It has been so long, so so long since I stopped wandering, the fiery fields often replaced by blood soaked grass, it's been so long I can't remember where I am, am I in Slovak republic, am i in Tartarus, am I in purgatory?

It had been so Long since that day, the day they all died, my friends, family and my comrades all in a foolish war caused by foolish men because they could not learn a lesson from the previous world war and what did it cost for a second lesson? Millions… millions of lives.

I don't remember anymore, I used to remember all of there names, all my comrades but now no more, only a distant memory of the past. I miss them but this foolish family of mine who can not stop grudges, who can not stop stupidity and who can't stop selfishness…

The main causes of this hell that was the war was my grandfather and his two brothers… Hades, Zeus and poseidon and because of there never ending issues with each other millions die, millions suffer, millions cry.

My mother Melinoë goddess of nightmares and madness which now seems to have haunted me just don't vanish, be it in the fields of Elysium or the burning plane of Tartarus nothing fades except the memories of them.

All that remains in this pitiful existence is suffering and fighting with beasts that never truly die, no matter what you do. It is always a struggle for survival and what do we get in return? Another month before it returns for us?

I have seen beasts be reborn and die, I have seen new monsters be created be it from creatures or from the mind of man breaking. I just wish that something could stop everything and just could give us Peace

As much as I dislike the gods they aren't the worst option, I can name a few much worse options and I have proof of it, the Titans are much worse my proof? I've walked in Tartarus long enough to know what they do and it is something I don't want to happen normally and Ofcourse the worst option is Gaia as we have heard her tale with the gigas.

A roar sounded in my ears and I new it was time to repeat the never ending cycle with the thing that originally killed me while I was human, a drakon but this drakon wasn't normal like any drakon and I personally call it echidnas newest experiment for you see normally drakons spew fire or the rare acid and poisons but this not so much instead this one spews out the waters of Acheron through its maw…

When I first experienced the waters of Acheron I was paralyzed in pain and ultimately resulted in my human death by then I had already killed the Soviet soldiers that came along with it even now I feel bad for the poor souls all of them were mortal thinking the drakon was nothing more than a large bear, the mist truly does wonders.

Now after so long the waters deal nothing more than a dull ache which isn't surprising with the constant fighting but from fighting each other oh so long comes experience, each time I swing my Stygian kopis the drakon would perfectly deflect it and I would do the same to it's fangs and claws and the only way I've killed it before was with powers gained from my heritage…

Until now, the fight was fast paced as always but this time I had a plan before I could act on it, a concentrated blast of the acherons river flowed at me and as such I had to withdraw back and raise the Stygian ice shield I had acquired from trips along Styx and the shield did wonders with it freezing decent chunks into purplish black ice.

I quickly withdrew my shield and charged forward at the drakon but unlike previous attempts at the body and head I swished around it and aimed for its hammer like tail and with one swish of the Stygian kopis it sliced through with butter and followed by a light thump the tail flew through the toxic air of Tartarus in the form of ash.

Although the tail was gone it doesn't seem like I was the only one with new tricks up my sleeve because not a second later the beast rammed its frontal head crest into my chest launching me back onto the ground, just perfect.

The drakon wasted no time in clawing at my chest with gleaming claws and before I could raise my shield to block I felt a cold ooze spill from my stomach as I gasped in pain I looked down to see a claw mark along my stomach.

Even with the open wound in pain I knew I had to push through before the second strike came… but I wasn't fast enough for with a loud thump also came it's draconic frontal claw as It stomped on my chest with acidic saliva drizzling onto my clothes with a sizzle and it seems I couldn't defeat the thing without my powers… "how unfortunate" I whispered before sinking into a shadow which the drakon kindly placed above me.

I re-emerged from the shadow with a front flip and using the momentum slashing along its scaly back this time with some resistance but with the powers I got from my grandfather all though lesser it cut right through with a sizzle as hellfire danced along its scales.

The beast's roar of pain was like harmonious Note in my ear " and to be honest I wish to hear the whole song " and with one with one stomp of the foot burning soil rose up trapping it's foot and stopping it from running as I danced up and in one reverberating cut the beasts head fell and sizzled into ash… at last my one true foe fell and it's soul is with my blade for all of eternity

With peace at last I believe it's time for a family reunion and who better than my grandfather and grandmother Hades and Persephone…