No copyright infringement jutsu
Chapter 1: Sunrise
Hikigaya Hachiman had awoken in his bed. He slowly rose up and stared at his hands. They were his hands, his normals hands. No gloves or calluses to be found. He got up to see his room, his boring, normal, average ever day room. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, it's like he was dreaming. "Dreams" he said aloud to himself. He had just been within a dream but truly it was more of a nightmare. Perhaps he had finally awoken but could it have just been a dream? He remembered everything so perfectly. The pain, the constant touch of death, the blood. Oh the blood. So much blood. It was enough to make a man sick- "Shut up internal Hachiman, you sound like Gascoigne"
"Onii-Chan! Are you talking to yourself again? I thought you only did that in your head. I bet I got points for remembering that"
An Angel, he heard the voice of an Angel but it wasn't just any Angel, it was his precious Komachi. He remembered now, his precious sister. When he would be on the verge of death or died so much that he refused to move on, the thought of returning to his beloved sister kept him going. He quickly ran out the door, pulling the door handle so hard he ripped the door off the hinges as he ran into the kitchen and gave his beacon of hope a powerful hug.
"O-onii-Chan! What's wrong? You're hugging Komachi too tightly, she might explode". Her pleas fell on deaf ears as he continued to hug her. His sorrows and troubles began melting away as he began to cry manly tears (because crying out of love is the most manly thing you can do). The young Hikigaya girl didn't know what to do in this situation. Her brother had just bursted out his room and latched onto her like a jaw of life on a car door. Not only that, he was crying too. What happened to him, was it a nightmare? She did the only thing she could do.
"It's ok Onii-Chan. Komachi is here. She won't let you go. She'll stay with you forever and that will get her infinite points". She patted his head as he fell to his knees. After about an hour, he finally was able to gain some composure.
"Onii-Chan. What happened to make you cry like that?"
"I just had a bad dream is all. A long dream that I'll probably never forget".
After breakfast he went to get ready. He noticed his door was broken and knew his parents would kill him for this. He put on his school uniform and stood in front of the mirror. It was his uniform, the same as it always was. Although he felt like it was missing something. He playfully put on an invisible hat. Although the dream was cruel, the fashion was outstanding. He took his backpack and went outside to his bike. Oh his sweet bike, he missed her when he was running around everywhere by foot. Just like his missed- "Vita-Chan!". He pulled out his trusty Vita-Chan from his bag and began to kiss her vigorously.
"How I missed you Vita-Chan. All I had to entertain me was a doll and messengers." The workshop had little entertainment value. All there was was books. Of course he read them all because he enjoyed reading, although he doubts he'll ever have to pick up fair maidens. There was also the doll who would talk to him and playfully react to his many gestures. She was only a doll but felt alive, yet again, she was alive at one point but as real person. Then there was the messengers, he didn't know what they were but they always helped him when he needed it but Vita-Chan was his one true love.
He got onto his bike and took Komachi to school, afterwords he came to his school. School, a boring everyday school. No extra dimensions or slime people to be seen. No spiders with human faces or giants with flaming fist. He could get used to this. He went inside and swapped to his school shoes in his locker. He began walking to class and realized he was slouching forward again. He hadn't walked this way in a long time. Being in Yarnham made his posture improve greatly, well not by choice of course. It was either stand up straight or die. It seems the peaceful environment he was now in had caused him to slink back into his old demeanor.
"Peaceful huh?". Honestly his time in Yarnham wasn't so different from his real life. He was always hyper vigilant of his surroundings. In real life it was about avoiding people but in Yarnham he had to look around every corner and up every surface to ensure his safety. You never knew who or what could be hanging from a chandelier. Now walking through these halls, he could hear people speak from all around. Hear about their days, their gossip, their secrets. Was it due to his heightened senses or perhaps the insight he gained. Speaking of insight, everyone sort of ignored him, not like the usual but like they didn't realize he existed. He wasn't sure to be concerned or happy that he mastered stealth Hiki. He decided the latter as he made it to his classroom. He quietly made it to his desk and sat down.
The usual suspects were all here. Miura, Ebina, Hayam and the other two whose names I can't remember. For once, he was happy to see the normies in their natural habitat. It was better than having them yell at him in British and try to stab him. Besides that there were no real people on the streets in Yarnham. Everyone just hid in their homes and hoped for the best. Now he was home, where people could live normal lives and only occasionally be afraid of what goes bump in the night.
