Waking into a Dream
By Stargatesg1fan1
Disclaimer: I own nothing of any recognized characters or universes within.
Women Bonded to Harry Potter in This Story
Hermione Granger is Played by Emma Watson
Samantha Carter is Played by Amanda Tapping
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Chapter 7
Harry watched from the bridge of the Marauder as a system lord fleet headed by Ba'al finished off Anubis' mothership. Anubis escaped into hyperspace on a small ship.
"This is much like canon," Hermione noted as she sat in a chair next to the main command chair where Harry sat.
The bridge of the Marauder could actually have two extra chairs summoned with but a thought for Hermione and Sam to sit if they were both on the ship.
"Yes. I didn't really care to change these events," Harry admitted. "Jonas Quinn will be returning home."
"You warmed up to him a little but never really fully grew comfortable with him," Hermione noted.
"No. Daniel Jackson belongs on SG-1 for now," Harry said.
Hermione knew how fond her husband was of the original SG-1. Later it would change a bit with Jack's promotion and the inclusion of those like Cameron Mitchell and Vala Mal Doran. But she knew he considered the core three of Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c essential. She liked watching him see the events of the show he had watched as a child live in person in fresh new detail. They would often come and watch events without interfering. But there were always minor changes from canon that were butterfly effects of changes they had already made. The Earth's fighter craft that had been used to destroy Anubis' super weapon recently was just one example. With Harry's guidance Sam and her underlings had designed a much better fighter-interceptor craft.
Harry watched as his wife shifted into the form of Doctor Carolyn Lam who in his birth universe had been played by Lexa Doig. He could also sense her using her ascended power to reach out and connect mentally with the actual Carolyn Lam, channeling the human woman's personality.
"I believe Kelowna has three heads of state. That's three desks you need to bend me over husband dear," Hermione said in Carolyn Lam's voice as she stood and held out her hand.
Hermione had a particular kink. She loved shifting into various women, connecting with those women mentally, and getting screwed over the desks of the various heads of state for the worlds they visited. The women in question would experience what Hermione experienced during those times. They would often trick themselves into thinking they had just had a very vivid erotic dream. That particular day Hermione chose Carolyn Lam for the first experience, Ginn from the Lucian Alliance, and Larrin of the Travelers from the Pegasus galaxy. It was a very good day for Harry and Hermione.
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Potter Home
"You look deep in thought," Sam noted of Harry as they went about preparing for bed.
The master bathroom had a triple vanity. It also sported three toilets which each in their own enclosed little sub-room complete with charms to instantly clear away any smells and block any sounds. The shower and jacuzzi tub were plenty big enough for three.
"I just realized that in the other universe this was the time where Jack got cloned," Harry said. "But because we've already solved the cloning issue, Jack won't get experimented on by a rogue Asgard."
Since gaining the powers of an ascended, Sam's ability to resist accessing Alteran scientific knowledge had been shot to hell. She just had to resist using it in her consulting job at the SGC. She did improve their designs beyond what would have been possible for a few decades to occasionally even a few centuries. But when you considered the age of the Alteran race, that wasn't a drop in the bucket. She had also been let in on the secret of Harry's knowledge of a parallel universe giving him insight into some events may happen. She hadn't been told it was a TV show in his original universe. But she knew enough.
"You sound almost disappointed about the fact that there won't be a mini-Jack running around unless you count Charlie," Hermione pointed out.
"It was funny to see," Harry said with a shrug.
"You'll have to share that memory with me some time," Sam said with a grin.
"I will," Harry agreed.
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SGC, Alteran Ambassador's Office
"I feel like I need a shower," Sam declared as she entered the office Harry and Hermione shared on the base located conveniently down the hall from hers.
"Let me guess," Hermione said as Sam sat in Harry's lap. "Felger?"
"Felger," Sam confirmed. "I mean I'm used to picking up on the occasional thoughts of a horny guy now that we're using our AugC's. But Felger wants to bend me over everything. And he has an obsession with my ass."
"It is a pretty great ass," Harry admitted.
"Thank you," Sam said as she wiggled said ass in his lap.
"The man has a major crush on you," Hermione pointed out.
"I realize that. He's got a crush bordering on obsession. Being his sort of boss doesn't help. He has a lot of fantasies where I call him to my office and order him to service me under my desk," Sam said.
"He later sort of redeems himself in the other universe. Not enough for your counterpart to screw him obviously. But he isn't all bad," Harry said.
"Hmm," Sam said. "Would it be bad if I just telepathically retargeted his feelings for me to his assistant Choe? She has a crush on him."
"You won't get any recrimination from me," Hermione said.
"Me either," Harry agreed.
"Ok. That's what I will do. But first," Sam trailed off as she mentally vanished her panties and Harry's lower garments.
The skirt she was wearing proved useful as she rose up and then sank back down with a sigh from her and a groan of approval from Harry. It was a little while before she got to Felger.
