Waking into a Dream
By Stargatesg1fan1
Disclaimer: I own nothing of any recognized characters or universes within.
Women Bonded to Harry Potter in This Story
Hermione Granger is Played by Emma Watson
Samantha Carter is Played by Amanda Tapping
HP – SG – WiaD – HP – SG – WiaD – HP – SG – WiaD – HP – SG – WiaD – HP – SG
Chapter 1
Earth, Private Drive, 1986
The man had been sleeping peacefully when he woke up to find he was no longer a man. He had been one hundred forty-five when he had fallen asleep. When he woke up his body felt strange. He also wasn't in his bed.
"Where the hell am I?" He thought to himself.
Then memories began to come to his mind, memories that weren't his own. It was like he was living the Harry Potter books yet from Harry's perspective. There were more details than were in the books. But the memories were only for the first few years of Harry's life as a child. Then he realized he was lying on a cot in Number Four Privet Drive.
"I must still be dreaming," He thought. "Ok. If this a dream, then I should be able to do magic."
He focused on the pair of glasses laying nearby which he could see through the dim light coming beneath the door. He raised his right hand towards the glasses and focused on a levitation charm. He willed the magic to flow out of him. Nothing happened. He focused harder. Still nothing happened. Just when he was about to give up, he felt something shift inside of him. It was like the resistance was lessening. Something began to flow from within him. Then the glasses were lifting into the air. He stared at the glasses in disbelief. He was now more convinced than ever that he was dreaming. The glasses fell back to the ground as exhaustion flooded through him. He was out like a light within moments.
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He woke up with a pounding headache and a woman screeching for him to get up and make breakfast. The memories of being Harry had integrated better in his mind as he had slept. As far as he was concerned, he was Harry Potter, a name he had only recently learned when he had gone to school for the first time a month ago. But he also had his memories of living over one hundred years in another life where he had been an engineer, a father, and a husband. How was he waking up in another world and another body?
"Stop being lazy and make breakfast boy," Petunia Dursley hissed.
"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry said while trying to appear normal.
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Later that Day
Harry had done a lot of thinking. His memories of the Harry Potter books and movie series from the younger years of his other life showed him that he was in for a world of hurt if he wasn't prepared. He wasn't sure if that fictional universe and the one he was in were the same or not. But he would have to find out. To that end he was determined he would be starting to train that night.
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A Few Hours Later
Harry grinned as he wandlessly levitated the rock he had brought in from outside. He held the rock aloft for as long as he could. Eventually he had to set the rock down before passing out.
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The Next Night
He held the rock aloft for ten seconds longer than the night before. The magic also started easier.
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The Next Night
Another five seconds on his time. He was less exhausted than the night before.
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The Next Night
He could now hold the rock in the air for a minute. He slept very well that night yet didn't feel like he had to immediately pass out afterwards.
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A Month Later
He could hold the rock in the air for a half hour. It was time to start trying a bigger rock.
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Three Months Later
Harry grinned as the rock in his back yard that weighed more than he did rose into the air. The Dursleys were currently away on one of their many excursions. The rock stayed in the air for an hour before he was sweating and had to put it down. He had moved the rock around in the air through complex aerial acrobatics. It was time to branch out into other areas of magic.
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July 31st, 1987
Harry was seven years old this day. He had been able to get very good at a few areas of magic he had trained himself on relentlessly without a wand. He was now able to shift the length of his hair, change the color of his hair, change his skin color, and change his eye/hair color at will. He suspected he would be able to do more with the metamorphmagus powers he possessed. It would take more practice. He was also able to use the summoning and banishing charms so well that when combined with the levitation he had previously mastered it appeared as if he had telekinesis. He had even once found he could lift Uncle Vernon's car when he tried in the dead of night. But that was about the heaviest object he could currently pick up.
And then lastly there was the skill he had only mastered the previous week, apparition. It was time, time to change his life.
"Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon. It is time we talk," Harry said as he gestured at an apple from the bowl on the counter which floated out into the air above them.
Harry closed his hand, and the apple was crushed. Petunia let out a scream while Vernon paled. Dudley was looking at his cousin in a mixture of awe and terror.
"What do you want?" Petunia asked.
"Dudley's second bedroom and for you to escort me to Diagon Alley," Harry said.
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Diagon Alley
Vernon and Petunia caved very quickly when they realized just how much their nephew could lift with his magic. That was why Petunia was walking down the alley next to him. Tom the barman had been all too happy to help a muggleborn family through the barrier.
"As soon as we make it inside and I am able to see my vault manager you will wait in the lobby," Harry said.
"Of course," Petunia said.
They made it into Gringotts without any trouble. Harry walked up to a teller line and waited his turn. Petunia was beside him.
"Yes," Riptooth said while looking at Petunia.
"I wish to speak to the Potter account manager," Harry said causing the goblin to look down at him with interest.
Riptooth's eyes went to the infamous scar.
"Follow Boneshear," Riptooth said while nodding towards another goblin waiting nearby.
Petunia sat at one of the chairs in the lobby while Harry followed the indicated goblin. He was led into a hallway off the main lobby with a row of doors. Boneshear led him to a door labeled Account Manager Goldstash.
"Come in," Goldstash called when Boneshear had knocked.
Harry came into the office with Boneshear closing the door behind him. An older looking goblin sat behind a desk. A ledger was out on his desk.
"Come in Heir Potter," Goldstash said. "Have a seat. I am Goldstash."
"Thank you," Harry said.
"Our wards show you do not have your vault key upon you. Yet they also confirm you are indeed Harry James Potter," Goldstash said.
