Hey! Welcome to the second chapter of the unofficial reboot of "The Dragon and The Mermaids" by Plasnix112. Just like to put out that I'm thankful for anyone and everyone who's shown support by favoriting and following this story - as well as to those who have commented or PMd about any errors!

Secondly, I still want it to be known that I am taking name suggestions. Obviously there isn't much to go off of, story wise, so far - but if you have any ideas, feel free to shoot!

Same can be said for ladies you'd like to see, in this story. I'm open to just about all suggestions!




I do not own Fairy Tail. All rights go to Hiro Mashima.

All characters, unless stated or implied otherwise, are 18 or older.

Two Hours Later.

Despite the predicament Natsu has found himself in, he couldn't help but admit that he was actually having a pretty decent time, with his fellow pinkette. While things were awkward for the two, at first, with a little bit of time things sort of smoothed out, much to Natsu's own happiness. While Natsu wasn't the biggest on sightseeing, as a whole, he was an independent traveling mage - so he did learn to pick up on the habit, to an extent, and he really enjoyed the cozy atmosphere of Gracia. At first the two walked through the main plaza, they would visit a few different shops, here and there. Between a blacksmith, a florist, a jeweler, and even an antique store.

More than this, however, Natsu was surprised to find out how much he was simply enjoying Chelias company. He wasn't too used to company, as most of his time out was spent in solitary, or solely with his clients, so he was enjoying the bit of change, for once. The awkwardness that was shared between the two vanished rather quickly, which resulted in a more pleasant and casual atmosphere. Natsu would even go as far as to say he rather enjoyed the young lady's company; finding her cheerful and bubbly, albeit clumsy, disposition rather relaxing.

We now find the two sitting down at a table, not too far from the harbor of the city, as they both drank their own respective drinks, at the cozy little outdoor cafe.

"Hey, Chelia - I just wanted to say thank you, for giving me a tour around this place, today. I know we didn't have much of a choice about the matter - thanks to that witch of a guildmaster" Natsu spoke, mumbling out the last portion of his sentence, with a form of feigned annoyance. "But I do appreciate it! It's been kinda fun, y'know?" As Natsu said this, he'd give Chelia a toothy grin, while running his hand through his spiky hair, scratching at the back of his head, a little. Chelia, in kind, would smile back towards the pink-haired man, holding up her hands, revealing a double thumbs up, as she did.

"It's my pleasure, really! I'm honestly kind of glad. A day out on the town has done me some good - it's been really hectic in the guild hall recently, so the break was refreshing!" Chelia beamed, as she stared towards Natsu with sparkling eyes. The more Natsu thought about it, the more he'd realize just how childlike Chelia seemed to be. This led to Natsu forming a small smile, as he sipped the drink in his hand, envying the young lady's childlike wonder, he's seen so much of in the last two hours. Though he did pick up on what the lady said, deciding to ask for her to further elaborate on it.

"It's been hectic? How come? It seemed pretty composed when I was there… well, minus the fact that everyone was staring at me like I was in a museum exhibit." He ended the last part with a little chuckle, as he recalled the odd stares and treatment of all the guild members. Chelia, on the other hand, seemed to be deflated at the mention of what had happened, earlier, as blue lines went down her face, comically, before she regained her composure.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. It's - well, like I said earlier, you're the only guy I've ever seen actually present in that building, before. Most of the people there have had some pretty bad experiences with men, in some way, so that's a pretty normal reaction, I'd say, all things considered - hehe." Chelia ended her sentence with a little giggle, before suddenly looking a lot more serious - more than Natsu had seen her be, all day; including when she was trying to get Erza and Kagura to stop attacking him. "As for the guild being hectic - wellllll… Master Ultear has decided for us to participate in the Grand Magic Games, this year. While it's still about six months away - all the mages who are A Rank and higher have been working overtime, in hopes of performing well enough to secure a position on the team. Even the lower rank mages have been trying extra hard to get strong enough for it…" Chelia trailed off, as Natsu's eyebrow quirked upwards, jumping back into the conversation.

"The Grand Magic Games, huh? That's gonna be a tough one. Fairy Tail is sure to be competing, and they've got some powerhouses. Not to mention Sabertooth. Hell, Lamia Scale will probably put up some fierce competition, too. They've got Jura, yeah, but they have an ice mage too who isn't anything to scoff at." Natsu said, as he looked up at the ceiling, as if deep in thought about the different possible matchups. "I wonder who'll compete, for your guild..."

