End Note:


Now again i repeat, some may disagree with how i made Vi so powerful in here unlike In LoL but again, unlike in LoL where she certainly reached her limit and only by skins and tech like gauntlets she can do more damage, but in the world of one piece, that changes everything.

Anything is possible as long as you never give up, take coby for example, he was skinny at first and a coward that even Lufffy called him out for it in there first meet but because of his will to become strong after luffy and his willingness to succeed and added more with Garp leading him and with the dream to become fleet admiral, he became a literal hunk that is worthy of not only modeling but also strength as he can now destroy large areas with his punches and this is what i wanted for Vi, to push beyond the limits of what LoL put her in and break those in One Piece.

Now Vi comes into play, the gal is born into darkness literally and unlike Coby who only started training when he was in the marines, Vi has been training her whole life and surviving in Undercity or Zaun which is were cutthroats and monsters live and thrive without persecution and even moreso when she has been sent to jail because the Piltover Police Marcus is too corrupt to do an actual investigation in the warehouse incident and is paid by Silco where she is not only dealing with inmates that are bigger and stronger but also the guards themselves projecting there abusive authority on her and has been training as well by punching walls day and night and many more to have the physique to fight and sih out damages that she even broke a jaw of an inmate Caitlyn was suppose to interrogate and as well by practicing boxing, her own kind of fighting style that is Garp, Zephyrs and even Sengoku's, making her perfect for the three high ranking marines to train with and become even more stronger and break her boundaries set to her in place by the world of LoL and also her own drive and will to become better and help everyone like she wants to as well in Piltover and Zaun, wanting to bridge the two and also her bullheadedness of which is shown in arcane, which will drove her more to become even more stronger and even surpass the top tiers of the marines if again, she is still motivated despite the losses.

Now as Vice admiral, she would become even more stronger than her fight with Akainu but that doesnt mean she would just be able to defeat or surpass them as Akainu back then was a Vice Admiral and she was a rear admiral and one rule in one piece is that the more a strong individual lives and strives despite defeats, he would become more stronger than ever so Vi is not the only one getting powerful here, even her other colleagues and other vice admirals as well are not far behind and can give her a challenge, even smoker as well can give her a fight for hours and who is the one that can restrain a gear 2 luffy whom by that time is stronger than Lucci whom is no slouch either and being able to take his gear three and I want to give Smoker justice in this even though I hadnt wrote much about him in this.

Also just because she is trained under Garp, Sengoku and Zephyr doesnt mean she is stronger than them now, it will be a yet for her along with the other vice admirals and admirals and many officers to boot like Smokers, Hina and more.

Though they are old and physical problems starts to show that comes with age which is natural, they can still outpaced her and even defeat her, like the other admirals especially that this is pretimeskip where they are still strong like in Marineford where Garp sat on Akainus throne and a diseased and old Whitebeard that is having heart attacks and cant even use his haki anymore was laying a beating on the three admirals especially Sakazuki and Aokiji and the entire marines that also had the warlords to boot.

Now posttimeskip, she and the more younger but strong marines like smoker now have a big chance to become the strongest as the big three of the navy of which are Garp, Sengoku and Zephyr and the other older once strong show there age like when Garp attacked Blackbeards base and admitted he is no longer what he used to be when his galaxy impact didnt outright destroyed the living island or Zephyr having asthma while fighting Kizaru in the movie Z and the same as well could be said for Sengoku despite his mythical devil fruit but again, these three even in there old age can still give admirals and the future fleet admiral sakazuki a battle.

Also in this fic, because of Vi arriving, it also saved Zephyr from his tragic fate and slowly reignited his hope for the marines as she sees it in Vi that even if Doflamingo is now a warlord, granting him status to that of a world noble again as his family once held the celestial dragons title, he was still able to grant him revenge on Vergo and his Sad facility making smile fruits and a better hope for the future unlike the decades of disappointment and loss he experienced, along those is losing his family to pirates.

Also I had to do a bit of canon changing like making Ryokugyu and Fujitora admirals along with the big three as they seem to be slipped or shoehorned into the post timeskip and I am having a hard time believing these people arent known by the marines whose influence is known throughout the world and especially how destructive and creative there devil fruits are or the fact that they are not even in the ranks of vice admirals or even any mention at all especially Ryokugyu as from what i can see, Ryokugyu in mariejois maintaining its greenery and becoming a pseudo Gods knight is not so far fetch and being the fourth admiral that is forgotten due to being always at Mariejois.

They should have been part of the pre time skip events especially in the Paramount War, fujitora unleashing a giant asteroid the size of an island appraoching Whitebeard at hypersonic speeds is a sight to see and that would have been epic or having his eyes opened means business despite being blind along with Ryokugyu rejoing at being in a war of a lifetime, laughing sadistically as he is killing or defeating whitebeard commanders like he did post time skip as well to show how powerful he is and even fight Marco and Whitebeard, heck even weevil should have been at that war to protect whitebeard or his "father" of which stussy tries to tell him now that i think about it, jeez, so many things Oda should've done but then again, more for me to capitalize on this story.

edit: Even now I am adding as well like this one right here with the martials or rokushiki, and i still have more but I am just going to put them in the next chapter due to thia page already being big.

