A/N: I found a ton of errors in the first and second chapters as I wrote this one. I'll talk about them at the end, but they're fixed now.
There was nothing of note in the mountaintops of Solitas near Mantle except the occasional Grimm and the strong blows of wind. However, at the very foot inside a cave, a ball of white light flickered into existence like a dying lightbulb. It spun around, gradually gaining speed and sending sparks of electricity flying everywhere.
The formed portal was big enough that a car could go through, but that wasn't what came out. Rather, It was a group of humans. All of them wore standard military equipment which was colored black, and underneath was a full-body wetsuit for extra protection. On their faces were vision-enhancing goggles paired with gas masks covering their mouths. Only one was different from his fellow soldiers, instead of their wetsuit being dark olive, his' was white. They observed their surroundings in silence as the last two humans passed through the portal; they wore lab coats and held metal suitcases with built-in laptops inside them.
"Just looks like any other cave sir." Said one soldier, his rifle slung behind his back after setting down some crates. His commanding officer was about to reply when they heard a low growl from the mouth of the cave. It was a lone Beowolf, shivering from the cold.
"What the hell is that?" Asked another, dropping what he was holding in a slight panic,
The officer ordered, "Questions later, open fire!"
The soldiers didn't hesitate to draw their guns and fire at the unknown creature. And because of its weak state from the intense cold outside, the Grimm was easy pickings. They loomed over the Beowolf slowly turning into ash. The officer got a hold of its paw and felt the jet-black fur of the Grimm before the limb disappeared as well. They weren't just in any old cave; they were in a cave billions of lightyears away from Earth. After eight years, thanks to the brains over at Gen-Tek, they've found another planet similar to theirs. And they would make great use of it.
A sigh of contentment escaped Colby's lips as he took a bite of the s'more in his hands. Nothing beats a treat like that around a campfire underneath the broken moon. Dusting off his hands of graham crumbs, he unzipped his recently bought ukelele from its case, courtesy of a few hundred Lien he snatched from some of the robber's wallets, including Finn's. A Tenor Ukulele made from the finest wood, with a small hole where Colby slipped the keychain of Yang he had on his person.
The teen held it in his hands, staring at the instrument and the fire alternatively. He thought of tossing it in the fire but that quickly vanished as soon as it came. He wouldn't do that. He'd been wanting one since he was ten. With the instrument on his lap, Colby looked at the night sky, thinking about what song to sing. There were too many he wanted to try that he couldn't decide. For now, the young man put it to the side in favor of making another s'more. He looked out into the horizon, the cliffside near Beacon overlooking the Emerald Forest is a good spot to set up a campfire. Nearby were the launchpads Ozpin would hurl the students into said Forest to search for relics. It won't happen for two months, It would be ample time for him to prepare but alas, Colby wasn't keen on returning to school just yet. The very idea of going was insulting to his brains, literally. He could make a rocket if he felt like it with how much people's knowledge he consumed along with their entire being.
Downing the s'more in one single bite, he took one mug of chocolate milk on a small table to his left and took a swig, relishing its taste. But the thought of going to the same school as Yang made Colby feel the heebie-jeebies, with a smile threatening to split his face in half. He took a deep breath and took another swig of his drink. The teen held the other untouched mug of choco out to the canopy of trees behind him, where a man with barely well-kept silver hair holding an odd cane approached. He had his own mug though, but it was surprisingly empty. Ozpin set it down on the table and took the mug in Colby's hands.
Ozpin swirled it briefly before siping, "I must say, this chocolate comes close to my cocoa in flavor." He comments whole-heartedly, taking another sip and sitting on a log opposite Colby.
The teen chuckled dryly, "Thanks, but I take it you're not here just to talk about the chocolate?" Ozpin responded with a shake of his head, "I am afraid not." Colby stuck a marshmallow to a metal stick and set it above the crackling campfire. After a few seconds, he blew air on it to cool down, then squished the fluffy confection between two pieces of chocolate and graham biscuits. Colby stared at the treat for a moment before handing it to Ozpin.
"Want one?" Ozpin accepted the treat and took a bite. Setting his cane, the Forgotten Memory, leaning on the log. At first, Ozpin was cautious. Well, suspicious would be a better word. Colby didn't exist until a few hours ago; It was like the young man had popped out of nowhere and quietly let himself back into society. Of course, he wouldn't come out here without taking any precautions. But this young man hasn't shown signs of being a threat so far.
"Right, I haven't introduced myself," Colby blew on his s'more and took a bite, "The name's Colby Luntian sir, but I prefer to go by Cole. A pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise Cole. I suppose you already know who I am?" Colby nodded. "Of course. Say, do you know anything about what happened mere hours ago?" Ozpin asked in a calm tone of voice. He had an inkling that it was him despite what the footage he received showed. The reply he got was a strand of a black and red substance handing him a stick with a marshmallow on it.
