Smytheberry hides their relationship when thy realized that Sebastian just made the rivals status just go down to enemies. Once things calmed down, Rachel was cornered by Finn often to get back with him. So, Seb was all for revealing their relationship. The Glee way.
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Glee,obv. This story is just my inspiration as i were listening to "Secret Love Song" by Little Mix, feat. Jason Derulo(honestly i like his songs, don't tell anyone, i'll get in trouble). And, somehow, it just fit. You already hearing the song? Yeah, me too. Also, pretend this song came out earlier than it is, and the other Little Mix's songs, too. And not to forget Mr. Derulo as well, just pretended he was already famous yars before his debut. You got it? Yea? Lovely. Let's start... Harmonizing with Ourselves!
Also! recomended listening to the song while reading.
Secret Lovers - Secret Love Song by Little Mix, feat. Jason Derulo
Rachel can't believe they were going to do this. Or that Mr. Schue had agreed to this as well.
Though, unsurprisingly, everyone were protesting and were sending her glares.
But she didn't care. Why would she? They always complain. Always angry at everything she did. And seemed to be so against her, except a few.
And as Seb had said, they needed to do this, lest Finn bother her everyday with his 'let's get back together' or 'Marry me, Rachel'. Yeah, no. She was not ready, and she was going to Boardway, one way or another, and be a Star that she is.
"Rachel, are you sure about this?" Mr. Schue asked for the umpteenth time as she watched the Warblers walking in the auditorium, ignoring the New Directions' glares and sitting down far from them.
Rachel gave her teacher a nod, "Yes, I'm sure, and i think you should join them, i'm afraid gleek will try to cause a fight without you there."
Mr. Schue look at the New Direction and know that she was right, they look ready to fight at any given chance, "Then take care Rachel. Start whenever you're ready."
Rachel nodded again before he left the backstage and joined the two glee clubs in the audience.
Just right after he left, someone entered the back stage. Rachel turned around to meet Sebastian Smythe's green eyes and smiling face.
"Seb." Rachel threw her arms around his torso and he warped his around her waist, "Are you sure about this?"
"I want Frankenteen to stop following you around and know that you're mine. Besides, i'm tired of hiding this. Pretending that we're strangers and not been together for a year is actually killing me. And i want to punch that little creep anyway." Rachel snorted at that and then pulled away from him.
"I guess we should start now." Sebastian nodded and put on a mic on his blazer.
Rachel also put on a mic and breathe in andout to calm her nerves. Once done, she gave the band the 'OK' and they started the song. Her mic volume turning up.
As the curtains pulled up as she was walking to the middle of the stage and sing the song midwalk.
"When you hold me in the street
And you kiss me on the dancefloor.."
Now everyone were finding it odd that she were choosing this song. Though some, like Santana, were wondering why Rachel Berry were choosing 'Secret Love Song' to perform to both school glee clubs. And those who noticed were wondering just where in hell were Sebastian Smythe is.
"I wish that it could be like that
Why can't it be like that?
'Cause i'm yours~"
Now they were wondering is this just a song or is it a confession?
"We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
it'll never be enough..."
Rachel caught Sebastian's shadow going to the entrance door without anyone noticing and she was determined to shine brighter so that they won't notice him.
"It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you it just fits perfectly
Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face"
The glee clubbers from both school were now sure that this was a confession and were wondering who it was, some were expecting this song were for Finn, including the guy as well. But some like Santana know that it wasn't since this was a duel and Finn was still sitting with them without a mic. And Rachel caught Sebastian in position. And knew that after this chorus, they were going to reveal their relationship. Soon. Close.
"But we know this
We got a love that is hopeless
Why can't you hold me in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
Cause I'm yours~"
"When you're with him, do you call his name
Like you do when you're with me?"
Everyone turned around as a new voice joined Rachel's. And they were surprised at the sight of Smythe with a mic, staring straight at Rachel.
"Does it feel the same?
Would you leave if I was ready to settle down
Or would you play it safe and stay?"
He started to go down and towards the stage. Every eyes following him. But he didn't care, his destination were his girlfriend and no one were stopping him.
"Girl you know this
We got a love that is hopeless"
"Why can't you/i hold me/you in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?
I wish that it could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
Cause I'm yours~"
Once he was on stage, he stood right infront of Rachel. He hold out his hand, to which she took and started to pull her in a random dance moves, already deep in the song.
"And nobody knows
I'm in love with someone's baby"
His face was so close to her before he pulled away and let go of her. But she hold both of his hands, as if saying to not let go.