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Harry officially decided to tag along with Teal'c, Sam, and Martouf when they infiltrated Anubis' super soldier base. He didn't go on many missions. And he certainly didn't need to go on this one since she got her AugC. She could decimate entire fleets of starships on her own. But he still tagged along. Because of their presence Harry and Sam were able to mask the team's infiltration for longer. They got far more intelligence on the super soldiers including the complete design plans for their armor, weapons, and the growth process for the soldiers themselves.
When Daniel went to Honduras after the Telchak device, he did so with one of Earth's smaller cloaked cargo ships complete with a few weapons stalking his every move. This ship also had a small team of backup onboard. It was this team that extracted Daniel and his guide without issue when they were captured by Honduran rebels.
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Deep Space
Sam happened to be on the Prometheus when it was out in space doing some maneuvers. When it was attacked by an unknown ship, the Prometheus proved just how formidable it was by fighting the unknown ship off. This would have been the episode known as Grace in canon.
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"Jonas, can I talk to you for a minute privately?" Sam asked.
"Sure," Jonas agreed.
SG-1 and Jonas had just returned from Kelowna after having successfully saved his homeworld from destruction by an expanding vein of Naquadria. Jonas had found out on the mission that his lover Kianna was in fact being controlled by a Goa'uld symbiote acting as a spy on Kelowna. When someone had needed to go out to carry a bomb down a toxic shaft in what would have likely been a suicide mission. The Goa'uld whose name was Neranna had volunteered. Sam had nixed that plan and gone herself. She had returned looking completely unperturbed by the toxic conditions. She hadn't even looked like she had broken a sweat. It was unnerving for Jonas who knew his friend was no longer human. It was even more unnerving for the Goa'uld.
When Sam and Jonas were outside of the briefing room where what to do about Neranna was being discussed Sam turned and faced him.
"You understand that I am no longer human and have many abilities thanks to Harry and Hermione right?" Sam asked.
"I do," Jonas agreed.
"One of my abilities is to read minds when I choose to," Sam explained. "I read Neranna. She wasn't intending to. But she fell in love with you. I was also able to read Kianna. Kianna is currently suppressed and experiencing things like a dream. She has also come to have feelings for you. I think with the help of Harry and Hermione we can alter their relationship to be something like a Tok'ra if Kianna is willing. She could stay on your planet and be a source of information for your people about the Goa'uld."
Jonas was silent as he digested this.
"I feel my government would definitely go for it. Can you find out if Kianna is willing?" Jonas asked.
It didn't need to be asked if Neranna was willing. Her only alternative was to be extracted and destroyed.
"I can," Sam agreed.
In the end Kianna was willing. She and Neranna developed an almost Tok'ra-like relationship sharing their body. They remained lovers with Jonas.
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Potter Home, Colorado Springs
"Harry, realize this isn't a trap. We ask this and will try not to be judgmental about your response," Hermione started off with.
"Do you have an interest in sleeping with other women, bringing them in for one night stands into our bed?" Sam asked.
The two ladies were sitting side by side in comfortable chairs facing Harry. Harry didn't answer immediately.
"Do I have interest? Yes. Do I want to actually do it? No," Harry answered.
"Could you elaborate on that?" Hermione asked.
"It sounds really hot bringing in a third woman from time to time to screw along with you two. But here's the thing. I don't feel like I have the ability to stop screwing a woman once I've had sex with her. So, I don't even want to open up that can of worms. What we've been doing is pretty much as good as screwing other women," Harry said.
"You mean where we transform into different women and connect with them mentally to channel them?" Sam asked.
"Yes," Harry said.
"What if we get a little closer to the women instead of channeling them from a distance?" Hermione proposed. "We were thinking we bring the women into the room to actually watch and masturbate. We channel them. They feel everything we feel. They get the full experience as if you are doing them. But your dick never touches them," Hermione proposed.
"That sounds hot," Harry admitted.
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Smut Scene Redacted (See Author's Note at End)
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The events of the episode Chimera would never occur in this universe because Sarah Gardner was not a Goa'uld host any longer. She was at this point actually several months pregnant with Daniel Jackson's baby. Sha're was also several months pregnant with Daniel's baby. The trio was very happy in their relationship.
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Alpha Site
Rapid blaster fire impacted Sam's torso as two Anubis super soldiers stalked towards her firing with their plasma gauntlets. An energy shield formed with her abilities absorbed the blaster fire. Suddenly where there had been a clear sky before thunderclouds formed. Within moments twin lightning bolts struck from the sky hitting the super soldiers. The impressive shielding of the super soldiers was unable to protect them from lightning.
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"You're going to make it," Janet said as she used the modified version of a Goa'uld healing device that had been designed by one of Sam's science teams with her guidance.
This version was able to be used by anyone with sufficient training. Meanwhile Earth starships and fighter craft fought Goa'uld ships for air superiority. Janet felt a slight sense of impact and looked back to see a scorch mark on her clothes. Ambassador Potter was standing nearby having frozen a Jaffa using his powers. The Jaffa had very obviously fired a staff weapon that had just hit Janet's clothes. Ambassador Potter, Harry, had done something to make her clothes able to resist a staff blast. Janet's heart was racing. That shot would have been instantly fatal. She turned back to healing Simon.
