He imprinted on her, but he denied her. Instead of trying to appease him, she let him hate her. The spirits did not like how this turned out and meddled in.
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Twilight. Inspired by a song. This story gave me a bittersweet feelings as i write this note. Thank you for trying to read it. It's a Paul/Bella, seeing as i only found it possible if it was him.
His words still ringing in her head. It hurt her to the point of physical hurt, but she tries to endure it. She was alone in this, and it seems like she will always be.
For her, nothing was going to work well. It had been like that from the start. She knows that he would want her dead, though. He would rather kill her himself rather than be with her. And she understand him. That's why she only keep a close distance with him so to not hurt him or her, even though he would send glares at her, she will endure it to keep him alive. She knows from Emily and Jake and Sam, that it was fatal if an imprinted pair was too far from each other.
She had been hurt more than known when he was away nor when he was near. She could always feel the bruises that was forming on her bodies, every part of it.
It was such a surprise that none of the wolves managed to figures anything out. Of course, Charlie did, but she begged him to not mention anything about it.
She heard that it would affect the wolf more than the imprintee, but she started to doubt it when it looked like she was the only one feeling this pain. He looked normal whenever she was near, so she was sure nothing happened to him.
She was glad about that.
It was better if it was only her that feeling this pain than him. He had a hard time already, he doesn't need anymore pain in his life than he already felt. She was, after all, a plain girl whom dated his enemy once and then he imprinted on. She was glad that he won't feel any pain.
Bella cares about Paul. Even if Paul hates her, she would take it all, as long as Paul is happy, she will be happy.
But then one day she feels like she had been shoot on the arm and there was four long cut on her upper left arm. It happened when she was at school, and she didn't scream or anything and just held herself back. The smell of blood was in the air, and it make her feel dizzy.
It was Jessica that noticed it, seeing as they were in Spanish class. And Jess screamed, seeing as the blood seeped through Bella's shirt and dripped on the floor.
Bella was quickly ran to the hospital. She still didn't say anything and just quietly breathing to control the pain that she felt that day.
None of the La Push guys know about this, until Emily decided to visit her and was shocked when she saw the bandage, gip and arm sling that Bella was wearing.
She asked Bella, with worries and surprise in her tone, "Bella! What happened to you? Did you get into a crash?"
Bella just smiled tiredly, her eyebags were visible, it was swollen, "Nothing, I'm just being clumsy and scratched my arm into the wall."
Emily knows that it was a lie. But she bought it, seeing as Bella was uncomfortable. She then changed the topic and told Bella what had been happening at the rez.
But then Bella brought up something unexpected, "Did something happened to Paul?" Her tone was pure concern and worried. She wasn't pretending and Emily felt bad and mad at Paul at how he had been treating his imprintee.
Emily sighed, then she answered her question truthfully, she did not want to lie when the girl were so honest with her worries, "The red haired Vampire came and it brought a friend, they didn't make it to kill it but they're able to kill the red haired vampire's friend. Though it managed to hurt Paul and Embry."
Bella's eyes shot up with worries and concern, "Are they okay? Did they heal fine? How's Paul? What about Embry?"
Emily waited for her to calm down, then answered, "the both of them are fine, they had super healings, after all. Though Embry needed to break his leg again, seeing as he were healing too fast. We're glad that it wasn't too late. Paul only hurt at his left arm, but he healed fast, seeing as it was only a scratch."
Bella sighed the tension in her body away, and smiled a little, "I'm glad they're okay. Thank you for telling me, Emily. I'm sorry I'm such a burden to all of you... Because of me.."
"Bella! This is anything but your fault! You did nothing wrong, rather, the Cullens are the one you should be blaming, seeing as they're the one that left you to deal with all of this alone."
Bella smiled softly at the attempt of comfort from Emily. And she told the older girl that she was fine and changed the topic.
They talked for awhile before Emily gone home and Bella was left all alone again.
Nothing happened specifically, but occasionally, bruises on Bella's body became more and more obvious. The scars were sometimes faint, but more were bleeding out when it appeared on her body.
But Bella endured it. She just brushed it off as her being clumsy when people asked.
But as time passed by, the scars was becoming more and more frequent and her body was soon covered in scars.
Everyone was concerned for her.
But Bella just brushed it off again and again every time people mention it.
It was even to the point she couldn't walk anymore.
Her friends, especially in the supernatural fields, noticed this and it wasn't long before they connected it to Paul. Seeing as Paul was the only one who had connection like this with her and always got into fights or from his own home or something.
It wasn't even long before this reached Sam, who know this from Emily who were sobbing so hard. And he went one time to see the girl that he once saved at the woods with his imprint.
It was tragic. He couldn't keep his eyes on her because of how brutal it all was.
From head to toe, her body was in bandage and even her clothes was none other than a hospital gown. She looked like she had gone through hell and yet she was still able to smile so warmly at those around her.
Was Sam's thought when he saw her.