"Yahello~ Hiki~". A familiar sound resonated in his ears as the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. His eyes darted forward to see Yuigahara entering the class room. She was the same as before, those pink eyes, that cheerful attitude, those delicious breast- wait what?. He realized that he was staring at her like a hungry beast until he shook his head and composed himself.
"How are on this morning Hiki?"
"I'm fine, just woke up on the wrong side on the bed"
"You were probably up all night playing video games"
"You leave Vita-Chan out of this"
Their conversation was interrupted as the bell rang and Shizuka entered the room.
"Alright, everyone to their seats and let's begin todays lesson"
The day went on as it normally would, although now his ability to pay attention and have internal monologues simultaneously was better than before. He missed Hiratsuka-Sensei. She was a real pain in the ass but at least she always gave you advice on your current predicament. He couldn't help but stare at her while working and appreciate her. If only she was around for the hunt, he could have relied on her to punch everything to death. Shizuka couldn't help but stop mid writing on the board. She felt someone staring at her and made her uncomfortable.
"Are you ok Sensei?"
"Y-yes. I just forgot what I was going to write is all"
After a long few lessons it was now lunch time. He escaped the classroom to his favorite spot and began to eat. It had been so long since he actually ate any real food. All he had to eat in Yarnham was beast blood pellets, elixirs and sedatives, all which did not taste good whatsoever. Now he had Komachi's cooking and each bite made him feel like all was ok in life. That was until he peace was ruined once again.
"You seem to really be Enjoying your lunch Hiki". Yuigahara had appeared at his favorite spot once again and once again he was upset that she was ruining his alone time.
"Why yes, my precious Komachi made this food for me. That makes it better than any food that could exist"
"You know Hiki, it's totally always creepy when you talk about your sister that way?"
"How so? If you love something, wouldn't you want to express your love for it as much as possible?"
She was going to reply but couldn't find the courage to do so. They both continued to eat in silence until it was time to go back to class. The rest of the day was uneventful as the two made their way to the club room. Hachiman always dreaded coming back to the club room. It felt like a prison full of "I can fix him" types made into wardens. Yui opened the door and gave her signature catchphrase.
"Yahello, Yukinon!"
There she was. The ice queen herself, Yukinoshita Yukino. Reading the same book in the same spot, in the same position with the same facial expression as always. Does being perfect mean you can act like a machine? If so Hachiman was probably a beast killing machine at this point.
"Hello Yuigahara, Hello Hikigaya-Kun…"
She trailed off when she stared at him. She couldn't tell why but something felt off about him. Like he was in front of her but shouldn't have been.
"What's the matter? Captivated by my beauty?"
Her train of thought was disturbed as she made a disgusted face.
"Only someone as self absorbed as you would think you're beautiful enough to cause people to stop thinking. Perhaps I found your pathetic existence so confusing, it caused my brain to internally swell". Thats Yukino alright. Always so quick to comeback at someone. She may be a bitch but he'd rather argue with her than listen to the mad ramblings of the Yarnhamites.
The three of them sat around their usual spots and began to discuss club activities. Their's was a club of helping others but was helping others always a good thing? He would have thought so before his nightmare but he remembered all the people he "helped" and how their lives became worse for it.
Alfred got what he wanted but killed himself. Eileen failed her duty and passed it on to him because she was too old to keep going. Gascoigne's daughter literally got eaten by a pig, if only he had been there to save her. All the people at cathedral ward were safe but after the ritual they all went mad or gave birth to aliens. The point is, all the people he helped suffered in the end and it was all because he opened his big mouth and tried to be a good person.
If the service club was supposed to teach him how to appreciate life and become more friendly, Yarnham was the exact opposite. Interacting with people was bad and going it alone was the only way to survive. Working to achieve friendship only led to tragedy and as he always said "To work is to lose" and he certainly lost in the end.
The door to the club room suddenly opened as Iroha entered.
Iroha: "Hello every-". Her train of thought cut off as she stared at Hachiman. Honestly this was starting to get old for him. Is this what the Amygdala felt when he looked up at it for the first time?
