Chapter 1- Christmas is Over
Snowflakes drifted lazily over Esme. Water soaked through her runners to her socks, dampening her feet. She forgot to put boots on in her scramble to get Ace to Laura's place.
Maybe she should've gone to the hospital Christmas party with Spencer and Ace instead. Then she could've lived in a forever state of oblivion with her precious boy. Trina wouldn't have liked her there though. She'll always come second to her no matter what her state of mind.
Esme shuddered. She couldn't shake this feeling of jealousy flowing through her. That's what ate up her soul before and Daddy's control didn't help.
She stared at his grave after she finished yelling at it, tears spilling down her cheeks. Why didn't Daddy and Heather teach her to get along with people? To follow the right path? Though, to be fair, she didn't spend that much time with Heather. Maybe she was misunderstood too?
Wrapping her arms around her disgusting self, she shut her eyes. She shouldn't have broken into Wyndemere. The memories had flooded back as if it all happened yesterday. Planning to film Cameron and Josslyn, accusing Trina, trying so desperately to hold onto Spencer, being locked in the tower. Even before that: the Princes wanting nothing to do with her, finding Daddy.
She dropped to her knees, sobbing.
Daddy on his bed, patting it.
She couldn't take it anymore.
No one would understand. She had to get home to Ace and pretend nothing changed.
And unfortunately, only Heather would understand.
Felicia stared on as Cody zoomed James across the room like an airplane while Georgie and Bailey Lou played the eighth round of Candyland with Sasha and Maxie. Spinelli offered to clear the table and insisted Felicia relax. Something she just couldn't bring herself to do.
"Aww man," Georgie groaned. "How do we keep losing to a three-year-old?"
Bailey Lou clapped her hands and giggled.
"You guys continue," Maxie said. "I'm taking a little break."
As Sasha and the girls continued their game, Maxie sat with Felicia. "What's wrong, Mom? You sure you don't want to play?"
Felicia smiled a little. "I'm sorry, Maxie. I'm just losing some steam."
Maxie sighed. "You're missing Mac."
Felicia nodded. "I know he'll be home soon. And I love being with you and the kids. But—"
"Christmas is a hard time of year." Maxie frowned. "I've been thinking about Georgie too. She died a week before Christmas."
Felicia buried her face in her hands and cried. Maxie wrapped her arm around her and teared up too.
"There's just… there's just too many missing pieces in our family," Felicia said.
"I know," Maxie agreed. "It hasn't been the same since we lost Georgie. But Mac will be back soon."
Felicia nodded and glanced over at Cody, now giving James a piggyback ride. "I might not have all my daughters back… but Mac deserves to know his son."
Maxie chewed her bottom lip. "Are you certain that Cody is his son?"
"Yes. And I'm going to prove it."
Alexis tapped her fingers on the end table and chewed her thumbnail on her other hand when Kristina and Molly announced their news. She wanted desperately for both of their dreams to come true but all she could only see red flags with this.
"Well, as you know I have reservations," Sam spoke up first. "But I also trust both of you to make the right decision, so you have my support." She rose and hugged her sisters.
"Oh, thank you Sam," Molly cried, breaking Alexis' heart. She wanted so badly for her youngest to have all the babies she wanted. But how would this affect Kristina?
Her middle child tilted her head towards her. "Well? Mom? I'm going to be Molly's egg donor and surrogate. What do you have to say to that?"
Alexis anxiously set her hands in her lap. She looked between Kristina and Molly. "I have some concerns. Both from emotional and legal stand points. But I also know—"
Kristina threw her hands up. "What do you think I'm going to just steal Molly and TJ's baby? You're worried that I'm going to hurt Molly."
Alexis gaped at her before rising. "What? No! Of course not. I'm worried how this is going to affect both of you. I think at the very least you should make up a contract."
"Mom…." Danny walked into the living room. "I think you should check on Scout."
"What's wrong?" Sam asked.
"She's crying."
Carolyn paced the staffroom at General Hospital with her phone to her ear. "Come on, Lizzie, pick up." She sighed when it went to voicemail. "Merry Christmas, Lizzie. I hope you got my card and the gifts for the boys. And… and I really hope this day is special for all of you. I love you and hope to hear from you soon."
With a heavy heart she hung up. She deserved it, but that fact didn't make it hurt any less. Even Sarah wasn't returning her calls. She had officially transferred to Port Charles in hopes of being closer to her youngest after she and Jeff separated, but since arriving a couple of weeks ago, Lizzie hasn't wanted anything to do with her. That's why she agreed to work over Christmas.
She slipped her phone away and headed back to the ER. She flipped through some files at the nurse's station when the elevator doors slid open and the paramedics rushed in with two stretchers and a screaming baby.
Carolyn rushed over. "What happened?"
"Car crash," one of the medics explained. "Two casualties, both unconscious with internal bleeding. Female's airway is clear, the male's isn't. The infant appears fine, just scared."
"Bring them in."
Elizabeth listened to her mother's message and stared at her phone for a moment.
"You okay, Mom?" Jake appeared in the doorway.
She nodded.
"Aiden and Violet made us some cookies," Jake said. "They seem pretty excited for us to try them."
Elizabeth smiled. "Then let's go eat them." She left her phone on her bed and followed Jake downstairs.
Willow carried a sleeping Amelia in her arms while Michael unlocked the door.
"I want to stay up all night so I can see Santa again!" Wiley grinned.
Willow laughed. "But Santa doesn't come until boys and girls are asleep. Plus, you just saw him at the hospital."
"But I want to see him again."
"How about Daddy reads you a story?" Michael suggested as they walked in the gatehouse. "Your choice."
Wiley pressed his forefinger to his chin. "The Grinch?"
Michael sighed. "Again? Okay, sure."
Willow followed them upstairs and took Amelia to her room. She sat in the rocking chair with her and kissed her forehead. "Oh, sweetie. Mommy loves you so much. And this has been a great Christmas. But… I don't understand why Grandma Nina seems to be pulling away. She said it's because she has two full time jobs… but why didn't she come to the hospital after church? I must've done something wrong. Or… maybe I'm just not the daughter she wanted."
Nina sat in her car for a long time, just staring up at their apartment building. Filled with so many emotions after she tried to tell Carly the truth. The priest at the church had advised confessing to reporting Carly and Drew but as usual Carly wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise and had to have the final say.
Should she listen to the priest? But if she came clean, she'd lose Sonny and Willow. Willow. She longed for all these years to find her and somehow, like with everything, Nina messed it up. She was so close to having a good relationship with Willow and the kids.
She jolted when her phone rang, and she froze. Michael's name flashed on the screen. What did she do wrong this time? "Hello?"
"You had your time with Willow and the kids tonight, but it's over."
Nina felt every ounce of her being tense up. "You can not bar me from my daughter."
"I told you. You can only see them when I say you can see them," Michael commanded.
"But Willow wants to see me. She thinks I don't want to see her."
"Good. Then she'll soon want nothing to do with you."
Tears sprang to Nina's eyes.
"If you approach Willow or send gifts to her or the kids, I'm telling her you reported Mom and Drew," Michael warned. "And if Willow approaches you, turn in the other direction."
"You're not just hurting me, you're hurting Willow too," Nina said.
"I need to protect her from you." The line went dead.