Hi everyone. Warning. This is ANTI-JASON and ANTI-JASAM. If you are a Jason or Jasam fan, you are welcome to read. But you have been warned.

I promise I'll get back to my Mothers and Daughters story. I just had to do a one-shot on Sam's death because I'm so ticked at Jason taking over as always. Absolutely LOVED Alexis' reaction though. I just wish she responded a little differently to Jason. So, this is how I think Alexis should've responded to Jason asking to go into Sam's room and wanting to be the one to tell Danny and Scout. I didn't include mentions of Jake in this, even though I wholeheartedly feel sad for how Jason abandoned him and has hurt him even more than Danny, but this is from Alexis' POV so it's focused on Sam and Danny. I won't be continuing this. It's just a one-shot. I already have a lot of projects to work on.

Sam's True Family

Alexis' stomach clenched. A chill ran up her spine. Her eyes stung and the tears wouldn't stop. She had just left her beautiful girl behind. Again. The ache in her chest was unbearable. Her heart had shattered into a million pieces. She couldn't fathom it. How could Sam just be gone?

Her legs felt like lead as she dragged herself into the waiting room. Further and further from her baby. Her Sam.

Jason and Elizabeth rose from a bench and came over to her, tears in their eyes.

Alexis stared at the floor. More liquid flowing down her cheeks.

"If it's all right with you," Jason choked up. "I'd like to say goodbye."

Alexis' heart sped, muscles tensing. She stared up at him, teeth clenched. "What did you just say?"

Jason glanced at Elizabeth, then back to Alexis, biting his lip. "I'd like to say goodbye."

Alexis slapped him.

Jason's mouth dropped and his hand went to his cheek.

"You want to say goodbye?" Alexis asked. "You want to say goodbye? Didn't you already say goodbye all those times you up and left Sam and Danny to go babysit Donna or clean up Carly's messes? Or how about those times when Sonny needed you to go kill someone for him? How do you think that made Sam feel to always come second? You wouldn't know because you weren't there. I was. I was there every time to hold her and to tell her that she is valued and loved. To tell her everything is going to be okay." She let out a sob. "But it's not okay! It's never going to be okay again. She's gone now."

"Alexis, is there anyone I can call for you?" Elizabeth offered and rubbed her arm. "Kristina or Molly? Diane?"

But Alexis kept looking at Jason, her face twitching.

"I'm so sorry that this has happened to Sam," Jason said. "But she understood my life. She accepted it."

"No." Alexis laughed. "That's where you're wrong. When she was younger, maybe. But you don't know the beautiful woman she grew into. Yes, she always loved adventure, but she loved her children more. Something you have never understood. She understood the importance of family and putting family first."

"She asked me and Drew to be there for the kids while she was in surgery," Jason said. "She wanted us to be in the kids' lives."

"Yes, because she wanted you to step up and make better choices," Alexis said. "But she couldn't force your hand."

"I'd still like to help," Jason said. "I'll go tell the kids."

"Oh, you are not telling Danny and Scout about this," Alexis said firmly. "They need someone to comfort them who is not just going to run off again when Sonny or Carly calls. You have chosen Sonny and Carly and their children time and time again. Sam moved on. She built a beautiful life with Dante and the kids. We are the ones whose lives are about to change. We're the ones with a missing piece now. Your life won't change at all. You're still Sonny and Carly's puppet. Your chosen family is still intact, so go be with them. And leave me and my grandchildren to grieve. Because we are Sam's family, not you." She laughed again. "It's funny how when I first found Sam, you judged me for being forced to give Sam up when I was 16. But here you are, a frigging 50-year-old man who still cannot choose his children. What did you say back then? That right then you were Sam's family, not me. Well, right now I am Danny and Scout's family. I know them more than you do. And I will be the one to tell them. Now back off."

Alexis shoved past him and hopped on the elevator to find Danny and Scout.