The last time he saw her was a month ago, when she was still visiting La Push. But then she stopped abruptly and it was Emily that visited her, which put him in an edge shell for sometimes until he saw that it was safe, seeing as Jake also tagged with Emily.
How did she became like this? Did the red head get to her? But the red head was already dead in his hand weeks ago. So it wasn't possible.
It was while he was having this thoughts when he noticed a bruise forming on the corner of her lip. So it was that. But what is that?
This was from something else. But what? What is it? A connection? A link?
. . .
No. No way. There was no way that's what it was.. No. Shouldn't it be the wolf that feel it? How did it turns out like this?
Paul said that nothing was wrong, he didn't feel anything. Even though his wolf had been quiet, it was nothing since he still could turn into a wolf.
But was that really all of it?
No. Seeing as Bella was in pain like this... It hurt him. His heart aches for the girl who had been like a sister to him. She looked worse than even a corpse.
He was shaking. Emily's eyes told him as much. He need to call the guys. Especially Paul Lahote.
With that in his thoughts, Sam run out of the house to the backyard and shed his shorts then phased. Quil and Seth was in the pack mind, seeing as it was their schedule to patrol.
Sam? What's up?
Sam's mind was in jumble and it was clear to Quil and Seth, he was mad. No, Sam was livid.
Call the guys. To Charlie and Bella. NOW!
Quil and Seth nodded rapidly in their mind link and they howled to call the guys and they also go to the Swan's residence. They saw it in a brief millisecond what Sam was meaning to talk with them about, and it made them understand why he was livid.
Shit! He's fucked alright.
Quil thought ans Seth agreed. He was actually planning murder right now in the back of his mind.
It wasn't long before the guys phased, too. And Jake was the only one to really understand what was happening.
Well, I'm going to look at how Bell's doin'.
He was leaving it up to Sam and the guys, as he immediately phased back to human and jogged in the house through the back door.
Paul. Lahote.
Paul heard the alpha as soon as he phased. And frowned. What's happening? Sam was furious and it was his fault, he knew, but what was it?
You need to take responsibility of your imprint from now on.
What?! But Sam-!
No buts! This is all your fault. From today onwards, if anyone of you call Bella a 'leech-lover' i won't tolerate it and you all will receive a beating. I don't care your opinions.
At that moment, Paul sees it. Sam showed him and the others about Bella's condition. He couldn't believe what he saw, his heart throbbed at the sight of her vulnerable state.
Then he saw what Sam noticed before. It made him remember that minutes ago, he got punched by his dad, but he was fine, he healed fast. But, what's this? Bella was hurt, because of their connection? She could feel what he felt. She shares his pain.
But Paul healed fast. Bella was only human, she didn't heal fast like him.
She was hurt. Because of him.
His wolf, who were silent for a whole month, finally appeared again and whimpered at their imprint's pain.
I can't even hurt you because of your connection with her. If i beat you up, then it would be Bella that got hurt, not you.
Sam thoughts hit him like a truck.
Why didn't she said anything? Why was he hurting everyone and everything that connected with him? This is why he pushed her away, he thought she'll be fine, she won't get hurt, but it was the opposite.
How? Why?
*Sigh Bro, don't do this to yourself or her anymore. Go. Go to her. At least you can lessen her pain with being near her.
Jared's right, Man. She needs you.
Paul whined but he listened and phased back into a human and put on his shorts.
He approached the rusty white-painted house back yard under the glares of his pack. He let himself in and he ran upstairs, he could now feel the connection to his imprint as he was closer. And his heart throbbed more at what he was feeling.
Pain. Lots of pain. And it wasn't even his, it was all Bella's. All of it were coming from his imprint.
He could hear his wolf howling in pain for the pain that they caused to their imprint. And then the wolf whined, or was it him? Paul don't know anymore.
He now stands right in front of her bedroom door. And he was hesitating. It was his fault that she was in pain. In a worser state than him, the one who got the kicks, broken arms, and all of them. He does not deserve the angel that is Bella Swan. What he did was worse than what Sam did. The pain was going to last a life time.
He gritted his teeth and was about to back away when the door opened, revealing Emily, who were scowling. And she looked scary, even with her bloodshot eyes and the tears in them, she looked scary. It make him gulp down his saliva. Behind Emily was Jacob, who were glaring at him, and at that moment, the saying "if looks could kill" couldn't be truer. Well, Jake always glared at him, but he thought it was because he imprinted on his crush, but Paul couldn't be farther from the right thing.
"You." Emily hoarse voice resounded in the house as she addressed him. She pointed at him and her tone was sharp in that one word. "Go in there and stay here until she healed. Don't even try to run!" She growled, damn, she growled, Emy was really mad.
Paul nodded quickly then entered his imprint bedroom, soaking him in her warm and comfortable scent of Baked goods and Chocolate. But even with it, the scent of blood was floating in the air. More than he liked. And the scent of drugs were also vivid in her bedroom.
But what make him toppled forward was the sight of his imprint in her bed. It was worser than what he seen, what any of them seen, in Sam's mind.