"I'm sorry sir. I was never given a vault key. My aunt only recently told me about magic and suggested my parents will have probably left something for me at the bank," Harry lied. "I came to see if that is true."
"I see. Your magical guardian Albus Dumbledore should have informed you of this. Although he may be waiting until you are older," Goldstash said. "Never-the-less seeing as how you are here, we can begin. Would you like your aunt to be present?"
"I think I am ok without her. She is uncomfortable with too much magic," Harry said.
Goldstash nodded.
"Here is an accounting of Potter assets," Goldstash said as he passed Harry a booklet that was a smaller version of the ledger on his desk. "It magically updates with the master ledger here. Take a few moments to look it over and see if you have any questions."
Harry began looking at the ledger. His eyebrows rose as he saw that he had just over three million galleons of gold in his family vault. His trust fund had another twenty-five thousand galleons. He also saw shares in several magical companies. The ledger listed the current exchange rate between pounds and galleons. Then there were the properties he owned.
"Is it possible to invest in the non-magical world?" Harry asked.
"That is not a service Gringotts can provide. But there is a contact in the back of the ledger booklet for a muggleborn wizard the bank is friendly with who is currently offering that service. You will also find a description of services Gringotts provides along with the associated fees and rules governing Gringotts relationship with its customers," Goldstash explained.
"How much access am I allowed to have to my family vault?" Harry asked.
"You have full access to go in and look. You cannot remove any gold, jewels, or anything classified as an heirloom. If you hold your ledger near the item in question it will tell you if the item is an heirloom. This will of course change once you become Lord Potter on your 17th birthday," Goldstash answered.
"I have one last question before I visit my family vault. Did my parents leave a will?" Harry asked.
"Yes. There is a copy of it in the ledger. Basically, everything was left to you. The people your parents designated as your guardians had an unfortunate series of events occur to them. The Longbottoms were tortured into insanity. Sirius Black was imprisoned for betraying them. Albus Dumbledore was next in line and is currently your magical guardian," Goldstash explained.
"Thank you for your time," Harry said as he rose.
Boneshear was waiting when Harry left the office. He was taken on a cart ride down to his family vault. When he entered the Potter family vault, Harry was overwhelmed by the size of the place. The mounds upon mounds of gold were breathtaking. There were even a few large piles of gems. A huge corner of the vault was devoted to items that were not gold or jewels. Harry went here first. He saw a shelf filled with shrunken magical trunks. There was another shelf filled with wands. Harry went to the wand shelf first. He began picking the wands up one by one trying them out. There were several that he got a strong reaction out of. He picked two of these. A small plaque near the wand told him the history. A great-great-great grandfather Godric Potter, named after the founder no doubt, was whose wand he chose as his primary wand. The core material was a tale feather from a thunderbird surrounded by Holly wood. Harry picked up two wand holsters for his primary and backup wands from the shelves.
Then he went to the trunks. There were also plaques that explained the features of the trunks. Harry found several apartment trunks and quickly picked out one. The apartment was in a pocket dimension inside one of the compartments of the trunk. The apartment had a master bedroom as well as two smaller bedrooms, a study, a kitchen, and bathrooms for each room. Harry then moved onto the other items in the vault. He quickly found that the master library in the vault could be summoned into a special trunk by dropping his blood onto that trunk. He also learned that the library in the Potter vault could be copied into other trunks which just contained copies of the master library. The master library could only be removed by Lord Potter.
Harry would later learn that when Potter manor had been destroyed by Death Eaters early on in the first war only a copy of the Potter vault library had been destroyed. If any unauthorized person that wasn't granted permission tried to take a Potter book outside of the wards that protected the Potter property, the materials within the book would vanish. Harry took a copy trunk for the vault library. He essentially went on a shopping trip through the contents of his vault. He picked up a pensieve. Only one of the pensieves was classified as an heirloom. It was actually the first pensieve invented by a Potter centuries ago. He found the school trunks belonging to both his parents along with their journals. Both of them had kept journals it seemed. Harry found that most of his ancestors had kept journals.
Then he found a true treasure trove. Since the invention of the pensieve, many of his ancestors had started recording copies of important memories in their lives to be viewed in a pensieve. This included memories from his parents. He quickly began glancing through the labels on the memories from his parents. He found ones such as his parents' wedding, his own birth, his parents encounters with Voldemort. Then he came across one labeled Harry Watch This First.
Harry immediately dumped the memory into a pensieve and then touched the shimmering surface. He was immediately drawn in. He found himself sitting in the living room of Godric's Hallow. Both of his parents were sitting there with the baby version of himself playing on the floor. Lily looked at her son. She had tears in her eyes.
"Harry, if you're watching this it means we both died. It also means you survived. Hopefully you are living with Alice and Frank," Lily said.
"Or Sirius worst case," James added.
"Either way you need to know some things. First of all, we love you with all our hearts," Lily said.
"It's true. We love you," James affirmed.
"We are currently in hiding under the Fidelius charm. We haven't spent this time idly sitting in fear. We have found a way to help you survive should the worst happen. It would take the willing sacrifice of one of our lives. But it would give you a massive boost in magical power. It will bind a portion of that magic up until you reach eleven years of age. The notes in my journal explain how to unlock that binding when you reach elven years old. We aren't sure exactly how powerful you will be," Lily admitted.
"But it should be at least the strength of several regular wizards," James added.
"It should also allow you to survive any lethal curse Voldemort throws at you. It puts a shield around your soul which theoretically will even reflect the killing curse magnified. It will allow you to survive normally mortally lethal wounds until you can get access to healing magic," Lily explained. "You have runes tattooed all over your soul. It isn't visible under normal conditions."
