Fontina Ori-chan: Hey! I'm Back. The disclaimer is still the same, i don't own Bleach or Percy Jackson. I own the plot but not the ideas! And also, thanks to;

1) godzillarulersofearth; for the idea of this Crossover, even though i believe it is not to your expectations due to me making Starrk be Percy instead of Grimmjow or Kenpachi, who are very violent in personalities. So I apologize for that! But I positively had no regret doing it! Tehe~ •3-)/love

2) Franklen165; for your comment and opinion on the romance side of this story! I think you are right. But i still will proceed with my original plan but I'll also fuse it with your idea. It will be interesting for him to get to know Grover again. :) But since I'm going to be using some of godzillarulersofearth's plot idea, it'll need to wait. Probably after this chapter. Since Starrk would want to think about everything or something like that. Especially with the fact that I'm going to use the Gods and Goddesses often as well.

So, because of Franklen165 opinion on this matter and i did see the point of it, I will hold back on the romance. I will make him have more brother-sister-familial bonding instead of romantical. Even though my Aphrodite side is not approving it, my Athena side is agreeing with it. Totally. But, if it comes to it, i will see fit. See if anyone else want him to have romance. Maybe I'll do a vote, or something. But! In this chapter, it will be about the explanation that Starrk wanted. And maybe some guide in the human world, once he wanted to move. Which i doubt he want to. But curiosity killed laziness right? Nah. There will be other factors as to why he wanted to walk around Manhattan in the Central Park. Oh, look at that! Spoilers? I shouldn't have done that! Please don't read this~ *ò3ó)/

whisper* i honestly don't understand why you guys like this immature fic. But maybe it's because of the same reason i read those fics. Bored and interested. *smile* Well, i hope you enjoy what you read!

Chapter 2

Starrk already feels the huge headaches that were coming when he found himself standing in a white place or something when he opened his eyes, but he knows that there are people outside of it. So, he begrudgingly zipped up his jacket to hide his hollow hole. No need to make people question him because of it, he was too tired to even answer or even be here, wherever here is..

And then the white faded and he found himself in a room filled with thirteen thrones and a fire-place at the heart of them. More like the thirteen thrones surrounded the fire-place, sort of making the middle the heart of this room . . . . Same thing. But the living, or at least the moving and talking beings in there was more than the thrones. There were about 20 people in the room, excluding himself. All of them have different way to express themselves/how they dressed. He was too lazy to describe each of them. So let's leave it when they introduced themselves to him.

All of them had their eyes shut, at first. Before minutes passed and four of them opened their eyes and looked at where he stands. And the one in front of him were looking at him with a bewildered face. As if surprised of who he is... (of course they are. They don't know him) Not that he was bothered... It's just that they looked as if they were expecting someone else(probably). And then they all finally opened their eyes, one by one, each one of them have a similar reactions, they were taken by surprise, except the one with the darkest long hair that resembles the night sky, were it in Hueco Mundo or the Living world. Her eyes were filled with wonder and curiosity and knowledge that even Starrk don't know of, but she was one that looked at him as if she knows him. As if she recognized him as soom as she set her eyes on his own. She stands behind the woman in front of him.

Of course he didn't recognize her. Well, he didn't, if he did not count the feeling of familiarity when he stood there in front of these people. Except, this time i had the power to back me up so i won't die easily. a voice from his head said, but he choose to ignore it (more like putting it at the back of his mind, but who cares?) and he frown deepen. He was really, really, regretting his decision. But it already happened, so let's just focus on what he have, and what he could have.

A comfortable mattress to sleep in. A chance to bring Lilynette back. Or at least someone like Lilynette. Starrk couldn't find it in him to be confident in the fact that if he were to split himself again, the one to come out would be Lilynette. But he could hope, for a little. AND, maybe getting some comrades, preferably not like the Espadas or Aizen. But one that will have your back in battle and laugh together over drinks at some lame jokes or tales.

