Here is chapter 3 friends! The real action starts here, I hope you will enjoy! And please let me know what you think :)
Several hours had passed and still there was no sign of her brother or her parents; it was after midnight now. Grace had been pacing back and forth inside the house, wondering what she should do.
She had called both her parents' cell phones and Sam's cell phone a few times, and immediately the calls went to, "This line is not in service." Every time.
"What the fuck is going on?!"
Grace was tired of waiting and thinking she was overreacting, so she called 911 shortly after midnight.
::Hi, my name is Grace Witwicky. I need to report several missing persons.::
Time is running out. The human has contacted authorities. Capture the girl quickly before they arrive.
Barricade suddenly took a sharp turn, sirens blaring as he sped back towards that neighborhood.
She would not escape him like the other human did.
::I don't care if it hasn't been 48 hours; I'm telling you they're all just gone and when I try to call their cell phones each one says the line isn't in service.::
::Just get someone down here!:: Grace was frantically arguing with the dispatcher, who did finally agree to send an officer within the hour.
She hung up and tossed her phone on the couch in frustration; isn't there anybody who gives a fuck about what's going on?!
She sighed and rubbed her face before glancing outside again; she couldn't fucking wait an hour for a damn officer. She had to go out and look for them herself, what if they were hurt on the side of the road somewhere? What if the new Camaro broke down on them?
Grace huffed in exasperation before taking matters into her own hands; she strode outside and grabbed her bike, going to scour this neighborhood and several ones next to it.
She had to find them. Something was just not right.
She took off into the night, she did grab her phone and stuffed it in her pocket in case the officer called, or in the rare chance her brother or her parents tried to reach her.
"Where could they have possibly gone off to? And without telling her?"
She feared they were definitely hurt somewhere. What else could have happened?
While deep in her thoughts she didn't hear the sound of sirens in the distance. Suddenly when she rounded a corner there was a police car, almost staring her down like a predator in the night.
She stopped dead in her tracks while riding; well that certainly was good timing.
Or was it?
The lights of the police car suddenly blinded her, as she had to hold her hand over her eyes.
"Hey! Turn down your lights!"
"Jesus Christ.. cocky much?"
When the officer didn't turn down the lights she groaned, but would wait till said officer exited the vehicle before approaching. Had to be respectful of course, whether she liked it or not.
When several seconds passed and no one stepped out, Grace tilted her head to the side while narrowing her eyes.
"Uh, hello? Officer?" She called out.
She tried to look harder into the cab of the car, to see if she could spot the officer; and then her eyes widened slightly.
"There's no one in the driver's seat.."
"What the fuck is going on today?!"
"No one stepped out! She would have noticed!"
She took her eyes off the empty cab, to look at the rest of the vehicle. "Oh my god.. this is the same cop car I saw earlier.." It had the same symbol, the same saying; to punish and enslave.
Okay, she was getting the fuck out of here. Either this cop was crazy, or she was going crazy. She quickly got back on her bike and high tailed it out of there.
She didn't get far before she heard the revv of that mustang engine and the sounds of the car speeding up. By the time she turned her head around she was flying off her bike. She hit the ground hard, groaning as she slowly tried to pick herself back up.
"What the fuck?! The car hit me!"
Before she could react the mustang was beside her and the passenger door swung open; something grabbed her and dragged her inside before the door slammed and it sped off into the dark of the night.
Grace got her bearings back in seconds of being dragged inside the vehicle and now she was freaking out.
"What the fuck is going on?! What are you?!"
She glanced at the driver's seat to see no one there, but the car was obviously driving.
"Oh my fucking god.."
She felt her body starting to go into panic mode, her heartbeat and breathing was increasing rapidly.
"Don't panic Grace. You can't panic now. That won't get you out of this. Calm down. Find out what it is."
She took several deep breaths in an attempt to relax her racing mind before she glanced over at the driver's side again, watching as the car's steering wheel spun with a turn without being controlled by a driver.
"Jesus Christ I'm going crazy.."
She suddenly kicked the dashboard, "Answer me, you bastard! What are you?!"
Suddenly the passenger side seat went down, forcing her with it. She gasped as a seat belt came to strap her down to the seat so she couldn't move.
"What the fuck?! Let go of me!"
She attempted to kick the dashboard again but was stopped by the seat going up and down again in a fast motion, enough to knock her head. She groaned as her head was pounding.
"Enough!" A rough voice came over the radio.
"That voice.. it didn't sound human.."
"Oh I'm fucked.."
Was this some crazy government machine? Why was she being held against her will? What did she even do?!
"Enough of your silence! Tell me what you are!" She couldn't kick the dashboard anymore but man would she have liked to.
She had been so focused on figuring out what the fuck was going on, she didn't realize the car had driven to an abandoned car lot in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly she was shoved out of the vehicle and fell hard on the pavement.
It didn't take her long to get herself together and wipe her forehead where she was bleeding a little, she had taken a nasty fall earlier and hadn't even noticed the blood until just now. While she was distracted with her own injury, the car suddenly made a series of strange mechanical noises.
Grace groaned as she wiped her forehead clean with her hand, as best she could, but she quickly got the sense she was being hovered over as the street light that had been shining on her suddenly was blocked. She narrowed her eyes and when she turned to see what it was, her heart skipped a beat.
"I am nothing you have ever seen before, fleshling." Came the gruff voice of the robot standing before her.
All Grace could think of doing was screaming;
"Holy shit!"