"The Potters were very good at soul based magics you see," James added. "It's part of our family magics that are only to be shared with Potters. We don't even talk about it with non-family members. I was trained in soul magics. I saw the degradation in Voldemort and sensed his soul has been split several times. He has been making horcruxes. Read the notes in my journal and you will learn about those. If Albus Dumbledore hasn't returned our family's invisibility cloak to the vault there is a note in my journal on how to recall it to yourself with magic. It isn't just a normal invisibility cloak Harry. It is one of the legendary deathly hallows. There are notes in my journal about it."
"We have put together a training plan in magic from our own learning. The plan is laid out in one of our memory vials labeled plan," Lily said. "We love you so much. We want you to survive, settle down with a nice girl, and have a family to give you the hugs we never could."
Lily and James then got down next to baby Harry and hugged him one at a time. Harry could actually feel the hugs from his parents. Even though he had lived an entire other life he still had tears in his eyes.
"The Potter family pensieves allow you to feel the sensations of a memory," James said. "This is something we didn't share outside of the family."
"We love you son," Lily said as she cried. "We will always be with you."
Then the memory ended. Harry looked around the vault and saw all that his parents and ancestors had left for him. He was determined to do them proud. He picked up a few more things from the vault including a money pouch tied to the coins in the vault itself. Then he left. When he arrived back at the lobby Petunia stood and followed him out. She didn't say anything until they were back in the car.
"I trust you won't need me to bring you back here now that you have been here?" Petunia asked.
"Not in the near future," Harry said. "My mother left me memories that I can view and experience."
Petunia seemed surprised and after a few minutes of driving asked, "What did she have to say."
"She explained protections she put in place to watch over me," Harry said. "She also warned me about a dark lord that may be after me."
"Her old headmaster said that he was dead, that he died the night he killed your parents," Petunia said with surprise as she gripped the steering wheel.
"I get the feeling that he isn't so easily killed," Harry said.
Petunia was silent the rest of the trip home.
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Harry began training in the materials his parents left him the next day. He trained inside of his apartment trunk so the Ministry couldn't track magic used in the Dursley house. Even though the wands he used didn't have the trace on them, it was still possible for the Ministry to track magic used in a non-magical household if they were watching.
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August 11th, 1988, Crawley School for the Gifted Youth
Harry stepped into the classroom that contained a person in this universe he was very interested to meet. After the teacher Ms. Dilly introduced him to the class he went and took his seat in front of one Hermione Jane Granger. He gave her a kind smile which she returned. But there was also a suspicious look as well. It became apparent to him throughout the course of the day why that look was there.
This school was for intelligent youths. But even among above average youths Hermione Granger stood out. Harry found that while this school was far in advance of the public school system it was still something he found ridiculously easy. He had lived one hundred and forty-five years in his old life, over a century of which was as an engineer. When lunch time came, he found Hermione sneaking off to eat on her own in the library.
He followed her. When he found her, she was in a quiet corner eating while reading a book. She didn't see him approach.
"Do you mind if I join you?" Harry asked.
"Why?" Hermione asked. "Did the other kids put you up to this so you could join them? Make fun of Hermione Granger?"
"No," Harry said. "Why would you think that?"
"They've done it before," Hermione said. "I can see through it now."
"None of them put me up to it," Harry said.
"Well then why do you want to eat lunch with me?" Hermione asked with confusion.
"I…I," Harry began before blushing. "I think you're cute."
Hermione's mouth dropped open. Then she grew angry and started packing up her stuff. She made to storm off. He reached out with his right hand and levitated Hermione into the air and sat her back into the chair. She squeaked in surprise and gaped at him.
"How did you do that?" Hermione asked.
"I'm a wizard. And if I'm not mistaken, you're a witch. It means you can use magic. Have you ever made anything strange happen?" Harry asked.
"I once had a dream I made a book float to me. When I woke up the book was near me. But I couldn't remember if it was nearby to begin with," Hermione said hesitantly.
"It was probably accidental magic," Harry said.
"Can you teach me?" Hermione asked, very eager to learn something new.
"Only if we can be friends," Harry said as he held out his hand.
Hermione shook his hand and blushed.
"We can be friends," Hermione agreed.
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From that day onward Harry and Hermione were fast friends. When he met her parents, they were overjoyed to find their daughter had a friend. Dan and Emma Granger weren't brought in on the secret of magic yet. Harry began training Hermione to try to use magic. He started with a wandless levitation charm. It took Hermione a lot longer to get that one than Harry. She was by no means weak magically. She just wasn't anywhere near Harry's power level.
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May 4th, 1989, London Museum
Harry was walking along with a tour group from his school on one of the last days of the school year. Hermione was next to him. He was mildly interested in what he was seeing. But he wasn't super interested. Hermione was just eating it all up. His interest was suddenly piqued when he recognized a particular object in an Egyptian exhibit. This particular piece changed Harry's viewpoint on the universe as profoundly as the day he had first woken up in this body.
"What is it, Harry?" Hermione asked as Harry pressed his face up against the glass of the exhibit. "It's an Egyptian bracelet."
"I've seen it in my dreams Hermione. It was worn by a being who used it to generate a beam of force and to torture subjects. The being had glowing eyes," Harry said telling a half truth.
He was looking at a Goa'uld karakesh. He was in a universe where the Stargate existed!
"Is it some kind of magical device?" Hermione asked.
"Possibly," Harry said.