But he'll need to focus on these people before he can get any of those things and see what they want from him. So, he break the silence that had been going for minutes with these; "I can't do this. . . . Someone want to explain?"

The first to break from their trance was a woman with brown hair and fierce silver eyes that was standing right to his right side. She wears a head-piece that was shaped crescent moon at the middle of her forehead. Her attire were consisting if a grey-blue jacket with white furs of an animal. There was a quiver of a bow behind her, attached to her back, along with many daggers attached to her waist. There were also patches on her other side of waist. And she wears a good-quality of leather pants that was brown in color. And she wears a hunting boots to complete her "hunter" look. The Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, a Maiden. Someone in his head stated helpfully (catch the sarcasm). He didn't know her name but his respect to her increases in that one look of assessment.

Oh. And don't forget the fact that she smells of wolves and the forest. That's also probably one of the biggest factors as to why he respect her. She had an aura that tells you that she is an ally, to the wolves at least. But her gaze held resentment and weariness. Something in him told him once again that it was not directed only to him, but also many more males. But he can tell that she was also a little conflicted, as if unsure of what to make of Starrk.

The Huntress then spoke, "You are in the Throne room of Olympus. We meant to summon someone else, but somehow you are here. Who are you?" She was wary of him. He doesn't have any threatening aura around him, more like that of a boredom and uninterest. But Artemis caught the look of interest in his eyes, not like lust, simply... interest as if he caught something on her that he recognized and yet not at the same time. And respect, she also sees respect in his eyes.

Starrk didn't answer immediately, instead, he waited for the others to get out of their trance, not wanting to repeat it many times. He ran his left hand through his hair, not reacting to the tension in the room, (it was no business of him, not in anyway) and sighed tiredly. His eyes closed for a second, trying to calm a headache he saw coming since the start of this all. And then he opened his eyes again and sees it that they are out of their shock.

He hummed and answered the woman's question, looking into her eyes, "Coyote Starrk." Was his simple answer.

He was being vague. They don't know any "Coyote Starrk", but that one was already one weird name, his parents must have hated him for naming him that, was mused by Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite.

And Starrk know he was being vague. But he was too tired to elaborate. Unless they asked. The Huntress asked him for who he is... Well, let's just use that then, just to respect her.

" The Primera Espada." There, he added. They don't know about that, probably, but he couldn't care less. He didn't want to be here. And these people could see that, as clear as a sky without clouds. His gray-blue orbs were boring onto them, narrowing slightly, disinterest was one of the emotions on his front along with tiredness and boredom.

"The First Sword? Why are you called that? Who gave you the title? Where are you from?" Athena asked, suddenly there was a rising interest, she was interested before-too, she just didn't act on it and was in her own head, until Artemis bring her back with her question.

This one have a light-brown hair with striking, intellectual storming gray eyes. She was wearing a suit that looked like it was tailored especially for her. She looked like she meant business.

Starrk only titled his head, his frown somehow deepened a little, "I was the strongest amongst my kind. It was my sponsor that gave me the title... And i lived in Hueco Mundo." The Goddess of Wisdom wanted to ask more, but she was cut off by Hades, who recognized the name. He was wearing a coat, one that Starrk could see clearly was made from souls, tortured souls, it seems.. He was also wearing a black suit under his coat. The God's hair were the blackest black he had ever seen, greasy and his beard were trimmed evenly, giving him a young look. But the works and stress he had been put on (Starrk could guess it from his eyes), he looked much older. Gods can change their looks. The voice in his head provided once again.

Starrk don't know if he should be grateful or not about that, because the God of the Underworld asked another question, this make him need to answer him.

"Hueco Mundo? The World of Hollows. You came from the Soul King's jurisdiction area... I haven't heard from him for awhile, what happened?"