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"Thank you for what you did back there," Janet said in Harry's office.
"Thank you for all you've done for Earth. It's twins," Harry said.
Janet's eyes widened and said, "I haven't even told Jack yet. You can tell the baby is twins? It's too early for our technology to tell."
"A boy and a girl," Harry confirmed causing Janet to form tears in her eyes.
Harry hugged Janet and she hugged him back. Janet Frasier was one of his favorite Stargate characters. Since coming to this universe he had gotten to know her as a real person. He wasn't about to let her die if he could help it. He had secretly tagged the souls of all of his close friends. He wouldn't allow them to leave this plane of existence. Each of them had a clone in stasis. He could keep their souls on this side of the veil and put them in their bodies personally. Having an AugC came with many advantages.
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Harry's only involvement with the events of the canon episode called Resurrection was to help Anna afterwards. Sam managed to prevent Anna from burning herself to death. Harry genetically altered her DNA using Alteran technology to remove the Goa'uld parts of her DNA. Her memories of Goa'uld atrocities were then removed. She would be provided for by the government for all that she had suffered.
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Harry's Office SGC
"You wouldn't happen to know what happened to Vice President Kinsey would you?" Jack asked as he, Daniel, Teal'c, and Sam came into the office.
"Why do you ask?" Hermione replied.
"General Hammond said he got a call from General Maynard. Kinsey was apparently in the middle of telling the newly elected President Hayes all about the Stargate program when Kinsey was beamed out via an Asgard transporter, or what looked like an Asgard transporter," Daniel said. "We all know that the Asgard did not invent those transporters."
"This goes no further than this room," Harry said.
"Of course," Jack said. "There is no love for Kinsey here."
"Indeed," Teal'c agreed.
"I turned Robert Kinsey into a 15-year-old girl and stuck him on a planet in the galaxy where humans are not treated well in general compared to the Jaffa," Harry said. "I made Roberta incapable of revealing anything she knows about Earth."
There was stunned silence before Jack blurted out, "You can do that?"
"He can," Hermione agreed.
Jack let out a shudder of revulsion at what he could happen.
"If I ever piss you off to the point where you might feel like doing that to me please give me the opportunity to make amends," Jack said.
"I second that," Daniel added.
"Indeed," Teal'c agreed.
Sam shared a very amused glance with Hermione.
"Relax Jack. The most I might do is prank you by turning you into a girl for an hour. Who knows, you might find it educational," Harry said.
It was a thoughtful looking Jackie, Daniella, and Teal'c'a who left Harry's office. They used their access to the transporter satellite to get home to their significant others. A smiling Sam left to cover for Janet. After two hours Jackie, Daniella, and Teal'c'a would resume their male forms. But for the next two hours it would be an interesting time of experimentation. Thoughts of Robert Kinsey's fate were put by the wayside. He would not be improperly influencing President Hayes anytime soon.
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Smut Scene Redacted (See Author's Note at End)
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The events of the canon episodes The Lost City Part 1 and Part 2 went very different. Jack did not stick his head in another Ancient repository of knowledge. This was because Harry had removed all of the repositories his ancestors had left behind in the Milky Way. He honestly thought it was a bad idea to leave them around. Plus, the ZPM Jack would have gone after had already been recovered by Harry.
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Potter Home
"What's bothering you?" Sam asked as she and Hermione sat on either side of Harry for their cuddle time.
"George," Harry said. "President Hayes is going to replace him with a Doctor Elizabeth Weir for the short time before she would head the Atlantis expedition."
"Would you even allow an expedition onto Atlantis in this universe?" Hermione asked.
"I've thought about it. And the answer is no. Not without a lot of oversight at least. I'm currently working on dealing with the wraith problem in my own way. I think I will just prevent any expedition. It's Alteran property anyway," Harry admitted.
"So, it sounds like the events you knew at least as far as SGC leadership have already changed. Hayes is probably just doing it so that he can save face if disclosure happens," Sam pointed out.
"You're right of course. I think what I'll do is get the president to install Weir as a co-leader with George, civilian oversight if you will," Harry said.
Harry accessed his neural link to check on something. It appeared that Elizabeth Weir in this universe wasn't currently in a relationship like she had been during canon at this time.
"I wonder how well their leadership styles will mesh," Hermione mused. "I take it you have a plan for that?"
"George is a good looking man under that illusion he wears. He and Alice are effectively immortal. Would one of you like to suggest they spice things up in the bedroom by perhaps bringing in a playmate, a certain Elizabeth Weir?" Harry asked.
"I can speak to Alice," Hermione agreed.
Alice was George's wife. In the end Harry spoke to the President. Hayes caved pretty easily given how helpful Harry had been to Earth's technological development. Alice was also very intrigued. Things would progress a little slowly there. There was some friction when Elizabeth and George first met. But that was rather eclipsed with the battle that went on.
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Earth's Solar System
A fleet of fifty Earth starships and an even larger contingent of fighters held position around Earth. All were equipped with the Anubis ship shield upgrades. A fleet of fifty Anubis Hatak entered the system led by Anubis' flagship. Within moments the two forces attacked one another.
