Percy reappeared outside Apollo's Palace on Olympus with a curse on his lips as he realized the Entity of Night had forcefully transported him from Tartarus. He'd only had a moment's notice before his form had dissipated which left him cursing. He was technically one of the most powerful people alive but only in terms of brute strength. The other Protogenoi had billions of years of experience on him.
He'd expected that once he was no longer in their presence and the weight of the situation had settled upon his shoulders, that terror would become him yet he felt determined above all. He was never one to quit and would do whatever necessary to protect his loved ones.
He'd been gifted with the ability to be able to protect those he cared about from the likes of the ever changing emotional moods of Zeus or the like. And as he aged and gained training to the likes of the others, he'd need not worry about the other Protogenoi.
Technically, he didn't need to worry about them now, however he was not betting the lives of his loved one's on the moods of people that he knew only from his predecessor's memories.
With a sigh he opened the door to the Palace as he felt a questioning probe from Apollo who gave the image of curiosity. He was thankful that only a mortal day had passed yet he was hesitant from the things that had been revealed.
As he reached upon the Sun God he allowed himself to be caressed, gentle hands in his hair, he knew the possessiveness of Gods yet he also knew the hypocrisy. He was well aware of Pontus' stance with Chronos and was unaware what the nature of their relationship would be.
Ananke was far more involved with him than she was with Pontus but Nyx treated him fairly the same. He knew there was a bit of a gap between the rest of the Protogenoi and Night. Time did not exist when she came into being, so she could not say how much older she was, but he knew intuitively that whatever task they were assisting upon, she must've been the first to handle it.
He couldn't speculate upon it much as the Primordials knew not of most history concerning that of the Protogenoi and some of Pontus' memories were blocked. No, not blocked, hidden within his subconscious. Whatever this task was, his mind had not shifted to the wavelength of a Protogenoi enough for yet.
Which is fair, he only found out recently about the fact he apparently was the ruler of a Universe. Although, from the words of Nyx and Tartarus, it was fairly self-sufficient which he was thankful for.
A pleasurable groan escaped his throat without permission as the skillful fingers of his paramour dug through his hair and massaged his skull.
"Duty has become you," Apollo admonished gently, "Perhaps you could take a break tomorrow?"
Percy supposed this fell within the lines of the advice he had been given so he responded positively, grasping the other's head until their breaths met, "Oh, a date? And where does the almighty Apollo take his lovers~" he teased.
"The location is for me to know, but we are new. I wish to spend as much time with you before busyness becomes us"
"You sense it then?"
"You may be the Rewriter of Destiny but I too am privy to Destiny. The sisters are busy, they are preparing. Your ascension has sent them into a tizzy."
"Have they been harassing you, concerning me?" Percy questioned guiltily.
"No, you need not worry, my warrior. I am fine."
His smile met his eyes, amusement in his gaze and perhaps a sense of belief that if he requested, Percy would hunt down the Fates right now, regardless of consequence.
"Mmh and the dress code?" Percy idly wondered using the other's hands to trace his stomach.
"While I may prefer you with nothing, I am a jealous God therefore we shall have to adhere to a more formal dress code."
Seeing his opportunity Percy did not allow the conversation to stray, "Jealous, so neither of us shall take lovers?"
Something painful wrenched in his gut at the lost look on Apollo's face at the conversation being directed at his thoughtless remark, "If you wish. Although I must warn you, there is a certain level of monotony that is added but if you wish it so, then I shall begin creating my children through other means. If you are worried then allow me to reassure you I haven't strayed since this has begun between us."
Percy laid a chaste kiss against the other, "You need not worry, my ray, I know you have interpreted your sister's teaching wrong and enjoy the chase of lust. We are Greek aren't we? Heterosexuality and Monogamy has never come easy to us. As long as you always return to me, I shan't disallow you."
His eyes darkened as he flipped them around so Apollo laid on his back and Percy straddled his chest, "Remember the Water is not forgiving though Phoebus Apollo, if you break my heart, I shall break you. Love no one as you do me, and there will be no problem."
