Hey you!
This is my first ever fanfic and I would love it to have some feedback.

She took a deep breath and stared at her classmate.
Marinette had stood up when Cloe went to pick up her sketchbook.
Her waist-length black hair flattered her contours and in her ice-blue flowing dress she looked like a princess. But there was only coldness in her eyes.
'This sketchbook is the property of Gabriel GmbH, leave it there immediately, otherwise our lawyers will take care of it.' She had said it almost in a whisper, but it was so dead quiet in the classroom that the words sounded almost painfully loud in her ears.
'Whatever you say, princess,' the blonde said mockingly and turned her back on her with a flourish, only to snap at Sabrina over something trivial.
A storm was raging inside Marinette, she hated Cloe to the core, her best friend, her only friend.
Her seatmate with the reddish-brown hair gave her an indefinable look with raised eyebrows, but said nothing.
Alya, or something, but who cared?

How had she got here?

Marinette Agreste, adopted and 'beloved' daughter of Emily and Gabriel Agreste. Face of the Gabriel brand since the age of 6 and senior designer of the new youth line.
The Angel of Paris, as her marketing team liked to sell her on various occasions.

Well, that's exactly how she had come here. She had been sold, again, the story of her life.

The investors had realised that the Gabriel brand was poorly received by the target group of 13 to 18-year-olds.
Natalie had suggested that a young designer should be hired for the new youth line. Who would be a better fit than the company's highly talented heiress?
Young people for young people. At least she was already 16, so it was officially no longer child labour, she thought bitterly to herself.
The investors were not happy. They thought Marinette was too aloof and detached in her ivory tower.
Whereupon the marketing team had decided to send her to a school.
And which school would be better than the one the mayor's daughter goes to?

The whole summer had been a 'BFF' marketing circus on X and facebook and co. With all kinds of kissy selfies, while the two barely spoke two words in the real world.
The first day of school was more like a film shoot, even the classmates were made up and the PR team created a seating plan based on the best visual appearance.
Marinette, light skin, black hair, next to Alya brown hair, darker skin, behind brunette boy with dark skin and next to blonde boy light skin. It was discriminatory, it was wrong in her eyes. But how much of the marketing budget for this stunt went to the school, teachers and classmates? She didn't want to know.

On the second day, she was only taken to the classroom door by her bodyguard and had to manage on her own. She sat down in her seat and did her work.
She allready knew Sabrina, so Marinette drew the girl in her sketchbook. She drew her a green dress, with a black branch snaking up the side of the dress and dark green leaves sewn onto it. And then Cloe had look in her direction, Marinette now reminded herself, lest she think I want something from her.
Quiet whispers had spread through the classroom again when Madame Bustier entered.
'Good morning children, let's start with the attendance check! Agreste Marinette?'
Marinette stood up, bowed politely and replied with 'Good morning.'
For reasons unknown to her, the class started laughing. Madame Bustier, seeing the confusion in their eyes, quickly explained; ''Present' will do.'
Marinette blushed, sat down and stared at her notepad until her neighbour snapped her out of her stupor with a loud 'Present'.
Marinette then studied Alya bluntly until she returned her gaze, whereupon Marinette lowered her head again and began to draw Alya.

Marinette had overheard Alya talking about superheroes with the boy in front of her, Nino? It wouldn't be for her line, but she was allowed to have some fun. So she painted Alya as a superhero, with a white mask, fox ears and an orange-red bodysuit. An orange fabric hung from her hips down to her knees, slowly fading into white like a fox's tail.
Marinette was startled when someone suddenly tore open the classroom door. A boy in blue jeans and a black top with blonde hair and green eyes ran in. The boy who was supposed to sit in front of her. He smiled briefly and sat down. The teacher rolled her eyes and said nothing. Marinette studied him. I wonder what he would look like as a hero. She could make hero drawings of the whole class. Well, maybe not Cloe, but there always needs to be a villain.
Then she noticed that he was dusty. How could a human be dusty?

Cloue must have noticed it too, because she commented on the scene with: 'Well, did you walk into a sack of flour again?'. The boy just rolled his eyes, gave his neighbour a fist bump in greeting and sat down.
The day passed without incident, but also without another word addressed to them. Neither from the teachers nor from the pupils.
The rest of the week was no different and it was already Friday without Marinette having a friendly conversation with anyone apart from school, her work on the designs, photo shoot, piano, ballets and Chinese.

Friday night was an investor dinner at the Agreste's house. Marinette hated these events, there was no escaping them and she always had to look after the investors' spoilt brats.

She was seated next to the son of a major investor and after dinner they were sent to their room. Peter had spent the whole time explaining to her with his mouth full that he was a fencing world champion. When she looked at him, she felt disgust.
Here in the privacy of her room, the disgust turned to hatred as he came closer and closer to her. He placed his hand on her hip and gently stroked over her back to her bum to grip it firmly. 'You're far too flat for my taste, but your father wants you to take good care of me. Isn't that what you do?'
Something snapped in Marinette, who had been in a state of shock until then. A switch was flicked and her flight reflex kicked in. She pushed him away and ran. Out of the room, out of the house, past a confused bodyguard and arriving guests, onto the street and on and on.
The thin black dress was no help against the drizzle and the cold of the September evening.
She didn't know how long she had been walking or where she was going when she found herself on a bridge over the Senne.
Tears ran down her cheeks. Why? She had done everything to please. To please HIM. But since her mother had disappeared, so had her father and today he had gone from father to pimp.
She looked down at the river and made a decision. Enough was enough.
Just as she was about to climb onto the railing, a ball rolled past her. Behind the ball ran a small boy, his mother still shouting after him as he followed the ball into the road. The lorry's brakes screamed loudly, but it wouldn't stop in time.
If she'd had time, Marinette might have thought that there were other ways to die, or that she could do something good without the cameras rolling. But she didn't think, she did. She ran after the boy in the street, jumped, rolled around him and felt the lorry catch her hair.
It had stopped and Marinette let herself sink back onto the front tyre as she gently sang to the little boy. 'Little Kitty on the roof...'
Time seemed to stand still, but only for a few moments, because then everything happened at once.

And in the shadows of a side street, a man turned round with a smile and walked away. 'I've found you...'