Firsts Part 8
"This fucking sucks." Said Clementine, in a sing-song tone, as she yanked out some weeds, "how the hell do these things grow so fast?"
The group was fairly certain they heard Daryl snort, but decided to ignore it.
"At least it's not one of those poisonous ones trying to kill us." Jested Gabe, giving his weed a firm tug.
"That's easy for you to say," Grunted Duck, as he and Gill hauled a lump of concrete out of the ground, "you're not stuck with the heavy lifting."
"Ow!" Sarah shook her hand, "Why aren't we allow gloves?"
"Don't be a baby, Sarah," Joked Becca, sticking her hands inside a plastic bag, "it barely-holymotheroffuck!"
Becca jumped backwards shaking her hands. She looked over at Clementine, "Clem, do you want to switch?"
"No, I'm happy with Gabe," Called Clementine, "and Duck's more like a brother to me."
"Y'know," Everyone looked at Gill, "that Louis guy, the new one, apparently he's throwing a party at his place."
"And?" Grunted Clementine, pulling on a weed.
"And, apparently," Continued Gill, "everyone's invited."
"Yeah, I'm gonna pass on that." Said Clementine.
"Same." Shrugged Sarah, shivering, "I swear, I can still feel his hands on my chest."
"We've got better things to do." Said Becca, deciding to dig the stinging nettles out.
"Like what?" Asked Gill, glancing at Duck.
"Like-" Becca was cut off by a growl.
Everyone glancing around, they saw Clementine stock still, staring into the eyes of a Mountain lion. In the blink of an eye, the lion had its jaws in Clementine's shoulder, its claws cutting into her side as she punched and kicked it. Almost immediately, a crack sounded, and a bullet hit it in the head. Clementine grunted as it dropped onto her.
"Shit, Clem!" Sarah rushed forwards, as Daryl dropped Clementine's gun back into the truck, "Are you alright?"
"My shoulder hurts and my sides are killing me." Grunted Clementine, pushing the dead animal off her, "But, I think I'm okay."
"We're still gonna need to take you to a hospital." Said Daryl, helping Clementine move the Mountain Lion, "I checked over there, where the hell did it come from?"
"Hey," Gill was leaning over the animal, "I think this is the one Clem shot in the leg."
"Still doesn't explain where it came from." Grunted Daryl, helping Clementine to the truck, "Everyone get in, don't wanna run the risk of another one of you being mauled."
Clementine winced as Doctor Lingard pressed against the wounds. He, along with Carlos and an older doctor everyone called Vernon, had unrestricted access to Clementine's file.
"Well," Said Lingard, looking at Rebecca, "the wounds are mostly superficial, we'll suture the bite mark and give her a course of pain killers. But, other than that, she's perfectly fine."
"I didn't notice it at the time," Said Clementine, grabbing her shirt and pulling it on, "but it's bite was really weak."
"It could've been an old lion." Said Lingard, "I'll be getting in contact with animal control, since it may have been dumped there."
Clementine nodded, wincing as she moved her arm, "What room do I need to go to for the stitches?"
Lingard frowned, "You cans stay here, I have the supplies with me."
Clementine internally groaned, pulling her shirt back off, "Just don't accidentally sew my bra to my shoulder."
Rebecca contained her snort at the memory of Clementine accidentally sewing her sock to her foot.
"This will sting a little bit." Warned Lingard, applying disinfectant to the bite.
"How's your shoulder?" Asked Gabe, as he and Clementine walked out of school the following week.
"It hurts," Shrugged Clementine, "but, at least I didn't get disembowelled, can you imagine if it was a bear?"
"Guys!" Gabe and Clementine turned and looked at Gill, "Guess what?!"
"There were mountain lion cubs near the field!" Grinned Gill, "they're being taken to a nature reserve next week."
"So, we have a week to get that field in a reasonable condition?" Frowned Clementine.
"Yeah, but that's not the best part!" Gill looked at them, "They're gonna let us use the gardening tools."
