Fontina Ori-chan: Heyy. In this chapter it would be showing the process of the Café getting build, it's nothing special and were boring, except the fact that there would be shown her skill at handling her power or authority on other elements that is not fire.

Chapter 4: Building My Café

Lovely isn't it, when you have money, I mean.

Look, people, you got to admit it. Having money is lovely because I don't have to deal with shitty things like bills too much.

And that, my dear, is what I'm enjoying right now. Though not exactly about bills. God, I hate bills..

No! I'm enjoying it because I easily gain a land for my café. Like, FINALLY! After a few days of finding a quiet yet strategist place to build a café, I finally found one and well- I got it pretty easily. There were no business rival, and I got to open it while making money like water fall, okay, that's a lie, I couldn't do that, unless you count digging gold but not exactly digging. I mean, the money would come steadily.

Slater promised to help, but I told him to just go travel and fulfill his own dream first, the plan was that I would be taking care of his coffee shop.

Oh, he did asked about the plan on the Scooby-gang asking his help, but I told him, if someone called, I would fetch him from wherever he was. He didn't question me how I'll do it, since the last time he did...let's just say he regretted it.

Now, with the land set, I start to look for a construction company. At first, I thought it would be easy, but I was overestimating my searching ability. Because it took me exactly SIX days to find the right, no-scaming, hard working, construction company in this city. And let me tell you, Richmond is not that small, but it wasn't as big as NYC or any other, this town was pretty small compared to other city in Virginia, except a few like Mystic Falls. So, don't laugh at me being shocked when it took me six days to find the ideal construction company in said city. Cmon, bro! My researching ability was not that bad, it was quite great actually, I got many compliments back in the days I was alive. Wait, I am alive. I mean, in my old world.

Why didn't I ask Slater? I just want to do something, it was boring and I like the process of doing things like this, besides, I like researching. It was one of my talents, or so my friends said.

Sighing, I plopped down on my stomach in my bedroom on my bed. I had been sitting for days and nights. It was quite exhausting, but I got nothing else to do. Making my own café was going to be my reason to fill in the boredom. Working in a café was supposed to be relaxing, it had to be.

Anyway, I was asked to meet the one who was going to lead my project, that was going to be an hour from now and it's going to be in Slater's Suite. I got no where else meet them at. Besides, it's a café, I was going to make my own, with Slater being the co-owner if I weren't around, so if I discuss it in Slater's café it would be fine.

And, I should probably go now. Before I fell asleep.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Miss Gíldottïr." The man that was going to lead my café's construction greeted and I accepted his hand shake. His name was Daniel Cray, quite handsome, but nothing like my type, he was blonde with brown eyes.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Mr. Cray." I smiled at him.

"So, how do you want to do this? What theme do you want your café to be? Do you want to plan the structure yourself or do you want me to help?" He was nervous, I can tell. The way his eyes were looking at me and how many questions he was asking me about the construction.

I chuckled, I had dealt with some construction leaders like this to do some of my bidding. So I can tell that this was his first time, and if he fail me, he won't get a raise or promoted. So I guess, I can help him. And no, it wasn't for my family, like I said, we were broke, I don't know how with our powers, my ancestors should be able to make themselves rich, but I guess, it was my other ancestors that waste it. I work with some leaders because of one of my works.

"I want my café to have a warm aura, a welcoming aura, a homey aura, and everything along that way. I planned on making it a wood themed café with a fireplace." He wrote that down on a note I didn't know was there. He was really a newbie, "calm down, young man." I chuckled, "nothing's going to be wrong. I'll be helping you, is this perhaps your first time leading a project?"

He fidget in his seat, "no, ma'am. It's not my first time, but my boss told me that I need to do this right or I would be fired." He look down at his hand.

Poor guy. It was really a drag, but this was my café we're talking about. If it failed, then he wasn't the only one who's getting the bad end of it. "Okay, this is about MY café, anyway. So I'm going to help you. Here is my rough sketch about my café that I'm about to make. And you will make it possible, I trust you."

That seems to be the right words to say to this guy, his face lightened and he skimmed through my sketch that I've been making since yesterday while I was bored and stressed out of my mind.

Daniel had a thoughtful look on before he said, "I can make this possible, ma'am. Can I ask you to guide me to make it possible and get it to your taste?"

I nodded in response and we did a handshake again to seal the deal. Or a form as a seal.

(A/N: I was on edge, so this is badly written, especially with the fact that I had no beta to read it for me)

I was on the site that was about to be my café. It was an abandoned house, two story high and two and a half hectare area. Daniel's men were on work moving out the things inside there.

When I bought this land and house, I looked around it for a bit, and found it having two floor basement floor under it. I don't know what the previous owner was planning on using it for, but I don't think it was any good because I found some torture tools. I didn't throw it out, obviously, but I hid it under the ground under the second floor basement.

Since it came to this, I planning on not only making a café, but also a place to hang out. The basement would be used as an arena or some sort for those who wanted to fight I won't tolerate things being done in my café, which was the first floor.

