Disclaimer: The following is a Non-profit fan-based crossover! Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Garo, Godzilla, and Baldur's Gate 3 are owned by Vivziepop, Tohokushinsha Film Corporation (TFC), Toho, and Larian Studios respectively! Please support the official releases!

(Before Hell was created, before Eve ate the forbidden fruit, there existed a realm that the Angels feared. A world where no life seems to exist… seemingly.)

In a gray wasteland, an Angel was flying around the landscape, looking around for any life. Unfortunately the second they landed, a black skeletal arm suddenly reached out and grabbed their leg, causing the Angel to scream in fear! They tried to fly away, but this caused more of the creature's body to be uncovered as it then lunged at them, revealing itself to be all black and skeletal with beady eyes, tiny thin wings, long antennas, and a bony tail! It then began to rip them apart with its permanently bare teeth before the corpse began to disintegrate into dust.

(Ever since they invaded earth, these monsters were called Horrors by the humans that survived their attacks. Those that did, formed an organization to hunt down and kill Horrors on earth.)

On a grassy field on earth, hundreds of knights, with different colors, weapons, and animalistic motifs, were fighting against a horde of Horror of different shapes and sizes, and were driving them back. Afterwards, they raised their arms in triumph!

(For thousands upon thousands of years, this Order has safeguarded the innocent from the Horrors. Improving their craft with each generation, despite setbacks.)

In a black and white background, that is divided equally, two large werewolf-like beasts made of metal standing on each side. As the one in light began to meditate, the other grabbed onto its own body, struggling with something inside. They then began to change form, the first one becoming less feral and far more humanoid while the second became smaller, human sized, as the armor blackened while retaining some of its feral appearance.

(However, what came next made them look like poultry in comparison.)

(1955, Hell, Pride Ring)

Track playing: Main Theme from Godzilla (2014)

(During the Extermination of '55, something new, something gigantic showed up in Hell. A Sinner like no other, quadruple and so aggressive, it attacked Sinners and Exorcists alike.)

In a mostly smoldering city with red skies, a a symbol of the devil above, and a moon that seemed angelic, a giant monster that resembled an ankylosaur crossed with a crocodile laid in the middle of the city, dead with dozens of black-clothed angels laying crushed or mutilated.

(To make matters worse, that was only the beginning as a decade later more of them showed up, wreaking havoc everywhere, not just Pentagram City.)

(1967, Imp City)

In another city, Imps and other demons were running in fear as a trio of Giant Mantises swarmed around and grabbed anyone unfortunate enough while a giant spider was in the center of the city with a web around it.


Back in Pentagram City, a gold-scaled dragon with three heads and a forked tail was flying overhead while firing three bolts of lightning at the horde of armed angels!


In a factory, a large gross mass of sludge with bloodshot eyes enveloped the chimneys!


Just as trees and small buildings were being blown away, a bipedal monster covered in fins on the back used one on its tail to cleave a path to the River of Styx!


In the red sky, a red pterodactyl-like monster and a black, red, and yellow moth with three yellow-glowing horns were in a dogfight with another three-headed dragon before they fired a beam at its wings, causing the dragon to crash!


(Recently, I asked Stolas to look into any Prophecies regarding the beasts that have shown up, and he said that we're nearing a catastrophe just as bad 5 years ago!)

In Pentagram City, a giant crustacean-like dragon with a pincer on the tail, and a long horn, fighting two giant bipedal lizards, one with large crystal shoulders, a triple-pronged crest, four small mandibles on the edges of its mouth, three long row dorsal fins, navy-blue skin everywhere, but the reddish-purple underbelly, and a long spiked tail, and the other with shorter tail, and charcoal-colored skin, as the city was in ruin!

(2006, current time)

"Fortunately, there is a plan that I've been working on with a Sinner. But unless it's given a chance, not only will we be wiped out, the entirety of Pride could be GLASSED! by! these! monsters!" A girl with dark red horns sticking upward, slit pupils in her eyes, and a long black tail with a heart in the center, wearing a black trenchcoat over a red tuxedo with pants, and a necklace, tells everyone in a news studio forebodingly as a single light shined on her from above the chair she was sitting in, unsettling most of the audience and the two news anchors, one skinny woman in a red dress with an earpiece on and a man wearing a suit and tie with a gas mask for a face. As the lights turned on, the girl's demonic features began to recede as she took a deep breath. "So, Charlotte, imagery of the apocalypse aside, what is this so-called 'plan' of yours that you've been insistently pestering our news station about?" "First off, It's "Charlie". Second and more importantly, as everyone knows, these giants that appear are far more capable of exterminating us. So much so, they've also gone as far as to kill the Exorcists that are supposed to be… doing this. And what's worse is that the newest ones are leaving a radioactive footprint that's actually killing off dozens of souls afterwards!" Charlie stated as her horns briefly grew back as she lost her composure before regaining it moments later. "That's why I asked myself; Why wait for them to make Hell completely uninhabitable? Escape the inevitable. In four years, myself and another demon had been working on a method of getting out via… redemption. Ladies and gentlemen, in one week, I am opening up a rehab center for any Sinners willing to give it a try!" She tells everyone as she then saw, moments later, that everyone was silent. "People, please. I'm serious. How many of you actually think you deserve to be here, huh? I mean just the other day, I met a small group of you, who willingly risked their lives to save others from both angels and beasts. In fact, after getting this interview, I asked them to join us for a small demonstration of what I'm talking about." "Oh, this'll be good." The woman said with an unusual voice as Charlie got out of her seat and walked around to the front of the desk. "Let's give a warm welcome to Dr. Serizawa, Kazuma Aoki, Miki Saegusa, Takuya Sasaki, and Cathrine Berger!" She announced as Serizawa, resembling an anthropomorphic, one-eyed Yellowfin fish with an air tank on his back with tubes connecting to the throat and pressure gauges in his chest, Takuya, Kazuma, Cathrine, and Miki, all four resembling various lizards with the fourth one sporting a third eye, wearing military gear, walked out of the crowd and Serizawa took the seat that Charlie had. "Before we begin, I'd like to say thanks for agreeing to show up." "Thank you for having us, Charlie-sama. Now, citizens of Hell, we've been attacked by the following Kaiju that have easily killed dozens of angels at a time." He informed everyone as a list of Kaiju names came up on the screen.