Clementine's frown deepened slightly, before nodding, "So, it's gonna be easy."
Marlon passed around copies of the file he'd taken from Oberson's office, his fellow Ericson's students all but devoured it.
"Holy shit."
"She survived all that?"
"She was seven…"
"Wait, isn't that the twin's mom?"
"How is she still alive?"
"I think," Brody and Mitch looked up at Marlon, before Brody continued, "you've just made a big ass mistake."
"Oh, please," Scoffed Marlon, "As soon as everyone see this, she'll go from top of the food chain to massive outcast."
"Your funeral." Muttered Mitch, looking at the folder.
"Whee!" Laughed Clementine, turning the lawn mower, "Holy shit, this is fun!"
"I'm starting to think about injuring my arm." Said Duck, as Clementine executed another turn.
"Don't." Said Becca, cutting the stinging nettles with a pair of shears.
"I think we're done." Said Gill, looking around, as Clementine hopped off the lawn mower, grinning widely.
"That was great!" Grinned Clementine.
Meanwhile, Marlon had Louis and Violet help him carry the boxes holding the copies of Clementine's file.
"Dude," Groaned Louis, "What's in these things?"
"Stuff that'll help us." Smirked Marlon, he knew Louis and Violet wouldn't go along with him if they actually knew what he was doing.
"You're going to give them a few sheets of paper?" Snarked Violet, as they followed the grounds keeper to the large field where the party was going to take place.
Louis let out a low whistle, looking around at the decorations and collapsable bandstand, "Okay, this is impressive."
"I'm glad you think so." Said Becca, "We worked on this for weeks."
"What are those?" Asked Sarah, from her place on the floor.
"Oh, just newsletters." Shrugged Marlon, "Introducing ourselves and shit."
Sarah shrugged, lying back down, "Okay."
Marlon spotted a table near the entrance to the field and gesture for Violet and Louis to put the boxes down on it. After carefully placing a sign saying for people to take a copy and read it at their leisure, Marlon just had to sit back, relax and watched as Clementine's life ended around her.
Slowly, students and their parents and siblings arrived. A boy who looked like he was three or four ran up to Clementine, the girl grinning and crouching next the boy.
"That's AJ." Said a boy, dropping down next to Marlon, "His parents adopted Clementine, he's clung to her ever since apparently."
"Who're you?" Asked Marlon, frowning at the boy.
"Sorry, my name's Adam Campman." Th boy held out his hand, "You are?"
"Marlon Matthews." Marlon didn't shake his hand, "Why's everyone so scared of her?"
"We're not." Shrugged Adam, "She's a private person, boarder-line cold to anyone who isn't her friend. And she's a terrifying fighter."
"What do you mean?" Asked Marlon, glancing around, seeing almost everyone was holding a copy of the file.
"She once broke a football player's jaw because he tried to grope her." Answered Adam, leaning back in his chair, "She was attacked by a Mountain Lion that'd been dumped with its litter near here."
Marlon frown, an uneasy feeling swelling in his gut, as he watched more people open the files, start reading, stop, stare at Clementine, before reading it more intently.
"Yeah, she's probably gonna beat your ass tomorrow." Said Adam, cheerfully.
"You and your friends brought those boxes." Said Adam, pointing at the boxes with the copies of Clementine's file in it, "She's going to find out you brought unredacted copies of her care file and probably beat you to a pulp."
"How the hell would you know if it's me?" Growled Marlon.
"You're the only one without a folder." Said Adam, getting up and walking away.
Marlon saw Violet and Minerva stiffen, before throwing identical glares at him, while Minerva's foster mom went white. Looking back at Clementine, he saw Gabe and Duck holding onto her arms, while she looked around stoically.
"Dude!" Yelled Louis, storming up to Marlon, getting everyone's attention, "What the fuck?!"
"You said those things were about us!" Louis pointed at the boxes.
"I'm just helping put her in her place." Shrugged Marlon, as Gabe and Duck let go of Clementine.
