This is before the start of One Piece canon and it would be nice as well to see Vi growing stronger unlike in canon who only got stronger through skins of which is a bummer as her base still remained the same but the experiences only increased.

In the first intro here, Vi has been in the One piece world for eighteen years meanwhile 5 years have only passed back on runeterra, making Caitlyn 28 and Vi 42, making Vi a lot older but is needed for her to get acquainted on one piece to not explore a majority of it but also become stronger by fighting everything the world offers and trained enough to the point she can use haki and rokushiki to there near potential because the people in one piece fighters are very strong and can even get very strong moreso with training, experience and with enough is able to obtain haki especially for special bloods like those of the will of D and celestial dragons and other unknowns that makes the one piece planet look like a universe of its own that it can as well fit multiple verses like naruto, hxh, jjk, black clover, seven deadly sins and even bleach if done right and fabulously but I can only do so much so Vi is all I can do.

Maybe I would as well add other characters but it would take a long time.

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"Twenty years I have been in here and yet there is still no way to come back home, even Vegapunk and Henzo are too busy at the moment to give me any results", Vi thought with a tired sigh as she looked over Marineford from atop, wearing her newly tailor-made Vice Admiral uniform combined with her Zaunite clothing that she wore when she came here decades ago and it was a life she lived here as she look all over Marineford and hear distinct sounds of Navy and Government personnel talking of the mundane like pirates, there daily lives, loves and as well the preparations of the Ceremony to be held in the graduation of other marine officers into like her.

Feeling the breeze of the wind fly through her long and unruly hair that she grew from her tomboyish hair cut years ago that now reaches behind her back, the salt of the sea she can just taste through her raw senses, the smoke and fires of industry working day and night to forge weapons and armour for both ships and marines especially the giants themselves having even more gigantic ships like John Giant and the voices of many echoing and going through her ears even without her observation ambition and her own men going to work there daily duties like fixing there ships and maitaining all of it to last longer for years to come against what the seas offer like powerful pirates and kingdoms whom are allied with the rebel armies or any other dangers.

Keeping there rations nice and steady and helping as well servants and fellow seaman setting up decorations and chairs for the up and coming celebration of her becoming Vice Admiral along with other graduates in Rapanui, Isoka, Jonathan, and many more with her and Momousagi Gion as the two female finalist.

It was all surreal to be honest and she found it more insane the more she thought about the reason why she was here in the first place after being sent here due to the corrupted Hex cube Viktor kept secret for selfish reasons and being experimental with it like giving it shimmer and all sorts of wacky shit he put in it, wanting betterment for not only everyone but also himself as he was dying slowly and is getting desperate to live and extend his life for the better of which didnt happen.

It didnt even help that both Zaun and Piltover were in a war with Caitlyn as dictator and both she and her broke up badly after she almost killed a child that is getting in her way of killing powder or Jinx she likes to call herself and when they reunited to put down the monster, they were only on speaking terms and nothing more, although she could feel and even taste the tension between them especially if they were in the same room or are having arguments.

It was hard to put that thing down, the corruption was so bad even the entire council building along with the large portion of Piltover along with Zaun has been infected and turned into a living monster hell bent on domination that it was spreading into Noxian territory, which forced Medardas Noxian general mother that put Caitlyn her position as dictator to help them albeit with contempt for the near death experience her daughter was afflicted with due to Jinx's attack on the council building.

The infection spread to anyone it comes across, turning them into mindless monsters hellbent on inflicting as many deaths as possible and every second, tens to thounsands were being infected and some turned to dust to fuel the ravenous hunger of the hex-cube to become whole again, in the understanding words of heimerdinger and this was further backed up by Viktor whom is connected to the hex-cube.

Many more would have been infected if not for more help in Heimmerdinger, Ekko and his gang of fireflies, the Zaunites along with Demacians of which held a temporary truce with Noxus for this very event and last of all is her crazy sister Jinx and remnants of the Piltover Enforcer Guard under the command of Caitlyn Kirramman, made all the more better as it would have been an infestation that needed to be wiped out along with the innocent, and anything she ever loved and the thought haunted her to this day.

But even then, the source of it all, the hexcube, had to be destroyed as no matter the repeated bombings and attacks, the abomination would regenerate by absorbing anything it comes across, the very ground itself wasn't safe and feeding on the very energy of the world itself.

It turned out to be her to do it after Jayce, Ekko, Heimmerdinger and many more were taken out of the fight and Viktor cant do anything with his newly made but depleted energy suit due to the hex-cube being connected to him and punished him swiftly despite his defiance for what the hex-cube did to Sky and in turn, exposed his weak body and all he can do was support her and buy her enough time to stop the Hex cube and hopefully escape with the three of them intact but she knows that wasnt going to happen and it was hard as she knows it would be the last time she would see them again.

It still pains her to this day as she grits her teeth as the last thing she did was to tell Viktor to say to Caitlyn that she loves them both and using her hex gauntlets, she ran up to the hex-cube and destroyed it with all of her might despite its last resistance to destroy her and after that, everything went bonkers as she was swallowed up by the explosion and the showed itself to her in its purest form and it was nightmarish to look at but also mesmerizing and she felt herself float for what felt like an eternity and she lost consciousness, when she woke up, she was falling once again and she ended up in this large sea world by crashed landing on an islands forestry of which by that time had some people hunting for food and wood for there homes.

They were generally nice and helped her recover in a few days and when she looked for information regarding her state, it made her disbelieve at first to know that she in a world that made her own home look small by comparison from the fact that there was no definitive map as they explained that the world is constantly changing every year so islands that were once existing are no longer in the same spot and even move positions as if they have minds of there own and some islands could even range into the continental sizes of which boggles her to this day as explained to her by the people living in the island with the addition of the accounts of those that have sailed numerous times especially as well that this island has soldiers that are called marines but are now retired veterans of whom even fought Sea Kings with there bare hands and even powerful pirates and more, shocking her immensely.

She stayed on the island for more days to not only recover but also familiarize herself and the family that took her in was very nice and even helped them on jobs like building houses. They live near the beaches of which they found her and nursed her back and she was very lucky they werent bad or shmucks for her like she experienced back in Zaun that she had to be protective all the time and can only trust Vander and her friends.

The island is not really bad from what she can tell, a bar, eatery and other services to help the people relax after a days work of foraging, fishing or even fighting sea kings, a church as well to give the people a sense of purpose and doing odd jobs whether it be big or small, even the mayor is a kind old man along with the veterans there and with enough money and experience, she was able to not only pay off her debts to the family that took care of her but also find and build herself a home and it was much better than living on the dark areas of Zaun where she survived by being a Pit fighter.

Though her peace in said island would come crashing down by the bell gonging at the center of town, signaling to them all that the island is about to be attacked by pirates, she eagerly helped in preparing any defenses she and everyone can muster.

They were able to put whatever they can especially with the help of retired marine vets of whom she was shocked to know were much stronger than her or even some of the human champions back in her home as some of them were captains, commodores or officers back in this world's navy and she figured they would win this but she in for more surprises when she first laid her eyes on a pirate ship.

They were thrice as big as Noxian ships along with the weapons it has that can create a crater with a single shot and some of the pirates are twice as big as her but she pushed down her fear and charge towards the pirates along with any civillian volunteers and ex marines of whom have suited themselves up for this battle in there old uniforms.