Now that i think about it more, oda draws inspiration from real life and one piece would have been even bigger than canon if he added more like applying the hollow earth theory and with how big and insane one piece is, anything is possible.

The idea that the surface world that includes titanic structures like impel down that goes all the way down to the sea floor and sea cities where king neptune reside and monstrous giants like Zunesha that if put in our world would reach the stratosphere is still small and the straw hats have to go deeper into the planet that is already considered a universe of its own extensive findings and explore more is just amazing to see like the crew finding out about Sky Island and many more.

The parallel dimensions like in the filler arc where a group of kids ended in a place where time doesnt exist and everything stays the same along with anything that gets in there like gold and shouldve been made more, making the children not age at all until they got out by the strawhats and went on to become marines that are chasing the strawhats and coming full circle and are generally good people to have and they are like Garp, Tsuru, Sengoku and with the smart one being Vegapunk hahahaha seriously the kid should have been scouted by marines and they should have been a part of the Paramount War as well fighting Whitebeard pirates.

Also I have researched that filler and they are Rapanui, Isoka, Henzo and there enemy is Waboon. I just added them in and more will come as I now intend this to be departing a bit from the storyline after careful deliberation.

So a lot of changes but it is what it is. Welcome to One piece.

All in all, so many and so much and its still not enough and its both insane and amazing as I have mentioned multiple already.

edit:I seperated this from ch1 and did a lot of edits because it was a jumbled mess and also i have not abandoned this, i already have ideas put forth but i just have to make them coherent unlike last time and also i have to look more into lore for more that i could add into this and it would take a while again but i am not giving up.

Also i had to change how strong Vi became here especially in the beginning where he fough the pirates and just became stronger because of the world when the more I think about it, its like turning her into superman and implying that Lol earth is much more rich when this is simply not the case so yeah, that thing is removed and just went on base vi but again, it still happened but more died as a result and it as well convinced vi to join the marines and even though finding the unfairness, she still stuck around because of people like garp and the other heads and admirals and that she still has an obligation to the people that are being attacked by pirates and other more problems.

I changed a lot as well and gave a lot of thought like changing big moms as a whole and from the look of it, she has no devil fruit as she never met mother caramel and was found by the marines after she was abandoned by her parents and was put in marines and it became her whole life.

More will come but at this time, I like to keep it as limited as possible because i dont want to be like last time with 20k words but the plot is all over the place that it took me days to trim all of it and remove complicated unnecessary plotlines but I am still keeping some especially Sengokus buddha power not from a devil fruit but actual buddhism like the one in wukongs story but will be nerfed for the time being and I will explain more in detail as to why so its not just a nerf only reason but an in depth look.

Katakuri as an admiral especially in the marines is a must because going only by three admirals is just boring and stupid, the navy has a lot of monsters in theory but in practice, they all fall down like a house of cards that even emperor commanders can take down vice admirals except for garp whom is the saving grace along with smoker with arguables like gion and tokikake as they were considering for admiralty canon wise and I would have expected Jonathan, whom is akainus protege as a lead marker for admiralty and I can accept if he became an admiral canon wise because of the way he carried himself and he was even close to capturing the straw hats and he did all of it with no brute force done but planning like Sengoku does, now imagine if he was trying in said episode, then the straw hats journey would be halted for the time being and this is after skypiea.

Seriously, the vice admirals are so disrespected even in pre timeskip where they all failed to apprehend the straw hats and now this comes full circle on egg head and the fuckers had the gall to say to saturn that they need permission to capture luffy on his way to elbaf? If i was Saturn, I would have put a haki bullet in there heads like saturn did to doberman for there stupidity as they were having troubles with giants but an island of them? With Shanks alongside them of whom is connected to the Elders because of his Celestial Blood and is one of the Emperors of the sea? Bitch, just sink the fleet you all have and just dive your asses into the bottom of the sea for your incomptences and this is even one of the main reasons why I want to make this fic.

I am planning as well to add more and look at our history like Oda does with One piece to have a more fleshed out story but it would take a while like months again to even years especially with my lazy ass so dont wait and so far I have added is the Void of the world of which a tear in reality like 40k's warp eye, the Golden War of which is the World Government against Shikis aerial isles that went for a near decade because of how evasive Shiki is and I would like as well to explore this as One piece never had a World War scenario and the last they had this is in Joyboys but not the current WG and also seeing our World Wars, this is a good way to push the World Government to innovate, adapt and many more that now they have near modern ships and tech in general, removing the flintlocks and 1600's weapon designs and in turn, changing the very course of one piece.