Chapter 2 – Prologue Continues
Harry's mind was telling him not to trust her, but he put a small hope in his heart that was not it. Having his first real family back was more important, right?
As they reached the Hall of Prophecy which led to the Veil room, it looked for the lack of a better word, deserted. There was nothing there, no aurors, no ministry workers, Nothing. Nothing indicated that there was a ministry inspection being held anywhere close there.
"Umm Hermione, where is everyone? " Harry asked hesitantly. "It looks so ... deserted. " His hand hovered over his holly-phoenix wand, just close enough to grab it at a moment's notice without her noticing.
When she didn't answer he started to panic, the few moments felt like an eternity. Harry tensed as she stopped walking, Hook. Line. Sinker. Why did he even fall for it? His mind ran a million thoughts as his eyes looked frantically about for any route to quickly get away from this confrontation.
But when Hermione snapped her head towards him, he was taken aback by what he saw; her face was worried, worried for him. "Oh, Harry! Why are you looking like I'm going to lead you to your death? " She asked with a small smile.
When his expressions didn't change, she looked like she had to physically hold back a sigh of exasperation. She shook her head in disappointment. "We're old friends for goodness's sake Harry," She said chidingly as her hand held the door open for him to enter. "Have some trust at least," as she gestured for him to enter. Harry looked a bit abashed at this, he didn't want to ruin things if she really was trying to make up with him, "Umm Sorry," He said apologetic. "Just stupid war instincts; It never leaves you, no matter how much you try, "
"Ah, the war affected everybody," She noted quite sorrowfully but to Harry who had known her since she was eleven, it sounded a bit robotic and dull, like it was a monotone she was forced to repeat, "Come on then, we have to hurry, the Minister might already be reaching the end of his trip, " She said, back with a cheerful tone this time.
Harry nodded his head as he entered. He was being too careful. But something tinged in the back of his mind telling him to be careful, but he tried to forcefully ignore it. It's Hermione after all, his best friend, he reasoned. If she was really trying to be her old self, then she would hurt herself then hurt him.
A blue spell shot towards him; He stayed still, shocked for a second before he quickly snapped out of it and jumped into action. Just as the spell was about to reach him, he stepped out of the way as the blue spell stuck to the wall beside him and fizzled. Harry shook his head disappointedly as he saw another two spells coming from his front, he had trusted Hermione and now he had to pay the price for it. The two aurors shot spells at him in quick succession which he glided through easily. To be fair, after fighting multiple inner members of the death eaters and dark lord together, this was just a child's play for him. Harry smirked as one of the two aurors, a red haired one lost his wand. It was turning out to be too easy. His wand was in his hand in an instant as an opaque white shield appeared around him, protecting him from any further attacks.
As Harry was about to retaliate, a nasty curse at the tip of his tongue, a voice shrieked from his side " RON! are you an idiot? " The auror who was trying to find his wand jumped at the shrill sound and fell unceremoniously on the floor.
Ahh, the red haired idiot, Harry pondered thoughtfully, keeping his shield in place for any other surprise attacks.
Hermione stormed in on Ron, her eyes full of anger, "What were you thinking, you could have hurt him!"
A sheepish Ron picked himself from the floor grinning as he did, "Sorry Hermione, I thought no one was coming, the Minister is inside."
Hermione sighed at this "Honestly Ron, I know. I assigned you in this post after all." She said with a pointed look.
Ron seemed to ignore the pointed look sent his way as he eyed the black coat stranger with a boastful smirk "The Minister's security is quite important. Need to be the best auror with all the bloody Dark lords roaming around " Ron said, adjusting his badge which said Senior Wand Checker self-importantly, his voice trying to intimidate the other person with Hermione but failing terribly judging by the amused snort in his direction.
Ron looked furious, as if someone had insulted his mother, his head snapped towards the stranger when he finally recognized the face hiding behind the cloak.
At once his face colored red as he almost shouted at Hermione "What's he doing here?" He snarled at Harry.
"Finally recognized, have you" Harry replied, almost lazily looking at the wand that was pointed towards his face.
"Put the wand down, Ron "Hermione said as she pulled down the wand that was pointed at Harry's face. "Ron, behave. Harry is here for the Minister's proposal, so why don't you let us through." She said strictly to Ron, who looked ready to argue but finally relented as he nodded to the auror by the side to let them through.
As Hermione went through the wand checking process, she turned her head towards Ron, " And don't you have something to say Ron, " She eyed Ron carefully as an understanding seemed to pass between them.
Ron gritted his teeth as he looked at him, "Sorry Harry, I didn't recognize you with that stupid black coat and all. " He said bitterly, sulking a bit as he said it.