Her first bout with both pirates was eye opening to say the least. They along with the marine veterans are a lot stronger than the average human and those of the higher ranks are even more powerful that they could take her gauntlet hits far higher and even dodge them with ease that she needed help in taking even one down which is a pain to deal with as it was dealing with hex monsters and drug fuelled crazies Zaun has to offer and the bosses clearly is the strongest of the bunch of which she found out the hard way.

The captain is a literal armoured giant named Bonecrusher, his height alone can reached that of a building and is built as well to show he got the captaincy of the pirates through power and cunning despite looking like a big lug, his roars can echo through the island and it was a bitch to take it down as it is soaking up damage to even cannon fire by the tens to hundred, and it took them all to even match it.

It was pure luck she managed to survive because a navy ship managed to intercept there signal and drove off the pirates although the big lug managed to escape and she still hasnt found to this very day and the more she thought about it, she was really lucky indeed as the giant for all his strengths was not a haki user and was mainly focused on his strength and power but it was a bitch to take it down that multiple veterans fell and she was able to know some of them in her time in the Island like the Gustin brothers in Job and Shawn Gustin of whom had survived so many and have retired for five years of service and own a plantation, Kirei Guinea for ten years and working as both a fisherman and a hair stylist and it was sad as well as she was beloved by the community along with Santos Hererra of which works as a fisherman alongside her and many more civilians who volunteered to save the island.

After the battle, she was hailed as one of the heroes of the island and the marines offered her a place as a marine recruit with the help of the retired vets there and she was first hesitant but seeing the opportunity she can do and wanting to see more of this world, she accepted the offer and by years she was able to train not just under marine instructors and even Kong himself when they were at war with the Golden Lion but the Five headed Monster of the navy and the strongest generation that are still live today.

Garp the hero because of his actions on God Valley along with Black Arm Zephyr which as well fought the likes of the Rocks pirates and the pirate king Gol D Roger and the Pinhead Chinjao and many more she came to either respect or loath.

First Fleet Admiral Sengoku the Buddha was able to enter and survive the Void of the world but he didnt bother to tell anyone how he achieved it and maybe Garp would know but even Garp doesnt know and not even the Elders know despite heavy questioning by them but then again, she had an inkling they knew and just kept it to themselves.

After Kong became the WG's Commander-In-Chief, Grandma Tsuru replaced him and is not only one of the oldest marines to date and is one of the strongest the marines have to offer especially her ability to wash away the evil out of a person of which may sound funny at first but it was damn terrifinh ability to witness especially that Tsuru knows how to use it to its fullest extent like washing away an entire island of pirates, she still shudders to this day.

Last is Big Mom Charlotte Linlin, the second fleet admiral of the navy or she would like to call is crazy giant bitch due to not only her height of which is half of the average giant or the fact that she is the Boa Hancock of the navy as she has the body of a model that is both muscular and sexy to look at that even a majority of the marines as well with the women, are falling over like domino's with only the high ranking officers like the vice admirals and very hard mental commanders and those close to her that were her former instructors like Garp, Zephyr, Sengoku, Tsuru and Kong of whom is now the World Governments Commander-In-Chief, are able to bear or completely immune to her beauty and outright ignore it.

But her bossy and arrogant attitude rubbed the World Government the wrong way as she is not afraid to speak her mind of the nobility on the loathsome suit rats Celestial Dragons like Garp does and of the fact that she became the second fleet admiral alongside Sengoku not by being picked but by forcefully challenging the World Government openly and the status quo of having a single fleet admiral in the navy's history and three admirals.

This was thirty years ago when she was still in her world and Linlin was nearing her forties and she still has the knock out bod even though she had like fifty plus pregnancies at that point and she was shocked evermore when she learned that and the hag is still giving birth to this day and the recent was Anana and that kid gives her the creeps and many marines felt that there was something wrong with the kid especially with her blood red eyes and very psychpathic behaviour that even Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr, Tsuru and many noticed when she brought her to Marineford, she felt a chill down her spine of the demeanor of that child to be a future serial killer as she like to cut up her dolls like they were actual humans and the fact that she can feel her murderous emotions of which didnt help her case and she was willing to bet that she woulf be a problemin the near future not only for pirates and marines but for everyone as a whole.

She shook her head to remove that gremlin from her mind and thought back to Linlin and her fight for the second fleet admiral seat and it was surprising that she didnt know the exact details due to the fact that some of it were scrubbed or sealed off and the only ones who knew were the other four she mentioned and any that are closer to the Elders but she could find bits from the words of employees of the old farts and it took her a long time and one that caught her attention are the words that repeated are, "duel", "won", "lose", "Twelve", "Fifteen", "island", "destroyed" and "fought" and from those words, she had a mental picture and she laughed at the absurdity of it but was very evident on Linlin's personality that she would do just that.

"The crazy giant hag challenged one of them to a duel and either she won or not, it is very clear indeed how the old farts gave her the desired position", she shook her head and wiped her face across her hair as she just deduced that the giant woman would challenged the Star Elders and won but from the look of it was a hard fought duel for the fact that they fought for Twelve to fifteen days and it was very evident as she has a large scar on her face and the fact the she already saw Topman Warcury, the last time she visited Mariejois when Garp ordered her, has multiple scars on his face, a slashing scar over his left eye, which made his eye pure white, giving him an even menacing look.

She heard jets flying ahead and there sonic booms echoing through the air as she look to other docks and saw Linlins marines have arrived and it bordered on rebellion as they are all loyal to Linlin and rarely take Sengokus orders or even some admirals but because she is so influential like Garp for as well participating in the God Valley incident along with Black Arm Zephyr along with her connections to other Celestial Dragons and royal families, they can't do anything about it at and it was a wonder how she manages her body after seeing her insane diets and foods and the pantries hadn't gone out if not for the fact that not only this world has giant monsters to kill and eat but also the fact that it took Kong at first to tame her and it became Zephyr, Garp, Tsuru and Sengoku when they are stronger than normal and have been tasked to tame her especially when she was an unruly teenager with a mindset of a child along with how big she is that before the six, a million was spent on her alone by the government and had the power to overpower giants themselves especially in her hunger pains and many more Marine instructors she got to meet that some had met there untimely ends due to old age, dying on the high seas or other means to die in this world.

She looked over them and saw that they just arrived with her first son Katakuri Charlotte disembarking by jumping off the giant ship followed by his other siblings in Brulee, Daifuku, Oven, Smoothie, Perospero, Cracker and more because Linlin has eigthy five children from her forty three husbands and she cant wrap around her head how she still has the body of a model when she not only eats a shit ton but keeps popping babies left and right, she shook her head at the thought as she would just go crazy from thinking about it.

Her battleship is comparable to that of Whitebeards Moby Dick and is one of the largest the navy has made, complete with an aircraft runway and Katakuri is the only admiral in the Linlin family with Cracker being Vice Admiral along with Smoothie whom is commanding a penal army because of her devil fruit using them as ammo and he was the sixth and final admiral to be chosen as he not only unlocked the advance versions of haki including armament emission that can fire or project haki in either a defensive or offensive manner that can even block powerful devil fruit abilities like whitebeards and it was also a shock when she saw that happened when Garp and Whitebeard had a spar that literally destroyed the Island they were fighting on, that was one memory in this crazy world she would treasure.