"So, you decided to put yourself in the morgue?" Snarled Violet, joining Louis's side, "Minnie's mom's mentioned in that!"
After taking her jacket and hat off, Clementine strode up to Marlon.
"Oh, coming to cry abou-" Marlon was cut off by Clementine punching him. He fell, only for Clementine to pull him up and headbutt him.
Glancing around, Louis spotted Alex and Justin try to run to help Marlon, only for Jesse to trip them. Looking back, Marlon had blood streaming down his face, with Clementine straddling his chest while punching him in the face.
The situation was prevented from devolving further by the Grounds Keeper grabbing Clementine and hauling her off Marlon. Jesse stalked up to Marlon, glaring at him.
"Hey, dude." Wheezed Marlon, "A little help?"
"That's my sister."
Marlon froze, looking up at Jesse.
"That's my fucking sister." Seethed Jesse, "And you think I'm going to help you?!"
"She-" Marlon was cut off by Jesse kicking him in the face.
"You're dead." Snarled Jesse, storming off.
"I know this probably isn't gonna help," Said Louis, as Marlon tried to get up, "but, what you did was illegal."
"Shut up."
Rebecca winced as Clementine stalked around the classroom they'd been placed in. To an outsider, Clementine was like an angry, caged animal, but to Rebecca, Clementine was distracting herself from her own feelings.
"Clem," Sighed Rebecca, getting up and walking over to Clementine, "breathe."
"How fucking dare they." Seethed Clementine, trembling slightly.
"Swear." Said AJ, as Alvin pushed a toy car towards him.
"It's alright." Soothed Rebecca, resulting in a scoff from Clementine.
"How? Everyone knows." Clementine's voice cracked.
Rebecca sighed, "I don't know, but we'll make it through this. None of this is your fault. Nothing is going to happen."
"How do you know?" Asked Clementine, finally looking at Rebecca, "How, how do you know they won't try and take AJ or, or-"
Clementine choked back a sob, prompting Rebecca pull her close.
Outside the door, Gabe sat texting Kate, asking her for advice on the situation.
"Hey." Gabe looked up at his dad, "You alright?"
"Yeah," Gabe looked back at his phone, "I'm seeing if Kate has any advice for…what happened."
David sighed, "I'll be honest," He said as he sat next to Gabe, "I wouldn't have thought about contacting Kate."
"She mentioned working under Joan, Clem's case handler." Said Gabe, "I thought she'd know what to do."
"With the situation or with Clementine?" Asked David, making Gabe look up, "I know that Clementine's strong, but even the strongest person can take so much before breaking."
Gabe looked down, leaving them in silence for a couple of minutes.
"Clem told me."
David frowned and looked at Gabe, "What?"
"Back in November," Clarified Gabe, "Clementine told me everything, nothing changed then."
"And now?"
"Nothing's changed."
"Except everyone else knows." Said David, "You know, back when I was in the field,"
"Please don't go on about how Mom saved you from that landmine."
"We had a squad member, Mike. He had everything go wrong for him, he lost his family, his wife abandoned him for some kid half her age, he had to bury his two daughters, but he never appeared to let it get to him, like Clementine." David continued, "He survived that minefield with Ava and me, we got our medals and shit, and, that night, after we all left, he put a shotgun in his mouth and blew his head off."
Gabe stared at him, lost for words.
"None of us saw it coming, not me, not Ava, not his girlfriend, no one," Said David, "Mike didn't mention his problems to anyone, not that any of us had the sense to ask. The last thing any of us want is to see the situation repeat itself."
"What do you mean?" Frowned Gabe, making David groan.
"Go to your girlfriend." David made it as blunt as possible, "Leave your phone with me, I'll tell you if Kate has any advice."
Gabe stared at him, before jumping to his feet and entering the classroom. David sighed, leaning against the wall, "Things are going to get messy."
Rebecca sighed, watching Clementine and Gabe hold each other, she'd tried to contact Bonnie, buy the woman hadn't answered her calls. AJ had fallen asleep, while Alvin watched the young couple with Rebecca.