The arena would be in the second basement while I use the first basement as a lounge to relax for my customers and me. Of course, I would need to make the second basement soundproof. I would need to practice my earth and wind elements control to be able to do it.

The second floor, right on top of my café would be an inn. And I would need to move my own house, too, so it would be near. OR I could just move it on top of my café building!

What? Nothing is impossible with magic. If you can bring back the death, why not move a house to be on top of a house? Besides, my home is not exactly attached to the ground, it had some woods that separate it with the ground. And good thing, too.

But that will come later. Right now? Deal with the renovation. Yeah, we decided on renovating instead of making a new one. That one should be obvious.

I instructed things that Daniel couldn't supervise, and they followed as I said, that was probably because I was the one who own the place. Not that I'm complaining.

The house had too much walls, I needed some space. Them make a kitchen on the other side where I wouldn't use as my café space. Daniel was instructing the men upstairs. Destroying some walls was our first step in this renovation.

After we all finished, I instructed them to put a wall between the kitchen, a small space that was near the backyard. And while some did as I instructed, others cleaned up the place from dust and walls remains.

I checked on Daniel, and found him doing a good job. Then I went back down stairs and start to command and demand things from the men again. I wondered why I didn't hire vampires, but then remind myself that if I keep on relying on the supes, it wouldn't be too good when I communicate with the humans.

When the place was clean of wall remains and dust, at least from most of it, I told them to paint the wall a soft forest green color, I'll draw later on my own, and put wooden tiles that feels like ceramics under their feets. It was easy enough, but we needed time. I also told Daniel to paint the rooms upstairs with light wood color, since they kinda make people calm every time they look at it.

I hadn't ordered anything for the furniture. That part was covered by... Well, me. I mean, I can just make it- okay, never mind. I already threw that idea away and asked Slater to order for me. Obviously, custom made.

I ordered a wooden-pure woods, mahogany woods-book shelfs, many of them for the books, which I also planned on to order in another list that I made named 'furniture#café'. I then ordered a few tables, as many as I needed, which were 15 tables, it'll fit in. If it was too many, then I'll just put it upstairs or on the first underground floor. If it still were not enough, I'll order more. And they're also woods. Then the chairs, I'll just use a simple chair, well, not really, I'll just made the chair myself from real woods. I got them covered. Oh, though the backrest, I'll take care of that as well. Oh, I won't be using cushions, too much works, I'll just made the chair soft enough that it'll be comfortable for my future customers.

Man, I'm getting nervous.

I asked Daniel to just go home after the sun died from my face. And they did go home, after many persuasion.

I decided to deal with the small things myself. And while we're doing this, I'm going to practice my powers, like I did every morning when it was only me in my own house.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in and letting it out, I feel the nature around me. And I asked the wind to follow my lead and they accepted. I lead them to circle around the building, and pick up every dust and rust and part of ruins that we had been taking down to make space. Soon after, I lead them out side when they tugged at me, and I opened my eyes.

I was sure my eyes sparkled at the sight in front of me. I mean, I did just make an air ball out of dust and rubbles! I did a great job, hehe.

I try to lead to wind to stimulate the ball together and crushed every thing that was too big into dust. And then pressed it into a center, a little bit more... heh, it seems like the astrophysics books are helping more than I thought it would! I just imagine it like the center I was aiming for were an inti of a star, and I stimulate it, it'll be a ball!

And right in front of me were a ball as big as a tennis ball. Of course it was a hard as a rock, it was made out of dust. And no one could break it, which was the point.

"Thank you~" I said gratefully to the wind. Feeling a light and soft warm breeze before it was gone and leaving me in the natural night cold breeze. The cold didn't affect me because of my natural flame.

Nonetheless, I walked inside again, seeing no dust or smell it in the air, it was freshing.

I smirked as I rolled both of my sleeves, and started to get to the real work. Which were the basement. Because I decided not to tell Daniel and his guys about it, this part was going to be my work.

Oh, this is going to take more time that I wanted it to be.

Days passed by quickly, and things progressed smoothly.

The renovation was soon reaching 63%. now that we've add some walls in the places that I thought would be a good place to add them. And then adding the wooden floors and to the walls as well.

My basement project was almost done by now and all I need was the furniture and buy books, antiques. Maybe I'll buy some at the black market. They probably have the oldies right? Well, whatever.

It was now 80% done. All I needed was the furniture, which I already prepared in advance and only need to add the other things. Like ingredients and the books.

Which. That reminds me, where do I get the books? Should I buy them online or go around the world to find them?

I should probably see what else.

The Café is going to open in a month. In that one month, I'll go search for books, Ingredients for the foods, tea, and all kind of beverage can be dealt with in two or a week. And maybe I should try learning how to cook while I'm searching for the books.

Gosh, there are still so many things to do.

Dad, it seems like your daughter will need to work even harder to achieve her dream. And yours, as well.