"Well, we better catch up with the tour group," Hermione said.
Harry nodded and followed his best friend. All the while his plans were changing.
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May 10th, 1989, Antarctica
Harry Potter sat upon his father's favorite broom using a warming charm and balancing his wand upon his hand. He was about to embark on a grand adventure. He was so excited.
"Point Me Antarctic Stargate," Harry said while focusing on an image of the gate in his mind.
The wand spun and immediately pointed in a particular direction. Harry took off with the broom and let out a yell of joy.
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93 Minutes Later, A Cave Below the Surface
Harry floated down and beheld the frozen stargate. He immediately sensed the gate with his magical abilities. He could also sense the DHD below the ice even though the power core was extremely depleted. Harry shrunk the stargate with a shrinking charm and floated it into his trunk. He quickly dug out the DHD before also storing it. He apparated back to Potter Manor.
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Potter Manor
Harry had contracted the goblins to rebuild Potter Manor. The investments he had made through the muggleborn Gabe Weisenhower were earning Harry quite a bit of money. Harry had future knowledge on what to invest in. The initial five million pounds Harry had invested in shares in various companies were now worth more than five times that. In the future they would be worth many more times than that.
He stood before the thawed-out Stargate and DHD inspecting them. The DHD transmitted wireless power to the Stargate when the DHD was powered. Unfortunately, Harry had found that the oldest Stargate in the Milky Way network had a DHD power cell that was nearing depletion. Harry had exposed the power crystal and was currently staring at it.
"I wonder," Harry said as a crazy idea came to him.
Harry's instincts were telling him to touch the crystal and channel his magic into it. He followed his instincts. He felt his magic flowing into the crystal. The crystal began to glow. Harry pushed more and more magic into the crystal. When he felt like he had nearly exhausted himself the crystal felt like it could take no more. It was now glowing steadily. Harry had been able to get the Stargate address for Abydos from his memories using a pensieve. He had some preparation to do.
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May 11th, 1989
Harry stepped out of the Stargate on the planet Abydos with a massive grin. The snitch he had enchanted with a monitoring charm floated down into his hand. The snitch had been to make sure the way was clear the through the stargate.
"Find me the map room," Harry told the snitch.
The tracking charm Harry had put on the snitch was very similar to the point me spell. It led Harry via the snitch directly to the map room. The snitch began glowing brightly to light up the entire room.
"I bloody love magic," Harry declared.
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Potter Manor
Harry stood in a pensieve memory of the Abydos map room. He had his wand out.
"Point me to gate address for Maybourne's planet," Harry said.
Harry was focusing on the details of the planet in question even though he knew it wasn't called Maybourne's planet. It was the planet Harry Maybourne had been banished to and SG-1 had visited him on in the Season 8 episode It's Good to Be King. The magic of the point me spell sensed Harry's intent and led him to the right gate address.
A few minutes later Harry was staring at the DHD. Harry had already tried dialing the planet in question just in case. But due to stellar drift the coordinates weren't exactly the same. He had to be a little creative.
"Point me to the first symbol for this address today," Harry said while holding his wand.
Harry's wand guided him to the first symbol. Doing it that way he was able to find all the correct symbols.
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May 12th, 1989, Planet Raroush
The locals called this planet Raroush. It was all that had survived of the original name of this planet as the Alterans had called it. Harry appeared out of the Stargate astride his broom. Another point me spell had Harry heading in the direction of the time traveling puddlejumper. Five minutes later and Harry was levitating the timeship out of the surrounding foliage. Ten minutes later had the puddlejumper floating back through the active stargate into Potter manor.
"Hell yes," Harry cheered into his house when he had the timeship secured in his home.
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May 19th, 1989, Potter Manor
Harry had very thoroughly inspected all of the timeship's systems before he had attempted a repairing charm. He had wanted to be sure that he understood as much about the timeship's operations as possible before he attempted the repairing charm. He had already charged up the puddlejumper's power cell. He breathed a sigh of relief when the repair charm worked. As soon as he touched the timeship's console it came alive.
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May 21st, 1989, Potter Manor
Harry guided the puddlejumper under cloak out over the grounds of Potter Manor and then flew straight up. It only took him a minute to achieve orbit without pushing the engines. When he did, he jumped back 50 years. He took a quick reading of the solar system. He found he was still in orbit around Earth. The timeship's systems took into account the movement of planetary bodies and would keep Harry in orbit around Earth. He jumped back another fifty years. Then he went another fifty years.
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January 19th, 1342, Earth, England
Harry brought his cloaked puddlejumper down on the property of the home of Nicholas and Perenielle Flamel. The famous alchemist was not yet famous in this time. The event he would soon become famous for was due to happen in one week's time. Harry slipped on his family's invisibility cloak and approached the Flamel's home. The wards did not even detect his passage. Perenielle was bustling in and out doing chores on the warm sunny day. So, he was easily able to ghost into Nicholas' lab. He watched the alchemist work. When the man ceased his work for the day Harry scanned Nicholas' notes before returning to his puddlejumper.
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February 12th, 1342
The day of Nicholas' great invention had come and passed. But it took further time for the man to figure out how to generate the Elixir of Life and learn how to use it as well as to transmute lead into gold. Harry had captured through pensieve memories the entire process. Indeed, Harry had already made his own Philosopher's Stone and elixir of life in the lab he maintained in his magical trunk.
It was time to leave 1342.
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May 21st, 1989, Potter Manor
Harry returned home only an hour after he had left from this timeline. Only now he possessed one of the greatest magical inventions to ever exist. Now it was time to implement the next phase of his plan. For that he would need a hyperdrive.
