A/N: Wew. Been a while. Didn't mean to delay so long in updating this. Life gets in the way y'know? Apologies if you can't remember where we left off and you have to go back for a little re-reading.

A/N 2: To answer some commenter's questions from way back when…Yes, I know Dragon Tail doesn't let the opposing trainer choose their next Pokémon in the games. I've changed this aspect of force switch-out moves in the story (incidentally, this is how Wobbuffet was selected after Nidoking's Roar) because if I don't change this mechanic, it means baby or severely underleveled Pokémon could suddenly find themselves unwittingly on the field…and absolutely nothing good can come out of that being a possibility.

Chapter 20


Gyarados' Intimidate slams into Krokorok the moment my boy hits the field - which is definitely bad for us, sure - and yet all I feel is impressed at the possibilities this just opened up for future tactics.

'You can delay an Ability like Intimidate triggering in this world? How? When Ma Ma was unaffected from Clair's Pokémon being released I assumed it meant this was one of those uncommon Gyarados with Moxie. But the fact that you can train to just delay the trigger…I'll have to remember that if I ever get a Pokémon with Sand Stream. An instant speed Sandstorm that deploys when we want it to might just swing a match.'

'Speaking of which,' "Focus up, K. Rool! Let's put some dust in his eye!" The desert crocodile shakes off his stupor from the Attack drop and immediately stomps a foot forward. Dust and dirt begin to roil about the arena and Clair confidently throws out her next move. "Aqua Tail! Smash him flat!"

Aura begins to flow over the bond as I do my part in helping the Sandstorm complete faster. It won't amount for much, -a second and a half maybe, or perhaps barely above one and a quarter- but I'd do it even if we gained only a few milliseconds off the expenditure.

We'll need every drop of speed possible for what comes next.

Amid the dust and sand the titanic blue appendage drops down hard on K. Rool's silhouette, getting the podiums themselves to lightly rumble. As Gyarados roars in victory/wroth, feeling his foe pinned helplessly beneath him, I can feel Claire level an unimpressed eyebrow in my direction. Even if it's difficult to see her through the battering grains of the storm. "Really? Not even an attempt of Protect?" The Gym Leader asks with censure in her tone. "Watching you in the tournament, I thought that move was a bit of a favorite of yours. Was setting up the weather really important enough to sacrifice a team member?"

I continue funneling power across the connection, feeling how K. Rool accepts it as Ground energy and then converts it into something else. Like pumping DC into one end of a motor-generator and watching how AC pops out the other side. "Protect can only hold back so much force." I reply simply, keeping my eyes on the field. "Sometimes a different type of utility is needed."

A window into the Sandstorm clears for just a moment, a blink and you miss it type of snapshot, revealing a disappearing Substitute pinned underneath the Gyarados' tail.

Clair's eyes pop open at her mistake right as K. Rool's upper half emerges from his Dig at the Water-type's left.

I smile as the crocodile leaps. It's time to show off some new tricks. "K. Rool, Thunder Fang!" "Krokor-ROOOK!"

"Gyarados, THRA-"

Oh, thrash indeed the Gyarados does. Though perhaps another synonym might be more appropriate. Convulse? Spasm? The sea wurm shakes violently as the quad-effective move sends golden arcs cascading along its body, its long throat screaming itself raw as eyes begin to white out. When taken in combination with the brutal parting gift Ma Ma bestowed on the 'mon, there's no way it'll be able to continue after this.

Meanwhile I funnel as much raw aura as I can to for him to convert on his end. Enough such that, I can feel the Ground start to effuse through my being from drawing on it so heavily. A sense of rightness settling in my core for enforcing reality on this 'low Potential' aberration of a Pokémon. Hard work can only take one so far. There are limits that simply can't be overcome. And no amount of grit and piss will negate the effects of Electricity on a Water/Flying type. It cannot negate the facts of this worl-

Gyarados crashes its body hard into the side of the arena, splintering the stadium walls and forcing K. Rool to release him with a wrenching-



Nausea suddenly overtakes me. There's dancing spots in my vision. Ringing in my ears. One hand death grips the railing as my connection to is briefly -violently- scrambled at the impact. Like a rope exploding into frayed strings. My head is full of TV static. Stomach acid burns my throat as I barely resist the urge to hurl. The crushing weight of a Gyarados squashing down on my lungs flares over my chest…

…and then it's gone.

