Disclaimer: Any Descendants books and the Wicked World series do not exist in this universe. This AU follows the movie's established storylines and my own storylines only. Just want to clear up any confusion.
Once upon a time, on an aged, decaying pirate ship, a pair of twins were born. The first was a girl, Hazel, and four minutes after, a boy named Harry.
From the moment they were born, they were in constant competition for the favor of their father, the infamous Captain Hook. It had been declared that when they turned thirteen, their father would choose the heir to the title of Captain, and the ship. An enormous honor both children vied for.
Until, days before that fateful birthday, Hazel eavesdropped on her father and Smee. She heard her father declare to his first mate that Harry was the only option. Because he was a boy, and she was a girl.
Anger and devastation coursing through her veins, she ran to her bunk and began to pack. She didn't have many things to her name, no one on the Isle did, but she tossed her books and clothes into a ratty backpack and took off. It was nighttime, so everyone on the ship was either asleep or passed out drunk. Meaning she had a chance to steal some gold coins from under a floorboard and, as her final mark on the ship and her father, she sawed off the flag off the pole, and cut it into dozens of tiny pieces.
It was just about the most impolite, evil thing someone could do to a captain. Perfect.
She was smiling cunningly as she ran off the ship and into the night. She didn't have a plan, but that hardly seemed to matter. Eventually she happened upon an abandoned warehouse, and started making it a place she could actually live. The roof leaked, there were rats in the corners, and the staircase leading to the second story had a lot of holes.
But, it was completely hers. She liked it that way.
She began reinventing herself, starting with her name. Hazel never felt like her. It was too soft and princess-y. After a few days deliberation, she decided that Kit was a much better name. She got rid of her clothes that reminded her too much of pirate life, and replaced them with whatever she could steal. Mostly things that were black. With the exception of a dark green army jacket that was probably the best thing she owned. Her hair was finally allowed to grow (her father had declared long hair not pirate-like. If it reached her neck, that was long enough, according to him) and she got a streak of indigo in her hair.
That summer ended, and she enrolled herself at Dragon Hall. It was the first time she really understood that switching sides on the Isle, from the pirate side to the Maleficent side, was a big deal. Most of the students tried giving her crap about it, and she gave them crap right back. She was cold to everyone, and that didn't change when she started running with Mal and her gang.
It wasn't originally her idea, but after an incident, she felt like she owed Mal. So, she slowly became intertwined with Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos… and their parents.
That was never an easy thing to navigate. Especially when a letter came from Auradon, inviting the five of them to go to school there.
"You will go, you will find the Fairy Godmother, and you will bring me back her magic wand. Easy-peasy." Maleficent listed as if it were nothing.
Well. Not the most helpful attitude, but no one could say Maleficent wasn't clear about what she wanted.
"How are we supposed to do that?" She asked.
Maleficent laughed and shrugged. "That's up to you all! Step it up! It's your time! Go out there, steal that wand, set us free, and we can take over Auradon like we should have done years ago!" she ordered.
Mal protested a little more, but after one of her and her mother's staring contests, their way of fighting for dominance, the deal was sealed and the five of them had their orders.
Mal was to lead them to victory. Jay was to steal riches for his father. Evie was to find a prince. Carlos was to find a puppy for his mother. Kit had fully expected to go ignored, which typically happened around her friend's parents, but Maleficent caught her by surprise.
"And you…." Maleficent drawled, running her hands over Kit's shoulders after fetching her spellbook and the Evil Queen's potion book and mirror from the safe, "You are our wild card, and the best part is those Auradon idiots don't even know!"
"Oh?" Mal asked from her place across the room.
"You heard me. The order for you five to go to their school didn't come from the king. It came from his son. Some special proclamations-"
"Bah! Who cares, what's your point?" Jafar grumbled.
Maleficent swatted him on the head. "The point is that the actual people in charge are gonna be all suspicious and scared of them! But, if little Kit here plays the poor-me-I'm-an-orphan card, their weak little hearts will melt. Mal," She gestured off-handedly to her daughter, "use that. You'll be surprised how easy those fools are to manipulate."
