This idea struck me while reading "Mamma Mia!" by HermioneRon 4ever.
I absolutly recomment that fic.
I hope you like it, I'd love to get some feedback! Have fun!
Marinette Dupain Cheng had it all, she was beautiful, successful, rich and had a heart of gold.
And she was ladybug not that you could write that in a dating profile.
Her life plan until 30 was very clear;
Become a successful designer with her own label. MDC had meanwhile replaced Gabriel at the top. So check.
But then things went downhill.
Defeat Hawkmoth, can't. He had been in hiding for five years. Which is why a Reveal was out of question.
Get married, she was single.
Have your first child. Her birthday was in seven months, so no chance.
Basically, Marinette would have put up with it, she believed in love and still had a little crush on Adrian, so maybe he would notice her at some point.
After more than five years on and off relationship with Luca, she had finally hit the breaks.
Adrian himself was also single, somehow he prefered beeing a womanizer, than the romantic boyfriend she allways imagined he would be.
The two had grown closer again in the last year, since her break up, but as always, she was stuck in the friend zone.
Only when Alya, successful, happily married to her childhood sweetheart Nino, told her beaming with joy that she was pregnant, did it start.
At first it was just like a slight tug in her stomach, and Marinette hated herself for not being able to just be happy for her best friend.
She wanted that too, she was almost jealous. When she arrived at her penthouse flat, she flopped down on her king-size bed.
'Tikki, why am I such a terrible person?' She asked as she fought back tears.
'You're not a terrible person, you've wanted this all your life and now you can hear your inner clock ticking.' The little god hugged her cheek comfortingly.
'I'm really unlucky with men, I'll never have a family like this. I want a baby too!' She moaned.
Tikki looked at her sympathetically. 'Unfortunately, you need a man to have a baby.'
Tikki could see the wheels turning in her chosen's head and her face lit up as if a light came on.
'Tikki, you're a genius, no woman needs a man these days. What are seed banks for?!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll call my gynaecologist right away and make an appointment. Aah, imagine Alya and I could push our children in their buggys through the park together!' Marinette was so excited and was already making an appointment for the beginning of February, the first one possible - shitty public holidays - that she couldn't say anything.
She hadn't meant that, but Marinette had grown up and as long as she was happy, Tikki was ok with it. She smiled lovingly at her bug. Secretly she had always looked forward to little kittens, but she loved babies and so she didn't have to hide from a father.
When Marinette told them, her good-natured parents promised to help her with everything and were looking forward to their first grandchild.
Alya was completely taken aback, but when she talked about going on outings and baby courses together, she was on cloud nine. But it wouldn't be Alya if she didn't have something else to say.
'Girl, you've never had any real fun in your life, if you're going to be a single mum, now might be the last chance to have sex for years! Promise me you'll make the most of the Christmas holidays and have sex with at least three men before your appointment. Otherwise I swear I won't be the godmother.'
'Alya!' Marinette replied in shock 'Who says you're going to be a godmother?' she added jockingly, but Alia just gave her one look and Marinette made the promise. So, where should she get three men?
The day before Christmas was the Miraculous Christmas party and Chat had private Appointments so he sent Catwalker.
It had been Ladybug's idea to invite the occasional stand-ins but Aspik didn't have time.
As the only singles who couldn't talk about marriage or children (as far as they could without jeopardising their identity), the two ended up at the bar together.
They were on their fourth round when Ladybug groaned and dropped her head on the bar.
'Shit, I completely forgot, I still have to have sex!'
Catwalk laughed. 'I just understood you have to have sex!'
'That's what I said, better not ask. That's not really my style but today I need sex!'
'If there's anything I can do to help you, just let me know.' he laughted. But when their eyes met, the air was suddenly charged. She bent down to kiss him, but he quickly took her hand.
'Not here, come with me!' And pulled her into the cordoned-off VIP area. They giggeled wildly as they closed themselves into a back room. It was a drinks storrage with no windows. Perfect. They kissed passionately, hands wandering and exploring. In the perfect darkness they dropped their transformations...