The second is future sight that can help the user see into the future either by seconds or minutes but she had a theory it could go further and even Vegapunk agrees on it but it would take a man great willpower to do that and it just made her terrified or amazed a power like this exist but she still struggles to use this as only when the user is calm, they can use it to greater effect and she would need to train more and her mind specifically because she still has some issues to deal with.

But the one thing that really solidified his position in said rank despite her mother's reputation and that his devil fruit is water itself but he has one ability that many in the World Government along with other nobility in this world would sought and kill to have and that is the dreaded and terrifying power of Conquerors Haki.

It was one of things that was and still is a complete shock to her when she first she was taught that ability in one of her lessons in Marine lessons 101.

Said power is not found in everyone like armaments and observations and said person has to be a "one-in-a-million", it is a very strong ability that can knock out hundreds if not thousands of people as its range can go into the hundreds to even thousands of kilometers that it can reach other islands especially if the person trained themselves and Katakuri is in the near thousand range which is still insane.

Also that it has been said to have the destructive capacity to split the very heavens or islands and even bigger landmasses if the user of this ability is strong and powerful and the fact that there are other four confirmed users of this in the navy in Sengoku, Garp, Kong and Linlin of which already have the strength to break islands with there bare hands makes this all the more insane and likely to do even in there very old ages given how strong they are.

Most of all is that she managed to unlock hers in the Global wars although it came with so much pain and she is still weaker. She smiled as she pulled out a cigar on her breastpocket and lit it up with her gauntlet that can spew flames and has been upgraded with sea stones as she breathed out the smoke as they disappear into the windy sky and saw clouds forming and disappearing.

It was crazy, she heard insane stories back in her home but in here, they all feel small in comparison as this vast world has still undiscovered territories that she felt it a universe in its own right as it even has pocket dimensions like the one she saw with Henzo, islands that are as big as continents if put in her world or some islands that have continental structures like the trees in Sabaody that can extend all the way down to the sea floor, rivalling that of Impel Downs length, because of the climate and nature of this world allows people to grow big with enough training or if said person is more gifted like Whitebeard, Big mom, and more but even then, sizes sometimes doesnt matter as the strength is more condensed in them that even guys like Garp, Sengoku, Zephyr and the admirals can fight them as well, even some of the admirals for a period of time.

She heard as well of Five Heads childhoods, one is where Garp is wrestling with tigers and other animals that are considered extinct and sea monsters in the goa kingdom and his village of Foosha, Zephyr as well back in his hometown minus the tigers as his didnt have them and he was fighting Sea Kings and pirates and Sengoku does as well.

Big mom in her childhood, can wrestle with giants and throw them around like toys, her own skin is so hard not even a cannon or any sword can pierce it and it would need a lot to damage her, and the only people who can do do it are the people she mentioned and the Magnificent six of the navy, the admirals themselves.

The six Great weapons and are gonna be successors to the five headed monsters and there names are:

Akainu or Sakazuki, the Red Dog or Magma bastard, the first admiral, representing Absolute Justice.

Aokiji or Kuzan, the Ice Man and second admiral, representing Lazy Justice.

Borsalino or Kizaru, the light man and third admiral, representing unclear justice.

Issho or Fujitora, the gravity man and fourth admiral, representing humane or moral justice.

Greenbull or Ryokugyu, the nature man and fifth admiral, representing deadly justice although this falls in line with Akainu but considering Greenbull is a much more radical pursuit which even unnerves her, she can see it as seperate or a subset of Akainu's ideal justice.

Last but not least is Charlotte Katakuri, the sixth and final admiral, the water man and big brother of the navy, representing familial justice, Linlins newest idealogy and youngest of the other justices.

As much as she loves and even craves to fight the admirals like she already did with Akainu which resulted in there three-day battle, not all of them were the same and fujitora is in her list of not to fuck with.

She got a taste of his power when she was a warrant officer and was put in Fujitora's command in the near half of the war after he was inducted immediately due to personnel shortges and they encountered a pirate fleet numbering in the thousands, one swipe of his sword and not a moments notice, she saw a flurry of meteorites coming down from the sky and destroyed the pirate fleet of a thousand with the rest being picked apart by his and the other marine ships and good thing he was great to talk to and has a great personality and having moral justice because if it was the opposite, he would very difficult to talk with and would be a problem to her in the near future.

Aokiji, or Sleepy Joe she likes to call him but he doesnt pay no mind to it and in return, calls her little Z as well is in her list not to mess with as he is not only cool with her but she seems him as a brother and one of the few she can confide in her hatred to the World Government along with Fujitora who as well harbored a deep resentment for the World Government long before he became a marine but is wise enough not to show it.

Borsalino and Aokiji are not only the most chill of the other admirals she had ever seen in her entire life but are not a joke when they get down to business and they mean it.

Both are strong and fast but added with there devil fruit, it becomes an entirely different ballgame, Aokji's devil fruit turns him into ice and can freeze anyone without fighting or just standing where he is meanwhile his ice chases around his target and is the rival of Akainu in so many ways than her.

Kizaru, with his light fruit, becomes light itself and can move exactly the same speed which is terrifying to look at and is a monster on the battlefield that she would be having a hard time dealing with even with the abilities she gained as both admirals are still stronger than her in terms of physical power and mental power, she even watch him literally destroy an island just by applying a bit of his devil fruit that she learned can be controlled to not have there surroundings be destroyed as much as possible and it terrified her to a degree she was thankful he doesnt have Akainu's justice mindset.

Ryokugyu and Katakuri are as well despite facing Akainu multiple times, there behaviours really unnerved her, one is a sadistic sociopath that will destroy everything in his path with his haki and devil fruit, including as well Celestial suit rats that he claims to hold in high regard when in reality, he loathes them that there were some cases Celestial Dragons disappear without a trace or some are killed especially if they are not in Mariejois during the war and later dubbed them as "Casualties of war", and the world government cant do anything about the marines doing it because they need every able bodied marine and had to put a stop to Celestial Dragons going out of the red line and only select a few who will not kill them.

It was quite funny as the war was used an excuse to kill any CD's the marines have on there watch especially that were just deplorable and she almost did as well if not for her conscience and that death is much more easy way for the bastards to escape justice although she became one of the handlers of them due to this but she did made some connections with them like Mjosgard who is the only sane Celestial Dragon she met whom has familial connections to the bastard Donquixote, not counting the Nefertari's because they are not living on the red line but are the saints of an already rotten royal family and it was a privilege everytime she gets to escort them before, during and after the war as Cobra became one of the Warrior Kings, a rank that is above the navy and only given to a select few, as duty to his country and retired after the war.

While the other is a quiet but honorable psychopath that fights eerily quiet and has no bravado words to spout and despite his devil fruit is the weakest of all the devil fruits the admirals had despite water being one of the most crucial weaknesses of DF users, it doesnt seem to impede him in the slightest and even progress himself that his devil fruit became very versatile, the two of them are easily the biggest of the other admirals by whopping 14ft to 16ft tall respectively and they managed to achieve the advance versions of Haki which further puts there devil fruit to greater usage than ever before, putting them above even her despite her training in this past decade that culminated in her three day battle with Akainu and she has now see became even more stronger that only other admirals and the Five Heads can outmatch him still in there old age.