Mal nodded with reverence and obedience.
"Oh my god." Carlos said as he eyed all the food in the limo, just waiting for them. All five of them immediately scrambled for a handful of.. Whatever this stuff was.
Kit almost moaned when she bit into something that tasted like minty toothpaste, but better because it was mixed with something sweet. It was a weird cookie, brown with specks out green, but she liked it.
Caros was grossing out Jaywhen Evie screamed.
"The barrier! Look!" The other four whipped their heads around to look out the window, and all began to panic.
"It's a trap!" Kit yelled, leaning against the seat, even though it probably wouldn't actually do anything.
The five of them screamed in terror as they felt a slight bump in the road, but once they weren't falling in the water, Kit opened her eyes in confusion.
To her wonder, she could see a bridge made of golden light sprawling out in front of them, leading them to Auradon.
"Magic!" Evie exclaimed. Leaning closer to get a look. Kit would have done the same, but was overcome by a strange feeling. She couldn't put a name to it, but it was as if a tingling or a buzz was sent through her hands. She glanced over at the others, and saw that Jay, Evie, and Mal hhad similar expressions.
Mal was flicking her hand around, then pulled out her mom's spellbook. After a short chant, a real flame appeared in her hand.
"Wicked!" Carlos said. Mal grinned.
It seemed like as soon as their left the barrier, the other three began feeling the magic that they had always inherited, but never got a chance to experience before. But why would she feel the same way?
Hooks weren't supposed to have magic.
No one could say that they didn't make an impression in Auradon. Or that Auradon didn't try hard to make a good impression on them.
The Fairy Godmother would be almost too easy to swindle. Part of Kit suspected that she may not be as clueless as she looked, but she also wasn't sure if anyone in Auradon could be that good at a scheme.
And, as it turned out, the proclamation that came from the prince was supposed to be more ceremonial than groundbreaking.
"Ben's going to be crowned as King Consort next month!" the prince, Ben, had a girlfriend named Audrey who seemed to chirp everything insincerely. Kit wondered if she'd still do that fake laugh even if she punched her in the face.
Ben only smiled and laughed awkwardly. "I'm not sure it's worth a whole coronation, it really just means I'm stepping up in my duties in my training to be king. But, it does come with one big proclamation, something I can do without my father or the council's permission."
"And you used it on us." Mal finished. The other four snorted.
Ben just smiled. "Exactly. I thought it is important to give the new generation a chance."
He led them through the school, before passing them off to someone named Doug, who made a point of staring at Evie.
He startled when Carlos cleared his throat. "Oh! Sorry. I'm Doug, my father is Dopey."
"Shouldn't he be shorter?" Kit joked under her breath.
Doug stiffened. "My mother is very tall!"
This only made them laugh.
Just before they were going out to find whatever museum Fairy Godmother's wand wa sin, there was a knock at Jay and Carlos's door. When Carlos answered it, it was revealed that their rather unwelcome visitor was Ben.
"Oh! There you all are. I was looking for the girls but since you guys weren't in your dorm I thought I'd try over here. Anyways, I wanted to give you guys these." He pulled five envelopes the color of cream out of his jacket pocket, and passed them out.
Hazel Hook, you are cordially invited to dine with Prince Ben, King Adam, and Queen Belle at their palace tomorrow night for dinner, promptly at six o'clock. Any attire is acceptable, we look forward to seeing you soon!
"It was my idea." Ben explained after they'd all finished reading. "I thought it might be a bit more welcoming to you guys than a pep rally, and my parents would love to meet you all."
Mal was nodding. "Sounds fun. We'll be there." Smiling all the while.
Kit cleared her throat. "My name isn't Hazel. It's Kit." Ben looked over.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. On the last census it said that your name was Hazel."
Kit crossed her arms. "Well, it's not. My name is Kit."
Ben nodded. "Got it. I'll make sure to pass it on, too."
"Great." Kit agreed.
Finally, finally, the nosy do gooder left. Time to pillage Auradon of it's greatest magical object.