Simple. It's a song for you from me. About my feelings for you that I had no idea to how to tell you about.
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Twilight nor the song. That's all for disclaimer. Other than that, this is a song fic. Which, should I make it a series developed from this one chapter or a bunch of 'one shot' song fics?
Note: people (on mic) Paul (italic), Bella (underlined), Paul and Bella (Italic underlined)
"Ah- ah, test, 1 2 3, test. This work just fine?" He look at the back stage to the operator, who gave him the thumbs up.
Paul Lahote look at the crowds of students. It was a farewell party for the whole batch that year that was about to graduate at May that year. He could see Sam Uley and Jared Cameron, his best bros ever since they were still in diaper with their own girlfriends, Emily Young and Kim Connweller, giving him their shit-eating grin. Jared even shout out "Finally he did it". He could see his pack brothers, Jacob Black and Embry Call and Quil Ateara stuffing their plates with food at the food stall. He also could see Bella Swan and her own best friends, one were Jake's girlfriend and Quil's girlfriend, Angela Weber and Claire Young and other girls he remembered her introducing and was quite famous in their small towns, Lauren Mallory and Jessica Stanley. He could see that Embry's girlfriend, Ryna Denys, were just walking in from the restroom and were walking towards Bella. He could see Leah Clearwater with her new boyfriend, Finn Ginsly, looking at him while drinking the juice they served that night because of the 'no-alcohol' rules from the principal since the day after were the graduation ceremony. Them Seth Clearwater, Leah little brother and also his pack brother, with his friend and imprint that had yet to know about their secret, talking and occasionally glance at him on the stage, the two were in the knowing what he were about to do, well, everyone did guessed. Bella just smiled at him, tho, it was irritating.
"Hey, guys..." Paul got their attention, which he did since everyone were looking his wat now. "Y'all probably guessed it already. So I'm not gonna explain. This is a song for Bella Swan." He looked at the girl, who blushed at the attentions and teases she gets from her friends and everyone in the room.
Paul tap the mic a few times, getting them to quiet down for him to say a few more things before perform the real things, "These are the things I wanted to say to you. But everyone always had ways to get in the way," on cue he glared side ways at his friends and hers, too, who didn't look guilty to their credits. "Let's get to it." he said it and those who had super eyesight could see his vein popped in annoyance.
The room went silent from the excited whispers of people. Now they payed more attention to the guy who were about to confess his feelings to the girl he fell in love with in the year that they spent their time with. They knew of it because it was too obvious not to notice.
The light went off and then they spot it on on Paul at the stage, He open his lip and the song started.
"Let it out." the music followed him, "Been building you better let it out." Paul look side ways at Sam, who nodded at him. "Say everything that you've been meaning now..." He took a breath, "I want it to burn."
"When you tell me that I'm such a wreck." Paul look at Bella now, "It isn't easy cleaning up your mess." He scoffed at her, which she grinned like she was sorry, which he know she wasn't, and he liked that of her. "it's like I've got a rope around my neck. She says it won't hurt.." his shoulders shagged.
"But everything you do makes my heart race." He run his unused hand over his hair, "I can't even think straight. Is this just a game to you?" He closed his eyes, feeling the song, "Reruns every night, it's always the same fight." he opened his eyes, before closing it again. " And i think you should know..."
"I hate your touch, I hate your mouth. I can't every single word that falls out." He got many protests from the audiences, but he ignored them and continues on with the song, "But you're all that I've dreamin' of." He opened his eyes on time to see Bella smiling at him, she knows that it was all a lie, her smile made his heart skip a beat. "This is NOT another song about love." He sang stubbornly.
"I hate your voice, I hate your lips. I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss." He got many 'boo's and 'bro, come on' from the audiences and many 'oh, not again' and 'seriously?' "But you're all that I've been dreaming of, this is not another song about love.."
The music falls back behind him, he looked back at the audiences and look at Bella, who were biting his lip and was looking at him like she was contemplating something in her pretty little head. He could feel that she was a bit worried and anxious also nervous, but there was determination in the mix. He was feeling it through their connection, one that only he and the pack know of, but he was sure she already put two and two together, the girl was smart, she figured out about them with her own deductions and was awesome, he liked that as one of her thing.