But even with the obstacles in front of her, she is glad as this means she could become more powerful as well or be near them in power like she showed against Akainu of which still outclasses her in everything but it was a welcome insight to bear that her years of training and hard work paid off that she can fight for days as well unlike in the past where she barely made training for one day.

The admirals maybe weaker at this moment to the five heads but they are still a force to be reckoned with as there attacks can devastate large landmasses and even destroy continental structures with ease and will be replacing the five heads in the near future and added with there devil fruits becomes a more destructive ballpark.

It was very surreal to be honest and very lucky of her, to be in this era where marines can match the pirates in power but this was only the case because of the war that happened which was initiated by the Golden Lion himself, Shiki.

Those days were the worst she ever felt in her entire life, even moreso of what happened back in her world and made her think erratically of what happened in that war as she tries to calm herself and why she is in the navy in the first place despite the people she is serving are worst than the Piltover and Zaunite politician heads combined, even the five heads and the admirals can know what she is feeling and why they had to push themselves to train harder even though it will benefit the higher ups as well.

The trainings were brutal and inhumane would be an understatement, the kind of shit she went through under them for these past decades would have been illegal in her world and Caitlyn, if she ever crosses over here either through Viktor, Jayce's or Vegapunks shenanigans, would be furious and challenge the marines along with the world government for illegal pratices and abuse and even try to forbade or pursuade her from quitting or coming back or ever entering again if she was here or if she ever made it back to her world despite becoming a dictator.

The stuckup council would be calling it barbaric with even the Noxians would be backtracking and thinking the training is too much as said "training" could kill men many times over in her world if not for the fact that the people in here are crazy strong, putting even the veterans of Noxus to the champions of the League to shame, even there height as well makes them giants in comparison with only the near godlike beings close to them along with the admirals and Vice Admirals whom are monsters in there own right especially with Garp, Momonga, Strawberry, Oven, Smoothie and Cracker as the Strong Six and with her becoming a part of said ranking as the seventh.

Many marines more to come either big or small and unlike in her world that rank can be given either by bribes or nepotism, in here is simply not the case at all.

The marines, for all there faults, have a meritocratic and hierarchical system of which ranks correlates with strength, intelligence and power, basically the rule of might is right in simple terms, for example is to say you are a vice admiral or a captain, commodore, lieutenant or any of the marine officer rank in front of the people or other official branches of the government, you must be strong in both appearance, intellect and power as well to uphold the navy and boost morale amongst your comrades although the navy is allowed by the higher ups to wear unrelated clothes that would make them either fashion models or rebels like Gion, Doll, Hina or even smoker that just wears his marine jacket and shows off his abs.

Having a high sense of justice albeit radical or risk be seen as weak and you will be demoted severely that some would never be able to recover there rank back and stay below in there respective ranks.

Looking back through it all is just strange and surreal, she may not know how old Caitlyn is or any of her friends and sister but she wishes them all good lives even though her prayers would not be heard like she did a thousand times now and she wish as well she could see them again and even see this world for all of its faults although she would be ashamed.

This planet is so big it has multiple suns and moons, would take months to even years if the ship is not sailworthy to brave the high seas or durable enough to withstand punishments from sea kings but also the entire climate and weather that makes the weather back in her homeworld look tame by comparison and at the same time making her question how the hell are people living here or even the World Government who had ruled for centuries is just mindboggling or the fact that despite being medieval in some parts of technology if not for Golden war forcing the World Government to innovate.

Though the great thing about said nature of this planet is that people whom have lived for a long time can become stronger than ever and she was ecstatic when she first destroyed an island when she was a captain but she would have to control herself and train more if she wants to become stronger enough for admiralty and able to fight and defend the people of this world although Vice Admiralty is enough for her as becoming an admiral, would have her be a slave to the Celestial Dragons.

Powerful pirates especially those that have there very domains like the Emperors of the sea of whom are rivals to the Five Heads, the admirals and the Elders or even the likes of petty kingdoms like Germa of which has been kept an eye on because of there growing influence as the biggest weapons company, the seven warlords as she has to watch out for as some of them can pose as an Emperor level threat to even admiral level in the likes of Mihawk and he is just one exception to this system that just brings more harm than good.

The more she was in here, the more she saw of the festering rot and the disgusting side of the world government like the Celestial Dragons, the thought of them still makes her curl in disgust, the power they held is just wrong on so many levels and makes her own nobles back in her world look civilized.

Slavery, extortion, genocide and many more they have done and she is forced to sit back and watch them do it along with the marines including massacring an undiscovered country for sport an if it werent for the arrivals of the revolutionary or other third parties either through accident or leaked repots, the people would have died.

She has been piling up evidences behind close doors on the day they lose there special status and looking for ways on how to change the system and surprisingly enough, the majority of the marines to even the admirals, the fleet admirals themselves to even the Kong himself hated the celestial dragons and she got a feeling that the moment the WG becomes weakened or tries to destroy them, they would defect and fight the World Government forces of whom has there very own fleets and armies even before the Global Wars and was only expanded upon because of said war, which already shows there distrust for the navy and at a moments notice of rebellion forming, they would gladly eradicate them all to the last man anf replace them all with puppets they can manage.

Though if the marines do win in the end at a high cost, they are going to have to contend with the fallout and basically more enemies like pirates, Independent kingdoms and Governmenta and rebels like the Anarchy Syndicates of which are a growing faction on North Blue, Revolutionaries led by a former Admiral Monkey D Dragon, remnants of Shiki's Golden Army that as well harbor traitors of the Celestial Dragons and are being hunted down one by one and many more

But the revolutionaries are a far biggee threat as it has respectable if not better officers and are the most well organized but it alread has multiple kingdoms under there banner and have been warring with the World Government despite there temporary alliance back in the Golden War and she already faced some of there commanders like Sabo and Belo Betty when she was a newly ranked Cammodore years ago and and the only thing that was hard to be serious is at Belo Betty due to her tits literally hanging out of her marching band uniform that she even thought that the reason why she can rally everyone is because of her tits and not her devil fruit of which angered the revolutionary commander.

Its like dealing with Boa Hancock although Belo Betty is much better to deal with than that self-centered bitch that can blow and love herself and her subordinates for all she cares, that woman even had the gall to think she is superiour to all people, thinking her own looks would have her be forgiven and can pretty much do whatever she wants like kicking and abusing people and even her subordinates like the Celestial Dragon would do.

Even animals that werent even harming her in the first place like puppies and kittens, she even tried to kick a baby in her presence that in a blink, she attacked her in rage but was detained by Momonga quickly before she could cave the bitch right into the wood of the ship and other marines to calm her down and was sent back to marineford and suspended by Sengoku for half of a year of chore duty meanwhile Garp, Linlin is laughing at her along with Zephyr, she didnt care though as thankfully, the baby was never kicked and was taken in by the marines and she heard that is now under Momonga's care for the time being.