Kamacuras (X3)


King Ghidorah I





King Ghidorah ll

Space Gojira



"If you weren't able to read all that, then that means you're inattentive and have nothing better to do." Serizawa claimed as Sinners were watching the interview from a TV store window. "Sounds like gaslighting." "Indeed. Though I wonder what the example is." A normal-looking, bearded man in a suit of armor with white stripes littering the plates stated to another man who appeared to be made of pure chrome metal. "Now, these four were part of an organization solely dedicated to stopping Kaiju like the Gojira I died facing in '54." "Uh huh, and what was your profession before you died?" Charlie asked before he cleared his throat. "During WWll, I was in active combat before I moved to science for the betterment of society. However, during my career, I discovered a terrible compound that could liquify living tissue seconds after coming into contact with air. I tried to look for a way to make it work harmlessly without it being a weapon. But in the end, I sacrificed myself to take my Gojira here with me." Serizawa explained as Charlie nodded. "And what about you guys? Whom were you four?" "We worked for the G-Force, specifically we're the pilots of a machine that could effectively kill Gojira during the 90's."Takuya stated as the machine listened with intrigue. "An automaton that could fight giants?" "Most likely over exaggeration, Gortash. No automaton can withstand the might of that Titan's might." "Nevertheless. Kethric, Gortash, we should return to the tower. Zestial is escorting our children." A woman with light gray skin, larger than average hands, and white hair done up to resemble a pair of horns, wearing a black and white dress that mostly resembles a ballerina's with a pink lining underneath a spiked skirt, tells them before walking away from the crowd watching the interview. "Coming, general?" "I will see you and Carmilla later. I wish to see where this goes." Kethric tells Gortash, who then shrugged and followed Carmilla. "Sounds like you all were good people. Tell me, do you think it's fair that you're here? Did you all deserve this? Was this justified?!" Charlie asked as her voice began to deepen slightly!

"Of course it's unfair! We devoted our lives to protecting Japan from Gojira, and THIS IS HOW THEY REPAY US?! I certainly don't agree with that!" Takuya shouted as his teeth bared in anger before inhaling sharply through his nose. "Truth is, none of us know why we're here." "Then it sounds like you need a place to reflect and work on making up for it." Charlie claimed after hearing Cathrine as she then gestured to them, getting Miki to chime in. "You want us to try your rehabilitation program, a space free of danger." She stated as Charlie nodded before Katie started laughing hysterically. "What in the Nine Circles makes you think a sane denizen would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good? Just because?!" She asked, wanting to see Charlie crumble. However this question only made her pinch the bridge of her nose in irritation. "Gods, you've been listening to your own farts. I don't want you to change just because, I want you to because it is the easiest way you're gonna survive!" "You mean there's a hard way?" The co-anchor asked. "How right you are, Tom." Charlie confirmed as she reached into her coat and pulled out two pamphlets and placed them on the table for them to read. "While we were halfway through, me and a Sinner named Barago discovered an old building from underneath an ancient part of the old city. A station that acted as a backdoor out of Hell, but not a way to Heaven. This process is called Reincarnation." She informed everyone as Katie looked at the front of the pamphlet. " "Purgatory"? Ha!" "BUT!" Charlie yelled out as she thrusted her face at Katie, inches away from each other before the former backed away. "I said this was the "hard" way. To start off there: first, you must strip yourself of all possessions that you've gained in Hell. Weapons, jewelry, even the clothes on your backs. Afterwards, you will have to face seven trials, each one based on how you lived on earth! Pass them, and you'll get to return to earth and start over. Fail, and you get spat back out and have to do it all over again." Charlie explained as the crowd started to talk amongst themselves. After Katie tore up one of the pamphlets in frustration, she heard her earpiece go off. "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war! Let's go to the live feed." She stated as everyone then saw footage of a battlefield as a guy(?) with two pairs of arms, two mismatched eyes, and white fur, in a suit-like blazer, a reddish gray miniskirt with matching high-heel boots, stomping on an egg with arms and legs before throwing a grenade at some debris. "You didn't know him, did you?" "That's Angel Dust, he worked with us willingly for two weeks." Charlie tells Miki. "Oh? It looks like the one who joined the battle is known other than… porn actor Angel Dust! What a coincidence, didn't you just mutter that he was a patient of yours? Boy, you must feel really stupid right now." Katie claimed as Charlie looked on in shock. "Looks like your project is dead on arrival. Tell us, how does it feel to be a total failure?" She asked tauntingly before laughing like a psycho as Miki motioned for her team to back away after seeing Charlie start to seethe with rage. In the blink of an eye, Charlie's demonic features reemerged just as she shoved the desk into the green screen with her foot, smashing Katie's pelvis and cracking the wall behind her in the process! "OH GOD, MY LEGS!" She screamed as she tried to pry herself free in vain as Charlie held it in place! "Better to be a failure than a freak who's never once tried to be more than a bitch!" She declared as she then yanked off her necklace before Katie sprouted two pairs of mantis claws from her torso and chopped the desk in half, causing herself to fall to the floor! Charlie then blew on the jem, causing it to glow before she then swung it over her head as three rings of light formed and dropped a suit of black armor, with a lion's motif, around her, letting it attach to her! Katie then tried to lunge at Charlie, only for her to bring out a halberd and sliced off the former's lower half, causing her to roll forward and stop on her back as her legs disintegrated! As the studio went silent, Charlie then planted a boot onto Katie's chest and placed the blade next to her neck. "You don't have the ba-AHHH!" She screamed as she was stabbed in the right arm by the, barely sharpened, tip of the ax! "It's safe to say you're one of the few exceptions to my plan." Charlie stated with a distorted voice as Tom skittishly inched towards her. "Um… m-miss?" He said before Charlie turned to him, startling him. "There's now a fourth person… in the turf war." "Show me." She asked as the green screen then showed the battle turning for the worse for everyone.

