
The endless void had become too much, even for him. He hates the loneliness. So, when he heard someone call for him, he answered their call. And he found himself surrounded by Gods and wars, once again. He just want to be not lonely anymore.

Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Bleach or Percy Jackson~! A mix of Japanese and American english?! Oh my... This might be hard! But do not worry-! I can do this. Can I? Well, let's just see... Anyway, this is a challenge or something like that. Idea is not from me Originally~ the Credits goes to godzillarulersofearth. My idea is to use Starrk instead of Grimmjow or Kenpachi... Well, the idea of using Starrk came from the fact that he's the Primera and his original form being a wolf. I think Starrk fits to be Percy more than those two. I mean, we don't forget Lupa the wolf! And Percy is often famous and described with his "wolf glare" in many fanfics. So here I am, making a Percy Jackson is Coyote Starrk fanfic... I hope y'all like it! Sorry if it's a mess, I'll rewrite it once I have around 10 chapters. Hehe.(*-*)/

Also... Well, this idea is from myself actually. godzillarulersofearth idea was to make Grimmjow fight with Ichigo event and then he was suddenly sucked into a portal. Angry and confused... Grimmjow will find ways to go back to Karakura town and Hueco Mundo, but found out that he was actually Percy Jackson... after meeting Sally Jackson, his mom. Obviously, I won't be getting to that! Because I'm making a much longer story. I'm using Starrk, due to him being... well, a wolf and the strongest. Remember, Perce was the strongest demigod in his generation. So, why not use the Primera instead? Well, there you go! And the reason why he was here was because of a "summon" due to there being a war. The Gods summoned him, but the demigods didn't know that. They will let him go to town, but with one of them accompanying him. This will be the point of where the "romance" start. Then he meet with his mother by incident while he was taking a nap in a park, knowing Starrk... Heh. Then he'll meet with his friends (which I find hard to use since he had no memories of them) and the huntresses. And I'm planning on not making him remember a single thing, only slowly, bit of pieces by pieces of memories. But this is also a big deal... The war is similar to that of marvel, yk?

Chapter 1

Ah... He was back to this blank space. Back to zero, except he remembered his time being Coyote Starrk and his other half Lilynette Gingerbuck, not like when he started, where he didn't have anything but himself.

He knew that if Lilynette was here, she would be screaming to his face about his carelessness by not going seriously against the Shinigami Taichou... But it wasn't exactly because of the Taichou that he was here... More like he betrayed Aizen-sama and gave all that was left of his reiatsu to the Shinigami daikon. The Shinigami Traitor deserves it, so he wasn't regretting his decision, not after the fact that Aizen-sama was showing clearly his lack of empathy to the arrancars that had fought for him when they were defeated, not even a little bit of appreciation. That human kid better be using the last of Starrk's reiatsu carefully.

But he was ending up here, anyway... Nothing can be done about it, though.

. . . . Argh. Let's stop thinking about what had happened and sleep. He doesn't like how it hurt to think so much. Well, not his fault that he was finding sleep better than fighting. And this place had nothing in it, it's better that he sleeps it through instead of thinking.

And so, that's what he did. He sleeps. But keep alert of what was happening around him. Not that he needed to. There was nothing here. Nothing, not even when he was first here centuries ago. But he could be more careless about that. He just need his sleep! So shut up brain and let him rest.

Zzz.. Zzz.. Zzz... Spring~

Hey... What's that sound? Ugh. Of all times, it had to be now?

"An-. . . call! . . . -eus Jack-..on! Answer-. . . 'll! Nee-'. . . wa-. . . hope!"

Hey, hey, hey... What's this pulling? Call? Answer? Jack? Hope? What's that? Ugh, this is a drag. What is it now?

Groaning. Someone was calling him. But it wasn't calling him with his name. Something about "Jack"? Ugh...

Well, it's better than being here, all alone... At least if he got out of here, he can split again and Lilynette would be there with him again. Even if he need to deal with her screaming about that battle with the Shinigami Taichous..

" A-. . . our. . . -ope!"

Okay, it's getting annoying. Let's just answer this call or something. Besides, he'll probably get to find a mattress to lay on and sleep instead of on air like in here.

And Starrk proceeds to let the pulling feeling pull him towards wherever it was that it called him from. Maybe he'll have time to split again and bring Lilynette back. But that was unlikely... He guess, as long as he's not alone and got a mattress to sleep on, he'll be fine.

. . . . Who is he kidding? He just wants Lilynette there, not that he'll admit it. His fraccion would tease him to no end if she knows that he was missing her annoying presence.

Let's just process with it. Ugh. No more thinking Starrk.

Minutes before - Somewhere in the Parallel Universes, where the Gods resides

"Are you sure this will work, Hecate?" Poseidon asked the goddess of magic. Who gave him an annoyed look. And the goddess of Wisdom herself clicked her tongue, answering him instead of the one he asked to.