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May 22nd, 1989, Planet Chulak
It had been a simple matter to get the gate address from Chulak using the point me spell on his pensieve map room. Over the course of a few hours using his invisibility cloak Harry managed to sneak onboard a Goa'uld Alkesh class ship in orbit. There were many ships in orbit. He stunned all the Jaffa onboard and portkeyed them down into the wilderness of the planet below about a day's walk from the nearest village. He then took a little time to figure out how to fly the Alkesh. He had taken the time to watch the Jaffa piloting the craft. He channeled a disillusionment charm into the ship's hull through the airlock and then flew it down to near the planet's stargate. After touching down, Harry left the ship.
"Here goes nothing," Harry told himself and cast a shrinking charm on the ship.
He waited until the Alkesh was close enough to the size of a toy before stopping shrinking it. Then he picked it up and carried it through the Stargate. Harry had found that by sending his mind out into the Stargate that he could dial and even power the gate. He was working under the theory that wizards were descended from the Alterans that had returned from Atlantis if this universe was like the Stargate TV show he had viewed on his Earth. His ease with the Stargate was making him believe he was correct.
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Harry took a day to really get familiar with the Alkesh and make sure it still worked after being enlarged again. It turned out that Goa'uld and Alteran technology had no trouble functioning around magic. It was only lower levels of technology in the current human level of technology that had trouble functioning around heavy levels of magic.
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May 24th, 1989
Harry exited the stargate on a planet only twenty light-years from Praclarush. This was the planet where SG-1 had retrieved a ZPM in season seven of the TV show. It took him five days via his Alkesh he had decided to name the Niffler to reach Praclarush.
Harry used the ship's scanners to see inside the dome that had formed around the now dormant outpost shield. He was using a bubblehead charm to protect against noxious fumes when he apparated inside the dome. It took him a few moments to locate the ZPM. He could sense that it was only at about 9% of its full capacity. He shrunk the Ancient control platform for the outpost. There was an older Alteran computer core inside. The computer core was quite old. So, it didn't contain the latest of the Alteran knowledge. But it did contain quite a bit of knowledge.
Harry held the ZPM in his left arm as he remotely connected with the Niffler. He had the ship punch through the dome with the ring transporters and pull him up. He knew it was safe to take the ZPM up to the ship through the rings. He wasn't sure about any other form of travel.
He retraced his route and returned home.
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June 10th, 1989, Potter Manor
It was finally ready. Harry had figured out how to interface the Alteran control platform recovered from Praclarush to his Stargate. He had been able to confirm that the programming in the control platform automatically shut down the shield generator once the ZPM dropped under 10% power. Even at 9%, he had enough energy stored in the ZPM to power the shield generator to protect his home. Harry experimented a bit to see if he could recharge a ZPM like he had the gate crystal. Even exhausting himself to the point that he passed out he found he could only recharge the ZPM 1%. The amount of energy contained within a ZPM was astounding. That wasn't what he planned to do.
Instead, Harry sat in his timeship and dialed Atlantis. The gate connected and after using one of his snitches to verify it was OK to go through, he piloted the craft through the gate. The moment he was through the wormhole Harry sent out his mind to the city's control room. He was able to connect enough to order the city not to begin powering things up. The timeship was an exact replica of the one Janus had built on Atlantis. It was able to control the puddlejumper bay door above. Harry took the timeship up through the puddlejumper bay and out of the city. His timeship had no trouble going up through the ocean and into orbit.
Once he was in orbit Harry took his timeship back in time.
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Nearly 10,000 Years Previously
Harry didn't quite take his timeship back to when the Ancients had still inhabited the city. It was about ten years after they had left. He knew the date from when he had first interfaced with the city-ship controls after coming through. He took the timeship back down into the city and got settled in.
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Harry got very busy familiarizing himself with the Atlantis systems. He found that he instinctually knew how to interface with the city's control chair. It guided him through how to use its systems. The control chair had a limited AI. It sensed that its host was a full blooded Alteran that had a very limited understanding of Alteran technology. As the only remaining Alteran on Atlantis the AI recognized Harry as the being in control. It initiated a training program starting with what all Alteran children were taught.
Harry left the control chair at the end of the day tired but already having learned much. He decided he would return the next day.
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Harry settled into a training regimen. His mornings were spent in the control chair. His afternoons were spent training in magic. His understanding of Alteran science made it so he learned techniques he doubted any wizard knew how to perform.
Years passed this way. Once his understanding of Alteran science reached a certain level he began to make some changes. Harry launched ZPM creation satellites around that system's star. Over his time on Atlantis, he would produce dozens of ZPMs.
Harry accessed the hidden lab Janus had left behind and with it all of the scientist's latest notes. He learned how to create the timeship technology. He also found plans for a starship design which Janus had called the Tarion class starship. The Tarion used all the latest in Alteran technology at the time of the fall of Atlantis. It was a seriously powerful warship that could also serve as a science vessel. Janus had never been able to build the thing before Atlantis fell.
The Tarion took three primary ZPMs to power it with a system available for three backup ZPMs. It came equipped with an intergalactic hyperdrive and a wormhole drive. The shield generator had a primary and a backup. The shield generator employed spatial folding technology so that it could fit inside the starship. It was strong enough that it was even more powerful than the Atlantis shield when it protected such a noticeably smaller starship than Atlantis. But the shield size could be varied. The Tarion was also a timeship. It could also shift out of phase with this dimension of spacetime so that it became intangible to normal matter. Janus had also installed one of his theoretical propulsion drives which he called a quantum drive. The quantum drive was something Janus hadn't had time to fully test. It could transit between alternate universes.