Dispersed as quick as it came. Nothing but a dull phantom ache to remind me that it was real.

Already the metaphorical rope has finished stitching itself back together.

…Holy shit. What was that?

Full-body haptic feedback? That can happen if I delve too deeply? I guess I've never had a team member get hit that hard while I was linked to them. 'Goddamn, what a massive training oversight.'

My hand comes down from its hold on the side of my head -something I only just realized it was doing- to find that the match has seemingly come to a pause.

Low murmurs are spreading throughout the audience at my odd behavior, with the referee in particular looking my way in concern. Gyarados and Krokorok are both awaiting new orders, with the latter in particular cradling an arm to his chest -seemingly reduced to barely hanging on in the red from just one hit-, and Clair…Clair is staring at me. As if only seeing me for the first time.

'Well, looks like that cat's out of the bag.'

Morty, as I recall correctly, had a look of mild suspicion when I used aura to put my thumb on the scales during a fight. This isn't that. Clair isn't suspicious. She knows. Maybe it's Blackthorn Clan tribal knowledge or something but she knows what I was doing.

"How did-?" There's a note of flabbergast in her words. "Not even I can-"

"K. Rool, strike with Rock Tomb, now!" 'They can marvel and try to interrogate me later! This match is still ongoing dammit!' Krokorok stomps forward -one hand still cradling his torso- and a quintet of small boulders float up from the earth. His determination flaring to not go down without at least taking his opponent with him.

Clair snaps herself into focus, her stupor shoved roughly aside. "Gyarados, Hydro Pump!"

High pressure water obliterates the rocks jettisoning forth, forcing into a clumsy evasive maneuver and I click my tongue underneath my breath. 'Tch, how tough is this thing!? I thought for sure a Thunder Fang after Ma Ma's Stone Edge would've put it on its ass! And yet now it's firing off Special Attacks when that should be a Gyarados' dump stat? Just how much did that Intimidate bring us down? Maybe we really should have just gone for Hone Claws instead of Sandstorm!'

Though since we're already here. "Get underground K. Rool!" 'We'll switch to stall tactics for a moment! The enemy's health has to be chipping down.'

The desert crocodile is a blur of movement despite the pain. That Water-type isn't the only 'mon on the field with vinegar in his veins! Not to be outdone, the Gym Leader sweeps her arm out immediately. "Surf! Flood the field!"

Water surges from the grates surrounding the edge of the arena, building a great tidal wave underneath Clair's Pokėmon -and although the contamination of the still raging Sandstorm makes the end result look closer to the move Muddy Water- it doesn't stop the technique from doing its job.

For not the first time in this life, I grow frustrated that the Krookodile-family can't learn any quick-switch moves. I would absolutely love to have Simon ghost his way out of the ground right now and sucker punch this stupid wurm with an electric fist of his own.

Alas, we must make do with other methods.

"Plug the opening K. Rool!" Another hasty Rock Tomb lodges into the tunnel entrance, sealing the water away from flooding in after him and I can feel his exhaustion fraying over my psyche. That one Thrash just hit him too hard. 'Rest, K. Rool. Rest for just a moment and then we'll finish this in one sh-'

"Withdraw him or I Earthquake." Clair suddenly speaks in a no nonsense tone, getting me to freeze still.

My eyes meet hers and I see the threat is no empty bluff. If my boy wasn't so obviously hurt already, she would have simply pulled the trigger and ended the round right there.

'Damn…' I click my tongue, imagining what a double damage move would do to him in his state. 'I guess that's me getting outplayed huh?'

I've spoken before that the Earthquake TM is 'sell your spare kidney' levels of expensive. Even with all the cash I've made using my cheat power via gambling at the Pokéathalon Dome, it still wasn't an expense I could justify for Ma Ma and some others on my belt.

Wrap your head around that for a moment if you will. I have a supernatural unfair advantage in betting on the equivalent of 'horse races' in this world and I still don't have the thing in my pocket.

'Though I suppose a Gym Leader and princess of the Blackthorn Clan would have no such financial barriers would she?'