"It will. It had to be." That came routine like a snark from the Goddess of Wisdom. But everyone in the room know why she was being on edge. How could they not? They won't forget something as big as Athena falling in love with someone. Nah, too precious or a gossip to forget. Not that they can forget, unless you bathe them in Lethe. "If it wasn't for someone beeing careless, we won't be here right now." Athena muttered low, but everyone heard her well, and they know who it was directed to.

"How should I know he was abducted. I was trying to put my own Kingdom back together!" Hades, the God of The Underworld, hissed at the Goddess of Wisdom, who returned his glare with her own. The pressure in the throne room increased, good thing there were only Deities here, if there were Demigods or Lesser... They would be crushed to death by now.

"Stop that you two!" Hera cut the raising tension with her fan, like how you cut through with a knife. "We have no time to argue as of now! Hecate, continue."

The Goddess of Magic nodded firmly to the Queen of Olympus. She turned back to the massive magic circle in the middle of the throne. It was created based on five smaller circles, one in the middle, and each at the North, South, East, and West Side of the Middle circle. From this was created the Circle that contain many ancient words, Runes and Greek. The circle was starting to be filled with the Goddess of Magic's magic, making it glow purple and gold as it was also made out of Ichor, the blood of an immortal. Hecate were standing in the North circle. "Hades, please stand in the circle, right across from me," The God of The Underworld did as instructed, standing in the South circle. "Poseidon, stand to the right," The God of The Seas followed what she said, standing in East circle. "And Artemis to the left." The Goddess of The Moon stand to the circle at the left side, standing in the West circle.

These Gods and Goddesses were needed, seeing as Artemis was the Goddess of the Hunt, making it easier for the Magic circle to locate where their target is. Hades was needed because the one they are trying to reach had died three years right before this moment. And thus, they need his domain as the ruler of the Underworld, where souls resides in. Problem was that this person they need was lost to Hades. No one know where he was, the sole reason they were performing this summoning ritual that hadn't been used in a long time. And Artemis' presence in the circle was also from the fact that her huntress was the one to kill this individual. Poseidon came in with the fact that the soul they need was his son. The Two-times saviour of Olympus, Perseus Jackson, who died in the hand of his cousin, Thalia Grace, the daughter of Zeus and Artemis' Hunt's Lieutenant.

His death was unexpected, but it was because a Greek monster, an Eidolon, had took control of his body. Everyone fought against him, but Perseus was not called teh strongest for nothing. He had a hidden power, the power to control liquids, as long as it has water in them. But he rarely used it in this confrontation, due to it needing extra focus, and the Eidolon was weak compared to Perseus. But he was still the strongest due to him using the Demigod's body. In the end... Everyone was left unconscious, either from exhaustion or injuries. Because this fight lasted for a week. Only Thalia was left to end it all. Because just as exhausted as they were, Perseus' body was also exhausted. Not as exhausted as them, but still close. Thalia managed to impale a fatal blow only when Perseus gained control of his body for a second and let her spear impale his chest... where his heart is.

Perseus Jackson died that exact same day, his last words were; "I'm sorry" And he went limp in his cousin's arms.

He died a hero, just like Luke Castellan, who betrayed his camp, except Perseus did not betray them, he was simply in a weak state of mind after the love of his life died in the lastest war with the Earth's Primordial Goddess. And they all thought he'll go to Elysium, but they didn't expect him to suddenly vanish when Thanatos was about to retrieve his soul to the Underworld personally.

Three years since that had passed. Five years since the Giant war had passed.

They need him now. They know instantly, they need him to fight once again, even though they know this is breaking their code of honor. But their code of honor had long been gone since the sacred rule was established. They had gotten Annabeth Chase, who had died in the Giant war to help them. Along with Luke Castellan and many more Demigods. And even other pantheon had started to call their mightiest heroes. Those who died and reborn was called. Those who stayed dead was also called.

This war had their existence on the line. The war that Chaos, the peace of creation, warned them. Order wanted to rule the universe. And Earth is one of them. Order will be trying to take over each pantheon before he took over Earth. Thus, with the alliance of all pantheon, they will try to stop him. If they managed to defeat Order on Earth, everything that Order had conquered and those he hasn't, would be released and peace would come back. Chaos will deal with it once Order is stopped. Chaos wasn't here because she was trying to stop Order herself as of this moment. But Order was not an easy opponent to catch, he can slip anywhere and Chaos was having a hard time. But she managed to warn every existence of the Gods and others of similar position as them about the threat. In each planets in the universe.

Back to the present. Hecate take in a deep breath. Her eyes glowed brightly, making it appear as if her eyes had no pupils. And she put her palm on the ground, the other three gods followed in suit of her action.

"Repeat after me." The Goddess of Magic said, her voice lacing with her domain. A bright flash also appeared in the throne room right before she started. It was the three sisters of fate, along with the Primordial Goddess, Nyx. The four of them stand right behind the Gods and Goddesses who were about to perform the ritual. They put they palms on the back of each Gods and Goddesses. The Spinner, Clotho, stands behind Poseidon. The Alotter, Lachesis, stands behind Artemis. The Inflexible, Atropos, stands right behind Hades. And Nyx stands behind Hecate.

