Drinks, Faraday and a New Moon
David left his apartment, just as the sun was starting to set. He haggled with Lubbock about the rent, and they agreed to split the cost in half between them. Given their funds from the metaverse, they'd have no issues with that. The verdette had already moved into the apartment, so David would have to get his stuff back from Igor to move back in.
Lubbock even boasted about his trick with the Dream Needle skill. Apparently, he tested it a few days ago, and it didn't work. However, thanks to Maxim being more than tipsy, the spell worked without a hitch.
The fact both he and David could use metaverse spells in the real world - even if slightly weaker compared to their full strength in the metaverse- could change everything for them as cyberpunks. It would give them an edge that no one in the city could match. David's grin was contagious, as the others came to the same conclusion he did. Ryuko, Eijiro and Saeko all agreed to test out their powers in the real world when they could.
After their lunch, He stopped by Victor's office to get a rundown of their next training session. Vic seemed pleased at that, and promised to get him one of his old friends for a proper spar. David found that odd, since he'd already sparred with Eijiro and Ryuko a few times already. 'Different standards I guess. Good thing Ryuko didn't hear that.'
As the night came in earnest, David went to the spot where Maine said to meet: A diner by the name of Aldos.
Folks were out on the dance floor. Others were sitting down with drinks in their hands and smiles on their faces. A good number of them sat on the hoods of their cars.
David took a seat beside the big man on the hood of his own car. Maine gave him a friendly nod. "Not bad for a rookie, rookie."
David sat down next to Maine. "Rookie or not, the job was simple… not even close to stressful." Compared to staring down the maw of an angry dragon, it really wasn't. "...I take it, we're cool now?"
Maine nodded. "Yeah, we're cool. And, if you're willing to work with us, you can join the crew proper full time. Interested?"
In another life, he would have said yes without a second thought. But now, he had other options. Other plans. "Afraid not. I don't mind working with you and your crew from time to time, but I ain't ditchin mine."
Maine just huffed at that. "You sure? Not many Cyberpunks are willing to let newcomers onto the scene, and fresh meat without much chrome at that."
The young Latino wasn't deterred. "I got chooms I can rely on now. Chooms that're looking to me to lead. I ain't gonna let them down, not today, tomorrow or ever. We'll make it work."
Maine mulled it over. David expected him to be more offended. "Just remember, little man… Ain't no one in this world you can trust more than yourself. Start using your chooms as a crutch, and you're good as dead."
David nodded. "Yeah, I got you."
David decided to take the message in stride before Maine went on. "When you got questions, call me. I'll do what I can." After that, he saw the blue butterfly come into view before vanishing. Another bond formally made.
'I am Thou… Thou art I… Thou hast established a new Bond.'
'Let your soul be lifted up to your destination, making a Heaven of any Hell you know.'
'Now rise up, Empowered with the Counselor Arcana. May your bonds lead you to your Salvation.'
"You seem pretty interested in having me around. kinda a 180 compared to before this gig." David didn't forget his first meeting with Maine and the others back at Lucy's place. He could forgive, but never forget.
Maine had the decency to look embarrassed at that. "...You showed me you had what it takes back in the lot of your old building. It takes alot to impress me, but you managed it, and left quite the impression."
While the two of them were talking, the others were enjoying the night. Pilar was doing a few tricks with bottles and plates, and otherwise making a fool of himself. Dorio even taunted him a bit, only for the techie to double down.
Kiwi was alone with her smokes, mostly sticking to the background. Rebecca was telling some tall tale to Falco.
As for Lucy… the platinum haired netrunner was nowhere to be seen.
At some point an older lady came by to give a bag to Maine, who then dropped it in front of David. "Immunosuppressants. Enough to last you a month… Along with your cut."
David received his share of the rewards for the gig: 20,000 eddies.
"Holy shit." David wasn't sure if he'd even get a pay, since he basically agreed to the gig at Maine's request. Even still, he wasn't expecting that much. 'This is worth half the reward from Katsuo's treasure.'