"I'm not gonna beat around the bush here Ozpin. I'm not with your ex if that's what made you bring Qrow and Glynda here." He turns to the trees behind him, then back to Ozpin, who went stiff as a rock. He hadn't disclosed that information to anyone outside his tight-knit circle of followers, so his reaction was typical. 'How did he know? Who told him?' those types of thoughts ran through Oz's head. The young man knew more than what he let on, that much he could tell. In a way, they're somewhat alike. Colby spoke after a brief pause.
"Point is, whether you bring backup or not, it'll end either very badly for me or the entirety of Remnant." The appendage retreated into Colby's body, "I'm a monster Oz, plain and simple." A moment of silence passed.
"I would think otherwise," The older of the two replied, maintaining his composure, "You say you're a monster but from the last half-hour, you've proven to me that you can be more than that." Colby stuck another marshmallow near the fire.
He scoffed, "Redemption? Those are dangerous waters you're swimming sir." Even if he got down on his knees and prayed to Jesus, the Brothers, or any deity for that matter, he'd be forever stuck in purgatory tortured by the very people he murdered. That's if he does end up there. If you took another life, that sin would be branded to you permanently like some slave, and Colby's got too many to count. One thing he learned from his parents at an early age, though they associated it with bad deeds kids like him would've done. Murder wasn't one of them.
"Not redemption young man… Change." Colby took the mallow out of the fire, making another s'more. He gave Ozpin a somber look.
"You wouldn't wanna know how many times I've yearned for that." Colby downed the treat and his mug of chocolate before standing on the very edge of the cliff. Glynda was ready to intervene, but Ozpin signaled her to stand down. "Relax people; I'm not going to jump." The teen chuckled, "Even if I did, I'd still be fine." Colby held out a hand. A young Nevermore landed on his open palm. He observed the Grimm with such disgust that it felt like he was looking at a mirror.
A thought popped into his head as he gently returned to his seat without disturbing the admittedly adorable bird. "Do you want to know why I hate Grimm?" Colby let the question hang in the air for a few seconds. Ozpin gave the teen a curious look.
"They're like rats Oz. Everywhere you go, there's bound to be one around the corner." Colby begins stroking the neck of the Nevermore, "You could say I have a personal vendetta, even if I've only been on this planet for less than forty-two hours." Colby strained the last few words before swiftly tearing off its head, spilling black ooze on the fire which oddly served as fuel. It roared and burned bright blue for only a moment. Ozpin raised an eyebrow at the last part. He soon connected the dots with the ball of fire he had seen crash on Patch.
"Well, our planet's 'wildlife' doesn't take kindly to humans, faunus, or aliens. No offense young man." Colby chuckled; wholeheartedly this time.
"None taken sir. Though I'm slightly surprised you're taking this like it's just another day at the office." He knew Ozpin was smart, he'd expect nothing less of a man who's lived since the humble and his landing wasn't so subtle either so it was only a matter of time whether he entered Beacon or not. His mind flashed back to a particularyoung woman. His face warped into a frown, 'How would she take it? Would she be scared? Disgusted?' His stomach twisted, gripped by fear, though he held it down. Ozpin noticed his expression but didn't question it, instead, he continued the conversation.
"I have had my fair share of strange occurrences; yours is a bit more unique than most." He had thought of other beings similar to man on Remnant. Though those musings were cut short in favor of more important matters at the time, so he was only mildly surprised a fiery ball had crashed on Patch. The VNN will surely cover that tomorrow morning and cause a panic, which in turn could attract Grimm.
Truth be told, Colby can't hold a conversation very well. Most times the young man will run wild in his thoughts; hence he hasn't uttered a single sentence for a solid minute now, opting rather enjoy the ambiance as they ate s'mores. Which the older of the two understood. And for the first time since the last few hours, Colby let himself relax and slightly drop his guard. He doesn't trust Ozpin – or anyone for that matter – easily. Only a handful of people are exempted from this, most of them being fictional.
Minutes pass by in awkward silence between the two, with Glynda presumably going back to bed, dragging a sleeping – and drunk – Qrow Branwen to a vacant room in the school. She was keen on giving the Headmaster an earful after a night's rest. Once they were out of earshot, Colby spoke first,
"Okay, one of us should start talking." The young man chuckled dryly.
"It is indeed becoming awkward." Replied Ozpin, both of them laughing a moment later. Even though they'd barely spoken in the last fifteen minutes, merely appreciating each other's company was fun in and of itself. It was a rare moment the two men enjoyed for common reasons. Camaraderie, as one could guess. If Colby had not known Ozpin well – albeit behind a computer screen – His naivety would've trusted the man fully; no questions asked.
"There is one thing I have yet to know young man." Choking on the chunk of graham in his throat, Colby swiftly refilled his mug with chocolate and downed it in one swig. Why was he caught off guard by that inquiry? He knew what Ozpin was going to say but why? It's like his brain was turned off. Nevertheless, Colby answered.