"Of course," the other agreed immediately, "One would be daft to abandon the likes of you. I shall combust before I-" .
His rambling stopped by the heated kiss Percy delivered to him as their hands wandered and clothes were splayed upon the floor. Their bodies ground against one another and they became one several times that night.
Percy allowed himself reprieve and cuddled into the other, his mind at rest, his consciousness straying, he knew he'd have a calm day tomorrow. His eyelids grew heavy as he allowed himself passage to Morpheus' realm.
Bright rays of sunlight shone into the room allowing it an intimate glow as he awoke, the other beside him still asleep. Well more accurately, awoke at dawn, sent a part of himself to raise the Sun and then came back to bed.
He sat up against the headboard, pulling the other to lay between his legs, head rested on his stomach and pondered thoughtfully of what the day held. He had already agreed to spend it with the other, and agreed to a set date which means anything that he wished to do today must be done at earliest convenience, therefore tomorrow.
He'd like a Godly weapon, if not for more than training but he knew he'd have to proceed with caution. Anaklusmos was out of the question as it contained the immortal essence of the fallen Lieutenant of Artemis, Zoe Nightshade. He was not cruel to force a dead woman's soul to assist him through his hopefully long life in some farce of 'honour'.
He should look into resources for that actually, if all else fails, he'd destroy the blade and allow her to properly rest.
So he allowed himself to form a mental checklist:
Research / ask Hephaestus about the creation of Godly weapons Possibly get one crafted by Hephaestus
He also needed to begin training his powers so he could add practice powers. Perhaps in a pocket dimension so he didn't destroy the mortal realm. Hmm he didn't want to become reliant on the others so he'd go through a few other options before conceding to asking them if nothing worked.
He'd be possibly confronted by Chronos soon to take up the duties of his or more specifically Pontus' old? Universe.
'Sigh' that was enough thinking about those topics, he already felt weighted down by the responsibility. Looking down he could see Apollo's curious eyes gazing at him yet asking no questions. He was thankful and ready to begin whatever the other had planned out for this day.
"How does this day begin~" Percy questioned with a teasing lilt.
"Breakfast at the best diner in New York. C'mon let's go."
"Alright, but perhaps give me a moment to dress. Besides, where even is it." When dealing with Gods and the like there was no definite or restrictions such as location when teleportation was possible.
"Brooklyn, Hermes took me once. He has a daughter who works there."
He allowed himself to be teleported and they reappeared standing in front of a charming little diner. Well charming for someone who grew up in New York was kind of low. Especially when he was younger.
It was quaint with a little neon glowing sign in one of the windows showing a yellow teacup outline with blue steam and red words above spelling out 'Williamsburg DINER'.
Entering there was a black man adjacent to the door, a cashier judging by the register, he was clearly old and he was chatting to a black haired waitress. She wore a yellow dress with unflattering red highlights that didn't mar her beauty. Her eyes appeared dead inside in a misleading way that shone with mischief. 'Hermes daughter' he thought.
Her eyes somewhat lit up when spotting them as she turned from the man she was speaking with, "Don't let them get you down, Earl. You're still young," walking towards them she continued, "Apollo, what a pleasure," her voice dripped with sarcasm, "And whose this pretty boy?" she asked, eyeing his supernaturally appealing looks.
"Percy, a newly ascended God, Percy, this is one of Hermes favoured daughters, Max Black. She's a waitress at the Williamsburg Diner, Max meet Percy," Apollo introduced sitting at the offered booth.
Her eyes widened comedically before she settled back into an amused difference, "Well well well. What a pleasure. As he said my name is Max, if you need me, don't call me. My dad made enough siblings that you can ask them. Also I'm a partial owner now. Have my own cupcake shop too. What can I get you now?"
"We'll have some pancakes please, and keep Oleg's hands clean will you," Apollo politely demanded. She didn't seem to take offense though going behind the counter to deliver the order.