In a ruined part of Pentagram City, a cyclops woman with long messy hair, wearing a pinkish-red crop-top, a matching miniskirt, and black leggings, all of which torn, was thrown into a man-sized cobra with human arms, a gray and yellow-striped jacket, and a top hat with a pair of goggles, teeth, and an eye! "This bloat is fuckin' tough!" "I blame you for this! Now get off!" The man shouted with a raspy voice as he pushed the woman off and saw Angel with two tommyguns that had silver lines across the black metal, shooting at a knight with dark purple plating, two-toed boots, towering pauldrons with neon purple cores, two small shields on his forearms, three long locks of glowing hair, and a helm that resembles a thylacoleo's face, only for him to use a spear with a longsword-shaped blade and a bulky piece near the top to block and deflect bullets! Seconds later, he then heard clicking from the guns, queuing him to rush Angel and, in the blink of an eye, swat the guns out of his hands before kicking him in the chin, throwing him into some debris! "I reclaim this territory in my name, Zem." "Sorry, old man, but this is my turf now! Unless you want to leave in pieces." The woman told Zem with an Australian accent and a malicious smile. "Your turf?! I think you mean, the great Sir Pentious' territor-OH GOD!" Sir Pentious screamed as he narrowly ducked underneath a thrust from Zem, knocking off his hat before his hair then suddenly came to life and pushed the woman, face first, through the pavement! "No one does that to Cherri!" A bloodied Angel shouted after pulling himself out of the rubble as he pulled out four more tommyguns with a third pair of arms and fired all four at Zem, making him spin his spear rapidly as Sir Pentious coiled his body around Zem! "No one but I!" He stated as he then tried to bite Zem, only for him to move his head away and bite Sir Pentious' head and threw him aside before getting hit by three bombs!

As Angel stopped shooting and turned his head to see Cherri, now with jacked up teeth, throwing a grenade as dozens of egg people charged at Zem, who showed to have been unfazed, with weapons ready! "You can't reason with crazy." He muttered with a distorted voice as he then gripped the pump and yanked it down, causing the blades on the side to spin in opposite directions before then swung the spear, casting off the tip like a fishing rod connected to a chain! It then sliced through the frontline and snagged onto Angel's guns, which he was just using to take the hit, just as Sir Pentious' tail wrapped around Zem's leg. Seeing this, Zem began to spin by yanking both his foot and spear counterclockwise, forcibly taking Angel and Sir Pentious for a ride as he then gained enough momentum and speed to spin onto his back! Five seconds later, he threw himself upright while throwing both Angel and Sir Pentious at the egg people! "You know, when I came here, I thought it would be fun hanging! Takin' a break from playing nice, but fuck all of this!" Angel shouted as he got back up and resumed shooting at Zem as Cherri launched a rocket at him! As Zem retracted the tip of his spear and allowed himself to tank the bullets, one of his hairs snagged the rocket and shifted his upper body to make it U-turn, making it fly at them before exploding and throwing everyone back! As the smoke began to clear, he saw most of the eggs destroyed, and Cherri, Sir Pentious, and Angel laying on the ground, slightly burnt and badly hurt. "Fuck this. Minions, get me out of here!" Sir Pentious shouted as a dozen surviving eggs came up to him and dragged him away. "He may have escaped his fate, but I only need one to tell my tale." Zem declared as he then 'cocked' his spear and thrusted it forward, launching the tip again at Cherri and Angel as they braced themselves!