Other than the one on Champion Lance's team, a Gyarados in her roster might just be the only one within a few hundred miles who could make good on the threat.

Getting caught out against what is usually the best move in my arsenal is definitely an annoyance for sure.

I sigh, mentally sending an apology to K. Rool as I signal his withdrawal from my podium. It seems he's been getting the rough end of the stick more often than not lately in my high-level matches. I'll need to have a talk with him later and make sure he doesn't push himself too hard in training to make up for it.

…but enough sappy talk about that.

Time to bring out the real star of today's show.

Vlad's Pokéball launches out in a wild spin revealing his new two-meter long majesty to the world.

Gliscor: Lv. 55
Nature: Adamant

Potential: A+

"Gliscor! Gli!" His voice is a much deeper timbre than it was as a Gligar and his darker carapace glints in the stadium lights with a healthy sheen. As with most evolutions, every one of his stat lines has seen an upgrade and in a manner most unlike other evolutions, his ability to mold energies outside of his own two innate typings has exploded as well.

I told you before. The Gligar/Gliscor family are goddamn freaks in how good they are at that shit.

A flicker of surprise makes it to Clair's face in view of the new threat -no doubt the amount of trainers in Johto who've successfully evolved a Gligar can be counted in the single digits-, but she doesn't let it delay her long. "You went trekking in the mountains I see." She compliments with a grin full of battle lust. "Gyarados, Ice Beam!"

After taking a moment to rear back and gather energy in its maw, the beast roars a long bolt of arctic blue from its mouth, a powerful frozen stream that pierces through the air…and then slips straight through Vlad's afterimage of Double Team. Thin outlines of Psychic power glow over the edges of the winged Ground-type and his still spreading illusionary copies as he then sets up the Agility in record time, absolutely trashing his personal best from when he was unevolved.

Now watch what happens when we do something that extremely few Pokémon species can.

And combine it with Rock Polish.

"Sweep!" Gyarados swings his neck about, veering the still flowing Ice Beam with him as he eliminates illusory opponents one after another. Dispersing multiple fakes a second as the back wall gets painted with a string of blue crystals.

"Now Vlad."

To those who sneezed at the wrong moment, it may have looked like he teleported.

One moment Gyarados was continuing his onslaught, roaring icy death onto the world…and the next his pupils were whited out as the giant purple 'X' of Cross Poison flared across his body.

'Did you know Gliscor has access to more High-Crit moves than any other species besides Mew itself? Seven of them in total if I'm not mistaken.'

"Gliscor! Gli." Vlad reorients himself from his sudden position behind the wurm. Stabilizing so as to not accidentally tilt upside down. Not even he has a perfect grasp on just how fast he can move utilizing our latest discovery.

At least not yet.

Stacking two Speed buffs on top of each other that operate on different principles doesn't just add them together in this world you see. It magnifies them. Effectively placing us on equal footing with a 'mon that had worked to build up a full +6 in the stat.

Gyarados dissolves into light before his unconscious body can finish its fall. Clair holds the behemoth's Dive Ball in a tight grip while her mouth thins into a line, having not expected the fight to progress quite that way. "Alright then," With a determined look, she swaps it out for a Luxury Ball and launches it to the far side of the field. As far as she can from Vlad while still being in bounds. "How about this!"

Altaria: Lv. 45
Nature: Relaxed

Potential: C+

"Dance, Altaria! Get your Speed u-"


Vlad and I had the same idea simultaneously. We're not so perfectly in sync that I can always go without audible orders, but in those rare few instances where the same thought happens at the same time then words simply don't need to be spoken. Our connection is enough.

Ice Fang reduces Altaria's health from 100 to 0 in one attack.

The crowd explodes into noise as people almost launch themselves from their seats in their cheers. If I were a betting man -and I really am, it's a terrible problem- then I'd say we just set a new record for quickest K.O. in the Gym's history.

'Well, 50 bucks says we just made the front of Johto's Poké Net tomorrow.' I cast a quick glance in the direction of the cameras that record every match. 'Heh. Well at least Lori will get a kick out of it. Nothing gets her to smile quite like a frosted up Dragon.'