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Anubis' Flagship, Peltak
"My lord," Herak called when he noticed a slightly glowing man standing behind Anubis.
Anubis turned from staring out at the battle ongoing to find what he sensed as an Ascended standing before him. Harry was purposely not allowing his aura to go beyond that of a single ascended for the moment.
"You have no business here Alteran," Anubis said.
"On the contrary. I have all the business here worm," Harry said. "I have come to destroy you. My fleet will take care of yours."
Anubis glanced out the viewport as hundreds of starships of the Tarion class jumped into the theater of battle. The new arrivals immediately began laying waste to Anubis' forces.
"It matters not," Anubis said. "I will simply return."
"No. You won't," Harry said as he allowed his full aura to be felt by Anubis.
"No. It isn't possible," Anubis cried as he took a step back in true fear.
Herak watched as the unknown man stretched out a hand and closed his fist. There was a snap sound and Lord Anubis was crushed into a ball of dark light. The ball was about the size of a fist. The unknown man slowly closed his right index finger and thumb. The ball grew smaller as the air practically quaked with energy. To Herak it felt like he was standing beside a particularly intense fire. He realized he was witnessing divine work here. Within moments the ball of energy that had been Lord Anubis was no more. Then the unknown man vanished. Herak only had a few moments to reflect on what he had witnessed before five of the Tarion class ships opened up on the flagship. It did not last more than a few moments.
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Ripples were felt throughout the ascended realm as the Alterans processed the easy destruction Anubis.
"I do believe Harry Potter just sent us a message," Nero, a member of the Ascended council known as the Others, suggested.
"And what message is that?" Talayna asked.
"That one of us, a dozen of us, it makes no difference. He could swat us down like insects without repercussion to himself. He seems to grow stronger with each passing day," Nero said.
"Surely you do not think he is beyond all of us," Hipher suggested.
"What does it matter with his weapons capable of destroying all of us at once. Regardless of if he can personally destroy us himself or with his technology we cannot become a threat to him," Nero said.
"Regardless of if it was a message or not," Chaya said, speaking for the first time this council session. "I do not believe you will encounter trouble from him if you do not bother him. You made a mistake leaving Anubis with any knowledge of Alteran matters. Harry has just corrected that mistake."
"Chaya speaks the truth," Talayna agreed having been one of the members to speak against leaving Anubis intact. "What I am interested to see if Harry Potter will deal with the Ori and the wraith."
"I do not think the wraith are long for existence," Nero admitted.
"If he destroys the Ori I would be most pleased," Hipher admitted.
"As would I," Nero agreed while the other councilors who hadn't spoken nodded agreement.
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"You heard that right viewers. The White House and several major world powers are confirming that the reported lights in the sky were in fact resulting from a battle in orbit against an alien fleet of spaceships. The enemy have been defeated," Bruce Nolan reported to viewers.
Similar broadcasts all over the world were occurring. Disclosure was here.
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The events of the canon episodes New Order Parts 1 and 2 took place but very differently from canon. On the replicator front, the replicators were not able to make any inroads to Asgard space thanks to the Asurans. In fact, it appeared the replicators were moving away from Asgard space.
Representatives of the system lords did come to Earth to try to negotiate a treaty. The Asgard were present as were Harry and Hermione for the Alterans. The ease with which the Alterans had helped Earth wipe out Anubis' fleet had the system lords squirming and playing nice. There was no talk of trying to take Earth's gate. In fact, a twenty-light-year radius around Earth was recognized as territory of the Tauri.
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SGC Main Briefing Room
"That was the nicest negotiation I've ever taken part in," Elizabeth Weir said after the Goa'uld had left.
"The system lords are obviously very cautious of the Alterans," George pointed out.
"With good reason," Daniel said.
"Yeah. You kicked Anubis' ass," Jack said.
"He's never going to get over that," Sam said amusedly.
"It was an awesome space battle. With big honking space guns," Jack said.
"I've heard Hollywood is interested in making a movie about it," Daniel said.
"Actually, there is talking about making a Stargate SG-1 TV show," Harry said.
"You're kidding," Daniel said.
"Nope," Harry said with a grin.
"What Harry isn't telling you is that he is fully backing the effort and has offered to use holographic technology to overlay your features over the actors. You would each see multi-million-dollar contracts. Not that you need it," Hermione said.
"I support this idea," George said. "You all deserve recognition."
"Not to mention it will be great publicity for the program," Elizabeth said.
The group went on to talk more about the TV series and all that was going on. The public being aware of the Stargate program had caused a level of attention of SGC personnel that went beyond what even most movie stars enjoyed. Interest in SGC personnel and its heroes was very high.
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Pegasus Galaxy
The Marauder dropped out of hyperspace next to the highly damaged Aurora. There was no sign of the wraith. This was before the wraith had tried to infiltrate the crew's virtual reality. Hermione and Sam sat next to him.
"Launching the repair probes," Sam said as she gave the mental command.
"Launching the medical probes," Hermione said.