Percy raised a questioning eyebrow at the choice of restaurant but it appeared their order had been expedited judging by the angry glances on the other customers faces.
"I made these myself so there wouldn't be any smiting today," Max offered, standing at their table as they dug into the order.
"I suppose baking is close enough to cooking for pancakes huh? Well at least there's no worry about this Oleg guy. I hate when people go missing," Percy mused as Max choked out a snort as Apollo whispered something in her ears. She walked away to convene with a blonde waitress, whose name tag labelled her as Caroline.
It appeared they were a young couple as well by the nudging, if not the kissing was an indicator.
They finished their meal in time for Max to return with a blue cupcake that made Percy smile realizing what Apollo had asked for. The Sun God paid tipping generously as Percy made jokes with Max about the idiocy of the American Government.
Caroline was also there but she was busy… playing with the ketchups? He didn't know. Apparently they were being married so congratulations to them.
He snorted, holding Apollo's hands as they walked out, "Really?" Honestly, he wasn't expecting all that chaos of his reprieve day but at least it was the mortal variety.
They disappeared in a glimmer of light unseen as Caroline questioned the identity of the strangers Max acted weird around. When asked all she responded was, "Some friends of my dad's. Decent people. "
The duo of Gods reappeared upon Olympus within Percy's Palace, the morning Sun nearing its peak, he turned to his beau and pressed a chaste kiss against the other's lips.
"What next mon cher~ " Percy questioned teasingly, close enough to feel the other's breath against his cheek.
"I thought that you might finally get time to show me your Palace before lunch~" at Percy's furrowed eyebrows, he barked out a laugh at the adorableness on his beloved's face, "You may have shown me the place briefly my warrier but you have not had me in every room have you? Tell me, how much progress do you think we can get done today?"
Percy responded with a blinding grin that would be more expected on the other's face, "Well~" a cheeky bite against Apollo's ear, "If we have a late lunch or," he extending the letters of the last word peppering kisses on the Sun God's neck, "If we skip it entirely and opt for a big dinner, then I think we can get a fair amount of rooms done~"
The only response was a heated kiss as he was dragged into an empty room which elicited a chuckle from him. 'Yes' he thought, 'I needed a break'.
He allowed himself to get lost in the delightful pleasures of the flesh with the other as the Sun passed its peak and after it began its descent, only becoming fully aware again as its intensity lessened to a warm glow. Not yet sunset, but far past afternoon.
A smile took his face as he knew if one walked in on them, it would be fair to assume they had been attacked judging by the scratch marks on his back and the numerous amounts of hickeys and bite marks layered upon each other's skin. What could he say, they were both possessive beings.
He was jolted from his ease by Apollo jumping up and granted him a blissed out grin, clearly pleased with the day's events so far, "Come, we must get prepared."
He allowed himself to get dragged into whatever was planned, enjoying a satisfying bath and dressing in the appropriate apparel that Apollo had selected for him. They flashed outside of a beautiful restaurant that was located in Venice, Italy.
Apollo in his theatrical element, took the lead no doubt enjoying Percy's tightened arms around his waist at the hungry gazes of the onlookers. The restaurant was beautiful and the lighting was perfect as if chosen specifically to accentuate Apollo's skin tone, and he appreciated the thought put into the date.
'Yes, it was a good night' he concluded returning from the restaurant with the Sun God, who drifted asleep in his arms, no doubt regaining the miniscule energy he had taken to create another form today. He was not tired and wandered the archives of Athena's digital library, adding visiting the physical library to his checklist.
He sighed as he finally reached the book he was looking for and resolved the fact his break was over. Well, book was generous, short story was more accurate as it wasn't as long as other tombs.
Godly Weapons And Their Creation was the title of the book.
The art of crafting a Godly Weapon is normally passed Master to Apprentice by Blacksmiths but this scroll was created for the purpose of documenting known knowledge.