As if on cue, a small frown would then be seen spreading across Chelias lips, accompanied by a sigh that followed, as well. "Not that it matters too much, heh. Our four Empresses will be on the team for sure. Then it'll probably be one of the other S-Class mages." Hearing this, Natsu would put his cup down, his face even; not showing any outward emotions. Chelia would be kind of caught off guard by this - not expecting Natsu to suddenly get so serious, while he's been pretty light-hearted, all day.

"I wouldn't say it doesn't matter, Chelia. I mean - like you said, everyone is putting in the effort. Even if you aren't picked to compete as a starter, it's always possible you'll get swapped in later on during the games." Natsu paused his train of thought, tilting his head to look out at the harbor, watching the gentle waves splashing against the pier. "You're sure to grow stronger, from all the effort you're putting in. Besides, nothing good comes from comparing yourself to others… After all, flowers don't compare themselves to other flowers. They just bloom when ready. People aren't any different, no?" Natsu finally turned back towards his companion, sporting a small smile, before sheepishly rubbing the back of the head, with a laugh. "Well - that's something my old man would say, at least, haha. He was quite the poet, you know? Never did quite understand half of it, hah."

Chelia would just stare at Natsu, wide-eyed, as she listened to his words of wisdom, that he was dropping out of nowhere. "Maybe he's right…" Chelias eyes soon started to wetten, as if tears were threatening to spill out at any moment; causing a look of panic to quickly spread across Natsu's face, as he rapidly shook his hands in front of his body.

"Waitwaitwait-! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry - ughhhh-" Natsu quickly panicked, unsure of what exactly he did wrong. "what to say, what to say..!?" Natsu would then be pulled out of his stupor, as he heard and saw the woman across from him laughing, a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha. No, no, you didn't do anything wrong, hah." Chelia had quickly wiped away the stemming tears in her eyes, before they grew into full on waterworks. "You're an interesting one, Natsu, you know that? Your father must've been pretty wise, if he said things like that all the time." With a sigh of relief, Natsu smiled once more - before scoffing, a little.

"Yeah, you could say that. The old scaly bastard definitely had a way with words - even when scolding me." Natsu crossed his arms over his chest, grumbling something about pushing boulders up a hill, before smiling again. "But he did teach me, quite a bit."

Chelia only giggled at the man's grumbling, finding amusement in his seemingly joking anger, towards his father. Though something stuck to Chelias mind, about what he said.. "Wait - scaly?" Chelia asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion, as to what he meant.

"Oh, yeah. Guess you wouldn't know - my old man was a dragon." Natsu deadfaced, as if it were the simplest thing ever.

"Oh, yeah, that makes se- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR DADS A DRAGON?!" Chelia suddenly exclaimed, as soon as the realization of what Natsu said dawned on her. At the same time, she shot out of her seat, her hands flat against the table as she stared agape at Natsu. "Wait wait, so are you - does that like - are you half dragon?!" Chelia gaped, before her eyes started to sparkle, with that same wonder that shined through before. "That's…that's so cool! Can you, like, fly!? Breath fire!? Like - GAH I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!" Chelia exclaimed, as she suddenly got right into Natsu's face, causing the man to squeak in surprise, his chair falling backwards, resulting in him landing on the floor, with a thud.

"Fuck.. that's a new response.." Natsu thought, Groaning before being lifted up by Chelia, with all the customers at the cafe, plus the workers, staring on in amusement, confusion, and some even in annoyance, at the display from the two pink-haired mages.

"Sorry! I just got so excited and curious and and and-" suddenly it was Chelias turn to squeak, as Natsu quickly covered her mouth with his hand, a tick mark forming on his head at all the attention.

"Shhhh- people are staring-!?" He grumbled, before letting out a little laugh of his own. Leaning down and putting his chair back up, Natsu would sit down, instructing Chelia to do the same - which the lady did, with a slight blush and embarrassed laugh, as she realized her childish antics. "To answer - no, I'm not a half dragon or something like that, haha. I don't know who my real mom and dad were - but I was simply raised by a dragon, who I…stumbled upon when I was younger." Natsu's face darkened a little, a fact not missed by Chelia. Speaking of which, Chelia suddenly let out a little laugh, her tongue darting out to the side of her mouth a tiny bit, comically, as she tapped the side of her own head, comically, at the realization of how wrong she was.