Suddenly, everything was blurry and he could feel her pain even more than before. Her pain make the dam in his mind broke, tears spilled as he looked at his imprint and his knees touched the floor.
He didn't move from where he was. Couldn't take his eyes off of her scarred form. This was worse. Horrible. And he couldn't stop the tears. He couldn't move either. He did this. He did this to the girl who did nothing and had been kind to him since the first time he imprinted on her months ago. The words about the wolf being more sensitive to the bond between imprints was not working on them. It was her who feels him. Who understand him. Who changed for him.
He was the worst guy a girl could have. This prove it.
His musing was cut off by someone hugging him. He recognize the person instantly by the calming feeling her scents bring to him. By the blood and drugs. And the feel of her slightly warm body, it was almost cold, but he scooped her in his arms to keep her warm. And he put his face on her shoulder. He loosened his hold on her when she winced from a stinging pain from the one on her back. He remembered getting hit there by a glass, and his heart aches again.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Angel. I'm So Sorry." His apologize won't turn back time. He know that. She know that. But he could feel his smile as she had her face in the crook of his neck as well.
"It's... fi-ne, Paul... I'm fine..." She's not. Everyone know that. He know that. She know that.
He pulled her closer and he breathed her scent. And he could feel her inhaling his. Then he pulled away and he looked into her warm chocolate brown eyes, he denies what she said, "You're not. I'm sorry. It's my fault! If only i didn't push you.. If only-"
He was cut with her putting her lips on his. It was chaste kiss, but it was everything for them. They could feel the fireworks as their lips touched, but it was only for a brief moment, even though it feels like everything slowed down. But as she started it, Bella also ended it by pulling away. She blushed furiously, even though her bandages, "it's... not. Every... thin' will.. be... fi-ne... You... are here... Than'.. you..." Talking was hurting her. He know that and he looked at her, for the first time since his imprinting on her, with love and care.
"I'm sorry you have to endure this, Angel. I promise you won't feel this anymore." He kissed her forehead and carefully stood up from the floor. He then walked to her bed and lay her back there, now with him sitting beside her, holding her hand.
He looked around the room, finally he realized that they were alone now. He was glad they were. Paul feels like they needed the time for themselves right then.
He looked at his imprint, who were smiling at him. He didn't like that she was hurt, but seeing her smile even though the pain, his heart aches once again. "Sleep." He told her.
"You'll... be here?" She asked, and she could feel her fear. His chest was hurting more at that. And the wolf were whining, not wanting to be away from their imprint when she was this vulnerable.
"I don't want to." He gave her a playful smirk, and she giggled, even though he knew it hurt her.
"Good... Don't.. leave me... I... Love.. you." Those words strike him. And he inhaled air, realizing he was holding it for too long.
Looking at her, he noticed that she was asleep now. And he wanted to punch himself for what he did in the past. His Angel was a real angel. How can she love him when all he did was cause her pain? But no matter. He will make it up to her, he won't let anyone hurt her, and taht also mean he need to be in less fight and not let anyone beat him anymore. He needs to get stronger.
But for now. His Angel is his first priority.
"Good to know you won't do anything stupid anymore, Paul." Sam's voice was heard from the door and Paul looked at his alpha and pack brother. Sam got this tired face, even though he still looked pissed at him. "Don't run away and take care of her, she is pack and yours. I don't want to hear anymore about "she's better off without me" from you, because it's clear now, she is better be with you, brother."
Paul just nodded, he couldn't find his voice and his eyes set back on the girl whose pain was from him. And he heard Sam close the door behind him and Paul lay himself down beside her. He scooped her in his arms, cuddling her so she won't be cold.
"I love you, too, Angel." He whispered before he closed his own eyes and let the himself dream of himself warping his arms around Bella with a babe in her arms. Her scars were there, but it was faded. And she was smiling brightly while looking up at him, the baby was asleep in her arms...
Fontina Ori-chan: That's it.
Good end. Man... I thought at first she was going to kill herself, but she actually get hurt physically?! Idk bro... It was like there was a novel inside my head and i just wrote it down... I actually thought Bella was going to kill herself! Gee man. Anyway, good end! At least Paul apologized... And i know Bella shouldn't be so forgiving! Bro, i was tempted to write Bella being mean... But she accepted him anyway. She knows that it would be better if she was dead, but if she died, then Paul died, so she decided not to and just live. Just existing...
Paul thoughts at first was because he had low self-esteem. He thought he was not enough for her, and thought she would be better without him, so he acted harsh just so she would hate him.
She sees through him, obviously, but she didn't let hormones cloud her judgement and forgive him because she knew that he suffered more than her. Oh, how wrong she was... Paul obviously blamed himself for it.
Sam didn't punch him because he didn't want Bella to have more scar than the lots she already had.
And obviously... No one will try to harm Paul because now they know it would leave scar on Bella instead. Paul didn't try his luck, because why would he?
Eh, anyway! It was... sad. But fun! Okay, i won't say fun, it was quite enjoyable writing this. Even though i wrote it months ago. Anyway! Love y'all! òv-)/love