Name: Illinois Katrick

District: District 6

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Kill: 4

When Illinois Katrick was first lifted into the arena, he heard the cheers of the crowd around him. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the light after the darkness of the catacombs beneath him. Illinois looked around and saw he was in a Capitol amphitheatre. He even recognised it! He had been there about seven years before, on the week before the war kicked off.

The Dark Days had been terrible for Illinois and his family. He was originally from the Capitol, but after his grandfather had fought for the rebels in the war, him and his family had been kicked out of the Capitol and been left in District 6. He looked around at the other tributes, the twins from 3, the one-armed girl from 5 and the crying 12-year-old boy from 9. As far as Illinois could see, he, his district partner and the pair from 2 were the only non-rebellious tributes in these games. It was obvious that one of them would have to be the 'Victor' as President Ravinstill had called it when he announced the Hunger Games three months earlier, to the shock and disgust of the Districts and excitement of the Capitol.

Illinois looked over the pile of items in the centre of the circle all the tributes were in. There were weapons, weapons and more weapons. Axes, scythes, tridents, spears and others that he couldn't even name. It was then he realised the true extent of these games, they had to kill each other.

"Welcome to the first annual Hunger Games! If they step off their plate before the gong, the vermin will instantly die." The president shouted to wild cheers from the audience. "Start the countdown!"

White flashing lights appeared on the screen below the president's box, 60, 59, 58, 57, the countdown had started. Illinois looked around even more, and his eyes settled on a pair of daggers and a bottle of water only a few meters away from him in the middle of the arena. He got into a running position and waited. 3, 2, 1. The gong sounded and Illinois leaped off his podium and sprinted towards the daggers. Only Tiberius and Bernice, the two boy and six girl, ran in at first as well. They were quickly followed by the rest of the tributes, but by then Tiberius had his sword, Illinois had his daggers and Bernice had a spear.

Illinois ran towards his District partner in a hurry and they stood back-to-back, both holding their weapons. By this time, a few other tributes had a weapon. Then suddenly, the District 2, Athena, ran towards Illinois, swinging a club. Illinois ducked the blow, but Bernice was not so lucky. The club smashed into the side of her head. There was a sickening crunch and Bernice fell to the ground. A gun shot rang through the air, shocking all the tributes, signalling the first ever death of the Hunger Games.

Illinois retaliated immediately and stabbed Athena in the hearts. She fell backwards and Illinois starred in horror at the body in front of him, the person he had just fucking killed. He stood there shocked and continued to stare at the body, his mind in a whirlwind of emotions.

Three shots sounded and, jerking back to reality, Illinois look up. He saw Ariel from four pulling her trident out of the body of the seven girl, and the three boy lying in a bloody heap by Tiberius' feet. The pair from one were standing back-to-back near the edge of the arena, defending each other from the attack of the eight boy and pair from eleven. Most of the remaining tributes were now having either small fights in the centre of the arena or were skirting the edge. Illinois ran to the edge of the arena, away from the fighting as more tributes died, a further five shots ringing, signalling the pair from eight, pair from eleven and twelve boy dying.

When Illinois was near the edge, the boy from nine, Tabbock, dived at him, wielding a metal rod, and tried to smash him in the head. Illinois managed to move his head to the side just in time to avoid the blow, and jerked his hand up, stabbing the boy in the stomach. Tabbock gasped, then collapsed to the ground, where he began convulsing. Illinois quickly stabbed him again in the head, to end the pain. The gun fired again, marking Illinois second kill.

Still shocked, Illinois stayed at the edge of the circle observing the death and destruction occurring in front of him. By this point, there were seventeen dead bodies on the ground, two of which were killed by Illinois himself.

Only Illinois, Tiberius, Ariel, the pair from one, the nine girl, and the twelve girl were alive. The pair from one were either side of the twelve girl, who was holding a spear herself. The three duelled fiercely while the rest of the tributes and the audience watched on. The twelve girl eventually fell, only after killing boy from one.

Immediately after, Ariel charged at the one girl, and dispatched her with one thrust of her trident. Ariel then turned around, facing Illinois, and charged at him. Meanwhile, Tiberius clashed with the nine girl.

Daggers clashed with trident, creating sparks. Ariel made a swipe, which Illinois ducked, retaliating with his own attack. Ariel caught his daggers between the prongs of her trident, and disarmed him. She kicked Illinois back and put the trident to his throat. Illinois brought his hands up and held the trident prongs. He wrenched them to the left and kicked Ariel in the shin. She cried out in pain, dropping the trident. Illinois picked it up and, steeling himself, stabbed it down into Ariels' chest, piercing her heart and killing her. Tiberius had just killed the girl from nine with a quick stab to the gut, and two more gunshots sounded.

The final fight of the first ever Hunger Games was between Tiberius Wrackopal of District 2 and Illinois Katrick of District 6. Illinois set down the trident and picked up his daggers. Tiberius had his sword and they ran towards each other. However, there would not be a long and interesting final fight as there would be in many future games. Instead, Illinois threw on of his daggers at Tiberius, which connected with his shoulder. Tiberius screamed in pain, and the sword fell from his grasp. Illinois ran forward further, and sliced his second dagger threw the air, cutting open Tiberius' neck. The final gunshot sounded, and Illinois Katrick of District 6 was announced as the Victor of the First Annual Hunger Games.

Illinois went home to his home District, and settled into the Victors Village. He was constantly plagued by nightmares and quickly became addicted to alcohol. But when the Second Annual Hunger Games came, and he was required to mentor the two new tributes, he pulled himself out of his stupor after watching both his kids die in the opening minute. Illinois then focused on how to help his District and all future tributes.

He went on the marry the woman of his dreams, and having kids, who luckily never entered the arena. Illinois would mentor many, many tributes. Almost all of the would die horrible deaths in the arena. He saw three tributes of his own District leave the arena alive, before he died at the age of eighty-five, dying just three months after the fourth District 6 Victor came out of the arena. The toll of seeing so many of his tributes die took its toll on Illinois, and he dealt with drugs and alcohol addiction most of his life but remained clean for the vast majority of times.

List of Victors

District 1 (0):

District 2 (0):

District 3 (0):

District 4 (0):

District 5 (0):

District 6 (1): Illinois Katrick (1)

District 7 (0):

District 8 (0):

District 9 (0):

District 10 (0):

District 11 (0):

District 12 (0):