The Gods and Goddesses, who were watching, gasped, surprised that they were helping or that they were even here. But the Gods and Goddesses who weewet in their own circles, doesn't have the time to be surprised, seeing as Hecate had started the ritual. They need to focus.

"In between the Earth, Sky, Seas, and Underworld..

You are no where

The Universe may be in between

But Answer us you can

Answer Our Call! Perseus Jackson! Soul of the Saviour of Olympus! Bane of Kronos, the Titan King. Bane of Gaea, Mother of Earth!

Heed our call. War is coming. We need your help. Answer our call as we need you! O' Saviour!

You are the hope this universe need! The Strongest Demigod to ever been born. Answer our Call! As you are our hope!"

These words came from Hecate heart itself. Because this summoning ritual is a calling ritual, not a summoning ritual. An ancient Calling Ritual, where they needed outside force to help them. Hecate didn't know if it will work, but everyone in this world do need him. The words she used also came from Hestia, who is the Goddess of the Heart, Hestia know the Heart of everyone in this room. Even Ares, who dislikes Perseus, was calling out for hope that the Twice Saviour of Olympus will answer this calling ritual.

The magic in the air was raising. With Hecate's magic, fused with the essence of the Gods and Goddesses, along with the magic of the Three sisters of Fate and Nyx, the magic circle starts to glow brighter as each words were chanted of Hecate's prayer. Yes, prayer, because that's what it was. A Prayer.

The circle started to turn white, and a pillar of light started to appear. It started from The North circle, to the East, the West, and finally the South. Nyx and the Three sisters of Fate retreated their palms as these pillar of light came in. If they were surprised, they did not show it. Not like the bewilderment the Gods and Goddesses showed.

And finally... The empty circle in the middle of the Magic Circle was rose in a pillar of light, just like the other four, a resounding boom was heard as this pillar was formed. The Gods and Goddesses couldn't hold it anymore and shileded their eyes from the brilliant lights. Even Nyx and the Three sisters of Fate shileded their eyes from it. They did since the four pillar started to form. Each pillars reaches the sky to the atmosphere, shining the world in its light.

As I mentioned... This ritual hadn't been performed since the old age, not since the Titans was formed. It was formed once. By none other than Nyx, who was aiding this ritual.

All of the pillar of lights then disappeared in a blink of an eye, and it makes everything seems darker than it really was. And each of them had a hard time to adjust back, it was hard for some reason, they were deities, how did it affect them as much as it had? Well, because this ritual was beyond comprehension of any beings, except Chaos and Order. A ritual between universes. Calling a being that was from another world all together... Of course this was the case. But this was possible only because the soul they are calling had been in their universe before shifting place after his death.

Once their eyes adjusted. They all checked the magic circle again. And they were taken aback by surprise and uncertainty.

There, the Gods and Goddesses in the smaller circle at the sides, were as much in a shock as them, and were staring at the being standing in the Middle circle.

It was a man clad in white. A tall man around 6'7 feet tall with wavy, shaggy, dark brown hair that ends at the base of his neck. A faded goatee at his chin. He wears a frown and his eyes were a pair of blue-gray orbs that was boring into your eyes when you stare at it, but you can tell he was uninterested in you, his lips formed in an uninterested line. He wears a white jacket with black outline that was upturned at the collar, zipped up, you can still see a necklace designed like an animal jaw, a canine animal. He also wear a pair of white gloves and a pair of wide white pants. And he wears a pair of black shoes with white stripes. There were a sword attached to his waist, a katana, with a yellow handle and silver guard and a meter long in a yellow sheath and was hold by a piece of black sash that was tied around his waist. (A/N: You can just look it up at Google. I'm bad at describing people)

Overall.. It wasn't Perseus Jackson at all. Perseus was a man with short, unruly and unkempt black hair, his eyes sea-green, changing shades like the sea, but stayed green, and he was snarky and pretty energetic. So, this puzzled each one of them. Who is this man?

The throne room of Olympus was filled with silence, until the man himself broke the silence; "I can't do this... Someone want to explain?"

Coyote Starrk just want to go back into that blank space and sleep...he was starting to regret answering that call...Seriously.

Fontina Ori-chan: Somehow I managed to make a plot on the spot. A reasonable plot, too. At least I think it is...

I know that y'all are actually waiting for me to update DOAFTNW, FTP, FM, and many more... But i just can't resist!

Oh, and about the story... I don't even know why I'm using Order as an excuse. But everything will come to an understanding to you all. I hope so. Because it did in my head, the plot is treading itself. Hehe. So... The problem came with... who will be paired with Starrk? Hecate? Or Athena? Because I can't see him... Okay, actually. Maybe Artemis. Or Lupa? Hm. Lupa can be good, but I don't want that. Actually, maybe Annabeth again? But I actually like Athena... Well, whatever. Should we use Bellona instead? Nay. Maybe Apollo? Lol, how did he get there? Anyway... Should it be a demigod or a Goddess? I don't think I can do ML, so male pairing is out of the box. So... Y'all help me