She laughed as she shook her head, "Someday, that bitch will be humiliated by someone and the only bad thing is I am not there to see it happened", after her punishment has been finished, she was being sent to different marine bases all around the world and she got to see the majesty and the bad, darkness and lightness, good and the ugly all at the same time, so many monsters that made hers back home look like insects, and sights to see that even took her breath away like the knock up stream that can carry marine galleons and battleships up in the air and onto the Sky islands and she even heard there are more and she cannot wait to come to those islands.

A ship-island casino made entirely of Gold whose leader is a literal control freak and her second in command that can control luck of which is a bullshit move that also has ties to Doffy, which also puts this bastard on her shit list.

A music island named Elegia where the genius musicians from all over the world gather to spread knowledge and there differences like cultuw and all mannner of music are stored and kept away and she managed to keep records of there music for her to listen if she is winding down or relaxing and good thing she did as the red hair pirates went there and destroyed it, which made her angry and even question in there damn minds why they would destroy it as far as she can see, they were the least to initiate looting and has a lot of positive things going for them that even islands would be willing to be under there protection much more than the marines and she was fine with it as she can accept that marines are not all sunshine and rainbows.

She wasnt able to go there to make her own investigation as she was a captain and was put under Vice Admiral Onigumo of the time in north blue and was training as well, coupled with the storms surrounding the island made her unable to go for the time being but she will go there as she heard that there have been proposed plans but nothing of the sort agreed upon so she would have to wait.

An island made of food where she accompanied Garp there along with the Charlotte family trying to have a food eating contest and trying to break his donut record of a thousand with Big mom in her hunger pains eating mountains of food and devouring any she can and she almost ate some of her subordinates if not for Katakuri, Aokiji and Borsalino being there along with there subordinates and other family members to contain her and it was both fun and terrifying to see her hunger pains for the first time and there were a lot of people witnessing it, including Celestial Dragons and other nobles who are also connected to the Charlotte family.

Islands that have dinosaurs and so much more that it took her two books and another along the way to detail everything right and even then, it would still take her years to finish as there is so many to see, its like this whole world is the universe itself compressed into a planet and she wouldnt be surprised if that was the case, she even heard wild theories of Islands being literal beings or even one crazy theory she heard from Vegapunk that the planet itself is alive and has been growing bigger each day, its insane really and she had said this numerous times now.

Through her years as a marine she went through so many including the horrors of the Shiki Wars or the Global wars, the Immigrant Crisis, the Corporate Skirmish and participated in many battles and skirmishes against pirates and other kingdoms to even lowly squabbles and has given her a much larger experience than ever of the fact that this world is truly stronger and where even a bigger fish will be killed by an even bigger fish if they are not strong or just straight up arrogant and it really pushed her to the limit especially against the Logia types like Crocodile and Ace of the Spade pirates that are now part of Whitebeards crew as she read a recent report that without Haki or there elemental weakness, it is impossible to stop them and she had many close ends with them due to the destructive power they wield such as the fact that they could even control the weather with there appearance.

Even those without Devil fruits are truly monsters of there own league like Mihawk who can slice mountains and Islands with the strength that enabled him to creae his black sword as a result of haki usage and is one of the only few people to ever do it, the guy was an emperor guising as a warlord and only because he wasnt interested in it that he was never recognized as one but even then he is regarded as the strongest swordsman in the world after Shanks lost his right arm.

He is one pirate that she doesnt mess with despite always travelling alone as he can devastate entire armadas, even marines if they stood in his way with a single swing of his sword with no effort whatsoever and his own sparring partner is red hair Shanks, an emperor of the sea and the last time she fought him before he was a warlord, he didnt even regard her a single shred of thought before utterly defeating her with a perfect cut that saw her entire torso almost cleaved in half and if it werent for the fact that that she was quick enough to envoked her Tekkai and haki on time and wearing more armour as issued to officers during and even after the war and even then, he was still able pierce through and didnt even regard her as he has "errands" to run and if not for her fellow marines quickly nursing her back to health, she would no longer be in this world and was glad that Mihawk had become a warlord of the seas as the thought of facing him again sends shivers down her spine.

Don Chinjao as well falls under this with pinhead strength of splitting continents that are stronger than steel especially the ice continent and Garp who threw cannonballs and other types of heavy shit at her and other trainees like they were small pebbles and even use a giant wrecking ball to keep them running and doing many trainings like push ups, sit-ups, crunches, leg tucks, squats, sprint drag and carry and so many bullshit military exercises they did for an entire day that by the end of it, they were all lying on the ground almost dead and mentally and physically exhausted that it was a wonder how she is still alive.

She remembered as she felt her lungs and entire body burning and every bone in her body screaming as some were mangled beyond recognition, even her sweat was sweating and it was a even surprise he can use a sword and of any kind especially for a guy who always use his entire body as a weapon and is very good at it and even has the power to cleave an entire mountain like it was tuesday for him.

She even witnessed his fight with Don Chinjao and despite the Don's power, he is still defeated by Garp of which amazed her as she got to see it happen when she was a lieutenant assigned to Garps at that time, it was truly one of the most insane and amazing shit she got to see in this world as she got to see there clash was just one attack both but the damage combined was like the storms approaching with red and blue lightning sprouting out of them that they had to hide in there ships for cover and the very shockwave just buzzing through the air.

Zephyr is also one of the instructors she had to meet and like Garp, also managed to break every bone in her body and taught them to there heads the techniques of the Rokushin style and Haki especially in Armament and Observation as Garp is not really great at teaching said techniques and relies only on himself to unlocked it of which is understandable as thinking was not his forte and Zephyr knows this better.

He applied as well the teachings he got and beat it in every single marine like her to reshape them all to his standards of becoming the heroes he envisioned them to be and she was glad to this day to them despite the beatings.

But then again, there is some light amongst the pirates and she even made friends and confidants like with Emporio Ivankov of the Kamabakka Kingdom, whose devil fruit can change the hormones of a person and even upgrade it to cure diseases and change genders and she did made a deal back then that involved her getting what Emporio wanted and in return, Emporio would fulfill what she wanted and both did, but she will never say any of this to anyone of it, much to her eternal shame.

She sighed as she thought about everything that happened these years that she forgot there was someone beside her and touched her shoulder. "Getting into deep thoughts is not good for you, Vice Admiral Vi", says an elderly but experienced and old female voice beside her and she smiled as she knew who it was.

Walking behind her is Tsuru, the Vice Admiral that commanded the female regiment of the marines and is a veteran of the Golden Pirate Age that saw her fighting alongside Garp, Sengoku, Linlin, Kong and Zephyr against the most powerful pirate crews of Rogers and Rocks and many more uncounted of her era and even then, that same era that still dominates this very world.

"Hello Gran-", Vi said only to get hit at the back of the head by Tsuru, creating a bump in her head, "Thats Vice Admiral to you young one, and old I may be, I can still make you run circles in this base", Tsuru said with an annoyed look, her fist smoking from the attack meanwhile Vi is scratching the back of her head and smiling, "Sorry Vice Admiral Tsuru".

Then she heard a common laugh as she look behind her and saw Garp, the hero of the marines, clad as well in his white vice admiral uniform in stark contrast to her red clothing clad in white jacket as a cape, eating rice crackers and followed by Fujitora, the blind swordsman or Sir Fuji she likes to call him as it was awesome that even as a blind person, he managed to climb the ranks so quickly because of not just the war but that he is already strong even before the war and one of few people who fought Shiki although he lost and his kingdom paid the price for it and became a marine admiral immediately and has one of the highest observation haki to date added with his power over gravity that contributed a lot to end Shiki's reign.