Maine nodded. "Everybody gets a fair shake. Only way I operate."
It was a decent policy, one David agreed with. "Works for me."
"I would suggest saving up for some chrome, have a few aces in reserve… but I'm guessing you got something else in play."
For a good minute, David wanted to brag about "...Yeah, that was a recent development."
Maine hummed at that. "I don't know what caused your whole vanishing act, or how you knocked me down with a strong wind of all things, but keep that to yourself. You never know when you need something like that-"
Maine stopped as the music suddenly died down, as if from a quick hack. As folks tried to get the music back on, a black limousine came into the path. Out of the shining black cab steps a man with grey hair combed back in a clean black suit. On the right side of his face, he has 3 eyes, one above and one below his main eye.
Maine recognized him immediately; many of the other folks around backed away. The four eyed man stood up and gave Maine a stern look before he finally spoke. "...I'm impressed. You followed my instructions to the letter… almost."
Faraday made his claim. Maine countered. "Almost? You got exactly what you asked for. You got your data and your discretion, no question about it."
Faraday's heartless gaze remained. "Not quite. What I ask for above all else is your discretion in the matter. You and your team delivered as I asked. I reward you for it. However, I don't tolerate you getting outsiders involved. I don't accept such risks."
"Outsiders? Naw, no outsiders involved. Just a new member of my crew. He ain't no risk to your plans." David considered arguing the matter, but kept calm and didn't refute Maine's claim. Despite his hostile first impressions with the man, he respected him. Between Maine and this 'Faraday' guy, he knew whose side he'd naturally take.
Faraday was unconvinced. "Even if it was done without noise, as you say, you've still disappointed me. Despite your best efforts, Tanaka has already switched sights. The data is useless now."
Maine didn't like that. "Okay, switched sights for what?"
Faraday's scowl grew colder. "That's not for you to know."
"Goddamn it, man!" Maine was getting annoyed. "How the hell we supposed to do the job right when you leave us in the dark?"
Faraday didn't seem to care. "The less you know, the less I risk. Understand this and understand it fast. I do not pay you to think. I do not pay you to take risks. I pay you to check the boxes off my list."
"It is my place to see the larger picture. It is yours to listen. You will do as you're told. That is how our business is done. Are we clear?"
Maine glared at him. A few seconds later, he replied. "...yeah, we crystal, dawg."
Faraday didn't bother to nod. "Very well." With that, the four eyed man entered his ride. He motioned to his driver, who drove out of the bar.
David just glanced at Maine as the man finally left. "Who the hell was that?"
Maine scowled. "Faraday. he's the fixer who landed us the gig. He happens to be a top fixer in these parts."
"Thought you were the big boss calling all the shots." David knew how cyberpunks took on jobs, but didn't expect Maine's fixer to be so… cold.
Maine just gave a dry chuckle. "Nah, I'm the guy who gets shit done. And he's the one holdin all the eddies. Without a fixer and their scratch, you ain't nothin in this biz."
"Maybe you should look for a different fixer then." David didn't like the look in any of his eyes. The wannabe 4-eyed corpo looked at Maine like an annoyance at best.
Maine just smirked at that. "If only it were that simple." he turned around and started walking off. "Don't think too hard about it. Tonight, we're celebrating."
David didn't like it, relying on guys like Faraday. 'Maine seemed used to the four eyed fixer. Maybe they have history.'
He decided to let it go, Maine was right, they were here to celebrate. David looked around, hoping to spot Lucy. no such luck, the netrunner was MIA. 'Guess she ain't here.' the thought soured his mood. He wasn't sure what to expect from her. Did he want to get even? Did he want to-'
His thoughts were interrupted by a voice to his side. "Yo."
David looked to his side to see a girl with white hair in pigtails. She was holding up two drinks. "Um, sorry but who are you?"
The girl took it in stride. "We haven't met. Name's Rebecca. I'm with Maine's crew." she offered one of the drinks to him.