All that happen in only a second and he sang the next lyrics, "Asphyxiated just to say the least." He gritted his teeth while continuing to sing, "And with your eyes, you're suffocating me... Emptied my lungs, it's getting hard to breathe.. You couldn't careless.." He sighed inaudibly, but they all could see it.
"But everything you do makes my heart race, I can't even think straight. Is this just a game, to you?" The frown on his face deepen a little, "Reruns every nights, it's always the same fight.. I think you should know."
"I hate your touch, I hate your mouth, I can't stand every single word that falls out." He now stare at her straight in the eyes, another light spot on her, which make her blushed under said light, it made her look delectable with that blush on, damn it wolf, down! "But you're all that I've been dreaming of, this is NOT another song about love."
"I hate your voice, I hate your lips, I hate how bad I wanna steal your kiss." His eyes softened a bit, "But you're all that I've been dreaming of. This is not another about love..."
Paul stare straight at Bella, who stare at him with her eyes full of worried, her frown now more visible than before. He let the music fall even more behind him as he get off the stage and walked towards her, the crowds makes way for him and the spot light followed him, the one who sat up at the ceiling worked hard to do this on one go.
"The sky fades from blue to grey." He was getting closer, "Inside she's just like an ocean, still I'm drowning." He's now in front of her and she looked up at him, looking at him in the eyes from the start, "How bad I wanna sink and let it take me away..." He took her hand in his, "I don't know why I come back, I do every time."
"We get close to the end, it's the finish line." She sang loud for it to reach the mic, well Paul did put it in the between of them.
"Sing these words for the girl I've been dreaming of." Bella smiled at him, "Is this just another song about love?"
Paul led Bella towards the stage while they sang those lines, now on the stage, Paul took a deep breath in and sang the next and last part of the song.
"Let it out." He looked in her eyes and her him, "Been building up, i better let out..." She bitting her lip only make him want her more, "Say everything that I've been meaning now..." "Dreamed about? " He breathed in her scent with her close to him, "I need it now... I need it now!" he grabbed her shoulder with one hand and pull her closer to him. Cue the loud squeal in the back.
His frown goes away, replaced with a relieved smile, "I need your touch, i have no doubt.. I want your love 'til it all runs out."
A series of 'Yesss!', 'finally!', 'you got this bro!', 'get her, man!'.
"'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of... this is just another about love." Bella blushed furiously but the bright smile on her face didn't falter even once.
"I need your voice, i need your lips. I need you bad i wanna steal your kiss." She was doing that again, he was sure it was to edge him, "'Cause you're all that I've been dreaming of.. This is just another song about... Another about love.." He let the music behind him goes on and they keep playing the music as a background music.
Paul gulped down his saliva, this was something he let his pride as a man aside, "Bella Swan, I've been meaning to say this ever since the day i met you, you are beautiful. Personality and looks all balances well and i fell in love with you in the process of knowing you. I thought you were a cheap woman who look at her man wealth, but i was wrong when you barged in my house that one day and shouted at me to get my ass up and clean my house, you helped me when my asshole of a dad came back that one night after that movie night, you were there when i needed and wanted you to. I was sure it wasn't something as simple as dating life, it was much more deeper than that. Bella Swan, this is probably the most cheesy speech i had ever said in front of you and everyone else, but i want to ask you. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Feminime gasps were heard through the gym. Many squeals also followed the next second. And series of 'oh my god's, 'wow's, and 'damn's were heard from girls and boys alike.
Bella took a deep breath, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief at his confession. "Paul- i- this is, WOW."
Paul smiled at her, his eyes showed that he meant every words he had told her and the crowds heard were true.
"I- Mn.. Uhh, can i get my own mic?" Someone get on the stage from the back and gave her one, Bella nodded at him to show her thanks and look back at Paul, who were waiting for her answer, "Paul... Th-thank you so much for your sacrifice.." they laughed at the way she put it, "But before i answer, can i sing a song for you? I- i was actually planning on singing this before your song, but- i- i guess it's a good time to do it now."