"Ohhhhh- that makes way more sense, ehe.. So you're just like Wendy, then!" Chelia beamed, with a smile. Upon hearing that, Natsu was instantly curious, tilting his head in confusion slightly.

"Huh? What do you mean just like Wendy? Who's that?" Natsu asked.

"That's right! You don't know her - hehe." Chelia giggled a little, as she returned to her normal composure, bubbly but serious. "Wendy is another mage at Mermaid Heel! She and I are basically like sisters - hehe. Though she's a lot more shy than me - ahhh, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself! She was also raised by a dragon - though I don't remember what she said her name was…" Chelia pondered for a moment, before giving up with a sigh. "...I can't remember - oh well! But she's a sky dragon slayer! Which I'm assuming you must be, as well?" Chelia asked, with a smile. Natsu, upon hearing this, could only whistle in amazement.

"A sky dragon slayer, huh? Well I'll be damned. I've only met a few others - didn't think I'd meet one in your guild. Usually dragonslayers carry a bit of renown with them." Natsu remarked, before shrugging. " Oh well. Though yeah, I am like her - I'm a dragon slayer, as well."

"Gah that's so cool! No wonder you were able to keep up with Erza and Kagura…wait, did you use Re-Quip, earlier?" Chelia asked

"Mhm. I'm capable of using Re-Quip, but not nearly as well as someone like Erza. Now that I think about it though - this Wendy person being a dragon slayer explains why you reacted, the way you did." Natsu mused aloud, looking around to see if people were still staring. While most people were no longer openly observing the duo, he did notice he was still getting a side-eye, here and there, which only resulted in an inward groan, from himself. "Great… Even more attention, now." Natsu thought, his ears perking up as he heard Chelia speak.

"Erza? How did you know she uses Re-Quip? I don't think she used it during your little fight…. And what do you mean about my reaction? Was it not normal..?" Chelia asked, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed about how she responded - only being emphasized more so, as she noticed Natsu looking around, and the side-eyes some people were giving them; causing a light blush to form on Chelias face. "Oh jeez, I'm such a ditz," Chelia thought, as she cringed.

"It took me a second, but I recognized her. The Red Swordswomen of Mermaid Heel - and I'm assuming Kagura was the infamous White Bunny, that I've heard of. Thank God you and Ultear stepped in, I would've been toast if they kept up the attack." Natsu whistled, leaning back in his seat, before giving Chelia a little smirk. "Oh, and that reaction was certainl normal, Chelia. Most people usually call me a liar, or something. Tch. Not that I care what they think. But since there's already a dragon slayer in your guild, it makes sense why your reaction was so - however you'd describe it, hah." Natsu, noticing where the sun was hanging in the sky, stopped leaning back in his chair, standing up with a stretch, as his hand was suddenly engulfed in a golden light, holding a small bag of Jewels that he then put on the table. " Anyways, it's been a while now, so I reckon Meredy is probably ready for me. I really appreciate the tour, Chelia - I had a blast!" As Natsu said this, he gave the sitting woman a toothy grin, before he would turn around, beginning to walk back towards the guild. As Chelia caught sight of said toothy grin, she couldn't help but blush, just a little, before smiling right back at Natsu, standing up and making her way towards the retreating figure, hurriedly.

"Hey, wait up! Don't think you're getting rid of me, too soon. Someone has to make sure you get to the guild hall safely!" Chelia giggled, taking a few steps forward as she turned around, walking backwards, while staring at the pink haired dragon slayer. As if to emphasize her point, Chelia would hold up her right arm, flexing a little bit as she did so; showcasing what was certainly a very average bicep, which only resulted in her laughing. "Okay, maybe I'm not the strongest physically, but you know what I mean!" As if to spite herself, Chelias foot would catch on a loose bit of cobble, while she walked backwards, "oh shi-" resulting in the woman comically falling down onto her back, with a thud.