Suddenly, as the blades were a couple feet away from them, an ornate trident appeared planted in the ground and caught the saw-like tip as Charlie, still in her armor, dropped from the air! "Kiba?" "Leave this place, Dario!" Kiba demanded before taking off her helmet, revealing to him her face while surprising Zem more! "Now!" She shouted as Zem retracted his spear-tip and noticed the sounds of guns being trained on him, getting him to turn around and see Serizawa, Takuya, Kazuma, Cathrine, Miki, and a short woman wielding a spear with grayish skin, long white hair, a long-tailed red hairbow, an eyepatch over the left side of her face, and a blouse and miniskirt that matched the color of her bow and patch respectively. With a growl, he placed his index finger and thumb in his mouth and whistled, causing an armored centaur pulling a black with red-striped chariot with six poles sticking out of each side to appear, with three armored demons with masks covering their faces riding in. "Arch Imps, secure the west side after they leave." Zem ordered as the Arch Imps jumped out and he took their place. "To the Bone Road!" He shouted as the centaur raced off, leaving the battlefield as Serizawa, Takuya, Kazuma, Cathrine, and Miki, and the woman walked over. "Thanks for coming along. Though you didn't have to." "Don't worry, think of it as a declaration of support for you, Charlie-sama." Kazuma told Charlie as her armor disappeared. "Please, call me Charlie-chan." She told him before turning around to face Angel and Cherri. "Are you two alright?" "If by 'alright' you mean burnt and beaten? Then yeah, we're peachy." Angel said sarcastically as Charlie crouched down to him. "Then what the fuck were you thinking?! You should've known better than to take on the literal, JUSTICIAR OF HELL!" She screamed angrily at him before yanking him up!

Track playing: Land of the Dead by The Lair of Voltaire

"Wait wait wait! The what of who now?" "The Overlord of Overlords!"

(Minotaur's my butler. Cyclops' my value. A centaur drives my chariot that takes me down the way!)

As the chariot was pulled away from the city and towards a volcanic valley, Zem's armor began to disappear, revealing a man with white hair, wearing a white suit with a green tie and a black trenchcoat, who cracked his neck while looking dissatisfied.

(Through a river of fire! To a street that's paved in bones! I got a dozen zombie skeletons to walk me to my throne!)

As they stop in front of a minotaur and a cyclops both wearing a red suit and blue tie standing behind a lake of lava, Dario is handed a Bloody Mary as six angels covered in purple armor, wearing Roman gladiator helmets that cover everything but the eyes, appeared from above and grabbed the twelve poles on the sides and proceeded to fly it over the lake, separating the top half from the wheels.

(In the land of the dead, heck boy ain't it swell? I'm the overlord of the underworld, 'cause I hold horror's hand. In the land of the dead, I'm dark side royalty! I'm far renowned in the underground and you can't take that from me.)

As they flew to a large palace made of stone and bones of giant creatures, the centaur, Minotaur, and cyclops walked over to a large white building to the side. Dario looked around as drinked his Mary, spotting Gojira wading through the lava with a dead wyvern in its mouth.

"Whoa!" "Whoa!" Dario and the angels said respectively for a few seconds as the latter group sounded uninterested while arriving at the other side of the lake before five of them lined up in front of the chariot, acting as stepping stones. "Ow." "Ow." "Ow." "Ow." "Ow." They said as Dario stepped on their heads and walked up to the gate as two succubi wearing full armor opened the door for him.

(Cerberus' my lapdog, as loyal as can be! My bed is made of skulls and bones, I'm in the lap of luxury.)

As he walked in, Cerberus came to his side and sat down with its heads lowered as Dario stopped and patted one of the heads before walking further inside.

(I got a dragon's blood jacuzzi, the gorgons think it's cool. I got a seven-headed hydra livin' in my swimmin' pool!)

Dario was now walking in an open courtyard as he passed a blood red hot tub with a trio of gorgons relaxing in it while a hydra, that resembled a marine iguana, laid in an Olympic-sized pool as its heads basked.

(In the land of the dead! Heck boy, ain't it swell? I'm the overlord of the underworld, cause I hold horror's hand! In the land of the dead, I'm dark side royalty! I'm far renowned in the underground and you can't take that away! From! Me! No you can't take that from me.)

"Hail, lord Dario!" An armored werewolf shouted as Dario was now walking through a hallway, getting dozens more to stand at attention with halberds standing. As he walked to the end, he handed his spear, that now looks more standard, to the last guard. "Take this to the armory." "Yes, my liege." She said as she walked away, hanging the spear over her shoulder. As Dario swung the doors open he then proceeded to turn around dramatically and slam the door shut!

Meanwhile, Charlie, Angel, and the girl walked into a mostly rundown hotel as the latter stopped by a coat rack before taking off her coat. "All we can do now is hope, Barago." Charlie muttered while looking at the coat before placing it on the rack. "Hey. I was gonna say this jokingly, but you're gonna wanna get some real food in this place. You'll have five more patients in a week." "We would've had more if you didn't ruin everything." She said under her breath as she then removed her tuxedo jacket and placed it on the hanger, revealing a white shirt and black suspenders underneath, as she then walked over to a crate and sat on it. Seeing that she was looking uncertain, Angel was about to reach out to her, but stopped before walking away. "Hey, Vags, where can I be useful?" "Don't call me that!" She shouted as Charlie then walked to the front door and headed out while pulling a phone out.