Paul frowns came back, but a look from Emily gave him some sort of assurance that it wasn't anything bad. He took a breath in to try control his temper, then look back at Bella, "Alright, i will hear your song." She gave him a small smile.
"Then get off the stage, it's mine now!" She told him while pointing down for him to get down. Which he grinned at the gesture and get off from the stage.
Bella took a deep breath in, she then look at the band, who knows about the song she was about to sang.
A familiar song played in the BGM, mostly only girls know the song or only those who were really fans who know the lyrics, the boys? Not much. A few seconds later she opened her mouth, "You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset."
"Paul had a girlfriend?" Claire asked Angela, who nodded, "It's Rachel Black, Jake's sister. They broke up a few months ago, though." After Paul real imprint on Bella and her helping him with things. Claire nodded, hearing the unspoken words.
"She's going off about something that you said... But she doesn't get your humor like i do.." Bella smiled at Paul with a shrug and humor in her eyes, and he responded to her only with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night.. I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like.. 'Cause she'll never know your story like i do..."
Bella took a deep breath through her nose, "But she wears short skirts, i wear T-shirts." she unzipped her hoodie that she wore, revealing a T-shirt that a particular wolf owned. The wolves laughed at the fact that she wore Paul's T-shirt, knowing well that it edged him even more. "She's cheers captain and I'm on the bleechers!"
"Dreamin' 'bout the day when you wake up and find-! That what your- looking for has been here the whole time!" Bella pointed at herself, a blush creeping from her neck, knowing everyone were watching and Paul were also watching.
"If you could see that I'm the one, who understands you!" she pointed at Paul, "Been here all along! So why can't you see~ you belong with me~ you belong with me!" Paul smiled proudly at what she sang. She was claiming him even though she didn't know about him imprinting on her. He was glad that her feelings didn't came from the imprint but it was a long-term one that she had for a long time before he even phased. One that he stupidly didn't notice before.
Bella take in another breath and sat down at the edge of the stage right in front of Paul. She sang again after following the tune with the music, "Walk in the streets, with you in your worn out jeans." Her eyebrows wiggled playfully. The pack was really influencing her confidence, in a good way. "I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be. Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself... Hey, isn't this easy?"
She then put on a nostalgic smile on, as if remembering a moment of- something. Probably of Paul, was what everyone else in the room betting on. "And you've got a smile, that can light up this whole town." Her face turn into a grimace, "I haven't seen it in awhile, since she brought you down."
Their friends know that much. It was easy to see the difference in Rachel's and Bella's relationship with Paul. With Rachel, he was more angry all the time than happy, while with Bella, he was more happy than not. It wasn't easy to put that smile to the guy's face, they know it themselves, what kind of bestfriends/Brothers/Sisters are they if they didn't? Besides, they did grew up together. Except a few, but they're blind if they didn't notice. 'cause everyone else who saw him seen it, and they're strangers!
"You say you're fine, i know you better than that." Bella shook her head, as if disappointed and was sad for him. "Hey, what you're doin' with a girl like that?" She sang it while looking straight into Paul's eyes. Asking, what the fuck he was thinking dating Rachel Black, thinking she was his imprint when Bella was his imprint. And Paul was looking at her as if he was a deer caught in a highlight.
Bella looked back to the crowds, her year and her families, "She wears high heels! I wear sneakers?!" She acted as if she was surprised while looking at her shoes, which was really a pair of sneakers. Many girls groaned at that, which, Bella laughed at, "She's Cheers captain, and I'm on the bleachers! Dreaming 'bout the day, when you wake up and find- that what you're- looking for had been HERE the WHOLE TIme!" She pointed at herself while looking at Paul, and couldn't help the shivers that run down her spine at what eyes he was giving her. Sure, she knew that tonight, she was about to get screwed, bad.
Not that she's complaining.
"If you could see that I'm the one, who understands you! Been here all along, so why can't you see~? You belong with ME~!"
Bella put her hand on her head, as if she didn't just see Paul's eyes that was definitely checking her out more than he usually do. "Standing by! And waiting at your backdoor-!? All this time, how could you not know, baby~?"