"I was iffy with him." Murmured Rebecca, sitting next to Alvin, "Thought he was trouble."
"He's able to get Clem to lower her guard." Said Alvin, "Get her comfortable enough for her to be vulnerable."
"With what happened last time, I think I was right to have me reservations." Defended Rebecca, "But, he's been a good influence on her."
Alvin was silent, still watching Clementine and Gabe, "I'm assuming Bonnie still hasn't responded."
"No," Confirmed Rebecca, "I'm not exactly a legal wiz, but since it's only a matter of time before these spreads, Clem could be indicted by the DA."
"With Carver's case?" Frowned Alvin, "I thought his appeal had been rejected."
"It was," Sighed Rebecca, "but, knowing his lawyer…"
Rebecca sighed, resting her head on Alvin's shoulder.
"Everything's gonna be fine, Bec." Sighed Alvin, not believing his own words.
Michonne groaned as her phone went off.
"I thought Carl was going to that party." Rick felt the urge to punch Shane.
"He is." Answered Rick, as his phone went off, making him growl.
Lori watched as the couple left the room, "Shane."
"Carl wants us to at least be civil with them." Lori glanced at the door as Rick stalked in, "What was it?"
"Apparently," Growled Rick, grabbing his jacket, "a fight broke out at the school's party."
"The Brooke's have managed to get permission for me to see their daughter's file." Said Michonne, striding in, "Apparently it was leaked by a new student at a school party, I'm going to there now."
"I'm going out as well," Said Rick, "I've just had a call about a fight breaking out."
Michonne frowned, "Why would they call the police?"
"They didn't," Answered Rick, "Carl was involved."
Carl glared at the Ericson's group across from them, after Clementine and her friend group had been escorted away, one of the newcomers made a snide remark about Clementine and, out of nowhere, someone had punched them. Glancing to his left, Elodie was wincing at her hand, while Colette looked oddly satisfied with herself.
"Grimes." Carl looked up as Crawford spoke to him, followed by Elodie and Colette, "Carl," he clarified, before gesturing to a police officer, "Officer Burns wants to speak to you."
Carl looked around, before getting up, casting a glare at the Ericson's students, before walking over to the officer.
The group of students were mostly silent, before Ms. Martin appeared and took a student to another officer.
"YOU LIED!" Elizabeth screamed at her mother, Adam standing a couple of feet behind her, "YOU SAID DAD WAS KILLED IN A CAR CRASH! NOT THAT HE KIDNAPPED AND RAPED A CHILD!"
"How could I explain that?" Demanded Tess, the folder on the table.
"By telling us the truth!" Elizabeth's voice broke, "Y-you made him sound like a good man, n-not some cold-blooded murderer who killed a little girl's parents in front of her!"
Tess swallowed, trying to explain her reasons for not telling them.
Sarita let out a chuckle as she felt the baby kick, faintly hearing the door slam. Glancing up, she saw Duck throw himself into a seat, with Becca not far behind him.
"Is everything alright?" Frowned Sarita, looking between the two.
"No, yes, fuck, I don't know," Groaned Duck, leaning forwards and burying his face in his hands, "Mom, some rat-haired fucker got access to Clem's file and handed them out at that integration party the school held."
"W-what?" Sarita blinked.
"The prick said he was reminding Clementine of her place," Continued Becca, "by 'knocking her down a few pegs'."
"Then she beat the shit out of him." Finished Duck, "She and her parents are on their way back, they wanted to make sure everyone left before letting her leave."
"Oh my god." Murmured Sarita, leaning back in her chair, "Those animals."
Minerva and Sophie watched as Lilly frantically paced around the room, almost pleading with whoever was on the phone. They watched as Lilly slowly got choked up, until she dropped the phone.
"M-mom?" Sophie hesitantly approached Lilly, "What's wrong?"
Lilly took a couple of deep breaths, "They, they're sending a social worker to collect you and Tenn. I, I'm t-t-too dangerous to be around children."
Sophie and Minerva froze as Lilly broke down.