The creation of a Godly Weapon is a significant and serious process, not to mention dangerous in the wrong hands. If oneself is not creating the weapon themself, it is recommended to wait until you find a blacksmith who has your complete trust as it is an invasive process.
First, you must decide upon the base material of choice for the weapon, of which cannot be a mortal element such as iron or gold. As this is the foundation for the weapon, it is necessary to be able to hold and sustain great amounts of Divine Energy.
Olympus Steel is the most common metal used in the creation of Divine Weapons as it is mined from the Hearth of Olympus and is available to all Gods of the Greco- Roman Pantheon.
Othrys Steel was used to outfit the Titan Armies and was the most common metal used to create their Divine Weapons, also being mined in the Hearth of Othrys and is no longer available except for what was created during the Golden Age of the Titans.
While prominent Gods and Titans of Power Domains are allowed to create their own metals, derived directly from said Domains, it is very difficult to do and there are no known documented sources from during the Titan Age. It is suspected however, we have simply not found the materials as the second step of the ritual to create a divine weapon would make it wise to create such a metal for someone like Cronus.
Some known examples recorded by Gods however are listed below:
Materials such as Stygian Iron are limited to chthonic deities and their children, while the Olympians and Titans and Primordials are able to use it, they have their own preferred metals.
Artemisan Silver for example is created directly from Artemis' connection to the Moon and only those she allows to use it may wield such a weapon to full potential. She outfits her huntresses' in such metals.
Adamantine is mined directly from the Seas and Oceans and can only be wielded to full potential by one who has a connection to the Water, it is primarily used by Poseidon and Oceanus and outfitted their armies.
Apollyon Gold exists but is not given freely like Artemis does to her Huntresses' as it is considered far more dangerous due to its volatile nature. Only Apollo's weapons are said to be created from such metals and few people throughout time have carried it in their possession. Artemis has been seen pulling out daggers of Apollyon Gold sparingly. It is rumoured Hyancinthus was buried with a Laurel Wreath made of Apollyon Gold.
Celestial Bronze and Imperial Gold are not considered suitable bases for the structure of weapons due to their nature of being unable to render mortals vulnerable. Such a limitation is far too much for a weapon meant to accentuate a God.
After selecting a base, the most individualistic step is the Second Step. One must condense the essence of their Domain/s into a single sphere of power able to connect with the Metals. Here is where most issues lay with Gods intruding on others Domains which may overlap which prevents the creator from being closer to finishing the weapon.
Some materials also do not coincide with the nature of the element, eg. a non Chthonic Deity would be unable to use Stygian Iron if they were unable to control souls or adjacent. This materials is also horrible for any Deity strictly connected to its polar opposite Light.
Apollyon Gold is the most volatile as to create one's own metal, it must be formed from one's own Domain of which they must have complete mastery. It is why it is suspected Titan's Metals have simply not been found as many of them would've been capable of creating a metal.
After choosing your metal and condensing your domain into a power sphere, you must know the best time and place to create it. Whether it must be forged in the Flames of Olympus as many of the Greco-Roman Pantheon require or a more delicate touch, like the Flames of Tartarus etc...
One must know thyself as well, as while there are the more obvious people like Artemis who may create such a weapon on the Winter's Solstice or Apollo, who may do it on the Summer Solstice,
If one has not crafted a weapon but are well-known or their domain is celebrated enough to meet the requirement, then it is allowed. For example, Aphrodite creates her weapons on Lupercalia.
A Chthonic Deity for example should create their weapon on Samhain and most Gods are recommended to create their weapons on the Equinox.
Deities concerning Good Weather and Life of any kind are generally recommended on the Summer Solstice however those requiring different circumstances are safer on the Winter Solstice.
For an example, I, Athena shall offer to you, dear reader, the knowledge of whom among the Mighty Olympians created their Divine Weapons on which occasion.
Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis and Ares weapons are all crafted upon a Winter Solstice whereas Hades weapons are crafted on Samhain Day.