"I know, you're wondering what exactly I am." A nod. "Well… It's a long story Oz, do try not to fall asleep." He joked, earning a chuckle in return.
"Oh, I'll be fine Cole. I've stayed up late multiple times, yet I still look like I've had a good night's sleep." The air around them became thick with tension once the cat was out of the bag. Never once had Ozpin interrupted, only staring in disbelief, surprise, and intrigue. Colby began with the first sentence that came to mind.
"One virus. Three weeks, millions dead."
Colby wasn't there to experience it, but from the constant nightmares the teen had because of the virus' hivemind, It was safe to say he'd been traumatized by what he saw. Only after two years was he able to control the virus to a degree, lest he let them drag him to madness.
Ozpin had heard of stories ranging from wholesome to horrendous, pure truth to clever lies. But after hearing Colby speak of these organizations, it made his stomach churn for the first time since millennia. The last time he felt this was when he was King during the Great War. The thousands of dead bodies on the battlefield after the smoke cleared, haunts him still. But the way Colby describes these organizations, he makes them sound like monsters. Even the SDC doesn't compare to the vile horrors Gentek had done, from what he has heard from Colby so far.
Ozpin bore through the story with an effort not to throw up. Now he knows there are people beyond Remnant's moon that are more monstrous than even Salem herself. One of them being Project Zeus. Colby gave Ozpin a minute to absorb all of it; he then asked the young man about Alex Mercer. To his surprise, Colby's eyes changed from green to bloodshot red, his voice turning more gravely, like a zombie.
"Ahh~" Alex flexed his neck, re-aligning the bones with loud snaps, "Felt like a while since he let me out." The way he spoke already put Ozpin on edge. Casual, with an underlying promise of danger should he cross him.
"I take it you're Alex?" The esteemed Headmaster asked, Alex chuckling in response.
"Who else would it be? Y'know, I thought you'd be more perceptive for a wizard who's lived for a thousand years. Figures, since you looked shocked when Colby told you essentially my life's story."
Ozpin blinked, his gaze narrowed shortly after. Was he being a bit careless dropping his guard? Maybe. But If he played his cards right, he could have a potentially dangerous ally against Salem. However, the chances of the young man enrolling were close to none, as he already knew the conflict between the two. It was like walking in a massive minefield.
"From what Colby has told me, you are a dangerous man, Alex." The person in question hummed, already knowing where this was going. Though he decided to at least hear Ozpin out. "Of all the monstrosities I've seen during my lifetimes, you are different. You are capable of change. Both you and the young man you share a body with."
He grabs his cane and stands over the edge of the cliff, Alex gazing at him intently, "I am sure both of you will be hesitant or decline outright, but I ask of you." He turns to look at them, a silent plea in his eyes. "Help me stop Salem. I have withheld from my close associates that she cannot be killed. But the interesting virus you both possess is something beyond comprehension." He walks back towards the table and takes his mug, "I won't force you to enroll Cole; I merely need a helping hand in this war. A war that has been going on for too long."
There was a somber undertone to the last part as he strode back to his office, Colby's left eye turned green, his and Alex's voices mixing. "We'll think about it. Get some sleep old man." Ozpin let out a dry chuckle. "I will make sure of that. Goodnight Colby, Alex."
They turn back towards the fire, which is slowly burning out, emitting less light than the last few minutes ago. They stared at it for a while, Colby took out the ukulele once more and strummed a tune, whistling and singing till he was too tired to do so.
Darkness engulfed his vision when he entered the realm of slumber. He felt weightless as if he was in space. Colby couldn't move. He barely heard anything, only the muffled sounds of water crashing against one another. The teen opened his eyes, dim light entering his eyes as he sank deeper into the ocean. His hood was down so his hair was freely flowing in the water.
This felt nice, peaceful, quiet. If he could smile he would.
It went on for a while when he heard the faint voices of a person. Their face was blurry due to the water and the limited light, extending their hand forward, a gold bracelet rests on their arm. Colby could move. He grabbed the offered hand and heaved himself out of the water.
Wow, that took a while. I was busy getting into D&D making a character and getting a bit of writer's block from making Ozpin's dialogue. I needed to rewatch a few episodes of volume one and read a few other fanfics just to get it right. (I hope I did).
Anyways, about the problems I told up there. First off, I'm changing the season in the first chapter and summary to autumn since the Red Trailer has been talked about for its canonicity because the show wasn't fully developed yet in terms of lore, and it was only a showcase of Crescent Rose.
The second issue is Colby's age. In this chapter, he is now seventeen, as he passed his previous birthday – which is November 17 – due to him being in a coma. I looked over it and some things just don't add up to him knowing Salem and him receiving the virus when he was fifteen. And of course, in the first chapter, he spent ten years in space so that technically makes him 20+ years old. I'm essentially retconning a few things. I don't want to make this longer than I should.
Wordcount w/o Author's Note: 2956
Okay, that is all. I will see you in the next chapter, Bye-bye!