with some slight effort he hid in the hole witnessing his village be torched, flooded and more under the wrath of the dragons but that would all change when a woman appeared though she was no dragon slayer she had from what the young blonde could see golden keys which she quickly used in fluent succession to dispatch of a few injured dragons though what caught blonde named naruto's eye was the Crimson lacrima she had in her hand while doing this this inspired him and brought him hope seeing that the dragons were starting to flee as there numbers dropped slowly but gradually and then she spotted him and he froze in shock as here eyes also lit up in hope but from all this excess energy and time that has passed through naruto his adrenaline gave weigh as he fell face first into the muddy charred ground.
Anna heartfillia wasn't expecting a town nearby to be scavenged but nothing wasn't prepared for well that was until she sent them through the eclipse gate now she had to fight multiple dragons on her own which she did after all she was no slouch but what peeked her interest the most was the magical energy she felt from him and that was what she needed to use see she new not all dragon slayers needed to be trained by dragons heck she was friends with one though he fell against the jade dragon and where he died was the bloodiest battle in the war and where she truly recovered this lacrima and it was time she used it to fight back against a dragon that was rivalling if not already surpassed the evilest of dragons in this war and it was time she used one of those evil dragons power against another, she walked over to the now fallen boy and began to implant the lacrima would it be a success she would have to find out and she prayed it would if not it could be a disaster and she couldnt lose this lacrima it was her precautionary weapon afterall…
As she finished the process not knowing if it implanted correctly, she brought the boy to the eclipse gate and off he went to where ever he lands and she made sure to leave a special key she found on her travels with him to be sure the black key Ophiuchus.