Natsu, at first, laughed at the woman's attempt at flexing, finding her childish antics amusing and endearing - though even he shuddered as the woman fell backwards and onto the floor. "Shit! You good, Chelia?" Natsu asked gently, as he crouched down towards the lady, taking her hand in his own, and helping her to her feet.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fineeee." Chelia said, with a sheepish smile on her face, as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. "Sorry about that - I can be kind of a klutz." Chelia lamented, her body deflating for what seemed like the umpteenth time that day, before she perked right back up. "But thanks for helping me up! And thanks for paying for our drinks, back there." Natsu only shook his head, a playful smile on his face at the woman's antics, as he listened to her speak. Though upon being thanked, he just brushed his hand over the topic, literally.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It was the least I could do, for your help today. After all, what would I do without my wonderful tour guide, hmm?" Natsu teased, a playful smirk on his face, as the two walked towards the guild hall. Hearing this, Chelia decided to play along, walking backwards once again, despite her tripping earlier. With a playful smirk of her own, Chelia would give a little courtesy to Natsu, before speaking, feigning the accent of some noble.

"Why, but of course! Tis only the right thing to do, no?" Chelia remarked, with a giggle, while Natsu could only laugh in amusement, as Chelia just went back to leading the way, walking in amiable silence, for a few minutes. However, the Amaranth haired woman soon realized she had a question for the dragon slayer. "Hey, Natsu, I had a question - if you don't mind me asking?"

"Not at all. What's up?" Natsu asked, his hands locked behind his head, as he casually strolled behind Chelia.

"Well… it's a bit more personal, I guess, but - how come you're meeting with Meredy? Are you like - some big shot doctor, from Crocus or something?" Chelia asked, confusion written on her face, as she did so. Natsu, however, could only laugh - imagining himself as a doctor, of all things.

"Doctor? Nah, not even close." He said with a hit of teasing to his tone, before going silent. However, after a few moments, a sigh would escape Natsu's lips, as he was no longer sporting his casual smile; but instead a small frown. "It's… a long story. One I'm not quite keen on sharing, honestly. But - to simplify things, at least…" Natsu halted, lost in his train of thoughts, as he pondered how best to describe his situation. Chelia couldn't help but feel bad about the whole situation. She didn't know her question would put Natsu into such a stupor.

"Hey, I'm sorry - you don't have to answer, if you don't want to!" Chelia said, waving her hands frantically as she tried to reassure the silent dragon slayer. Though Natsu would suddenly hold his hand up, with a small smile, before speaking up again.

"No, no, it's fine. I just don't really know what to say, without going too into detail… Hmm.. Well, I was doing a mission with a few friends, a couple years back. It was meant to be a simple A-Rank mission, nothing crazy, but some stuff happened that was unexpected. Because of that, I got hit with a pretty gnarly spell - some form of dark magic. Made it out fine, but I've been having to see some Doctors all across Fiore, since, on a somewhat consistent basis. About a year ago, I was recommended in Meredy's direction." Natsu paused, as the two mages had finally made it to the guild hall, while they were speaking. Though Natsu didn't enter the guild hall, instead deciding to finish his little story first. "My previous doctor thought her magic would be helpful in studying some of the lingering effects, and they were right. I've been meeting with Meredy about once a month, for appointments, and things are mostly taken care of, now." Natsu exhaled, a small smile on his face, as his eyes closed. Though he'd open them, his Onyx orbs were staring at Chelia, as she spoke to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! It must've been pretty bad, if the spells affected you for so long… though I'm glad it's getting better! Meredy is great at what she does - Mermaid Heel is incredibly lucky to have her." Chelia smiled, thinking about all the times the resident doctor has aided the guild. Though she couldn't help but wonder what type of spell had such damaging effects on the mage.

"Mm, yeah. Meredy has been quite helpful, with everything. And she doesn't try to overcharge me, like most other doctors." Natsu finished off his statement with a grumble, a mock expression of anger on his face for a few moments, before he let it ease away, back into an expression of neutrality. "Anyways! I'd prefer if you entered first, Chelia. Last thing I need is to meet the business end of Erza's broadsword, you know?" Natsu laughed, walking up to the doors of the guild before halting. Chelia could only smile, glad that the little episode of seriousness was gone, even if it only lasted a few moments. Putting her hand on the door, Chelia quickly turned around before opening it. With a cocky and arrogant, albeit playful, expression spreading across her face, Chelia would puff out her chest, and stand up on her tippy toes - as if to appear more intimidating and confident, as she once again playfully flexed her arm.

