Chapter 10: Locked with fate
Jax found himself in a dimly lit room with dark red curtains behind him, sealing off the entrance-or exit-. Outside could be heard the low roar of conversation, but it wasn't heard as well when he focused his eyes on the fortune teller in front of him that was a little familiar.
He wondered if he was in some sort of casino, but for some reason his mind veered off the road of questioning how and why he was here and onto a path that paid attention to the man in front of him with the hat pulled down on his head, unabling Jax to see his face clearly.
"So…come to find your future you say?" The man in the tuxedo chuckled. Jax ignored that part.
"That's right."
"Well, the cards hold plenty of future, I assure you. I, the dealer, am the keeper of those cards. I will choose four of them from the deck. They will decide your outcome." Jax watched as the mysterious man shuffled the cards; he fanned them out, sliced and diced the deck in any way possible, and made all of them fall in hand to the other hand, not one card falling out of line. When he was done, he laid the new deck in front of Jax ominously.
"Choose them yourself so you can lock your fate." He told Jax. After a moment's hesitation, Jax took four cards off the top of the deck and laid them out, face down. Jax closed his eyes as he flipped each of them over.
"Interesting…very unusual."
"Huh?" Jax opened them again, a little scared of the outcome but curious, too. "Blank cards. Unseen futures. Definitely strange."
"Does that mean it's bad!? " Jax asked in fear. "Uh not like I really cared or anything…" "No, not specifically, it just means it's a haze and it's hard to read. I'll read your future and find out what it reveals…"
Jax couldn't really tell, but he was almost sure he saw the man close his eyes, focusing. All the cards rose up and circled themselves around him, the four cards separated a bit from the rest. The man started to say unknown words and the cards began to whirl around him.
They went faster and faster as the man's voice started to rise. "Wh-what is it?" Jax said, the suspense building in him. He needed to know! He needed to know his fate!
"Let's see…eenie…
…YOU!" The man suddenly yelled, opening his eyes and the four cards were shown again, only they had pictures on them each of them displaying a frightening image, the background black and full of eyes and glitchy stuff he couldn't make out…and in the middle of it was a person with blood forming around a wound that seemed to go right through him, and with dark red blood dripping down from his eyes, ears, and mouth…that looked like…him.
Jax suddenly looked in horror at the fortune teller as the mysterious man lifted his face to reveal his yellow eyes and teeth.
"Your future's been locked, Jax. And there's nothing you can do about it. I'm the keeper of those cards, and I will make sure they come to pass. See ya." Jax's evil version signaled off with a smile and soon Jax was met with the dark of the night.***
Jax awoke with a start and a scream. As he calmed down a little bit, he realized he felt a bit…strange. Like something was about to rise up from within him.
"Come on, let me out already!"
Jax could feel his evil double try to take over him, rising up with such force and power Jax was afraid he might throw up. But he managed to fight back control…and it stopped. Jax breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oh, thought I was done, did you?" Jax's eyes widened with terror as a wave of fresh pain washed over him with force that probably could've knocked him down had he not leaned on the wall for support.
"*Sigh.* This would be much less painful if you just surrender to me already!" "I'll…never let…you out…I can't…be seen…like this…" Jax said, struggling to speak, and even stand up right now.
"Well that's too bad. Cause they'll see you either way. Or rather, they'll. See. Me!" Jax fell to his knees, he knew this was gonna end sooner…he felt his fingers curl his nails to the floor, scratching it a bit…wait…was he acting aggressive right now?
He started to pant, he could almost feel his sharp teeth and claws yearning to tear into something, anything…anything to stop his pain, anything to stop this urge…and as Jax's claws started to tear the floor, he felt himself slipping completely out of control…physically and mentally, as he blacked out.
(Yes I quoted Bill cipher. Evil me, heh heh heh :3)