For those who had lost someone in their life, especially their mother, this fic is made for you. With some fluffy romance to comfort you a little. A series i decided to make, this series is named "This is for you" and it had no specific sequence. Every stories are different part.
Fontina Ori-chan: i don't own Twilight. This series is made on spot, since it's kinda in the same category as my other story, 'this is for you'. The pair shall be Quil/Bella. In this, i hate to say, Quil lost his mother, for her, let's pray according to each religion that she rest in peace. The song was made by Dylan Conrique, "Birthday cake". And yes, i obviously don't own the song. and another note; Bella's text when she sing is underline.
Birthday cake
It was bonfire night, they were welcoming Quil Ateara to the pack, and to send his mother's soul to peace that she deserves.
The 'send Joy Ateara to Peace' was done after Old Quil finished his sorrow filled speech. Now, it was welcoming time.
They all eat in silence as they let some calming music that remind them of Joy Ateara, one that was some kind of tradition in their tribe. (a/n: i made that up) It was songs that some of them creates and some of them just cover. One of those was now about to be played by someone they hadn't expected to give their song.
They all watched as the leech-lover sat down on a log in position. She also had a guitar that she borrowed from Paul after he played his song a few songs before.
Some whispered as they stare at her form in disdain and uncertainty. Bella Swan was not someone who was respected much by the Rez people because of her previous associations. And even now, after all of those was finished and became a past that Bella had let go, they still called her leech-lover, those who was in the know or not. Bella was fine with that, she didn't blame them for it.
She accepted a few months ago, Edward wasn't going back to her. And she was fine with that. She still had a life to live for, of course that only happen after Charlie and Renee lectured her on it.
She starts to pick some strings, creating a rythm and melody. It bring other's attention and everything became quiet.
Jake nudged his best bud, who sighed and looked up from his cup that was still full. He didn't look up all this time, only when his pack brother or someone he knew and was close to him that he looked at them.
Right now, it was Bella's turn. He wasn't as close to her as she was with Jake, but he was pretty close. She was a pretty cool chick, despite the fact that her ex was a leech. He didn't want to judge her just because she dated a leech, and something in him know that it wasn't a problem. People make mistakes, besides, Bella looked at people for who they are instead of what they are. That was what drawn him to her when he hadn't phased.
Tonight was the first time he saw her after seeing her back at the funeral of his mother.
Bella took a breath and sighed. At this age and century, they had used a microphone and speaker so they could hear the song more clearer. Though Bella would prefer they don't use them.
She fixed the mic and then start to play the guitar smoothly. She had taken lesson since she was a little girl, since that one time Renée wanted to learn how to play instruments. Bella found herself able to play them just fine, even though her coordination on other things were an absolute mess.
Back to the song.
On the third beat, she sang, looking at Quil's down form between Jake and Embry, "You called with the news, I thought you were kidding... *inhale* You were always joking all the time." Then she looked away, a memory flashed in her mind, of Quil calling her when he found his mother's body, it shook her because his voice sounded so dead and broken and cracking, he also sounded hoarse, as if he had lost his voice to speak but forced it so he can talk with her. However, fortunately, she managed to calm him down a little for him to call the ambulance. "You kept breathing, but stopped living. Held it like poison inside."
Joy Ateara was someone who had accepted her with open arms, one of the few that did. And Bella missed the woman, too. She was like the aunt you liked having around, and Bella came to love her as she helped her at the store.
"They say, 'everything happens for a reason'. . . But it only makes you mad." She remembered his call being cut and heard a commotion. It was when she heard a faint howl from a distance that her worries for him decreased greatlu, though not entirely gone either.
Quil meant a lot to her. He made her realized more about the world, that the world wasn't all about Edward, that it was about herself and the people who cares for her. That all that matters was the happiest moments in life that they needed in life, that every smiles from the people around her worth all that 'love' she get from Edward. But Edward wasn't the love she needed anymore.
" 'Cause how in the hell can you believe 'em.. When nothing brings her back..?" That's true. How can we believe their words, the words that strangers know nothing, meant nothing. How can they say that it all happened for a reason, and we know that it was true. But why shoudl it came from their mouths? They should just shut up and just say their sorries that she knew they know nothing about when they said it! Bella know how it felt like, she lost her grams when she was young, she could feel herself seething when strangers came and give advices to her and her family.
"It's hard to know... What she would said, but i think she'd-" She took a breath, then let it out. She had been around Joy to know her personalities and the things she would say to her son. She closed her eyes as she sing the chorus, "Want you to live like the world's on fire! Want you to love like- hearts don't break." she smiled warmly as she looked up to meet his eyes. "Never look down when you walk the wire, like she made it- to forty-eight. Still made your birthday cake!" She smiled that it reached her eyes, to the point it was as if she closed her eyes.
