The cold depths of space wrapped around the small spacecraft that carried the one year old baby Kal-El through the dark. The small pinpoints of light millions of miles away glinted and twinked as the baby inside stared through the sealed glass that separated him from the cold radiations and airless depths of space. What he did not see was that far behind him an explosion burst and was silenced, sending what remained of Krypton shooting across the galaxy.

Unfortunately for the baby as it was passing a nearby Yellow star, a chunk of the doomed planet sliced through the ship's engine, causing it to overheat and a tiny singularity in which the ship was quickly destroyed. Luckily for the baby Kal, He had absorbed quite the amount of yellow sun radiation as his ship had taken over a week passing it, supercharging him. He survived the crushing of the singularity only slightly injured.

He cried as the singularity took him from his universe and tossed him through the space between worlds. Not the Bleed, no, this was very much outside the multiverse entirely, to somewhere unknown.

Blasting out of the darkness between realities, Kal-El was finally free from limbo.

Shooting through the skies of a cloud covered land, The baby desperately flailed and cried, his tears streaming up his face leaving trails in the air. The wind whistled by him as he approached closer and closer to the ground. The ruined streets of a city approached him quite quickly, and he screamed in fright. Luckily for him, that scream was exactly what he needed. As he screamed, the intense sound sent out shockwaves that slowed his descent enough as to not kill him upon landing.

Smashing into the broken and cracked concrete of a long abandoned street, Kal-El gouged a large hole into the earth, only stopping as he burrowed a crater twenty feet deep and seventy wide. It was as if a bomb had gone off with his landing. His exposed chest was bruised rather badly, and his right eye was puffed out and almost purple. However, he was alive.

That was where his luck finally ran out.

While his shout had slowed his descent, it had also attracted some nearby Raptures that were making their way over to his location. Of course he did not know this, merely laying there in pain as his tears fell. As he lay on his stomach, strange sounds filled his ears, and things he could not comprehend began happening. Various shapes and colors moved around him quickly, and he felt a prickling sensation on his skin as he was repeatedly struck by large hard things.

Rolling over with a wince, he saw strange gray and white things flying in the air around him making bright flashes.

"WAAAAH" He cried loudly, and his voice sent the gray and white things somewhere else.

The constant stinging and flashes stopped and he was left with the hurting again. He sobbed quietly as he lay in the crater with casings and crushed shells littering the ground around him. It was all so exhausting the the baby boy.

All this stimulation was way too much for him to take, and he fell asleep under the soft summer clouds that lazily meandered across the sky.

Commander Mike McMillan, a young blonde haired fit commander was fresh out of the Academy when he was almost immediately given his first mission. For him, barely past his late twenties and still full of patriotism and propaganda, he jumped at the offer.

It was an intel gathering mission. According to his briefing, something had caught the interest of his higher ups on the surface. Specifically that it was a baby. According to further reading, multiple reports by Nikkes and other commanders specifically stated that a baby had been fighting the Raptures for several months now on the surface. Contact had been brief before the baby crawled away at speeds rivaling that of trucks and motorbikes.

It was an absurd thought, that some superpowered baby of all things was crawling about the surface destroying Raptures, but clearly this wasn't a joke, as the same mission was given by both the Central Government and through more private channels by the great companies themselves.

Believing the report, but with a healthy does of skepticism, Mike was greeted by his team of Nikkes. A team of fresh off the lot mass produced Nikkes, given they all had their faces covered by machinery, and held not so state of the art weaponry. It was as if he was expected to fail.

That thought was soon compounded as he made his introduction half heartedly to the automaton like Nikkes who simply and unemotionally stated their product numbers before giving a "Nice to meet you Commander" at the end.

After his team and the squads of several other commanders made their way up to the surface for the first time eliciting excitement from some, and slight trepidation from others, Mike was rather curious.

The coordinates he was given by the Ark of the last known sighting were fifty nine klicks from the entrance to the Ark. They were given a heavily armed convoy and a large unit of Nikkes as protection while they rode their vehicles, but it still wasn't very safe in the slightest.

As the trucks and armored cars made their way towards the vicinity at a blistering pace, they were ambushed by a squadron of Raptures consisting of airbourne units and ground units that chased them, taking out twelve of the security Nikkes before they were defeated. Nobody shed a tear for the disposable defense, and nor were they expected to.

One hour later as they approached the recon site, they were ambushed again by a massive wave of Raptures unlike any they were prepared for.

With only the escort Nikkes and the four novice commanders with their squads, the situation was looking dire, with no hope of rescue.

Raptures came from everywhere, crawling across the nearby buildings, flying through the sky, and marching across the ground towards them. The scythe of the Reaper seemed poised around their necks, ready to slice at any time.

They had fallen into an ambush and were surrounded. Missiles from some Raptures in the sky knocked out the convoy, sending the trucks and armored cars flipping over. With no choice, the commanders and their Nikkes quickly tried to find cover, but were sitting ducks.

However, the Raptures oddly did not fire upon them after crippling their vehicles. Instead, the wave of Raptures parted, and out walked one who was clearly a corrupted Nikke.

Her face was hidden behind a large metal visor, but her red hair was as bright as a wildfire.

Her voice was cold and almost robotic as she spoke, amplified by some unknown technology.

"Today is your lucky day commanders. We know why you're here, and we'll let you go if you take a message back to your tomb. Tell your superiors HANDS OFF!".

She was about to say something more when a scream was heard that could pierce thunder. The very ground shook and a building not too far away collapsed, crumbling to the ground.

The corrupted Nikke turned towards the commotion.

"NO!" She shouted, raising her weapon and charging through the crowd of Raptures towards the combat.

Mike was sure of it, that scream was that of a baby, or well, something masquerading quite well as a baby. The Raptures, not even paying attention to the destroyed convoy anymore turned and shot off towards the combat.

"Commander, what do we do?" One of his assigned Nikkes asked, a trace of restrained fear in her voice.

He had two choices. Retreat, or follow the Raptures. The choice was simple, and he already knew what he had to do.

Whatever that baby was, the Raptures were trying to contain it or kidnap it. Perhaps if he got his hands on it he could be promoted. Hell, he might even become a Legendary commander.

"We follow them" He firmly said, and the Nikke nodded in affirmative, gathering the rest of the squad and chasing after the fleeing Raptures.

His blue eyes flashed with the prospect of glory and recognition. This was his time to shine as a Commander.

He was going to bring this baby back if it meant the life of him. A baby strong enough to require hundreds, if not thousands of Raptures to contain would be a priceless weapon in the war, and he would be the one to gain the glory of being the commander to bring it home.