She had been dreaming about a girl who looked like her, but with a different name and different personality, had been for a long time. But is it really just a dream? Or is it something more?
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own TVD. And it's a Kolena, i always like that name, gosh. And yes, probably going to be a pretty interesting AU this one is... Heh.
1 - Prologue
The girl's name was Haelana Greyson, her parents said that her name was inspired by a novel character that her mother liked. She was seventeen. Haelana love TV Shows and novels, especially fanfictions. She also liked to write stories, making incredible theories.
Elena Gilbert is her name. She had been dreaming about Haelana's life. Elena liked Movies, and she loves writing in journals. And maybe a little readings on things that Haelana always wished she could read. Elena is seventeen, just like Haelana.
Elena had been dreaming about Haelana since she could remember. The dream was not anything special, but Elena would always remember those dreams like they were her own memories. It was as if Elena was living her life as Haelana when she was dreaming and waking up when Haelana slept. As if she was living two lives, but that was impossible.
Elena is seventeen, Haelana was seventeen. There were many differences in their life that Elena knows, but one thing was clear, too. Especially after the accident that killed her parents, she dreamed about Haelana going through the same accident, except, they were on vacation.
And she died. Elena woke up.
The difference between them is that Elena manages to live at seventeen, Haelana died at seventeen. She lives through that accident, Haelana didn't.
Elena grieves for Haelana and their parents. Because, she didn't dream of Haelana anymore after that. That sealed her theory about Haelana and her as the same person, or at least Elena had been dreaming about a real person.
No one understands her grieves, but she didn't expect them to understand. She just need to collect her thoughts.
It took awhile. But Elena finally came to a conclusion. Haelana was a part of her, in a way. She had been eatching Haelana since she could remember, and maybe even Haelana had been dreaming about her when she woke up from watching Haelana. A possibility that, that maybe Haelana was watching her right now.
And Elena decided to learn from Haelana, there was a few things about the way that Haelana view the world as... interesting.
Not to mention the fact that Haelana actually know her as a fiction character. The main character of a TV show called 'The Vampire Diaries'. A TV show that was about a love triangle, in the first season, but then it got more complicated. Even Elena didn't want to think much about it, even though sometimes her mind strayed to it.
She knows from this that she was actually a fictional character. It was... Well, her head hurt whenever she thinks about it. It was probably because she wasn't supposed to know, but she did. Oh, and because it hurt, she tried not to think about it like that anymore. This tine, she just treat it as if everything about that show was her life was going to be.
And... Well, actually, she got an idea of what she'll need to do. Haelana wasn't exactly someone who was quiet when she read or watch something. Haelana would always run her mouth and solutions would pour out of them. Most of the time, she would yell at the characters who would do something stupid. Most of them were Elena and Damon and also Bonnie. Most of them were from the 'Scooby Gang' as Haelana would call them. Sometimes it would be- okay, let's be honest and say that Haelana didn't spare anyone on her yelling and calling for their stupidity.
And then there was the fanfictions. It was very recomended for the person in said fanfic to not read them. Well, some people probably did read those things. But Elena was traumatized a little when Haelana read the smuts and all those things, especially her odd obsession with inc3st s3x. Okay, Elena probably shouldn't have exposed her like that, sorry.
Anyway, many of then were with her killer, but Elena know for sure that Haelana's favorite ship were Kol/Elena or Kolena. One of the Originals brothers, who were ones of the first Vampires. And, okay, maybe it does sounds hot, but Elena was more embarrassed that someone wrote things like that about her. Especially when they wrote the intimate part. She could always feels her cheeks burning. Not only with Kolena but also other ships. For some reason, though, Haelana never tried to read any pairing with Damon or Stefan, at least when they were the main pairing, if it was mentioning one of her favorite characters, she would still read them. But the girl changed what she read like a girl changing their clothes.
We're off tracks.
Elena couldn't bring herself to think of the characters as real people, except those she had meet and gotten to know. Her experience with dreaming about Haelana and Haelana's own view of the people around her makes Elena see the world in a different view. She learned that it was better getting to know the others instead of judging them based on what people think on them. And she also had set a path she wanted to pursue in college, if she ever get to live long enough for it.
Right now, she's seventeen. Her parents died earlier this summer. She now lived with her aunt, Jenna and little brother, Jeremy. And she was prepared for one of the worst year of her life, at least she hoped so. Especially now that Haelana's death confirmed that vampires do exist. Because Elena lived, and Haelana died. There was only one way to know how she managed to live when Haelana died, someone saved her. And that someone was Stefan Salvatore, her stalker.
She was dreading the next few years to come.
Fontina Ori-chan: Prologue()
I haven't reviewed it yet, so shut up.
This is Fix the Problem all over again. Oh, and about that one, it's going to take a while, don't worry, it won't take me a year to update it, more like a few more months. Probably. And I'm asking y'all this, if you have read Fix the Problem, should i capture Vicky in chapter 12 or should i wait until she made a whole Newborn army? And yes, I'm making the whole Volturi thingy. Oh, i probably shouldn't be talking about it here. hehe.
Anyway, yes, it's still Kolena. Yes, Elena is going to try to change things, but fate is a bitch, so I'm going to make her suffer. I don't like making my characters feel all fluffy. They deserve the world from me, period. And Haelana, if y'all catch up to who it was, then great, she is dead. Maybe I'll get her to talk with Elena in one of the future chapters, but under fitting circumstances.