"And they said Logias are the first ones to die in the Grand Line and the New World", she rolled her eyes at that statement, seeing it more of a lie than ever, heck some of the pirates she fought are logias and have become warlords and admials, she even had a bone to pick with in Akainu.

Now that she thought about it, if there is a light fruit, why isnt there a lightning fruit or a lightning man at this very moment? Though that just makes her motivated to find who wields the power of lightning and see if she can defeat its user and quite possibly, take its power.

But she digresses that part as she saw Zephyr walking beside them with his signature grin and patting her on the back. "Im proud of you kid, to achieve to this level you are now is only very few people can achieve, you can even do more things now", she smiled and shook his hand,

"Its been an honour Instructor Zephyr for helping to achive this level but I dont really want more paperwork", Zephyr grinned and laughed at her joke although its bad, "Hahahahaha, the bane of us all, you will get use to it, brat", he nodded at her and she snorted at that and looked behind her and saw other graduating Admirals and it is including Smoker and Hina alongside him with Momousagi Gion whom is smiling saucily and winked at her.

"Hello Vi~", she said to her in a flirtatious way and she knew Gion had feelings for her when they first met and at first before the war where she was just an apprentice to Zephyr and she was a senior officer. It was just banter here and there with a bit of the flirty side at first but she noticed it became more and more suggestive the more they spent time with each other and especially during the war.

Like slowly moving her fingers on her thigh, sending her messages either by Den Den Mushis, she massaged her that one time and it increased more when she saved her back then from the pirate army in the war when she disguised herself as one which is suppose to be Cipher Pols job and even though she made it clear to her that she isnt interested, that didnt stop her and made her more determined to get her and know more of this lady love she has, of which she isnt interested in any form to show.

"Oi, oi, oi dont start without me Tsuru chan. I havent given her my fist of love", Garp said in his boisterous laugh and eating away at his rice crackers, not caring for decorum but just having fun in his own Monkey way, followed By Fujitora, Aokiji, Kizaru and most of all is Akainu.

A resting bitch face as always and clad in his red shirt and marine uniform, it made her frown as both she and him never got along, back when she was a freshly promoted captain and was put under his command and he was cold, calculative and very explosive and is a zealot to the absolute justice doctrine that reminded her of war pig Ambessa's and Caitlyn's dictatorial phase and likes to sprout his ass mouth about it and if killing children will do it or destroying an island full of innocent people, then so be it.

"The little brat managed to grow a few inches, hope you are strong enough unlike last time, Violet D Lanes", saying her full name with spite and she narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth inside her mouth at him but she showed him a snide smirk.

"Please magma boy, how about we fight again and see how many bones I can break out of you and how about I do the honours of making you a mask this time to hide your bitch face", she said with a sneer as she collided her fist together, producing a shockwave that really made everyone appreciate in respect along with her haki, a colour combined of pink and red, emitting as a show of force.

But he just smirked in return, not intimidated and looking as if the shockwave was nothing more but air along with her haki and in response, the very temperature around him became hot and emitting his haki, searing the very air around him in heat and making others back away with only Garp, Zephyr and the other admirals staying in place, watching the standoff between Vi and Akainu.

"As if last time will be the same, you never was", as both are now inches from each other, there eyes focused on one another trying to see of who would break first and there Haki flaring, both haki forces building up and pushing one another colliding and slowly creating a wall of power that is becoming noticeable all around Marineford as the marines below stopped what they were doing and looking above to see that Akainu and Vi are about draw blood once again and some were eager for it and some just sighed as more work will be done.

"You IDIOTS!", but said force was immediately snuffed out as Sengoku appeared behind them in a flash, hit the back of there heads like a parent would do to misbehaving children that there faces were cracked on the concrete floor of Marineford, the very sound like a gong that everyone below them heard and surprised and shocked everyone to see the two hotheads of the Navy finished off just like that by the fleet admiral but for some, it was just expected because of the rank system pertained through strength and power and very much just laughed and smirked at what happened.

"You are just about to graduate captaincy and into being a Vice admiral Vi, be more disciplined and keep your streaky hothead in place and you, Akainu, are an admiral and an adult so act like it and not a goddamn child insulted at a high school joke". Garp was snickering and eating his rice crackers with Zephyr taking some in his mouth to prevent himself from snickering along with Garp only shows his shit eating grin.

"Garp you buffoon, stop laughing and Zephyr, stop encouraging them", Sengoku berated them with more words for the other admirals but it was tuned out by both Akainu and Vi got up and look at each other for a while but broke it off to prevent damage to Marineford and being punched seven ft under again by the buddha himself as both stayed as far away from each other.

Then Garp laughed, cannot hold onto his control making Sengoku bust a vein his forehead. "Oh come on Senny, its just kids being kids, remember the time when I broke half of Marineford when I first used Galaxy impact?", that question made Sengoku burst into a fiery tirade and held Garp by his collar.

"Shut up you idiot! You cost trillions of belli that very day and it took a year for Marineford to be fixed again and we had to make office outside of it. Whats worst and humiliating about that day is you manage to convince me that move you have was your weakest". Garp just laughed at Segoku's face, "Yeah, I cant believe you fell for that, you must be stupid".

That was the straw that broke the camels back as Sengoku did one thing Garp hate the most is take his rice crackers, "Hey what are you doing!? Those are mine!", as Garp held his arms to try and stop Sengoku but Sengoku chugged them all down his mouth and left Garp speechless.

"Thats what you get you buffoon", Sengoku mumbled with rice crackers in his mouth as Garp jumped at him both engaged in a fistfight albeit in a childlike manner that had Bogard shake his head in disappointment and other officers put there hands on there faced along with the entire class of the vice admirals and admirals sweatdropped and had varying expressions and emotions of shame and fun, "Look whose the children here".

"Oi, dont forget about big ole me", Vi froze at the voice as she knew who that woman is. The ground beneath her shook and everyone, except for Garp and Sengoku as they are busy tussling with one another and did not even bothered to care about her presence, stopped what they were doing and look behind them and they saw her, wearing the fleet admiral uniform but having heart stripes, behind her is a giant sword, made and handcrafted by her with the finest materials this world has to offer and combined with Seastone to be effective against Devil Fruit users as well.

It can only be wielded by powerful people like her or giants themselves and her smile was very radiant like that of Garp and Zephyr.

"Oh~ what a sight to see, second Fleet admiral, Charlotte "Valentine" Linlin", Kizaru said her full name along with her alias in respect and she just smiled. "Borsalino, here is for your daughter,", she handes him a bag of sweets and he smiled as he took it, "Thank you Madam Linlin and my daughter as well says thank you for last time", Linlin nodded and she was greeted by Zephyr, one of her former mentors.

"Linlin, nice to meet you again, you old hag", Zephyr said and even though she would have beheaded any person below her especially the lower ranks if they said that to her up front, she just grinned at him with glee.