The Tarion was armed to the teeth. The primary weapons systems were 16 plasma beam weapons positioned all over the ship and a compliment of 100,000 mini-drones with a capability to replenish its own supply of mini-drones over time. Harry had two copies of the Tarion class ship built. The first was called Tarion Prime. The second copy was called the Marauder. He uploaded copies of the latest Alteran database from Atlantis onto the computer cores of these ships.
Thirty years passed in this fashion. Over this time Harry didn't allow himself to grow beyond the age of ten physically. He didn't want to get too much older than Hermione physically. He knew he was mentally much older. It still would have felt too weird to be that far beyond her physically and still have a relationship with her when she got older. Over that time even though Harry's body was physically not aging, his magic was maturing. It pushed certain urges into his physical body.
One of Harry's projects had been to construct HFRs using the nanite lab onboard Atlantis. He created Human Form Replicators with very limited AIs. They did not have true sentience. They only seemed sentient. They were smart enough to carry out his orders with minimal prompting. He created one HFR in the likeness of Samantha Carter. Harry called her Amanda after the actress that had played Samantha on his birth Earth. Whenever Amanda took care of his physical needs Harry would assume a much older version of his form using his metamorphmagus abilities.
Originally Harry had planned on taking Atlantis with him. But his plans evolved over the years. He decided he would leave Atlantis here. But he made a few changes. He found he could permanently transfigure substances into one of the strongest polymers the Alterans had ever invented known as teramite. It was very tiring to make teramite. But he was capable of it. He made a dome of teramite surrounding the city. This teramite easily held back the water. He then turned off the city's shield to preserve the ZPMs.
Harry also fully removed Janus' hidden lab from Atlantis which he relocated to the Marauder. Lastly, he retrieved Elizabeth Weir from where she slept in stasis. It took him a while to form a plan on what to do with her. Ultimately, he was able to use a quantum scan to return her to the Earth and timeline she left from just before a version of her expedition team left. It was actually a copy of her expedition team from the infinite universes in the Multiverse. A rather confused Elizabeth appeared through her Earth's Stargate just before the Atlantis Expedition was due to set out. The moment she appeared; the Elizabeth there vanished.
Harry wiped his hands of that whole incident.
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Last Day on Atlantis
Harry took one last look around the control room of the Alteran city-ship that had been his home for thirty years. Amanda stood next to him. She was his personal assistant.
"Will you miss it?" Amanda asked.
"I will. But it's time to move on," Harry said.
He activated the remote transporter. They disappeared in a flash of white light. The "Asgard transporter" as it turned out was of Alteran design. The Alterans had just stopped using it for site-to-site transportation out of personal beliefs. They felt it rude to transport about without using designated locations. That was why they used the ring transporters. Harry reappeared on the bridge of the Marauder. The bridge was actually buried in the center of the starship and used sensors to see around the ship. To Harry it was as clear if he looked out through a window.
Without preamble the Marauder and Tarion Prime engaged their cloaks and jumped into hyperspace.
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Orbit of Earth
When Harry established an orbit around his birth planet, he had to resist the urge to go down and poke around. He had engaged the phase cloak in addition to the visual cloak the moment he dropped out of hyperspace. He didn't know what Ascended Alterans might be poking around. He didn't think they would come poking around with him given their rules of non-interference. But he also didn't know when they had developed those rules or if they applied to him. He was using a time travel technology that the high council had forbidden Janus to pursue.
Harry engaged the timeship technology to take him back to the future.
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1987, Earth, Greece
"I think this belongs to you," Harry said as he held out the volleyball to a 19-year-old Samantha Carter.
Harry had been relaxing on the beach near Athens enjoying the sunshine when the ball had landed nearby. The fact that the ball had been guided by his telekinesis had no bearing on the matter.
"Thanks," Sam said as she suppressed a shiver at the handsome guy's British accent. It was absolutely criminal what that accent did to her. "I'm Samantha. Though, everyone calls me Sam."
"Harry," Harry said as he stood and shook her hand.
"Do you want to join us for a game?" Sam asked while indicating her group of friends.
Sam's group of friends were all from her high school. It was a mixture of guys and girls who were celebrating graduating from high school. This was the summer after graduation. It was their one last hurrah before college. They were actually staying in Athens for a month.
"Sure. I'd like that," Harry said with a grin that did all kinds of interesting things to Sam.
Harry spent the next few hours playing with Sam and her friends. Many of the girls were checking Harry out. He had the perfect chiseled physique thanks to his metamorphmagus abilities. He was invited to join the group at the club they intended to hit that night.
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Choros, That Night
The night club was called Choros which meant dance in Greek. When Harry spotted Sam in a blue dress that showed off all of her physique, he knew he was in for an awesome night.
Sam and Harry spent much of the night dancing with a little drinking thrown in. Her ass grinding against his groin during many of the dances soon had them both hot and bothered.
"Do you want to go someplace a little more private," Sam said while biting her bottom lip sexily.
Sam had imbibed just enough alcohol to lower her inhibitions. She wouldn't have normally been so forward with a guy she had just met. But he had been pushing all her buttons that day. She would rather do nothing else than rip his clothes off.
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Harry's Hotel Room
Sam was kissing Harry hungrily as soon as he opened the door to his room. She pushed him back against his bed. Her dress was pulled over her head and revealed she wore sexy white lingerie beneath.
"Are you clean sexually?" Sam asked.