Harry was keeping an eye out for any wraith vessels in the area. The Marauder was cloaked and out of phase. The repair drones immediately began shoring up the damage to the starship enough that it could be tractored by the Marauder. The medical probes started assessing the condition of the crew, scanning their DNA, and improving their conditions as well as the stasis pods. The DNA scans were immediately transmitted back to Atlantis where cloning facilities had been prepared. Once all of the crew DNA scans had been received a special chamber on Atlantis with the cloning pods was placed into time dilation. By the time they made it back to Atlantis with the Aurora, her crew would have fully grown clone bodies ready to be transferred into.
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Pascale opened her eyes and found herself laying in a bed. The décor looked like Atlantis. She was dressed. She opened her eyes and immediately strode towards the hallway. She walked into a corridor and found other members of the Aurora crew also exiting rooms.
"Heroa?" Pascale said questioningly as she thought she saw the captain in the young man who came out of the room next to hers.
"We've been cloned," Heroa said. "The question is are we the originals or just copies."
"You are the originals," Harry said as he appeared before them along with Sam and Hermione.
"Please join us in a room down the hall so we can explain," Hermione invited.
The room they entered was obviously dimensionally expanded. In short order the entire crew had assembled, all looking to be about twenty-five years old.
"Welcome. My name is Harry Potter. These are my wives Hermione and Sam," Harry said.
Harry was speaking in Alteran. So the term wives was understood. Being paired with more than one partner wasn't common in Alteran culture. But it wasn't unheard of.
"Approximately ten thousand years have passed since you went into stasis," Hermione announced.
There was stunned silence for several moments.
"We had known time had passed. We just didn't realize how much," Heroa said. "What has become of our people?"
"Atlantis was abandoned and buried beneath the ocean," Harry explained. "They returned to Earth. Many interbred with the natives. Hermione and I are results of that interbreeding."
"Almost all of the Lanteans were helped to Ascend by the others that had gone before. The Others call this event Mass Ascension or MA. It is there they have been ever since in the higher planes," Hermione explained.
"You three are ascended," Heroa realized.
"Your skills at vacuum energy manipulation are impressive," Harry noted. "We are something else," He said as he allowed his full vacuum energy aura to manifest.
All of the Lanteans present had some skill with vacuum energy manipulation. There were varying skill levels. Everyone was able to sense some of Harry's level.
"I was there when several ascended," Heroa said. "You are many times beyond that. I suspect I cannot sense how many times beyond."
"When your peers ascended, they stopped advancing. They have escaped into exploring alternate realities. This is quite addicting. They shed the problems of the lower planes for the most part. Only a few of the Others still actively monitor the lower planes. We are using technology to allow us to go beyond what the ascended Others can do naturally. You can choose to ascend. But consider carefully before you do it. It isn't like you don't have time. Those bodies have been designed to last over five centuries on average. You have the technology to extend that further or get new bodies. You along with the crew of the Tria are the only full blooded Alterans left on this plane of existence," Harry said.
"The Tria," Pascale asked, perking up.
"Yes. It is the only other Lantean ship to survive with crew intact. Their hyperdrive failed between galaxies and they have been traveling at a high percentage of the speed of light back to the Milky Way. We wanted to recover you first. They are our next stop unless you want to handle it. Atlantis is yours and the Aurora has been fully repaired. We added a few upgrades to the Aurora as well," Hermione explained.
"You are giving us Atlantis," Heroa said in surprise.
"We don't need it. We have a copy of the latest Atlantis database," Sam said, speaking up for the first time. "We also have many copies of Atlantis from the Asurans. The plan to destroy them didn't work so well. And they rebuilt. Their aggression code has been taken care of and they are completely under our control."
"What of the wraith?" Pascale asked as her fellow crew digested this.
"At this time, we have 90% of the wraith tracked and tagged with antimatter explosives. They are in hibernation. Once 100% have been targeted we will most likely detonate the explosives killing them all," Harry announced.
The crew broke out into excited conversation at this news.
"They were never in hibernation from the time they emerged to the end of the war," Heroa said. "This is an opportunity if they aren't woken."
"We've taken steps. The Aurora is now equipped with a sensor and light cloak," Sam explained. "So please don't wake them."
"We will make sure we don't," Heroa said.
The discussion and bringing the Aurora crew up to speed took some more time. But it went well.
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In early season 8 of canon there was a series of events that had tested the new General Jack O'Neill's ability to lead the SGC. The same events occurred here. But these tested Dr. Weir a little bit. She had George to rely upon. It was during these events that George extended a measure of trust in Elizabeth by revealing to her his true age at Harry's suggestion. Elizabeth had been amazed and stared at the Alterans in awe for a time. Harry, Hermione, and Sam also caught Elizabeth checking out George thoughtfully when he wasn't looking. Alice Hammond was making good inroads into befriending Elizabeth and had revealed her true age at the same time.
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Colorado Springs
"Can I help you?" Krista James asked as she answered the door looking between the three people before her, one man and two women. Then her eyes widened as she recognized the three before her. "You're from Stargate Command!"
"Yes Miss James," Harry said. "I'm Harry and these are my mates Hermione and Sam. May we come in?"