"Black Arm Zephyr, to think your old ass is still here as well", as she shook his hand and gripped it and in return he did as well and with both nodding, they relinquished there act. "You were almost late to the party, the two idiots over there are already having a great time", he pointed his right thumb at Sengoku at Garp still going at it of which Linlin just laughed at the tomfoolery of Sengoku despite being serious all the time.

"Madame Linlin, It is quite a surprise to see you here considering how busy you always are with the nobility from what I heard", Fujitora said as he turned to her direction.

"Eh, I wouldnt want to miss this for those spoiled brats and besides, they could wait", Big mom said and she look at Garp and Sengoku still tussling, "Lemme guess, fighting for rice crackers?", Vi along with anyone else nodded and Linlin only laughed.

"Sengoku, Garp, you two idiots are at it again", both Sengoku and Garp stop what they were doing and look at her with Garp smiling meanwhile Sengoku has a frown look because of his uniform and had to dust himself off.

"Ohhhh Linlin, long time no see, hows the kids?", Garp asked as dusted himself off as well from his tussle with Sengoku of which is grumbling at Garp.

"They are fine and plenty, having so much kids is a hassle but it gives a lot of time to my own Island at the moment but I did manage to bring my other children",

Linlin said as she took a bag of rice crackers from her pocket and toss it at Garp who happily took it and began to eat it and Katakuri was behind her along with other children whom are now in Vice admiralty and other positions in the marines.

"Admiral Katakuri, nice to meet ya big guy", Vi said and Katakuri nodded at her, "You as well Vi, and congratulations on your Vice Admiralty", Katakuri said to her and Vi smiled and nodded at her,

"For a big guy who always has his face covered, has a bad boy get up and very murderous appearance, he is not bad and reminds me of my getup as a pit fighter", as she looks at his marine admiral uniform and jacket which has metal spikes and cowboy boots and all of it is the very opposite of Big mom's and instead of it being cringe, it just makes him awesome to look at.

"Linlin, I thought you said didnt want to come to this event because you were busy with the Celestial Dragons and other nobility in your homeland", Sengoku said as he finally dusted himself off and took a chunk off the rice crackers of which Garp frowned at him and kept it out of his reach.

"I changed my mind after how boring it has gotten and I wouldnt want to miss out on congratulating our future brats", Linlin said and Sengoku nodded in return as she looked over us and other graduating candidates and she grinned but it was different this time compared to the comradery she had with the other Five Heads or the Admirals.

This time it was predatory and made Vi scared a bit as it reminded her of the times the fleet admiral went on her "hunger pains" or her actions during the war, it was the same look she always see if there are prey in her midst and all of the other graduates can feel it as they become tense under the scrutinizing but sadistic gaze of the second Fleet Admiral that relishes in it.

"Oi, listen up you marine brats", as she crossed her arms and imposingly stood in front of us.

"Just because you are all becoming Vice admirals, rear admirals, commodores and other officers above your peers doesnt mean you all are already the hot shots of the navy, much less even important in the entire world or to us, so anyone who shirks there duties or much less flandarize yourselves will be hearing from me, Sengoku and the other admirals and we will hunt you down to the ends of the far and wide seas and crush you bit by bit, not even Cipher Pol can find any trace of you, UNDERSTAND?", her voice was so loud anyone on Marineford can hear it and her haki flared a bit at us like a whip coming out of the devil himself and it straightened all of us as we saluted in unison in complete fear, awe and respect.

"YES, FLEET ADMIRAL LINLIN!", she narrowed her eyes at us for a few seconds until she nodded and laughed at Sengoku and Garp as well who laughed along with Zephyr who just shook his head at his former student meanwhile Sengoku just nodded at her and turned to the entirety of Marineford.

"Everyone, to your respective seats, the ceremony is about to start in a thirty minutes and any graduates not here yet would be at the very end of seats left and no more delays!", like Linlin's, his entire commanding voice echoed throughout Marineford and any marine listening began to work and many are scrambling to get there jobs done and after pulling themselves out of there stupor after what had just happened, even those that were knocked out by Linlins haki slowly were helped by other marines.

After thirty minutes, Sengoku stood at the podium with Linlin on her throne beside him with the Five Heads at the right side with the admirals on the left side and Garp enjoying his rice crackers that Linlin gave him. "Now as all of tomfoolery has been stopped", as he look again to Garp whom is enjoying his rice crackers and Sengoku just sighed and shook his head at the absurdity of Garp and turned to them all.

"We can now begin the ceremony", as he said those words, a loud gong was made as the admirals and other high ranking marines and other government officials got to there seats and loud trumpets and other instruments were played by skilled marine soldiers, and the pathway lined up by soldiers in a straight line with behind were crowds of people cheering them all on this day.

The admirals as well got to there respective seats and surprisingly, Aramaki was present and already sitting on his throne, no longer half naked but wearing his entire marine admiralty uniform as he wanted to see Vi for years as he had hoped and he was beaming with delight to say the least.

"Oh Aramaki, never would have thought you be here considering your position in Mariejois",

Aokiji said with his chill voice but with a surprise hint as Borsalino waved at him and Fujitora just looked at him along with Akainu of which Aramaki just shrugged.

"What? Cant go back here and look at all that happened? Especially when I heard at the fact that Akainu got challenged by the graduating hotblooded captain redhead?", as he look at Akainu whom just simply replied, "It was just fight, nothing more and nothing less",

Aramaki laughed at what Akainu just said, dripping with it is irony. "You really call that just a "fight"? The gal put a hell of a show and fought you for three days and managed to destroy the very island you two were on, I don't call that battle just a fight in my opinion",

Akainu frowned and just snorted again at Aramaki's words even though they rang some form of truth, "Hmph, she is still just a brat that needed to know her place and I wil not be undermined by her", Akainu said and Aramaki just teasingly said, "Whats that? Is that fear I can sense?", but Akainu just narrowed his eyes at him.

"The day she defeats me would be the day you fell off Mariejois, Ryokugyu", Aramaki again laughed at the "joke" Akainu made. "If that'll be the day, at least I would be watching you first be defeated by that gal in Mariejois", seeing as the argument would go nowhere, Akainu instead ignored him as he focused on the ceremony and Aramaki as well did the same along with the other admirals.

Below the five heads and admirals are the newly appointed Vice Admirals, all sitting on there designated seats, Sengoku coughed first before starting his speech and spoke in a booming voice.

"We are proud of you all for coming all this way onto our ranks and it is a sight to behold the future of the marines is in good hands", Everyone cheered in merriment, the music of the marching band flowing through the entirety of Marineford, brandishing there swords and waving it in the air and some using there guns as flags to wave there respective battalions and the flag of the marines and most commonly is Vi's G5 battalion flag even amongst the non G5 marines after seeing her fight with Akainu.

It was tedious but manageable hours as Vi sat there along with every Vice Admiral, listening to announcements and more speeches that made her want to go to sleep until the awarding phase was finally underway and they were called one by one until she is the only one left of which Sengoku called her to the stands as she walk to the podium with the rest of admiralty and stood before Sengoku.

"Congratulations Vi, you have earned this rank and wear it with pride, not only for yourself but for all the marines and the citizens you have protected", Vi nodded and shook hands with him and every single officer, saying there own praise to her and Katakuri is the first admiral she shook hands first and nodded to her quietly but respectfully of which it made her smile.