Jared just know that he needed to get there as fast before even Bella got into that part, because he just had to restraint Paul from getting on the stage and run to the woods with Bella in arms. He was happy for his bestfriend and brother, but he couldn't let his sister's first time be in the woods, though that would be hot asf. But he really didn't want to smell sex whenever he passed that spot where they made out. Which, the pack's owing him for this.
"You belong with me..." And Bella was making it hard, very hard, to restraint Paul. "You belong with me."
The music played again, and she finally look at Paul. He was getting dangerous, more than before. Well, she was screwed, but it was good kind of screwed. Though no one wanted to see them eye fuck each other, so they all look away before even they saw it.
"Oh.. I remember you- driving to my house, in the middle of the night. I'm the one who makes you laugh, when you know you're 'bout to cry." She sat on the edge again, "I know your favorite songs, and you tell me 'bout your dreams. Think i know where you belong... Think i know it's with me..." Bella smiled softly, it calmed Paul down a little to not jump on her and dominate her there and there, at least.
"Can't you see that I'm the one, who understands you? Been here all along, so why can't you see~ You belong with me...!" She finally got off the stage and jogged towards Paul.
"Standing by, and waiting at your backdoor." she pouted accordingly to the song lyric's, "All this time, how could you not know, baby~? You belong with me!" She linked her arm on his and pulled him to the stage again. "You belong with me!"
She smiled up at him, and he her when they got on the stage again. People were cat calling them or wolf calling, whatever you choose, though the song hadn't ended just yet. "You belong with me~ have you ever thought just, maybe~ you belong with me...? You belong with me."
She took another breath, "Well, that's all Paul! Thank you all for listening. And for your question, will i be your girlfriend? Whose sane enough to reject you, you big bad wolf!" she laughed along with everyone who get the jokes or just found it funny, but was cut off by Paul, who kissed her there and then. Many people cheered, and many Boo-ed due to the time it took for them to get together, really.
They finally get off the stage and after awhile of many teasing and mocking and some bitching, they got out of the gym where the party was held. Bella sat in between Paul's legs and Paul hovering on her, keeping her warm and enjoying her soft scent of citrus and freesia with his face buried in her hair crown. They were content as they are in that position.
"So, I'm your imprint, huh?" Bella bring up the topic they really needed to discuss a few days ago that Paul kept avoiding on purpose.
"Yeah," he confirmed, making shivers run down her cause he was so close to her ear when he said that. "you were."
"That's actually confusing. What happened to Rachel?" She asked, he could feel that she was only curious, there was no jealousy or any negative emotions from her.
"Rachel was fooling everyone. She was a witch, that wasn't actually Rachel. And you know the rest." She hummed.
"What happened to Rachel? Is she alright?" She feel his negative emotion and quickly try to explain, "The real Rachel. She and i was best friend along with Rebecca, i know Beca's narried, but i don't really keep up with Rach since she was busy studying,the last i heard from her, she was graduating. Is she alright?" she repeated her questions. And Paul calmed down.
"Rachel's fine. She had a boyfriend at Seattle, did you know she's now a teacher? They'll get married in a year." Paul told her with a smile. And she beamed at that.
"Really? That's awesome! Hope i got invited, I'm her bestest friend after all!" she giggled, and he love hearing the sound of her laugh.
"She will. If not, I'll beat the shit outta her." And she gave him a dramatic gasp.
"Whaat? Nooo, don't do that! Haha!" She laughed, "Beat her husband instead." she added.
"Will do, my lady." She giggled.
They fell into another silence bonding. Just enjoying each other presences. And was warming up, for Bella.
But then Bella asked a question Paul thought she wouldn't ask.
"When are we getting to your bed?" It sounded so innocent, but the words were not. And he growled at her, excited. He then picked her up and walked into the woods.
"Now." And he goes full speed in human form.
She was feeling mischievous tonight, so she whispered just to add the fuel, "you know that it's gonna be my first time, right?" All she got was a liud growl from the wolf.
And that was how their relationship starts, like for real starts.
Fontina Ori-chan: That's all... And yes, i know it's cringe, cliche, whatever you pick. But, hey, imagination here. Hehe. It's weird, but at least i got to write down what i wanted to write. For a long time, now it's Runaway or the FTP chapter 9..Or the FM chapter 3.