"Of course," Krista said as she opened the door.
Harry led the way into the apartment Krista shared with her boyfriend Doug. They took the seat on a couch Krista gestured towards. Harry felt it surreal sitting across from the woman that in another universe he had watched play Lois Lane on Smallville. Of course considering he was sitting between Samantha Carter and Hermione Granger it still shouldn't feel surreal. But it sometimes did.
"We have the ability to monitor a nearby timeline, a what-if if certain decisions had been made differently. In that timeline or universe you befriended a member of our team Teal'c. He trained you to defend yourself. You used that to kill the abusive asshole you live with Doug when he tried hitting on you one time," Sam explained causing Krista's eyes to go wide.
Krista began to panic and licked her lips while her eyes darted towards the door.
"He will be home soon. I don't know what to say," Krista admitted, embarrassed these people knew her secret, her shame.
"You don't have to say much. Just agree to take a job working for the SGC. It comes with new housing. You'd never have to see Doug again," Hermione offered.
"Never again," Krista said with surprise.
"Not if you agree quickly," Sam said. "We'll help you pack and teleport you out of here. We have resources at our disposal, alien powers."
"Yes," Krista said while nodding, seeing her chance.
She watched in awe as Sam and Hermione went about packing her things with their powers before they used a transporter to get Krista and her belongings out. It was only moments later that a key was heard in the lock. Doug McNair walked into his apartment a moment later to find Harry Potter sitting on the couch. Doug was too surprised to make the connection to the Harry Potter on the TV.
"Who the fuck are you and were is Krista?" Doug demanded.
"Far beyond your reach Dougie. Do you know what diplomatic immunity is Dougie?" Harry said as he rose from the couch calmly.
Doug didn't like the look in this man's eyes. When Harry left the apartment Doug was still alive. He would live. But he would never be able to get an erection again and would experience any pain he tried to inflict onto another woman. Curses could be useful at times.
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Teal'c's son Rya'c had met a Jaffa woman named Kar'yn through Ishta. The two got married at this time with a wedding being held on Earth. The wedding had quite a bit of interest from the public since it was their chance to see a Jaffa wedding ceremony. This was not the cluster-fuck of the canon wedding that Harry remembered because the Moloc HFR was in fact under the control of Ishta and Harry.
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In the canon episode Endgame, members of the Trust stole a cargo ship equipped with a cloak and Asgard transporters. They used this to liberate the SGC's stargate and begin attacking Jaffa worlds with the symbiote poison developed by the Tok'ra. In this universe there were a lot more Earth starships available. The Trust weren't stupid enough to divert Earth warships. But they did manage to get ahold of a few of the starship capable of interstellar travel. The trust had used these to build up resources at an offworld base to run missions. They had indeed killed the population of one minor planet with symbiote poison. But they were smart enough to only do one planet at this time to see the effects. They left no evidence behind other than the deaths. They even removed the missile. Teal'c investigated like in canon. But he couldn't come to a conclusion. It would be some time before the Trust would try again.
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Harry was a little disappointed he hadn't gotten to meet Repli-Carter. But given the very effective handling of the replicator threat by the Asurans, he wasn't overly surprised. The enemy human form replicators weren't stupid enough to come within a hundred light-years of Earth. Besides that, they were still not present in the Milky Way. This was a very different reality from canon at this point. Though some events still tended to proceed the same.
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"I know I'm beautiful darling. But I didn't expect you to be grinning in these circumstances," Vala said as she sat straddling Harry's lap wearing the armor of a Kull Warrior having just revealed her head after removing the helmet. "Though I can feel you are certainly happy to see me," She added as she ground her crotch into his lap, feeling a very firm bulge beneath her.
"Being straddled by beautiful women is certainly preferred to being straddled by Kull warriors," Harry said.
Harry had allowed the Prometheus to be "captured." They were actually onboard the Marauder currently hidden under an advanced hologram to make it look like the Prometheus. Vala was no in control of the ship like she thought.
"He wants to fuck you," Hermione said as she dropped her invisibility spell.
Vala jumped back in alarm at the new arrival.
"Instead he's going to fuck me," Sam said as she dropped her invisibility
Vala was stunned moments later when the beautiful blonde became an identical copy to her. Then she felt herself being restrained by an invisible force as the first woman that had appeared gestured towards Vala. Vala found herself sitting in a chair forced to watch as a duplicate of her got thoroughly fucked by the handsome man Vala thought she had restrained. To Vala it felt like she was the one getting screwed. She loved it. Vala was rather sad when she had to escape, seemingly taking advantage of some weakness this trio had in a post-coital state. Vala wouldn't realize for some time she had been allowed to escape.
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The canon episode It's Good to Be King involved the ancient timeship which Harry had already recovered. Harry Maybourne had also never been relocated to the planet in question in this universe.