Hestia, Demeter, and Apollo craft their weapons on the Summer Solstice while Hera, Hephaestus, Hermes and I, Athena craft ours on the Equinox.
Aphrodite and Dionysus craft theirs on the Day of Lupercalia. It has been said however, Poseidon is also able to craft Godly Weapons on this day.
The knowledge of the creation of the Legendary Master Bolt of Zeus, Trident of Poseidon and Helm of Hades is restricted for those not the Six Children of Cronus and Rhea.
How and where the weapon is cooled is very important and capable of adding a necessary edge. Be warned readers as the wrong setting can destroy the weapon.
While Olympus Steel may be cooled in the Aether, specific metal like Adamantine which must be crafted underwater, breaks if the required tons of pressure exerted on it, is removed before fully cooling.
As a God of the Pantheon, the last step is one you know the importance of. Its name which shall serve the purpose of adding power to the weapon by the simple fear enemies feel at the blade by uttering its name. This is one of the reasons for the massive amount of Divine Energy.
Proceed with caution…
Read 'Godly Weapons: A History' or 'All There Is About Godly Weapons' for more information.
By Pallas Athena
All in all, it was quite helpful and wasn't that complicated in theory. However, her warnings did make him hesitant especially since this was just an overview as the creation of Godly Weapons was apparently Sacred Knowledge.
He supposed that was why the book was written by Athena and not Hephaestus as the Blacksmith probably did not care about the preservation of knowledge should Olympus fall.
He allowed himself to retreat into Pontus' memories, searching for information on weapons, however it was quite limited as Protogenoi, did not truly need a focus and thus Gaea was the only one who Pontus knew had created a pseudo-weapon, even if the sickle was for Cronus, it still contained her power and was not a Divine Weapon until Cronus made it so, using it as a base.
By the time he was finished Apollo was long gone and so had the Sun already risen, nearing its peak. He considered it odd but thought not much of it.
Thankfully, it was now an appropriate time for one not on friendly terms to accost them, he set a path for Hephaestus' Forge within Olympus.
He arrived upon the Forge and knocked loudly, only having to wait a few minutes for the door to open. The God appeared surprised by his appearance but welcomed him nonetheless.
The Forge, while messy, appeared somewhat more formal than that of the one in Mt. St. Helens which Percy still felt somewhat guilty for but did not apologize considering the God was unknowingly fostering the Blacksmiths for the Titan Army.
"I wish to discuss the creation of a Divine Weapon, could you perhaps assist me?" Percy requested as politely as he could manage.
Hephaestus' face soured minutely in annoyance before conceding, "My apologies, but I am unable and aware how to create a weapon of this magnitude for a Primordial much less a Protogenoi. However the original Kyklopes Arges, Steropes, and Brontes can help you."
Percy could not help the way his face fell that he could not simply be helped by the Forge God, 'Of course,' he thought, 'Why would anything ever be easy?'
He bid farewell to the other and left disappointedly to Poseidon's Palace where he arrived upon the man alone within his garden.
It was actually Amphitrite's but Poseidon got the credit as the place was his, and thus was simply referred to as the 'Gardens of Poseidon'. While not as beautiful as Pontus' in its simplicity or Demeter's in its complexity, Percy would always have a soft spot for his Father's place.
"My son," Poseidon's deep cooling voice greeted him, clearly something was troubling him but he didn't want to bother Percy, who knew there was no use trying to weasel it out of him, "What ails you?"
"I am in the market to create a divine weapon to train but Hephaestus cited that it would be a better job for the Original Kyklopes. Do you know where they dwell?"
"Hmm… If you wish to still pursue them then you should, however, it's my opinion they shan't be able to help you. They may have assisted the Fate's in the creation of the Scissors and the like but… Perhaps talking to your equals shall assist you. Ananke knows much," he grimaced using her name.
Percy knew by the increase of density in Divine Energy that she was present, probably what Poseidon wanted. A brief frown crossed his face as he wandered what could've forced his Father's hand. He was normally so excited to see Percy that his behaviour was very suspicious.