Meanwhile Clair seems to be…well I don't want to be a dick and say frozen but…

The woman's definitely struggling to think where she goes from here. I can see it in the way her eyes are slightly vibrating back and forth. She's down 4 to 2 -technically 4 to1 since Ma Ma could theoretically come back despite her injured state- and there's a psychically-lightened-magically-drag-reduced energy savant on the field that she has no clear avenue of dealing with.

'Amazing how quickly that haughty persona goes out the window when your options are dwindling. I wonder if we'll see a Kingdra next.'

Altaria is withdrawn in silence as the Dragon mistress continues to ponder. Staring at Gliscor like he's a puzzle to solve. Something I think anyone who's ever played a hardcore mod of the Pokémon games can relate to.

Or maybe she wants to just let the last final bits of the Sandstorm peter out.

Could be both.

Right as the ref opens his mouth in her direction the Gym Leader finally makes her pick, throwing out a rather rare but ultimately uninspired choice of a 'mon. One that I've already seen my fair share of during the week.

Dragonair: Lv. 47
Nature: Quirky

Potential: B

The mid-evolution croons out a distinctive cry as it unfurls from the light it manifested from and sways about, almost putting on a little show. My eyes flicker to both its Level and 'Potential' rating, immediately noting this Dragonair to be of a higher quality than the one Ma Ma so ruthlessly introduced to the ground.

I doubt it'll make much difference.

"Icy Wind! / Breaking Swipe!"

Vlad crosses the distance between the two in the same time it takes the female Pokémon to gather the necessary cold energy in her horn. A thick grey club of a tail, glowing with the angry color of Dragon energy nails the angelic serpent in her side, trying to brutally knock her away before the wide-area Special move has a chance to get off.

It almost worked too.

In a genuinely impressive display, the Dragonair tanks the move for just long enough to tilt her neck leftward and release the attack point blank…before momentum takes over and she goes flying into a sprawled out heap in the corner.

'Tch. Still narrowly got us eh?'

The end result isn't ideal for either party. On our side, I'd say moderate damage on Vlad. Icy Wind is a fairly weak move but quad-effective is still quad-effective. Especially with a Gliscor's Sp. Defense being about 50 points lower than its Physical.

We should still be slightly 'in the green' though. The difference in 'Levels' really helps us there.

Cannot say the same for Dragonair who looks like it lost 80% from just one strike. It's still conscious but is painfully slow to rise.

You take a hyperspeed sledgehammer of Dragon energy to the side and see how you feel.

"Finish it from afar Vlad! We're near the finish line!"

"Gliscor! Gli!" The scorpion bat floats up high and swings his claws out, summoning up a Rock Slide that should tidy things up nicely without risking a close encounter again. Meanwhile I keep a steady eye on Clair, waiting to see what she'll do.

The Icy Wind reduced our massive Speed advantage a little but not a meaningful enough amount to matter. If Vlad weren't a Ground type this would normally be when a Trainer tries to at least get off a last second Thunder Wave. I know she's smart enough to know that something heavy like Ice Beam won't connect but she has to try something.

Rock Slide pummels the Dragoness into submission even as it uses the last of its strength…for goddamn Rain Dance.

My neck cranes up to the gathering storm clouds with annoyance while Clair's fifth Pokémon disappears. 'What is it with our luck and people always trying this against us? Have I been cursed by Kyogre or something and just don't know it?'

I don't like getting wet unless I'm going swimming, sue me.

"Kaiser!" Claire screams aloud, thrusting an Ultra Ball high that gets the stands to erupt with noise again, practically jumping up and down in their seats. "We have a Challenger!" She pulls it back for a slow wind up and her words from our first meeting play in my head.

'-we at Blackthorn pride ourselves as being the gatekeepers of the Pokémon League! The final barrier to seeing who is worthy and who is rabble!-'

The regal seahorse disgorges from the yellow sphere and immediately begins skating back and forth along its tail, building up momentum as the crowd roars in approval. 'Ah. Swift Swim. So that was her plan.'

Kingdra: Lv. 53
Nature: Bold

Potential: A-

The Pokémon is a marvelous example of its species. Even without my cheat I'd be able to see the power the Water/Dragon wields. It's in the way it carries itself. Head held high. Gaze sharp. Assessing its surroundings like a true member of royalty. 'Far better than the one example I'd seen before. A quarter-finalist's team member from last year's Conference.'