For some reason she couldn't quite put her finger on Sam really trusted Harry. He seemed like a genuinely good guy. She would later in life realize she was being naïve. But she was young and mildly intoxicated.
"Yes. Are you?" Harry asked.
Sam nodded and knelt on the floor. She reached for his zipper and began helping him out of his pants.
Smut Scene Redacted (See Author's Note at End)
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Over the course of the next month Harry and Sam spent every day together seeing the sights of Greece. Part of every day and most of every night was spent in bed together exploring the pleasure found in the other's body.
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Sam sat in her hotel room just an hour before she was scheduled to fly back to the States. She was contemplating the best way to say goodbye to Harry. Over the course of her time in Greece she had fallen in love with the man she knew simply as Harry. They hadn't shared their last names yet. They both knew this was going to be a temporary summer fling. They had both talked about it and even agreed to it early on.
She was starting at the Air Force academy in the fall. He was going off to a mysterious university that was the alma matter of his parents. She only knew the name was Hogwarts. She thought it was a ridiculous name. Even he agreed that it was. She had just determined she would give him her last name and invite him to visit her if he was ever in Colorado Springs when there was a call on her room phone.
She immediately picked it up.
"Sam," Jacob Carter said into the phone.
"Dad?" Sam asked with surprise. "What's wrong?"
"It's your mother," Jacob said. She could hear the pain in his voice. "There's been a car accident."
"Is Mom, ok?" Sam asked.
"The doctors say there is nothing more they can do. I've called in some favors. I think there is enough time for you to get here and say goodbye. I'm really sorry Sam," Jacob said.
"What do I need to do?" Sam asked with tears streaming down her face.
Sam hung up the phone a few minutes later. There was no time to even say goodbye to Harry. Her best friend Patricia who she was sharing a room with came out of the bathroom at that moment.
"Sam, what's the matter?" Patricia asked.
"My mom has been in an accident. Will you give Harry a message for me? He's going to be at the airport," Sam pleaded.
"Of course," Patricia agreed.
Sam told her and then grabbed her suitcase before going out to meet the car her father had sent.
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Athens Airport
Harry saw Sam's friend Patricia along with Patricia's boyfriend Toni waiting at the terminal when he arrived. Leaving Sam was harder than he had anticipated even if he knew he would be seeing her again someday. His feelings for her were pretty darn intense. He had begun to really care about Hermione. She was his best friend in this universe. They had been parted for so long now. He was looking forward to going back to her. But in only a month Sam had wormed her way into his heart. All these thoughts were wiped from his mind when he found Patricia waiting for him.
"She wanted to be here," Patricia explained. "But her father called and told her that her mother was in a car accident. They don't think Sam's mom is going to make it. They hope she has just enough time to make it home to say goodbye. Her father is in the Air Force and was able to call in a favor to get her on a fast military transport with no layovers like our flight will have."
"I'm so sorry to hear that," Harry said looking genuinely devastated.
Just then the call for the flight Patricia and Toni were on came through. It was the final call.
"She said to tell you she had the best summer of her life," Patricia said as Toni gathered up their carry-on luggage. "If you're ever in Colorado Springs she said to her look her up. Samantha Carter," She added. "I'm sorry. I have to go."
"Thank you," Harry said.
Patricia and Toni made it on just before the flight closed up.
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Sam entered the hospital room to find her father and brother Mark sitting next to her mother's bed.
"Sam," Jacob said as he enveloped his daughter in a hug.
"Am I too late?" Sam asked.
"I don't think so," Jacob said as he drew back with tears in his eyes. "I think she held on just to say goodbye to you. The doctor's say they think they can wake her up one last time. I'll go get them."
Sam came over and sat down beside her brother. He wrapped his arm around her in a half-hug. Sam reached out and took her mother's hand. A doctor entered with Jacob and administered something in an IV line.
"She should be awake in a few minutes. I don't think she'll have long. I'm so sorry. We will give you your privacy," Dr. Hamilton said.
Jacob thanked the doctor. When Linda woke up, she looked around blearily before her eyes settled on Sam.
"Sam," Linda said with a smile for her daughter. "It's so good to see you. I love you."
"I love you too mom," Sam said while wishing with all her might that she could do something for her mom.
That is when it happened. The bracelet on Sam's right wrist, a gift from Harry two nights before she left Greece, began to glow. Jacob, Linda, Mark, and Sam looked at the bracelet with wide eyes. The glow began to grow to encompass Linda's hand. It spread up her arm. Soon, Linda herself began to glow. Sam was paralyzed with fear and awe. The glow only lasted twenty seconds. When the glow disappeared, Linda looked completely normal.
"I…I feel normal, healthy," Linda said as she sat up.
"You look normal," Jacob said in awe. "What just happened? What is that on your wrist Sam?"
"It was a gift from Harry. He's a guy I met on my trip in Greece," Sam said bewildered. "I have no idea how it just did that."
"You should get a doctor in here to check me out," Linda told her husband.
"What are we going to tell them?" Jacob asked.
"Either play dumb like you have no idea or tell them you used an experimental classified treatment," Linda said. "And the only scan you'll allow done is an MRI."
"I'll just play dumb," Jacob said.
Linda nodded her agreement. When the doctors returned Sam kept quiet as her mother was pronounced perfectly health. The amazed doctors asked lots of questions. But none could figure out how the miracle happened. Linda was released home the next day. Jacob and Linda asked many questions about Harry. But Sam didn't know anything was extraordinary about him. She found herself looking at the simple bracelet from time to time in wonder. The bracelet was actually a piece of Alteran technology.
She thought back to when Harry had given her the bracelet.