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Between Anubis already being destroyed, SG-1 not possessing the Ancient timeship, and the replicators staying out of the Milky Way for the most part the remainder of the canon events for season 8 of any importance didn't happen. SG-1 did not travel back in time to Egypt to try to retrieve a ZPM from Ra's treasury. Daniel did not have to figure out the hard way that Oma De Sala had ascended Anubis. Oma didn't have to sacrifice herself to stop Anubis. The Ancient device on Dakara wasn't discovered by the SGC. Instead, Harry sent an Asuran team into the Dakaran device to retrieve it. The Asurans build a phase-generator and cloak into the Dakaran device. They were able to take it out of phase while also cloaked seemingly ghosting through the planet. It was picked up by a cloaked starship from there and towed to an Alteran outpost. He wasn't about to leave that device in the control of anyone but Alterans.
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Cameron Mitchell did arrive at the SGC. But it was not to take command of SG-1. He did get assigned to an SG team. It was not SG-1. Vala did show up on Earth wanting to search for an Ancient treasure. When she found out that the two women Harry had been with when she encountered him were already his lovers she toned down her behavior to flirting. She realized she couldn't compete. Harry decided not to go on the treasure hunt, or at least as far as any of SG-1 except Sam could see. He was there yet cloaked. When they discovered the Ancient communications device, Harry let them go to the Ori galaxy. He could feel the Others radiating anxiety even from Earth. They so very much wanted to violate their own non-interference laws at that moment but refused to out of principle.
Harry was giving the Ori one chance. It was Daniel and Vala that went to the Ori galaxy. Sure enough soon after Daniel and Vala arrived back from the Ori galaxy, a prior came through the Stargate to the Milky Way. Harry began preparing to deal with the problem. The problem escalated in their version of the canon events of the episode Beachhead. The Goa'uld system lords had not been wiped out by replicators in this universe. The system lords sent a force to attack the planet with the force-field that was fed by such attacks. When the Ori super gate formed, Harry decided that enough was enough. There could be no two shits about it. The Ori intended to send ships in this universe just like canon.
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Potter Residence
"I think we need a little vacation," Harry said.
"With things heating up with the Ori?" Sam asked in surprise.
"It's because of that," Harry said.
"I'm game," Hermione said. "Just the three of us?"
"Yeah. We'll only be gone a few hours local time. The kids will be fine," Harry said.
"Lead the way," Sam suggested.
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An Alternate Universe
"Where are we?" Hermione asked as she looked around in awe. "It feels like Earth. But it certainly isn't our Earth."
"I call this little gem pleasure-Earth," Harry said. "It's basically an Earth where no nudity taboo exists. Everyone keeps themselves very fit."
"I can see that," Sam said.
"They are also a very friendly people," Harry said as he watched a man and two women chat and head off for a little fun of the amorous variety.
"So it's a hippy pleasure society," Hermione said.
"Somewhat," Harry agreed.
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A Century Later
"I think we're ready to head back," Harry said.
"I'll miss it a little bit," Sam said. "But I miss the kids more."
"Me too," Hermione agreed.
Harry had managed to use his AugC to ascend to a plane of existence one level above what the ascended Alterans and Ori had achieved. At that point his power increase was exponentially above what the Ori and Alterans were at. Sam and Hermione were both above five hundred average ascended. He had offered to artificially elevate them. But doing so would weaken their eventual overall ability. So, they were still working at it.
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Potter Home, A Few Hours After They Left
Harry and his ladies faded into existence with Harry having easily used his personal power to transition between universes. He had only achieved the next plane of existence a week ago. But the difference in his ability to see things was like night and day. He felt like he had been blind before on the Alteran ascended plane. His relationship with Hermione and Sam was rock solid. Being with the two for over a century tended to do that.
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Ori Galaxy
The 1.5 million ascended Ori turned as they sensed the metaphysical approach of an unknown entity. The population of the ascended Alterans wasn't much better at about 4.5 million. The wraith war had decimated their population. The Ori themselves had decimated their population. The stronger had consumed the weaker. This way they had to share the power of their followers less. The 1.5 million ascended before Harry were hideously powerful.
"Who are you?" Orpheus, the lead Ori, called out to Harry.
"I am your doom," Harry called out before his AugC expanded out like a cloud of brilliant white light.
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Several Hours Later
Hermione and Sam approached what had once been the Ori's domain in the ascended plane closest to the planet of Celestis. They weren't exactly sure what they would find. It was Harry sitting there. He was glowing brilliantly with his eyes closed.
"Are you alright?" Hermione asked with concern.
Harry opened his eyes. He looked tired.
"Yeah. I am now. For a while there I was worried my AugC was going to explode. It destroyed their minds and condensed all of the Ori's energy into a singularity that my cloak now wields just like we planned. It was just very mentally taxing to direct all of that," Harry admitted. "I'm full of more energy than ever before. I'm just mentally tired."
"So you basically created your own Infinity Stone," Sam said, referring to the Marvel movie series Harry had introduced them to long before it may have ever come out in this universe.
"Essentially," Harry confirmed. "The glow is unexpected."
"But not super surprising," Hermione said. "I wonder if is permanent. Can you cover it with an illusion?"
Harry concentrated and admitted, "Not in this plane. Maybe in the lower plane."