"Hey kid. congratulations on your rank, I will be seeing you more often than not", Aokiji said as both she and him did a handshake, "I am eager at your service, Admiral Aokiji", of which Kuzan smiled and patted her back as she stepped towards another admiral in Kizaru.

Kizaru as well shook her hands, "Ooooh~ I feel old but I like your spite back there Vi, keep it up against Sakazuki, I will look forward to your next bout with him", she nodded and shook his hand and Fujitora was next with his sword by his waist as he turned to her presence.

"May you have a great life Vi and if you ever need help, just ask mine", Fujitora congratulated her and even if he cant see her, he can feel her as well and nodded to him as she greets the next admiral of which is Aramaki and it surprised her as he was suppose to be in Mariejois, wearing his admiral uniform unlike when he was in Mariejois half naked.

"Hahahahahaha, you think I am going to skip this day huh redhead? I told you that we will meet again and you are one awesome son-of-a-bitch, keep that up and you may just become admiral earlier than you expect", she laughed as well as both shook hands with each other and she again face to face with Sakazuki.

Still looking at her with contempt and he is the last once again she has to shake hands with as she walked up to him and took hold of his hand and gripped it in a vice grip and he did in return and both there narrowed eyes into each other, boring holes and seeing who would blink first that some could again see sparks in there eyes in a controlled manner.

"Congratulations Vice Admiral, Violet D. Lanes", Akainu said to her in an even tone and she nodded in return.

"To you as well, Admiral Sakazuki", and both let go of each others hands as Vi went to her respective throne below them along with the other graduates meanwhile Garp and Zephyr grinned with Sengoku sighed and shook his head at the petty play they both do.

"You know with the way you both hold hands, people might suspect you two love each other in secret and that your battles are tour way to show much you love each other ", Kizaru said in a teasing drawled out voice to Akainu of which made Akainu look to him, wanting to bore a hole in his head for ever saying such a thing.

"Like I will ever love that brat Borsalino, she is akin to a child to me", Kizaru shrugged, "Maybe but she is growing up to be a fine woman ehh?", Kizaru suggested but Akainu just pinched the bridge of his nose and just ignored Kizaru of which just smiled teasingly meanwhile Aokiji is almost trying to fall asleep in his throne with Fujitora being silent and watching the ceremony as always with Aramaki grinning at the fleeting Vice Admiral, "Things are just getting better indeed".

Back to Vi whom is sitting on her throne as Sengoku says the final words and everyone is celebrating as she looks all around Marineford and her G5 compatriots waving there flag and praising her in singing songs, playing instruments, drinking and eating as all marines are now doing and she was smiling, she was able to become something in this world and thanks to smoker, Rapanui, Isoka and many more of the the marines who helped her that day and inducted her into the marines.

Smoker as well is alongside his men and Hina in tow receiving her rank of captain as well alongside Smoker and she smiled at them sadly both and hope would stop the stubborn bullshit act and just kiss and reveal there feelings but it reminded her of her relationship with Caitlyn before she changed.

It made her sad but she shook her head and just focused on the two in front of her. It is amusing to watch them both that she even waved at smoker and held up his cigar that he gave her of which he saw and smirked back with a wave of his own cigar with Hina holding her own cigarette as well.

Rapanui along with Isoka are now vice admirals and are merrying with there fellow marines who have been there friends and family and Henzo, the former pirate helper of Waboon and is now a member of marines and a member of Vegapunks science division and also helped upgrade her gauntlets as thanks for ousting the bastard pirate that took over there island.

Jonathan with his wife, and there own kids celebrating the momentous occassion with there soldiers and family as well which makes her happy for them and she would want that as well with Caitlyn when she finds a way back home, they were very friendly and even invited her back then for there daughters birthday, she accepted and she drank and feasted that night away, leading to some funny moments of which she would not want to share or even try to remember as it was better that way.

Zephyr was applauding her and he became her second father figure after Vander and was able to take her unruly attitude in strides and even encouraged it to become stronger took her upon his wing and trained her and even the moral differences of the two just tempered there bond to unbreakable levels.

Garp as well when Zephyr reccomended her when he was busy with other marine recruits and trained her for a year and a half and was very great to have and always see him eat a literal boar and still want more, and is one of the strongest this world has to offer.

Sengoku was greeting and meeting many officers and marines, shaking hands with them and whatnot and she was her teacher of moral discipline like Caitlyn was in her world, teaching her philosophies of peace and war, the laws of the marines and there values, tactics and strategies tried and done multiple in history and many invented by him when fighting other pirates like he did against Roger pirates of which he managed to corner the pirate king with the help of Garp, Zephyr and other high ranking marines multiple times in that era that some are now dead by the time she got here due to dying in battle, natural causes or disease.

She also thanked many marine teachers and instructors on how to navigate the world especially the grandline, whose magnetic lines are so janky it makes it impossible to navigate it with a normal compass and without having a log pose or eternal poses that correspond to said magnetic waves and guide sailors and navigators to safest waters without being led into dens of monsters like the calm belt, she had so many trials and errors with this that she even ended up in another island and not the marine base intended but then again, she never would've met Hunt Grount.

She look at the necklace around her neck and opened it and inside was a picture of Caitlyn and Powder (Jinx) before all the shit that happened, made with Adam Wood she destroyed and used a very sharp seastone blade enough to cut it as careful as possible

Tears pooled in her eyes as she was reminded once again, "Would they be proud or hate me? It is suppose to be celebration but I cannot help it", she wiped off the tears from her face as she put it back beneath her clothes and looked up to the celebration unfolding.

It made her grit her teeth and flexed her hands that her own haki flared a bit before she controlled herself.

She look behind her and saw that Grount has grown up to be a great kid still and on his way to becoming a great man that would one day even surpass her and lead the navy along with the newer generation to a brighter future, he was waving at her along with the other admirals, even Akainu as well although its small but she will take it as she waved back and it made her smile with gladness of the fact that she along with Kuzan was able to save him and not have to trod down a dark path, kinda like her sister did and of which made her look down with a sigh, "Oh Powder", she took a breathe and let it all out as she again put her emotions in control and promised to herself.

Despite the shitty situation she and the marines are in as a whole due to serving so-called gods and angels that are in fact tyrants and oligarchs and losing many friends and comrades along the way that still hurts to this day, she got a feeling that this time wouldnt be the same as before as her gut is telling her, she may not be that change to make things better but she can feel it and she would be there when it comes.

"We really, really have a long way to go", as she looks up at the sky with the seagulls flying and many different birds she is unfamiliar with to this day and it made her smile.

"The job is never done and will never be, but we must still do our duty because if no one wants to, then no one will", as she remembers the three old mans words and teachings that were taught and drilled into them and it was profound to her as her job is dirty and not for many of whom that cannot stomach, but it was still important and they must do it to not only protect the future but to as well open a new door for everyone and generations to come.

She look at the necklace around her neck and opened it and inside was a picture of Caitlyn and powder before all the shit that happened, made with Adam Wood she destroyed and used a very sharp blade enough to cut adam wood and finishing it with hus and wiped off the tears in her eyes, but wiped it off from her face as she put it back beneath her clothes and looked up to the celebration unfolding.