After heading outside, her phone went to voicemail. "Hey mom. Um, I know I keep calling, and you must be busy. Really busy, but I got some good news: I was able to get five Sinners to join my project, but I fear that they might be the only patients. The interview didn't go well and… I don't know if I'm gonna make a difference. I-I only knew half of what I was doing thanks to Barago, but now that he's reincarnated, I don't know what else to do." Charlie paused to catch her breath while wiping away her tears. "I could really use some advice, mom. I… I think my dad was right about me, and I don't want him to. A-anyway, I'll stop talking before this gets long. Uh-love you. Bye." She said before sending the message and heading back inside as she then banged the back of her head onto the door. Just then, she jumped back after hearing a knock at the door before she reluctantly opened the door, seeing Ketheric and a man with black & red hair/ears and two small antlers, wearing a dark-red coat with black-knotted and red-centered bowtie, black dress pants with bright red cuffs that matched the color of his undershirt, and a red-tinted, oval monocle and holding a cane that resembled a microphone. "Hel-" He was saying with a light static voice before he was cut off by the door closing. Shocked, Charlie decided to open the door again… "-lo!" Before attempting to close when Ketheric placed his hand in between the door. "We merely wish to speak with you, please." He told her calmly before pulling his arm back to let Charlie close the door. "Hey, Vaggie?" "What?" Vaggie asked as she sat on a couch with teeth and eyes. "Both Ketheric Thorm and the Radio Demon are at the door!" "What?!" "Uh, who?" She and Angel asked as the former now looked frantic while the latter was prying off wooden planks from a fireplace. "What should I do?!" "Well don't let them in!" Vaggie tells Charlie before she looks back at the door. She then walked back to the door and opened it with a determined look on her face. "May I speak now?" The man asked with a constant smile. "You may-" "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart, quite a pleasure!" Alastor declared as he waltzed right in while Ketheric waited outside! "Excuse my sudden visit, but we saw your fiasco on the picture show and I just couldn't resist! What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929! Hahahahaha, so many orphans." He stated as Vaggie suddenly appeared in front of him with a spear pointed at his throat. "Stop right there! Cabrón hijo de perra! I know your game, and I'm not going to let you hurt anyone here, you pompous cheesy talk show shitlord!" "Stop." Ketheric said as Vaggie's body seized up while her eyes looked to him as his body was covered in a thin, pitch black aura. "Bow. Bow!" He ordered as Vaggie dropped to one knee as her off hand rested on her knee and her other was on the floor while she struggled to fight the control! "Vaggie!" "We are not here to fight. Rather, I am here to offer myself to your project. Now maybe I come in?" Ketheric asked after Charlie rushed over to Vaggie as she tried to, in vain, move her. "Yes, just stop, please!" She pleaded as Ketheric did just that, losing the glow as Vaggie suddenly jerked backwards while falling onto the floor!

"My apologies. But I needed insurance." "I didn't. If I wanted to hurt anyone here, Ĩ̴͚̗̟̺͂̀ ̷̂̈͜w̶͖̱̘̉̋̈́͠ō̴̗̟̠̠u̶̧͘l̶̟̆͜d̶͕̅̀̉͝ ̶̡̠̣̦̆̽ḧ̶̹̀a̵͎̐͘v̶̮̟̼̎e̶̢͍͇̤̿̕͝ ̸̘͆ḑ̷̯̰͐̐̂̌ͅo̸̮̯̙͌ņ̵̲̔̿̌̕e̷̝̠̥͆̕͝ ̴̱̝̯̜͑͒͆͗s̴̡̜͇͔͊ȏ̸͙̆̚ ̷̗͇̣̆͋ḁ̶͔̳̎͛̃̿l̷̜͆̈́͑͗r̶͍͝e̷̞̓͑͝ā̶̺͚̀͆̚ḑ̷͠ȳ̵̨̡͓̿͝." Alastor informed Charlie and Vaggie as everything around him became distorted to an extreme degree for a few seconds as Ketheric walked past him. "No, I'm here because I want to help!" He claimed as Charlie helped Vaggie up. "Say what now?" "Help! Haha, hello! Is this thing on? Testing, testing!" He said jokingly as he tapped his cane, causing it to open a cat eye for the mic. "Well, I heard you loud and clear!" "Ummm. You want to help? With…" "this ridiculous thing you're trying to do. This hotel! I want to help you run it." Alastor tells as he suddenly appeared in between Charlie and Vaggie. "Buuut, why?" "Hahaha, why does anyone do anything? Sheer. Absolute! Boredom! I've lacked inspiration for decades. For seven years now, I've realized my work became mundane, lacking focus. AIMLESS! I've come to crave a new form of entertainment!" He explained as he shoved Vaggie away. "Does chopping off a reporter's limbs count as entertainment?" "Hahaha, it's the purest kind, my dear. REALITY! True passion! After all, the world is a stage, and the stage is a world of entertainment." Alastor stated. "So, does this mean you think it's possible to rehabilitate a Sinner?" Charlie asked with hope in her voice as Ketheric walked up to her. "Back when earth was still called Faerun, I believed I could never be redeemed, not after my debt to Myrkul. But after a few millennia, I began to wonder if I made the right choice in my last moments. And when I saw your interview, I decided to give it a shot." "I, on the other hand, think it's wacky nonsense! "Redemption", oh the nonexistent humanity! No no no, I don't think there's anything that can save such loathsome Sinners. The chance given was the life they lived before and the punishment is THIS!" Alastor declared as they walked into the lobby before he gestured to the entirety of Hell! "There is no undoing what is done." "The general of Myrkul being here, I get. But why do you want to help me if you don't even believe in my cause?" Charlie asked as Alastor pulled her right to his side, accidentally making her squeak like a toy. "Consider it as an investment, an ongoing entertainment for myself! I want to watch the scum of the world struggle to climb up the hill of betterment, only to repeatedly trip and tumble down to the fiery pit of failure." He eerily stated as his voice became clear at the end before Charlie steadily removed his hand from her. "Yes indeedy, I see big things coming your way! Who better to help you than I?" "So, uh, what's the deal with smiles over there?" Angel asked Vaggie as Alastor dragged Charlie to give him a tour. "Wait, you've never heard of him before? You've been here longer than me." Vaggie claimed as Angel just shrugs. "The Radio Demon, one of the most powerful Overlords the Pride Ring has ever seen? What about Ketheric Thorm, the only Sinner to keep his body from when he died?" "Eh, not big on politics." Angel told her, getting her to groan in frustration.