While Percy was technically an adult by mortal standards, Poseidon was not like Zeus who considered Apollo an adult from his birth and the killing of Python, regardless of age, Poseidon cherished his favoured children like he birthed them himself.
A prime example of this was Triton who had been disallowed from leaving the Palace walls for several centuries past his birth.
Percy cleared his mind preparing to visit Ananke as the presence spiked questioningly and instead offered to his Father, "You know that no matter what you need, call for me. I will at least answer," and took his leave.
He reappeared in front of the woman but didn't hesitate in questioning, "Are you aware of what is going on? I searched my Domain of Water for what is going on but I can't find it, so it can't be that. What could've possibly unnerved him so."
She raised an eyebrow but she too was acting weird as it wasn't amusedly, instead it was a pale reflection of before. "So you do know why he's acting so? Tell me, please…" Percy asked, finally stopping to breathe.
Her eyes crinkled sadly but she didn't respond and Percy grew tense at the quiet atmosphere. It felt choking but he didn't know what to do until she responded, "You need not concern yourself with it, Percy, now what were you asking about…hmm," she hummed absently as if in thought, "Divine Weapons?"
He nodded as she continued, "Yes, your Father is right, the Original Kyklopes too would be unable to help you. You must craft the weapon yourself as no Protogenoi has every required one since well… we were old before age," she chuckled at her pun.
"What must I do," he immediately asked, not playing around. He was off-kilter by his Father's attitude and the fact that she wouldn't even tell him what was wrong.
"You can't do anything yet, the power created must be done in your Domain which will be your Universe. Until Chronos approaches you, all you can do is wait. As we have told you, don't worry. Relax."
He felt the building rage simmering in his stomach and she too sensed it as she offered with a sigh as if it was nothing, "Your Father's concerns were regarding the Trenches. It is very hidden but Pontus has never kept the secrets of his Realm from us."
"From the Trenches, you wouldn't have been able to find it when searching your Domain if you didn't know what to look for. It is concerning the other thing you haven't learnt to do subconsciously yet. Pontus has always kept a tight control on the Trenches but as Chronos is much more unfamiliar with it, he was not able to contain the issue fully and as such… a few things? Escaped. It has been resolved by us."
"However, your Father had sensed them and is now concerned, especially because he has never seen it before and it was gone before he got there. We resolved the issue very quickly so there is no use in worrying. As I said."
Percy hungrily digested the knowledge, "So he is concerned because I am failing my duty?"
Ananke heaved a sigh, "Relax Percy!" she intoned the words, "You will learn, now why don't you go train or finish your work," she waved her hand to disapparate him.
He raised a questing eyebrow as he dodged, feeling momentarily proud of himself before she exclaimed with a smirk, "See you are improving," before forcing him from her Domain.
With a jolt he disappeared.
Ananke heaved a great sigh as she waved her hand gazing over the person she'd hidden when Percy appeared, Chronos had resolved the situation, yes. But not without harm to himself judging by the ichor and black goo he was soaked in.
Chronos stood up weakly gazing into her eyes, "We must train him faster, at least to handle the Trenches, I am unaccustomed to them and won't be able to hold them for long."
"Yes, you shall confront him soon, manipulate the flow of Time to train him. I don't care, just…" she hesitated before asking in a soft voice, "You are completely sure it was them ?"
His slow nod was all she needed to head to her Loom and sit there like a statue while he healed.
DUN DUN DUN. Hello darlings. I think I balanced romance and info this chapter as it was quite the info dump but I got the point across. Hope y'all like it. 'Them' reappears. 2 Broke Girls crossover because I love them and always remember Max's "I'm on my fifth identity" comment. Also I tried to gloss over or at least summarize and romanticize the smut in case I'd been overdoing it. ALSO I CROSSED 30K WORDS.
Also, visit my twitter if you want to follow my works more personally and get updates. Asclepius_Cato