Ladybug left the room first and Catwalker switched on the light to get ready, as he discovered something on the floor. A lucky charm. Marinette's lucky charm. Ladybug was Marinette?!
Between the holidays, she was meeting with the inner circle. Alya, Nino and Adrian. Alya was the perfect wing woman. Together they searched the room for potential prey, but it wasn't easy. Eventually they took to the dance floor and wanted to be found. Nino watched Adrian, who found it harder to take his eyes off Marinette the more he drank.
'Dude, I hate to tell you this, but if you don't grow some balls soon and tell Marinette that you love her, it's too late.' Adrien shot Nino a confused look. So he told him about Mari's plan to get pregnant and her bet with Alya.
'I have to find her right away!' he jumped off his seat and searched the dancefloor but Alya was alone.
She pointed to the exit with a knowing smile, when he asked her about Marinette.
'No no no,' he thought as he ran outside. He would never find her like this, so he disappeared down a side street and turned into Chat Noir.
He ran along the rooftops looking for her in a panic but couldn't find her. Instead, he found Multimouse huddled against the wall of a house, crying.
'Marinette... eh Multimouse, what are you doing here?' He asked anxiously.
And she told him that the guy from the bar was too pushy. She said no, but he hadn't stopped. Since Polymouse was pregnant, Ladybug had given her the Miraculous as a sort of maternity leave Substitute and she had to use it, because she hadn't seen another way to get ride of the guy.
He listened to her horrifyed and seeing her trembling said: 'Come on, I'll take you home!' Catious he lifted her up and carried her like a bride, while jumping over the rooftops. At her place, he gently set her down on the balcony and was about to leave again when she held on to him.
'Don't go, please stay.' She said in a weak voice.
Together they sat onto the sofa, he held her in his arms and gently stroked her hair to comfort her. The comforting turned into gentle kisses, until Marinette suddenly sat on his lap, kissing him wildly, burying her fingers in his hair and he teared off her blouse so that the buttons flew off.
He lifted her up and carried her into the bedroom on the way Marinette pushed the switch for the blinds and darkened the room completely...
A few days later was the MCD New Year's party. Adrien Agreste also attended as CEO of Gabriel. The atmosphere was exuberant and the drinks were free. She couldn't say exactly how she woke up the next day in a hotel room next to Adrian, but her hangover certainly had something to do with it.
Adrian was already awake when she got up. 'Good morning, sweetness,' he greeted her, almost singing.
How could someone be so cheerful at such an hour after such a party?
He didn't notice her mood, so he chated away cheerfully.
'I know we are just friends, but after last night, I know we could be so much more. I've had a crush on you ever since we went to school. Nino told me about your plan to have a child without a father but if you give me a chance, maybe we could start a family in a few years?
I don't want to rush things, but would you like to have date with me tonight?'
Besides his monologue, Marinette's mood reached the freezingpoint, he didn't even notice that she got dressed, grabbed her things and when he had finally stopped talking, she simply said. ' No!'
'What no?' Adrien was confused.
'No, I don't feel like waiting for someone to decide if he wants me or not. I'm so tired of waiting for a day that never comes. You are my friend and I will always love you. Damn, there have been times when I would have died for you to tell me this. But now it's just too late.' And with that, the door slammed in his face.
'Wow, that escalated quickly!' Plagg commented on the situation. 'Are you all right, Kid?'
January flew by and Marinette stocked up on work so that, apart from a few WhatsApp messages with Alya, she didn't have to talk to anyone.
Finally, the big day had arrived. Her first appointment with the gynaecologist. First a routine check, then an information session and then, if she calculated her period correctly, her first insemination.
She was so excited, hopefully it wasn't a problem that her period had diminished due to all the stress in January.
But it turned out to be a problem because she was pregnant.
8 weeks. Sometime between Christmas and New Year's Eve.