Theresa Apocalypse was currently exploring the town after a hard day at work. She needed some time to breathe after listening to Himeko complain about Kiana for the past 5 hours.
Theresa: "I swear, how can one girl get into so much trouble?. How do you destroy the entire dormitory from putting toast in the toaster?. Not to mention her subpar grades, this is what happens when your mother dies and your perverted, idiot father is left to raise you."
She planted herself onto a park bench and sighed a long sigh. She looked up at the sky as something came crashing down into the bushes nearby. She jumped up instinctively and approached the bush doing karate poses. The bush began to shake as she stood still, the thing inside walked out to reveal a short, pink, ball with eyes.
Kirby: "Poyo!~"
Theresa: "Homu!~"
We then cut to a montage of the two having fun around the town. They were eating, riding bumper cars, playing DDR, a day of joyous fun. After their day of fun they'd be walking down the street as people began to run away in fear towards them. Our adorable duo ran forward to find a group of Honkai beast terrorizing the city.
"Stay back Kirby, I'll deal with this." She took out her phone and pressed a few buttons as a rocket flew through the air and landed into the ground in front of them. She opened up a panel to find Oath of Judah inside. She pulled it out with one arm and slung it over her back as she began to walk forward. She engaged the Honkai beast, attacking them with a flurry of blades and chains. One of the smaller Honkai beats landed in front of Kirby. He began to suck in as it flew into his mouth and he absorbed its power. Theresa saw a bright light as Kirby became white like a Honkai beast and had purple outlines around his body.
"Did you just absorb that Honkai beast?"
Kirby ran forward and began to engage the Honkai beast. Hitting them with a flurry of punches and Honkai related attacks. Theresa stared in awe but quickly regained her composure and joined Kirby in the battle. After a while they dispatched the final Honkai beast as Kirby deactivated his power.
"You're pretty good at fighting Kirby. Would you like to join ?" Suddenly an explosion occurred behind her as a jet crashed into the ground. Out from the flames came a girl with white twin tails and blue eyes in a bodysuit.
Kiana: "Ok Honkai beast, run in fear. Kiana Kaslana is here!" She stood there doing kung fu poses. She looked around and all she could see was Theresa and piece of bubblegum? It made her hungry just looking at it. "Hey auntie Theresa. Did you kill all the Honkai beast?"
"Kiana, did you just crash that multi million dollar jet into the ground?" She asked her menacingly.
"Uhh, um, well you know…". She began to run away but it was no use, Judah's chains wrapped around her and dragged her as her nails digged into the pavement.
Kirby would watch as Theresa would beat Kiana over the head senselessly. He felt bad for her and learned the fury of his new friend. This world was fun but also looked dangerous, looks like Kirby's job never ends no matter where he goes.