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Harry and Sam were walking along the beach where they met holding hands. It was nighttime.
"I have something to help you remember me," Harry said.
"You didn't have to get me anything," Sam said. "I'll always remember you."
"I know. But I wanted to," Harry said as he opened a jewelry case.
Sam gasped. The necklace and earrings were decorated with what appeared to be diamonds. Sam honestly thought they were synthetic diamonds or fake. There was no way they could be real. There was also a bracelet in the case that looked plain in comparison to the necklace and earrings.
"Oh wow," Sam said. "They're beautiful."
Harry took out the bracelet and put it on Sam's wrist.
"I want you to promise me something," Harry said.
"What is it?" Sam asked.
"If ever you need money take the necklace and earrings to a high-end jewelry dealer, one who is reputable. Sell them. Do not under any circumstances sell this bracelet. It symbolizes how much I care for you," Harry said.
"I promise," Sam said.
Sam thought the conversation was strange. But she didn't think too much about it at the time.
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Three Weeks Later
"Mom, I think maybe I need a pregnancy test," Sam told her mother.
"Oh," Linda said as she saw how afraid her daughter was. "Come on honey. Let's go to the store."
Linda and Sam picked up a pregnancy test at the store. Sam took it immediately. When she came out of the bathroom a few minutes later she had tears in her eyes. Linda took the test and saw that it was positive.
"My life is over mom," Sam cried.
"It's not over Sam," Linda assured as she drew her daughter in a hug. "It's just beginning. Things are just going to be more exciting from now on."
"This means I can't go to the academy," Sam pointed out.
"Nonsense. You wouldn't be the first cadette to have to delay a year because of unexpected complications. I can help you by watching after my grandbaby while you are in class," Linda said.
"What about your job?" Sam asked.
"I don't need to return to work right now or at all if I don't want to. Your father makes far more than enough to cover everything," Linda said.
Linda was a teacher off for the summer.
"I love you mom. Thank you so much," Sam said.
"I love you too, honey. Were you still taking the pill?" Linda asked curiously.
"Yes," Sam said. "Always."
"Well don't take it anymore. They do say it isn't always one hundred percent effective," Linda said. "You let me tell your father."
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When Sam found out her baby was in fact twins, she decided to keep her promise to Harry. She had tried locating what she could about Hogwarts. But she couldn't find anything. Her father had even hired a private investigator to search what they knew about Harry from the hotel he had stayed at. Harry had checked in under the name Harry Evans. He had paid all his expenses in cash. Beyond that they could find no record of him. It wasn't that she absolutely needed the money. Her parents had made clear that they would help support her and the babies. But Sam didn't feel right to burden them with this. Perhaps if she got enough money from the necklace and earrings, she would have enough to cover food and medical expenses for a few years until she could graduate from the academy.
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"So how much do you think it is worth?" Linda asked as she sat next to her daughter in front of her friend Tiffany who was a jeweler.
Tiffany looked the pieces over with a critical eye and deliberated for a few minutes before saying, "I would say easily a million five or more."
Linda and Sam both gaped at Tiffany.
Tiffany smirked at Sam and said, "You thought they were synthetic or fake, didn't you?"
"Yeah…I mean yes. Who the hell gives a summer fling that much as a gift," Sam said rhetorically.
"That is the million-dollar question isn't it," Tiffany said. "You should easily clear a million and a half after taxes and with my selling commission. Would you like me to handle it?"
"Yes please," Sam said.
"I'll need to take some pictures and then arrange a viewing for any final buyers," Tiffany said.
Sam nodded her agreement. She was in a daze.
As they were driving home in a daze with Sam holding over a million dollars in jewelry on her lap Linda said, "I think it is clear your Harry cared a great deal about you. You had no idea he was so wealthy?"
"I mean I figured he wasn't hurting for money. I asked him about it after one of our outings. He was driving a very expensive sports car he rented. He said his parents left him some money. They were killed when he was a baby," Sam explained. "I didn't pry after that."
"It must have been more than some money," Linda mused. "In any case you and your babies will be well set. If this money is invested right, you could live off the interest for the rest of your lives if you live modestly. Would you like your father and I to take you to our financial advisor?"
"Yes please," Sam said.
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Sam ended up buying the house next to her parents that happened to be for sale. Her mother was right. In 1987 one and a half million went a long way. Even after the purchase of the house Sam and her babies would have enough to live on comfortably just from the interest alone on a conservative investment.
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On May 1st, 1988, the Carter family was blessed with two new members. Evan Michael Carter and Emma Linda Carter were born. None of the Carters thought Evans was Harry's true last name. So, they just decided the babies would be named Carter for now.
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Harry stuck around in the past long enough to see that Sam's mother was healed through the bracelet he gave her. Then he returned to the Marauder and rejoined his timeline with Hermione.
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Rev 0 Posted 1/7/2024
Author's Note 2
If you want to access the erotic versions of any of my stories follow the following instructions:
1) Go to Facebook and join the group Stargatesg1fan1's Fanfiction Works and Favorites (make sure you answer the security question)
2) Go to the Announcements section of the group. You will find a link in one of the posts to a Google drive folder. Inside that folder are copies of all of my stories (the smutty versions).
Note: If you create a new Facebook account it has to be with a legitimate name. I won't add anyone to the group that looks suspicious (it has to be a real person's name). For example, using the name "Lazy Lazy" is not a legitimate name.
I have chosen to move the erotic versions of my story to a less accessible forum which can be more closely controlled. If you cannot accept that then you don't need to be reading my stories. For those who can accept it, enjoy.