"I don't wanna hide us away"
"Tell the world about the love we making"
"I'm living for that day"
They distanced a little and turned to their surprised audiences. Then they turn towards each other.
"Why can't I hold you in the street?
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor~?"
"I wish that we could be like that
Why can't we be like that?
Cause I'm yours, I'm yours~"
They were slowly getting closer to each other, as if they were gravitating around themselves as they sing that. Those who watched them were astonished how their chemistry were so well. No one was expecting this, that's for sure. Especially when they all thought Sebastia were gay.
They started to dance again as the last chorus started.
"Oh, Why can't you hold me in the street?(Hold me in the street)
Why can't I kiss you on the dancefloor?(you on the dancefloor~)
I wish that it could be like that(I wish!)
Why can't it be like that?(I wish!)"
"Cause I'm yours~" "Cause I'm yours~"
"Why can't i say that-"
"-i'm in love
I wanna shout it from the rooftops"
"I wish that it could be like that(I wish!)
Why can't we be like that?"
"Cause I'm yours~"
They stopped dancing right on the last note, now facing each other so close than a 'just-a-friend' level. And Rachel then sing the last few lyrics.
"Why can't we be like that?
Wish we could be like that..."
They went in for the kiss anyway. Not caring that everyone was watching as they finally revealed their relationship.
The Warblers and a few from The New Directions clapped and some even cat called them, the band also clapped for them. The couple grinned at each other as they stopped kissing.
"I guess it turns out good,hm?" Rachel giggled and kissed his nose.
"I think so, Seb."
They were content at the support their friends were showing until some other can't take it anymore and shouted.
"WHAT THE FUCK, RACHEL?!" They all turned towards Finn Hudson, who looked like a red giant. Kurt were also glaring at her while beside him Blaine were trying to calm him down. Mercedes were also looking mad, and she was likely to explode once a trigger word were said.
Suddenly, Rachel was feeling tired. This was what was actually stopping her from telling anyone of their relationship, of course her dads weren't included, they already know since the first day.
But she was also feeling irritated, "What is it, Finn?"
"You cheated on Finn! You slut!" This time it was Kurt, and once you look at Blaine, you can tell that the last string has just been cut. Blaine looked like he was going to punch Kurt.
"Watch your mouth, Beyonce!" Santana got up and shouted at Kurt. It was Quinn who were holding her to not punch the gay boy right then and there. And everyone was now looking extra murderous.
"WHAT! It's true she cheated on Finn! Right in front of him at that!" Kurt glared at Santana.
Everyone in the room looked ready to kill Kurt right then. Mr. Schue were trying to stop them from doing it even though he feels disappointed at how Kurt were handling the 'new' couple, though quite the unexpected pair.
"STOP!" Rachel shouted through the mic, gaining everyone's attention. They all turned to her, who were schooling a rather calm look while her boyfriend were looking rather murderous besides her. "I will say it again, Finn, we are not and never been a couple for a long time. And Kurt, i don't know why you're thinking that i cheated on Finn when we are not in a relationship. Not since last year when he left me for Quinn. And Seb and i have been together for a year now. Besides, it was Finn who had been asking me out and he even proposed to me so many times. Me and Sebastian decided to reveal our relationship now were also partly because we want Finn to stop following me around. And also Kurt, again, you should watch yourself before accusing someone."
She then tugged Sebastian hands and pulld him away to get out of th auditorium. With many eyes watching. Some were angry. Some were gaping. Some were whistling. Some feels awkward. Some feels awes. And some were feeling proud.
"THAT'S MY AMERICAN JEWISH PRINCESS!" could be heard through out the school right after that.
From that day on, Smytheberry was officially out and were announced on Jacob's blog. And how Rachel were so hot at putting both Finn Hudson and Kurt Hummel in place.
JBI got threatened by some guys though, and was unable to attend school for weeks. Or so they were all told.
Rachel and Sebastian was happy with themselves and were happy that their glee groups accepted them.
Rachel got to Boardway years later, a successful singer and actress. Sebastian were a famous model and actor from Paris. And they got married! The world nominate them as the cutest couple or hottest couple of the year every couple of years.
The others were also triving, but this story is about Smytheberry not the rest of Glee cast... so. yeah.
10 years after that they are a very happy married couple with two kids, twins. And famous celebrity.
Fontina Ori-chan: I guess that's it.
I know there are many mistakes here, but i made it in a day, so i'm not complaning. That last part was rushed, just know that they are happy and while there were issues, they are fixable. Yay!
Anyway, see you later! And go check out my other fictions.