"Ah." She seemed vaguely familiar. He saw her before, but didn't think much of it at the time. With that in mind, he took the drink. "You were there at the bar."
"Yup. Earlier, I was supposed to distract big bad Maxim, but you dealt with him better than I could have, although, I hear ya did have some help."
David chuckled. "Solid plan either way. Glad to meet ya."
Becca smiled at that. "I hear you'll be workin with the crew. Is it true you caught Maine's bullet like some super hero?"
David looked a bit embarrassed at that. "Super hero might be a stretch, but that did happen."
"Nice. Lookin forward to working with ya David. Cheers!" she drank hers down while David quietly asked if it was carbonated. She either didn't hear or didn't dine to answer. "Be seein ya around then. Buh-bye."
David just looked at the drink and took a sip… which he immediately coughed out due to the taste. 'Nope. still tastes bad.' He still didn't like the Carbonated stuff. He set it down and walked off. He didn't really feel like staying around.
He started heading back to his place, but an anonymous message caught his eye.
? [ On your left. ]
David saw her. Same sleek outfit, same silver hair, same grey-silver eyes. She had another smoke in her hands, but hadn't lit it yet. Without a word, she walked away. He followed.
He wasn't sure how long he followed, but at some point she stopped. She'd led him to the bay, on the side of the City Center. Lucy leaned on the rails, overlooking the ocean. David joined her just as she took out another smoke.
After she let out a puff, she looked at him. "...Surprised you didn't run."
"You mean run from Maine… or from you?" David didn't look away.
Lucy shrugged. "Whichever you prefer."
"Maybe I just can't stay away."
Lucy was tempted to roll her eyes, but instead just tilted her head to the side. "You won over Maine. Gotta admit, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to."
David tapped the railings, almost nervous about what he was about to say. It passed, and he spoke. "...I made a promise to a mentor I met. Worked hard until I could settle the debt. Consider it a wish I fulfilled."
Lucy gave a wry smile. "No arguments there. Can't imagine it was easy."
"No, It wasn't, but it was worth it." David gave a light chuckle. "And since I succeeded, could you tell me the truth? About the Brain Dance of the moon?"
Lucy turned away and looked to the night sky, hoping to see the moon. Sadly, it was a new moon, with it hiding in plain sight. "...I meant what I said back in the apartment. I don't regret letting you into the BD. I don't regret helping you when you asked. And… I didn't lie when I said we'd make a good team."
"Hmmm." David wasn't sure if that counted as an apology, not really. But… he'd settle for that. For now. "Okay."
Lucy just gave him a look. "That's it? You're gonna let it go just like that?"
David shrugged. "I ain't gonna lie, it hurt… but I'll get over it. I got better things to do than hold a grudge. As for payback… you helped me when I asked, so you wanna call it even?"
She mulled it over, then nodded. "Fine."
Lucy didn't say anything else. The two of them stood in silence, looking up to the night sky. With the lights of the Neon city, they'd never see any stars from the pier. The only thing that stood out was the moon.
"Did you find a dream of your own?" Lucy finally asked.
"Nope, still lookin." David replied. "But this time, I know to keep lookin, one day at a time, until I find it. In the meantime, I'd like to work with you and the others. Maybe even hit some Trams for shards… if that's cool with you."
Lucy just smiled. "I think I'd like that." David could tell she meant it, cause he spotted the blue spectral butterfly near her head.
'I am Thou… Thou art I… Thou hast established a new Bond.'
'Let your soul be lifted up to your destination, making a Heaven of any Hell you know.'
'Now rise up, Empowered with the Moon Arcana. May your bonds lead you to your Salvation.'
Fated meetings may change, but some things will remain, some bonds established. Those bonds that survive, will be tested, and make or break them.
But such things were for the days ahead. For now, it was a moment of peace for two souls. For David, it was just his night.
Getting through some canon events with some divergence. As they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.