(Flashback, around 70 years ago)

(Vaggie: During the 1930's, Alastor manifested in Hell. Overnight, he began to topple most of the strongest of Overlords, who have been dominant for centuries.)

In the River of Styx, a large group of Sinners walked off a wooden ship, one of them being an intrigued Alastor. Days later in an old Pentagram City, he began to slaughter other Overlords by various means with a swarm of Imp-sized creatures.

(Vaggie: That kind of raw power has never been by a mortal soul for hundreds of years. Then he broadcasted his carnage all throughout the Nine Circles just so everyone could witness his ability.)

As the current denizen heard the screams of Overlords, they looked around in terror until they saw Alastor, now resembling a windigo, casually hanging from a main radio tower with one arm.

(Vaggie: Sinners started calling him the Radio Demon! As last as that is. Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival the most ancient and destructive of the Goetia family. But one thing's for sure…)

(Present Day)

"He's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery. And a violent monster of chaos, the likes of which we can't get involved with unless we want to end up erased!" "Ya done? Because I'm more concerned about the guy in the angelically-infused armor than the guy who looks like a strawberry pimp." Angel tells her as gestures to Ketheric's periodically glowing armor. "Oh, you should be. He's arguably deadlier than Alastor. Not even the Deadly Sin can kill him. I don't trust them!" "To be fair, do you trust any man? Any men?" He asked as Vaggie then walked over to Charlie. "Charlie, listen to me. You can't believe these creeps. Alastor isn't a happy face, he's a deal maker, and Ketheric signed a deal with the Lord of Bones, both pure evil! They can't be redeemed, even if the latter wants to, and are most likely looking for a way to destroy everything we're trying to do." "I… uh, we don't know that. Look, I know they're bad and Alastor probably doesn't wanna change. But I heard the honesty in the General's voice." Charlie stated as she then looked at Alastor and Ketheric, who were looking at a portrait of a blonde woman on the left, a short man holding a cane with an apple on it on the right, and Charlie in the middle, all of which dressed formally. "They look just as they did ages ago." Kethreic claimed. "Besides, the whole point of this is to give people a chance. And have faith things will be better. How can I turn someone away? I can't. It goes against everything I'm trying to do, everything I believe in. Just trust me, I can take care of myself. You saw it earlier today." She tells Vaggie as she places her hands on her shoulders while looking into her eyes. "Charlie, Katie's an idiot who tried to attack you head on. Alastor tricks people into making deals with him." "Don't worry. I picked up one good thing from my dad; 'Ya don't take shit from other Demons'." Charlie states as she walks over to Alastor and Ketheric, leaving Vaggie looking worried.

"Okay, so, Al. You're sketchy as fuck, and you clearly see what I'm trying to do here is a joke. But I don't, I believe that everyone deserves a chance to prove they can be better. So I'm taking you up on your offer, but you have to play by my rules. The first sign of sabotage, and I'll throw you out myself." "So it's a deal then?" Alastor asked as he placed his cane underneath his left arm and held out his right hand before it glowed green. "Nope! No shaking! No deals! I…hmm." Charlie hummed warily to herself before she turned away. She then pulled off her amulet and summoned Kiba's armor, making Alastor's eyes widen for a split second before they relaxed as she turned around. "As princess of Hell and Heiress to Pride, I hereby order you to help me manage this… I'd say hotel, but I want the new name to be decided after finishing with renovations. Eitherway, help me for as long as I desire." Kiba orders as Alastor gives it some thought. "Very well. I can accept that." He claimed as he made his cane disappear and walked away, allowing Kiba to look at Ketheric. "Now, Mr. Thorm, let's get you registered. Follow me, please." She asked as she and Ketheric walked over to a mostly empty minibar with a white notebook and a black and red telephone with an eye on the center of the dial on the desk. "I have never seen a female Makai Knight before, both while I was alive and dead." "Uh-huh, now if you sign here, we can get started immediately after the grand opening." Kiba tells Ketheric as she opens the notebook to the first page, showing Angel's full name at the top before he is handed a pen and signs below Angel's. "Great. You'll be in room 10." "Thank you, but why not room 2?" He asked. "I'm not gonna lie, I don't trust anyone near Angel Dust just yet. Not even me, and I trust just about everybody." Kiba informed him as he nodded understandingly before Alastor walked back over to them. "So where is your staff?" "Well, Razzle and Dazzle just went back out to get groceries. And Vaggie is technically security here." She states as they look to Vaggie, who scowls at Alastor. "Ohoho. You're going to need more than that." He tells her before turning to Angel, whom was walking towards them. "And what can you do, my effeminate fellow?" "I can suck your dick." Angel stated bluntly as Alastor suddenly let out a high-pitched screech! "Ha! No." "Hm, your loss." He tells him as Alastor walks towards the center of the room. "Well this won't do. I suppose I can cash in a few favors to liven things up." He states as he snaps his fingers, causing the fireplace to come alive as the planks and loose drapes around it burn away while a very short creature, covered in ash and soot, dropped from the chimney before Alastor picked it up. After a few seconds, a sunset-colored eye opened and looked around before the soot came off all at once, revealing a little girl with a yellow streak on her short red hair, wearing reddish pink maid dress with a white apron, stained with three hot-pink splotches, and a black neckerchief with matching boots and gloves. "This little darling is Nifty!" Alastor introduced as he drops Nifty, letting her land on her pointed feet. "Hi, I'm Nifty. It's nice to meet you. It's been a while since I've made new friends!" Nifty said as her pupil dilated with a sinister smile before it quickly disappeared. "Wait, why are you all women? Aren't there any men here?!" She shouted in a panic as she ran over and lifted Kiba up for a moment, making everyone tense as Vaggie brought up her spear and Ketheric pulled out a hammer and kite shield, both with glowing silver stripes. However, seconds later, Nifty was quickly crushed underneath her before she scurried out, unharmed. "I'm sorry, that's rude. Oh man, this place is filthy! This really needs a ladies touch, which is weird because you're all ladies no offense." She claimed as she ran around the lobby before she got to work, dusting off cobwebs, making everything look presentable, and killing cockroaches, that somehow found their way to Hell.