Starrk gave another sigh, getting tired that he was being watched and asked this many questions. This is such a drag, but he answered; "A war. A Shinigami betrayed his own, and wanted to take over the seat. I don't know what happened to the Soul King himself." I already died before i got to see the result, was left, but they needn't know of that one.

Hades was muttering to himself after Starrk answered. And Starrk was getting tired standing there. He wanted to just lay down on a bed or something comfortable. And maybe see if his Reiatsu is back to normal, or is it back to when before he split with Lilynette. And find a way to restore his Reiryoku. These people are strong and he didn't want to find himself defenseless against them. Let's just see how they will accommodate his need, which was a bed and souls. And Lilynette.

The woman with the blackest hair, the one who seems to recognize him, finally answered his original question and thr silent questions everyone had since her arrival, "We need the help of one of our Hero, he died but his soul is not in this universe. We didn't seek out to him for long, but now that we need his help, we decided to use the last resort to get him back. It was a Summoning Ritual with the Magic circle that i created in my spare time eons of years ago, but no one had used it in a long time, so it was lost in time but not to me, who was its creator. Hecate, the Goddess of Magic knew i had it, so she seek me out months ago. But i know her alone would not be able to do it, so when they was about to activate the magic circle and call out to him, i came to aid her, thus was why i am here."

This gained Starrk's interest, "Who's this hero?" He asked absentmindedly, and this time Hestia answered. Her form was not that of a child, but that of an adult (He feels like she would look like a child of eight). Her hair were the color of flames and Starrk could almost see it flaring like fires. Her eyes were a different matter, it was warm and he feels as if he was safe and could relax, it was making him sleepy, but he hold on, not wanting to sleep on the floor and undefended. Her eye colors were red, as if there was flames dancing in it, and maybe there was. She wore a cream-colored sweater and a brown, comfortable-looking dress. She also wear a pair of boots, but not hunting boots like what the Huntress were wearing, a comfortable one that you use when you go out to meet with your relatives. Something in him whispered again, The Goddess of the Heart and Home.

"His name was Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon. One of the Greatest and Strongest Hero of his generation." Her tone when speaking of this Perseus was melancholy and he could feel her fondness and affection to him, "he saved Olympus Twice and died fighting against his breeden. He was loyal to those he cared for. And had been suffering from loneliness because his love died in the war two years prior his death. His cousin, Thalia Grace, had to kill him because he was a threat, but it was against his will that he fought them."

"And he was extremely handsome, just like you~" Aphrodite, whose look were changing from one to another, and each were beautiful women that would normally captivate males, but not Starrk, he was used to it, besides, Tier Harribel and her Fraccíon wore bare clothes. And then there was Lilynette, he was unbothered by these things, he was a hollow after all.

Starrk watched them like they watched him. And silence ran through the room, before the man that smells like lightning and birds spoke, "What should we do about him?" He asked the other gods and goddesses. And they were silent before Hermes, who wore a simple flannel and short jeans and a staff with snakes on it besides him, gave his reply.

"Let him stay, father. Maybe he can help us."

"Yes, he can help us!"

The God scrutinized him and he just sighed. They didn't even give him any choice. And the King of Olympus finally gave his answer, "Yes, let's use him. Maybe he'll be of help. That's as much he could do for appearing instead of my brother's spawn."

Yeah. No respect.

The King of the Gods boomed an order, "Hermes! You take him down to rent a hotel and we will see to his need while he stays here. And watch him, dare he do anything that indicates he's an enemy of Olympus, kill him."

And that was how Starrk find himself in a human 'apartement'. Whatever that was, it was a shelter and he got a bed to sleep in. Not as comfortable as the one at Hueco Mundo, but it will do for now, better than nothing.

He will deal with everything else later, right now- he needed to gather up his energies, find out how to split up again or something. He really got nothing to do.

Fontina Ori-chan: plan to walk around; FAIL. Why? because i've dragged this one too long. This much will do for you guys, hope you all like it. And i need to say; i didn't review this one much. :( See you around.