"Don't worry, Natsu! I'll make sure to protect you, from any would-be assailants. That's the Chelia guarantee!" Chelia remarked, as she looked up to the sky, a wicked grin on her face. Natsu, seeing this, was only able to let out a low laugh, looking at the shorter woman who promised to protect him.

"Hah. Yeah, alright. I'll make sure to let you know if I need protection from a gust of wind, 'Kay?" Natsu teased, a playful smirk on his face, as he suddenly walked past Chelia; his right hand ruffling up her hair, while his left pushed open one of the large guild doors. He'd take a few steps inwards, clearly having gotten past his little trepidation about entering the building, as he looked over his shoulder, to the now baffled pouting Chelia, and present a smug smirk. "Well? Gonna keep up, slowpoke?" Natsu teased once again, before turning back inwards and walking towards the stairs that led to the second floor, remembering the infirmary to be that way.

Chelia, during all of this, would lose that look of confidence and arrogance, replaced by a little pout, as she called out to Natsu. "Heeeeey! I'm plenty strong! And I'm not a slowpoke!" Chelia quickly ran up to Natsu, catching up with the man as she crossed her arms. "I can't believe you! Here I am, offering to protect you and keep you safe - and all you do is tease and bully me? Here I was, thinking you were a nice guy." Chelia huffed, turning her head in the opposite direction from Natsu. It would only last a few seconds, however, before her left eye peeked open, as she heard Natsu simply laugh in response to her little tantrum - resulting in her giggling, in turn.

"Alright, alright. That's on me. I do apologize, oh great strong one." Natsu responded sarcastically, after he finished laughing, with a smile present.

"That's what I thought! I GUESS I'll be kind enough to protect you, now. Hmph." Chelia giggled, as the two made it to the top of the stairs, and in front of Meredy's door. "Anyways! I believe you've reached your destination, my good sir. I hope you've enjoyed Chelia and Co's Tour Guide service - we do accept tips." Chelia jokes, with a quick courtesy, much like before.

"Aaaaand that's how they get you. Damn tipping fees are more than the service, I swear." Natsu grumbled playfully, before his face lit up with a smile, once more. He had to give it to the lady, Chelias bubbly personality did rub off on him, a little bit, while they were together. "No but for real, thank you Chelia. I've had a pretty good time - waaay better than if I was just stuck in my lonesome. I'm sure I'll see you later tonight, seeing as Ultear is insistent on me staying for dinner - but in case I don't, it was good meeting you. Oh, and good luck with preparations for the Grand Magic Games - I'm sure you'll make the team." Natsu said, his voice a little more sincere than even he expected. Chelia could only smile kindly at his words, nodding her head along with him, as he spoke.

"Oh yeah, we'll definitely see each other tonight! Someone's gotta keep you safe, from everyone else, after all!" Chelia giggled, as she herself started to walk away. "Oh! And thank you, once again, for those kind words you said, at the Cafe. I'll make sure to train extra hard, as a result. Alright, I've got to get going, now - it was really nice to meet you, Natsu!" Chelia said, as she started to run off into the guild proper, that big smile on her face the entire time. Shaking his head, Natsu smiled back at the lady, watching as she ran off into the distance, happy that she didn't trip, like he thought she may have. After the young lady retreated off into the distance, Natsu sighed, thinking back to the list of events that had happened already, today, despite it barely being past five in the afternoon. Clearing his head, he'd knock on the infirmary door, before calling out to whoever's behind it.

"Hey, it's Natsu! Was wondering if you were ready for me?" He said, as he waited for a response. After a moment, Natsu's ears would pick up on the sounds of shuffling papers and footsteps, before the door opened up, revealing Meredy wearing the same outfit from earlier.

"Natsu! Perfect timing - I just finished up, not too long ago. Why don't you come in?" The doctor said, a smile on her face, as she took a few steps back, giving Natsu room to enter.

"Oh, really? Perfect. Here I was thinking I had kept you waiting, or that you weren't done." Natsu chuckled, before walking into the room, shutting the infirmary door, behind him.

And that's chapter 2, done!, I was originally going to include the appointment with Meredy, but decided against it, so this chapter wasn't too much longer than the first one. I also felt like I enjoyed the little slice of life moment, of Natsu meeting and interacting with Chelia. I definitely think it feels a little clunky and awkward, so I may work on how I do dialogue scenes in the future. Regardless, thank you for reading!