"The here? What the fuck is this?" An anthropomorphic cat with dark taupe fur, five patches of white fur around the face, biceps, chest, and toes, a pair of red and dark taupe wings covered in two different patterns of red, white, and black, tail feathers on the tip of his tail, and wearing a pair of black overalls with a red bowtie, asked himself before seeing Alastor. "You!" "Ah! Husker, my good friend! Glad you could make it!" He said as he places a hand on him before getting swatted away. "Don't you "Husker" me, you son of a bitch! I was about to win the whole damn pot!" "Good to see you too." He said as Husker facepalmed in frustration before Ketheric walked over. "Husk, right? I believe I can help with your winning's problem." "Ketheric. I take it that you're here voluntarily?" Husk asked as Ketheric walked over to the rotary phone. "Is this connected to the landline?" "Yeah. Go ahead." Kiba said as she disengaged the armor.

Meanwhile, in a bar, a black-furred Hellhound was hiding behind a flipped over table with a buckler and pistol in hand as bullets flew everywhere! Just then, a flip phone, hung off his black jeans, rang before he placed down his shield and picked it up, answering it. "Hello?" "Rabian, it is Ketheric Thorm. I have a task for you." Ketheric informed Rabian as a bullet whiffed through the table and missed his head! "Yes, my general. Whatever it may be." He tells him before popping out from the cover and fires at one of the shooters, hitting them in the head before immediately ducking back down! "I have a Sinner at the far northwest side of Pentagram City who had rightly won a card game. He looks like a tressym wearing suspenders." "So that's where he disappeared to. Understood, General, he will have it by tomorrow." Rabian declared before he hung up.

"Will that suffice?" "Enough. Now the here do you want with this time?" Husk asked, looking directly at Alastor, who suddenly hooks him around his right arm. "My friend, I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. I hope that's okay?" "Are you shitin' me?" He asked as Alastor thought about it. "No, I don't think so." He tells him before getting shoved away. "You thought it would be some big fuckin' riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! You think I'm some kinda fuckin' clown?!" "Maybe." Alastor states with a smug smile. "I ain't doin' no charity job." "Well I figured you'd be the perfect face to man front desk of this fine establishment. With your charming smile, welcoming energy, and knowledge of cocktails, this job was made for you!" He tells Husk before walking to the minibar, which had been replaced with a darker-colored one that had five different skulls over three signs that said: "Bet Soul", "Welcome", and "Big Booze". "Don't worry, my friend, I can make this more welcoming. If you wish." Alastor tells Husk as his voice briefly became clear while he waved his hand in front of the desk, making a bottle that said "Cheap Booze" appear. "You should count yourself lucky that Big Metal here was able to get my money back, or this cheap booze… would be the only thing keeping me here!" He claimed before he grabbed the bottle and began chugging it. "Hey, hey! Hey hey hey, no! No bar, no alcohol!" Vaggie declared as she marched in front of the bar. "Does it have to serve just ale?" "Better not. Because this is supposed to be a place that discourages sin! Not some kinda… mouth… brothel… man cave-" "Shut up! Shut! Up!" Angel shouted as he suddenly tackled Vaggie to the floor, surprising both Charlie and Ketheric! "We are keeping this." He declared coldly before getting off of her and headed towards Husk. "Hey." "Go fuck yourself." "Only if you watch me." Angel told Husk seductively. "Remind me to lock my door at night." "Only if you do the same for me." Husk tells Ketheric as Charlie headed over enthusiastically. "Oh my gosh! Welcome, Husk! I'm Charlie and you are going to love it here!" "I lost the ability to love years ago." Husk tells her before grabbing the bottle with his left hand and shaking Charlie's hand with the right. "So what do you think?" "This is amazing!" She told Alastor with excitement as Vaggie looked upset with her arms crossed. "It's okay." "Hahoho, this is going to be very entertaining!" Alastor declared as he pulled Vaggie and Charlie into his arms before the former pushed herself away, unintentionally giving him a free hand to earthly fire with voodoo symbols coming off of them.

Musical number: Inside of every Demon (Alastor Ver.)

In an instant, Alastor tossed the flame into the air and shoved Vaggie away while Charlie was distracted. His attire then changed with a white shirt, a more open coat with two tails, and a red top hat with pins and stitching on it.

Alastor: You have a dream. You wish to tell.

As he spun Charlie around a bit, her clothes changed into a black dress with a flowing reddish-pink skirt, black gloves and dress heels, and a reddish-pink hat with a black bow, and her hair shortening into a slightly curled bob.