"Ah I guess it happens only to the best auror on job " Harry nodded sadly, implying the words best auror in the same manner Ron did.
"Why you little-" Ron stopped midway sensing his doom in doing as he saw a wand pointed at his face. "Y-You ca-can't ki-kill m-me " He stammered frightened, looking at the other two for support.
Harry gave him an incredulous look "Who said anything about killing you, I was giving you my wand" He said nonchalantly. When Ron didn't move, "Senior wand checker; Remember, " Harry gave a mischievous smile to him as Ron hesitantly took the wand from him. Typical Ron, Harry thought; all bark, and no bite.
"Say Hermione, are the Unforgivable legal now?" Harry asked curiously as he went through the security checkup.
Hermione eyed Harry cautiously before answering, "Yes, only the Imperius curse though. I suggested it to the Minister. Afterall the Ministry can't have its workers with no protection."
Harry's eyebrow raised were raised at this " So the ministry approved an Unforgivable that was not even permitted earlier until the end when the war got worse. "Interesting, " He said as his eyes travelled between the aurors in front of him, "As there are no verified Dark lords roaming now, "
Hermoine gave shrug at this "Never hurts to be cautious."
"Why would you care, Dark Lord? Scared?" muttered Ron who quickly quieted himself under the glare of the angry witch.
As they finished the wand checking process, Harry was ready to take his wand back when he was stopped by the other auror. "No wands beyond this point, you can collect it when you return."
Harry looked towards Hermione, who was trying to appear nonchalant, then to the auror in front of him. "What do you take me for; an idiot? "
"No exceptions in the rule for the ex-golden boy, you aren't that special Potter" Ron snarled at him viciously.
When Harry looked like he was going to return back, Hermione spoke up hastily "Ron there is no need for that, I am responsible for him so please give him his wand, "
Ron's smile fell as he looked at Hermione with a betrayed expression. "If you say so vice-councilor, " He nodded to the other auror who glared at Harry as he gave the wand back to him. Harry was really surprised, the person who took Ron side now took his. Maybe things were really changing for the better. "Thanks Hermione," He said with a warm smile.
"It's actually no problem, Harry. Ron always likes to mix the lines between friends and professionalism." She said with a roll of her eyes at the red-haired wizard who was trying to appear indifferent about it. " Let's go, better not keep the Minister waiting, "
As they started walking again, Hermione looked at Harry with an excited expression. "Harry, where did you learn the shield from? It's so good how it appears in an instant when you want it to, " Harry chuckled, as his friend overzealous book side came out.
"Oh, come on, don't be such a bore" She nudged him lightly on his shoulder with a smile " It would be very useful for the auror force. Imagine the things you can do with an automatic shield" She said with a smile.
Harry relented knowing she wouldn't stop if he didn't answer " You can't learn it like that, you have to be taught by someone. It was a birthday gift by Enola, " As expected, Hermione's face soured when he uttered her name. "Oh, Her!" She said darkly with an obvious hatred.
Harry let out a sigh as he desperately tried to quell the rage that was building up in his throat. They won't even accept her even when she died for him.
For them.
Unknown to his inner turmoil she continued, "Come on Harry she is a vampire, a dark creature. A creature who is not fit to live among us. We all know she was just using you for herself, " Her voice echoing through the walls as they walked together in the eerie corridor leading to the veil room.
Harry gritted his teeth. "Maybe times change, She was the one who took care of me when I was at my worst. Where were you all then? "He shouted in anger. "Turning you back at me?"
Harry closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, "Even when the only thing I wanted was to save you all... " He muttered quietly in a whisper.
A silence surrounded them as they walked, "I'm sorry Harry," Hermione spoke softly. "Maybe it's not my place to speak ill about her. " She said, looking at him waiting for his reaction.
Harry sighed as he spoke "It's alright, just don't speak about this again."
Harry's mind was filled with thoughts of Selena. He saw memories of their time spent as he walked. Their time was short and sweet. It didn't not occur to him that he could finally see her, without the nightmares that usually accompanied it. Seeing her soft smile at his antics to make her laugh. He was lost in his world playing the memories bygone.
A tap on his shoulder brought him out of it as he looked towards Hermione. She looked at him weirdly. He ignored the look, it was not her place to know about it anyways. As Harry opened the heavy metal door, he was stuck bewildered by what he saw.
... And that's a cut. I know a lot of you are excited to see when Harry will meet his counterpart from another world. Just one chapter more and He is ready.
Sorry for the long wait but on a positive note I have almost planned the rest of the story so progress will now only depend on college assignments. ;)