The further I got from Tartarus heart the more calmer yet also more hectic by now I had fought a dozen hellhounds and a few Dracanae but alas I hear it, the sound of a river, The Cocytus

Yes Cocytus did lead to Tartarus but if I went that way I would most likely encounter a titan or two and I prefer not for the last time I fought a titan well let's just say a Kopis does not beat a divine weapon.

Looking at the water, I felt slightly disturbed as a dark blue ice-like chunk floated down it along with its screams of heartbroken, saddened and depressed souls.

Ignoring the souls I continued up stream hoping it led up towards the main core of the underworld where Hades' palace was located.

As I walked along the freezing river, I came to a stop, noticing a shadowy figure ahead and with a dash to the side towards a large stone I was hidden

Peeking over the stone, I saw in the things hands was a spear well more precisely a weird looking glaive on it was a round pommel, the weapon seemed different unusual not belonging here almost.

I knew there that this weapon shouldn't be here and should either be hidden or destroyed and I picked the latter and as such with a leap I front flipped over the rock and placed my foot on the other end to dash forward at this figure with my kopis in hand.

Unfortunately the figure noticed a weird shadow over his form as he swung his glaive? before I could get fully near deflecting my kopis but also along the pommel I say the symbols along it glow blue before suddenly point blank blasting a bolt of lightning at me.

Fun fact getting hit in the chest by lightning, hurts it hurts a lot! And now with a smoking chest along with my back smashed into the stone. I stood up shakily and reevaluated my plan to attack as my element of surprise was gone.

Alone I knew I won't be able to get to him as his lightning is rather deadly so I would have to use my trap card even if it would delay me for a bit.

Chanting in Ancient Greek, a few purple runes appeared along the ground and glowed before suddenly a paw rised from the runes, its claws gleamed as it pulled itself up with a roar…

My trump card summoning forth creatures I have made or have defeated and captured, this thing was enough to make me have to summon something that was equal to the drakon in defeating "odontotyrannus" a three horned, 10ft tall beast.

The odontotyrannus and I dashed at the figure and I raised my kopis and with a sideways slash it connected and it sliced right at their chest and with a gasp of pain an ooze drizzled out, its colour was a unique black almost sludge-like.

Before I could follow up with the strike the other end of the glaive bashed into my stomach but it was already too late as the odontotyrannus slammed it's horn into the mans back impaling him through the chest, I quickly recovered and dashed forward slashing at the mana head but just before my strike rung true, he exploded in lightning blasting me and the odontotyrannus back which de-summoned the beast from the power of the blast and left me alone with a single glaive-like weapon stabbed into the middle…

Grabbing the weapon I felt a course of electricity run through my hand and with a flash the glaive like weapon changed into a different form, a katana.

I placed the katana and it's sheath onto my belt and I dashed quicker up the Cocytus and eating a square of ambrosia (the last one I had) to recover quicker.

Walking up past the Cocytus I noticed a crack in a wall and with a slice of my kopis it fell apart to reveal a cavern and at the end I could see it, The Styx.

In modern day the Styx has been polluted violently, all the failed dreams of humanity appeared in the river and yes there was a lot it's rivers changed from colours of reds and purples and swirled past corpses littered in it or on the shore with elegance.

The Styx was extremely dangerous many people knew that even a single dip could kill you and not even the strongest monsters dared to enter its embrace in fear of being slain and never returning.

With the Styx nearby the danger lessened yet increased (lessened by monsters, increased from the Styx itself) as such I rapidly moved up its side.

But it seems one monster didn't get that memo and it was clear when a spider like web launched by my head barely missing it and with a twist of the head my purple eyes met with the twisted eyes of a monster "Arachne"