Alastor: And it's so laughable, but hey kid, what the hell!?

Alastor proceeded to then pick Charlie up and toss her onto the top of the stairs before following her!

Alastor: Because you're one-of-a-kind! Charming Demon bell! Now let's give these burning fools a place to dwell!

They tap danced for a second before they hopped onto the railing and slid down to the base of the stairs, where Alastor snapped his fingers and changed everyone's attire to match theirs.

"Take it, boys!" He shouted as he snapped his fingers again, creating some strange ink-black creatures that started playing jazz music! As Charlie enjoyed the music, Vaggie tried to reach her before Alastor pulled her to the others!

Alastor: Inside of every Demon is a lost cause. But we'll dress them up for now with just a smile (With a smile!)!

He then went over to Husk and Angel to mess with them a bit as he added a feathered hat and a boa made from a fox onto Vaggie before smacking her rear, making her seethe with rage!

Alastor: And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flare! Show these simpletons some simple class and style (Class & Style!)!

Alastor then danced to the fireplace while kicking a random skull away, which Nifty then rushed over to clean away, as he then created a inky copy of himself before dispelling it.

Alastor: Here below the ground, I'm sure your plan is sound. They'll spend… done at this hazbin ho-

He then went back to Charlie and spun around, holding hands, before the front door was suddenly blown off and smashed into Nifty, interrupting Alastor's song!

As everyone went to investigate, they spotted a warship in the air! "Ha! Well well well. Look who it is, harboring the striped freak? We meet yet again, Alastor!" Sir Pentious declared as he popped out of a window on the front! "Do I know you?" Alastor asked as he walked outside. "Oh yes, you do!" He claimed as he slithered back inside and 'sat' in front of the main console! "And this time I have the element of surprise!" Sir Pentious shouted as he pulled a lever next to him, causing a cannon with a crystal red core to drop from the ship and began charging up a shot! Fortunately, Alastor summoned half a dozen black tendril that latched onto the warship, ripping the cannon off as one of the tendrils stabbed into the ship via the window! A minute later, Alastor clinched his left hand as the tendrils began crushing the warship, only for it to explode and take them with it! "Well, I'm starved! Who wants some jambalaya? My mother once showed me a recipe for jambalaya! In fact, it nearly killed her!" He stated, as if nothing happened, as he walked back into the building while everyone stared at him with shock and fear before Charlie began to get excitedly hopeful before everyone followed Alastor! "You could say the kick was right out of Hell! OHOHO, I am on a roll! Yes sir, this is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set!"

(3 Hours later)

Within a large bedroom, filled with items from each century after the 14th century with a painting or photo accompanying them, Dario sat on a loveseat in front of a queen-sized bed while his coat lay on the right armrest as he watched the news on an ornate tv. "In other news, the west side of Pentagram City has officially fallen to the hands of the prime minister of Hell: Lord Zem!" "That's right, Katie, and the side is currently under reconstruction as we speak. Which could've been worse if not for the swift response from Princess Charlotte and the G-Squad!" Tom stated as he grabbed a swung hand from Katie, holding a mug. "Yes, the bitch that SLICED OFF MY LEGS AND CRUSHED ONE OF MY ARMS OVER THE TRUTH OF HER STUPID ASS PROJECT!" She yelled in rage as her neck snapped off its joint, hanging by some flesh! "Don't blame her and her 'get out of Hell' plan for your lack of professionalism. Now onto the weather while Katie here experiences payback!" Tom tells Katie as he took the mug from her hand and splashed her face with hot coffee, making her scream in pain as she then fell off her chair! Afterwards, Dario turned off the screen, revealing it to be made of an amyphest-like material, as he got up. "So that's why she was with those soldiers. But what is this project they're talking about?" He asked himself as he got up before he closed his eyes and held out a splayed out hand to the screen. Just then, the screen turned back on, this time showing Charlie's interview. "Ladies and gentlemen, in one week, I am opening up a rehab center for any Sinners who want to give it a try!" She declared as Dario watched. "Charlie's working on a project of her own?" He asked himself as he then walked over to stand next his bed, looking at a black and white picture of him and Charlie with a company of Demons, all wearing fitted armor and wielding various weapons as Charlie's hair was done in a braided ponytail with a black streak. "Hmm. Maybe this is what I need to discredit Lucifer." Dario muttered before he looked to his coat.

After reacquiring his spear, Zem was now at the doorstep of Charlie's hotel as he then knocked on the door. Moments later, Angel, whom was back in his original clothes, opened the door to see who it was before he looked in terror. "May I come in, and speak with the owner of this place?" Zem asked as the door was then slammed shut in front of him! "Angel, who is it?" Charlie, whom was also back in her original attire, asked as she walked up to him, seeing him looking rattled. "You are a magnet for Overlords. Your justifier is at the door, wanting to talk to ya. I need a drink just from seein' him." He stated as he then walked over to the minibar. Charlie then walked over to the door and headed outside, closing the door behind herself. "Dario, I'm surprised you're here. How did you know I'd be here?" "I just worked under the assumption that you needed a place big enough to accommodate hundreds of Demons at a time." Zem explained. "Yeah, you and Alastor both. So what brings you here? It's not like you to hunt down prey." She asked as he sighed, hoping she wouldn't ask.

To be continued.

Notes: The Kaiju in Hell and Ketheric Thorm will be the only Sinners that keep their bodies from the start, the former group for an unknown reason and the latter due to his pact with Myrkul.