Still though, the opportunity's too good. I have to throw back her own comment from earlier. "Did you really sacrifice a team member just to set up the weather?"

Clair doesn't rise to the bait, instead just going straight into offence. "Kaiser, Dragonbreath!"

Purple-yellow flames bear down on Vlad like a sniper shot, intent on inflicting a debilitating status condition and Gliscor immediately begins the evasive maneuvers we've drilled so many times. Even with the measures Claire's taken to shrink the gap, we're still the superior team in terms of Speed.

'Of course…that doesn't mean we should just let them 'have' that ability boost for free, does it?'

"Vlad…use Sunny Day."

The Gym Leader minutely jerks at the sudden reversal. "What!?" she calls out as Gliscor's wings begin to radiate a bright orange. "Gliscor can learn- They're a Sandstorm Pokémon! Why would you waste a TM charge teaching that to a Ground/Flying type?"

I do my best to keep the chuckle down. "For this exact reason."

Long burning rays pierce through the artificial clouds and the effect on Kingdra's mobility is immediate. Halved from what it was a moment ago.

From here…well there's a lot of options now isn't there? We could go for an Earthquake, put the hurt on Clair's ace from afar and -as a quick sidenote- correct the fact that this match has been uncharacteristically bereft of any proper Ground moves. Truly, I've been slacking.

Alternatively, there's also getting in close with Breaking Swipe again. Even with Kingdra's Bold nature boosting its Defense, two or three good hits will likely get it out of commission. Maybe we could even mix in a Toxic while we're in there and stall it out.

Or…we could make a statement.

I firmly believe, absolutely, that Vlad can win this. We've got the speed, the power, and the skills necessary to bring this final guardian of Blackthorn's Badge down.

But since I'm already halfway certain we'll be the top video on the Net come morning…lets go ahead and make it a guarantee.

Vlad skates to a stop as I feed him my idea. "Baton Pass."

Gliscor snickers as he vanishes, sticking out a mocking tongue as he's reclaimed…and the Moon Ball on my belt snaps open without me even needing to touch it.

"King-dra, meet King Grundy."

The air itself vibrates as the Alpha Nidoking roars his emergence unto the world, deafening any noise that still existed among the onlookers in the stands. Clair holds her ground admirably though Kaiser the Kingdra does noticeably flinch at the nearly 14 foot monstrosity suddenly in his face. A low hum begins purring from the perimeter as the energy barriers protecting the audience are raised to their max setting and then…

…he holds.

Nidoking stands patient. Awaiting an order without me having to hold his leash.

'-this is the trainer my little cousin lost to? The one who commands an Alpha, and yet now he comes to challenge the dragon's den at the sixth Badge level? Not the eighth, but the sixth?-

This is what you wanted isn't it Clair? Let's see if you can handle it.

The Dragon Mistress throws her hand out for what just may be the final time of the match and I can read her intentions like an open book. It won't be a Water move, not with Sunny Day in effect. It won't be Ice because they'll need the STAB to even have a chance of overpowering what we throw out.

This is the Dragon Gym. The type commonly thought of as the Strongest. The rulers of the natural world.

There's really only one thing in a Kingdra's arsenal that it could be. Only one thing her pride will allow for.

"Dragon Pulse! / Dragon Pulse!"

With no additional effect to its name, the 85 base power move does not trigger Grundy's ability of Sheer Force. With all Held Items removed beforehand, there is no Life Orb to boost the efficacy of our side. And I am not adding a drop of aura to empower the move in any way.

By all Pokémon math, it's just about as weak a Special Attack as we've ever fired.

Keep that in mind when I say Grundy's breath attack didn't just overpower Kingdra's…it practically ate it.


By the time the torrential blue rings have subsided, lifting the vicious blanket Clair's Pokémon had been obscured under, the creature is a mess.

Countless beautiful scales ripped or peeled. Long thin wounds littering its body from crown to tail. It struggles to rise, puffing up with energy in defiance, wanting to get off one more shot and say 'No! I can still fight! I'm not done yet! I can-'

"Withdraw him or I Earth Power."

And that ladies and gentlemen…is the story of how I earned my Rising Badge.