Hachiman: "I know, I'm beautiful. Stare as much as you'd like"
Iroha: "Are you hitting on me? I'm sorry Senpai but I can't fathom being able to got out with someone I can barely comprehend. Sorry"
Yukino: "It appears that you can only say one joke. trick ponygaya-kun"
Hachiman: "The only horse in here is you with that kicking mouth of yours"
Yuigahara: "Hiki are you saying that Yukinon has beautifully powerful legs like a horse? Creepy Hiki"
This went on for some time as it usually does. It's weird for him to think that he was just living a nightmare and now he's back home getting back into the swing of things or was it the groove of things? He'd have to consult with inner Hachiman later about his use of phrases and wether or not they're correct.
The time came for club to end as Hachiman and Yuigahara made their way to their lockers and swapped their shoes as they made their way to his bike.
Yuigahara: "So Hiki, do you want to get something to eat?"
Hachiman: "You know, all that talk about horses made me hungry"
Yuigahara: "W-what?"
Hachiman: "You know? The expression "I'm so hungry I can eat a horse"?"
Yuigahara: "Hiki are you saying that imagining Yukinon's powerful legs made you hungry? Creepy Hiki"
Yui had held on to Hachiman as they made their way into town. The sensation of Yuigahara hanging onto him was making him uneasy but not for the reason it would have before. Was this perhaps a side affect of the Hunt? Did it make him more in touch with his carnal desires? He hit a bump as Yui grabbed onto him tightly as her chest squished against his back. His senses were now on overdrive, he could hear everything going on in the next district. He began to peddle faster and faster to resist the urge of stopping and taking Yui right there in the middle of the street.
After their violent biking session, they stopped by their favorite restaurant. They sat at their usual spot and ordered their food.
Yui: "Hiki, what's wrong with you?"
Hachiman: "What makes you think there's something wrong with me?" He was sweating profusely.
Y: "Well, you've been acting on edge all day, like you haven't gone to school or talked to us in years"
H: "It was that noticeable huh? Well, I had a nightmare"
Y: "A nightmare?"
H: "Yes. It was a nightmare so horrific, I woke up feeling like everything was alien to me." He wanted nothing more than to tell her about all that he encounters but he couldn't. She wouldn't believe a single word he said. She's probably say that he was acting like Zaimokuza with his crazy fantasy.
Y: "Can a dream really do that to you?"
H: "Well they say dreams are a gateway to the subconscious. Maybe they're trying to tell me something". What was the hunt trying to tell him? I guess it would be something like "git gud".
Y: "Did it Feel genuine?"
H: "…". That… was a good question. Although it was a dream it was definitely real, everything he experienced up to that point couldn't be forgotten. If he had to answer- "Yes, it was genuine too genuine." What the dream lacked in solace it made up for in truth. The truth that nothing really mattered, for the world was truly a nightmare that belonged to beings far beyond our comprehension, true "monsters of logic" as Haruno-San would say.
Y: "That sounds scary. If it makes you hate the thing you want the most, it must be a nightmare". If only you knew Yuigahara, if only you knew.
After eating, our duo would make their way back to the bike to find a group of thugs waiting for them.
Thug: "Hey there, you two seem like a nice couple. How about this? You give us all your money and the bike and we won't fuck your girlfriend and force you to watch. Sound good?" Yuigahara hid behind me and held onto me for dear life. I could feel her shaking with fear and it pissed me off that they made her feel this way.
H: "Listen buddy, I don't really have time to deal with you or your tragic backstory that resulted in a life of crime, how about you just leave us alone before I fuck you and make all your friends watch?" Wait that came out more homoerotic than intimidating.
He ran up to me as I simply stepped to the side and tripped him. He fell face first into the bike rack and fell to the floor holding his face in pain.
Thug: "You fucking asshole. You broke my nose!"
H: "No, the bike rack broke your nose. Maybe if you weren't being an asshole and trying to rob us you wouldn't have to had your nose broken."
He got up, his face all bloody as he pulled out a switch blade. He swung it at me but I grabbed his wrist and squeezed it as he cried out in pain and dropped the knife. I caught it mid air and in one swift motion, I drove it straight into his throat and pulled it out just as quickly as his blood sprayed all over the place and he dropped to the floor.
Y: "a-a-a-aaaahhhh! Aaaahhhh!" Yuigraha began to scream hysterically as she held her head and fell onto her butt. The other thugs all began to run away from me as well.
H: "Oh. It appears that I've over done it." And just like that, my return home from my nightmare was all wrong, just as I expected.