What she didn't realize was that a bond was formed on that exact moment when her eyes locked on with his. And Quil freeze in his seat, he knows that he had a crush on the police chief of Forks's daughter the second he set his eyes on her. But he had never thought this would happen, nope. However, at that exact moment, when she smiled so warmly at him, he feel at peace for the first time in days.
She looked around, she didn't stop playing her guitar, but her eyes meet with saw how their eyes were nostalgic, like her lyrics hit like it was an awake call. (something like that) It was the exact same look she had on her face, she know. Bella couldn't think if anything else then but her song and sang again.
"All.. the pictures on the same walls... It's like she just went to the store." She had trailed the Ateara's house once, and when she went there that morning, she was hit with flashbacks of when Joy was alive, "And when you look into the mirror... Does it make you miss her more?"
Quil remembered that time when Bella told him that she think he looked like his mother, not like his father, like everyone always told him. But his mother, And she know exactly what she was making the song into. She know what she was doing.
"Win~ or lose~, she was always on your side... Never missed a match." She closed her eyes and tilted her head up to the sky. It happen to be full moon, a coincidence and good luck sign for the tribe, "And when you see the moon~, do you remember..? She loved you there and back." She look back at him, her eyes saying, 'always, she always loved you', or he wanted to intercept it as that.
"It's hard to know... What she would said, But i think she'd-" Bella looked up at the starry night sky as she sang the chorus, "Want you to live like the world's on fire! Want you to love like- hearts don't break!" a sardonic smile drew to her face, the bonfire crackled with life at her voice and the lyrics she sang. "Never look down when you walk the wire, like she made it- to forty-eight, Still made your birthday cake~!"
Bella hummed for a while, memories flashing in her mind of Joy Ateara and Quil Ateara, the bonfire moved as if it were alive and creating images. No one noticed it, but the pack and the elders, and if anyone else did, they just thought they were imagining things. The elder were just smiling knowingly, while the pack watched it with fascination, switching to look at Bella and it. Quil, though, he keep his eyes on Bella, who were looking like she was in her elements.
"Want you to live... like..the world's on fire... Want you to love.. like- hearts don't break." A small smile graced her face, "Never look down.. when you walk the wire, like she made it- *breath in through her mouth* she made it! yeah-" she let out a content sigh, before continuing. "Want you to live like the world's on fire~ want you to love~, like~ heart don't break. Never look down when you walked the wire... like she made it, to forty-eight.. still made your birthday cake."
She relaxed and let out a breath. And just as she put down the guitar, someone already pull her into a hug.
Bella could only chuckles at the familiar hot temperature of a wolf shifter. This one don't smell like Jake or anyone else, so she came to a conclusion who it was, besides, she know his scent even before he was a wolf. She borrowed his hoodie once, and the hoodie she wore today was his.
She put her arms around him, ignoring the electricity when she touched his back or when he put his arms around her. Bella won't comment on that, just yet.
"I know you got this, Quil. Remember, you are not alone." she whispered to him, well aware that the wolves could hear her just fine. "I'm here for you." Just like how you were there for me. she thought to herself.
His hold only tightened around her and she placed a kiss on the place where she can reach him, "I am not leaving you, not anymore."
"thank you." he whispered back to her. Then he pulled himself away, though not letting go of her, "You've been helping me since- since she died. And even before all of this happened. Thank you so much."
"And you too." She smiled warmly, "now, let's go back to our pack. And i could tell from your face, you have something to say, big buy." a smirk to that, "tell me after this won't you?"
Quil grinned, "yeah, we have SOOO much to talk about- especially that delectable smell from you- OUCH!" he made a show when she smacked his bicep, they both know it didn't hurt much, only a small sting that faded faster than a fly.
Bella were red to her neck, "Flirt later, Quil. Come on, i think you haven't had enough cookies yet."
Quil made a happy noises as he followed Bella to fetch a plate of cookies and a bunch of rissole, a cup of cola and juice. They were being watched by the pack and everyone else, but they ignored them all. While tonight was the night for Joy, it was also the night when Quil realized that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't so alone as he had been thinking he was.
From the outside perspective, the both of them looked like a couple. With Bella putting everything on a plate and Quil carrying the plate. Especially when they had those smiles and the way they look at each other. Obviously they were in love. And no one will stop it, even if they don't agreed.
"Seems like she's no longer the 'leech-lover', huh?" Paul said to Jared as they ate their food watching the pair argues playfully with each other, occasionally including the others, but it was definitely just them.
"Bro, Bella's been our sister since she feeds us at Emily's and the strategies she made for us so we can catch that red head." Jared grinned at him, "this only made it official!" Kim made noises of agreement.
"Jare's right." Sam agrees along with Emily nodding at his statement. "Bella was and always been our sister. We just didn't realized it sooner." They all smiled and grinned at the verbalized claim.
Bella Swan was now officially part of the Quileute's Pack and tribe. Because she had always been a part of them..
Fontina Ori-chan: it was... straying away. Whatever. it's done, that's all that mattered! Thanks for coming to read, please leave some review~