On a stange and gloomy night ichigo saw rukia appear through a wall in his room suddenly hearing voices from his sole saying make her see you so ichigo picks up a pillow a lauches it at her hitting her as she turns and gets hit In the face then rukia looking at where the pillow came from and see ichigo looking at her.
Then ichigo gets pulled into his soulscape his inner world and meets with his zangpacto a white version of him but wearing glowing armour that glowed and flowed like hellfire that was part of his soul reaper uniform after learning his zanpacto's name zengestu learning his sheiki and seeing that it was a long katana that had black some and hellfire coming slightly from it but his soul reaper was also a vasto lorde level hollow after hearing this and realising why should I fear him he is me he is part of me why should I reject him and then zengestu I accept you I accept my self I accept that I am wrath punishment judgement and hellfire and I am a soul reaper why should I reject what I am I accept my self and then asked how do I summon my shieki zengestu said you have to say this come forth and burn judge and bring damnation come meet your doom then zengestu said your spiritual pressure is very high but then ichigo feels all he needs being giving to him as memories like all the acts of the hollows soul reapers and hellfire then said never waver never let fear take ahold never look back for you will age never retreat never give in continue moving forward and continue honing your skill that you were born with now go back to the normal world as rukia is waiting.
Ichigo awakens then see no time has passed then ask who are you why did you break into my room the soul reaper then said my name in rukia I am a soul reaper but you can see and hear me ichigo says don't forget touch throws a pillow and it hits her in the face whilst Ichigo is smiling at her .
Rukia then exams ichigo looking over him and thinking outloud to her self he my be defective