Harry allowed himself to appear in the City of the Gods on the planet of Celestis to the surprise of the Doci.
"What…what are you?" The Doci said.
Sam and Hermione appeared next to Harry.
"He's what just ate your Ori," Sam said.
The Doci could see the power of this trio with his enhanced senses or at least enough to know they were beyond his comprehension.
"I cannot sense them anymore," The Doci replied looking lost.
"That's because they are no more," Hermione replied.
"What…what should I do?" The Doci asked.
"Tell all Priors they will no longer preach Origin. They will admit they were mislead by false gods. But you have all been liberated. Tell the people to worship who they will and what they will. They are free to do as they please," Harry commanded.
"Yes…," The Doci trailed off.
"Harry," Sam supplied.
"Harry," The Doci continued.
After the Doci had left to speak to the priors, Hermione said, "They certainly had these lapdogs brainwashed. What now?"
"Now I think we should go have a chat with the Alterans," Harry said.
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Ascended Plane, Alteran Territory
Harry made no pretense of hiding his energy as he walked into the ascended Alteran territory which consisted of the Pegasus Milky Way region of the universe. By the time he got to the heart of the territory he found all of the ascended Alterans assembled with the ruling council along with Chaya out front to meet him.
"The Ori are no more," Nero said.
"That is correct," Harry replied.
"What now?" Hipher asked.
"Now it is time the Alterans got some payback on the wraith," Harry said as he caused the nanites of his AugC to manifest a small remote control with a single button. He floated it over to Nero. "That will send a signal to the explosives I have planted which will wipe out every single wraith in our universe."
Nero stared down at the button with a look of fear.
"Our laws of non-interference," Nero said.
Hipher stepped up, reached out, and gripping the remote from top and bottom with two fingers, pressed the button. All of the ascended present were paying attention to what happened next. Powerful antimatter explosives went off all over Pegasus destroying all Wraith vessels simultaneously. Within moments all wraith life was snuffed out.
"Enough arguing. It is done," Hipher said. "Be it on me."
"It is not our way," Nero said weakly.
"He has shown us there are better ways. Or at least more satisfying," Talayna pointed out while nodding towards Harry. "I for one plan to descend from time to time and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. I miss them."
"I will join you," Hipher said.
The feeling of agreement seemed to be coming from many of the ascended present.
"We must grow and adapt from time to time even as ascended," Chaya said.
"What will you do with us?" Nero asked while looking at Harry.
All present knew how much more powerful Harry was and that he could snuff them out or do what he did to the Ori.
"Nothing," Harry said. "Provided you do not interfere with what I am doing. I would not be opposed to communicating with any of you in the future. But run it by Chaya first. She knows my mind by this point after our discussions." Chaya actually blushed at that. Their discussions had often been accompanied by her experiencing one of Harry's mates getting screwed while wearing Chaya's form and Chaya experiencing it. "You might want to consider your non-interference laws to be only changes approved by your collective. You may consider keeping an eye out for your people still in corporeal form. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go celebrate with my mates."
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Potter Estate, Outside Colorado Springs
"You seem to be doing a lot better," Sam noted as the three of them appeared in his study in their favorite love seat.
"I've had time to mentally recover," Harry said.
"I find it amusing the level of power we've reached that we don't really consider the replicators a real threat," Hermione admitted.
"Well that may be because I had an Asuran infiltrate them using phase and visible cloaking technology. My Asuran operative altered the code of the human form replicators that are in charge. They will no longer consume without end. They will also be a lot more helpful to any species they encounter," Harry admitted.
"Aren't you worried about life becoming too boring with all the power you now possess," Sam said.
"Not really. My AugC possesses the power. For the most part I intend not to use my full might on most occasions. But I can summon it to my command with but a thought. I think life will be more interesting if I don't immediately reach out with my senses and discern the answer," Harry said.
"Probably for the best," Hermione agreed. "Someone mentioned something about celebrating," She said as her hand slipped down and began massaging one of her favorite parts of his anatomy.
"Yes. I do believe I heard that too," Sam agreed as her hand joined Hermione's.
Within short order the three of them were naked and no more words were needed. Harry demonstrated for both ladies the stamina he now possessed if he summoned his full might to his command. The demonstration lasted for days under the time dilation Harry willed the room into. At the end of it the three very satisfied lovers cuddled together.
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The End
Rev 0 Posted 3/31/2024
Author's Note 2
If you want to access the erotic versions of any of my stories follow the following instructions:
1) Go to Facebook and join the group Stargatesg1fan1's Fanfiction Works and Favorites (make sure you answer the security question)
2) Go to the Announcements section of the group. You will find a link in one of the posts to a Google drive folder. Inside that folder are copies of all of my stories (the smutty versions).
Note: If you create a new Facebook account it has to be with a legitimate name. I won't add anyone to the group that looks suspicious (it has to be a real person's name). For example, using the name "Lazy Lazy" is not a legitimate name.
I have chosen to move the erotic versions of my story to a less accessible forum which can be more closely controlled. If you cannot accept that then you don't need to be reading my stories. For those who can accept it, enjoy.