Chapter 9

Snakes in the Lion's Den

Harry was startled awake by a sudden noise. His hand flew out and a spell hung on the tip of his tongue. The room was only lit by a low fire in the hearth. Slowly his mind caught up and he realized he was in Snape's sitting room.

The man himself appeared a moment later out of the small kitchen, a cup in his hands.

Harry felt his face heat. He hadn't meant to fall asleep on Snape's couch. Again.

"Good morning." Snape said quietly, walking further into the room and flicking his wand at the fire. Harry watched as the flames grew and cast long shadows across the room.

"Morning." Harry muttered as he pulled his legs from the couch and sat up.

He was suddenly aware that he wasn't wearing the clothing he'd fallen asleep in. His skin prickled uncomfortably. His stomach clenched and he glanced over at Snape, who had just taken a seat in his armchair.

Harry bit his lip and stared into the fire. He tried to force old memories of hands touching him away from his thoughts.

The longer he stared at the fire the more real the hands felt. His skin crawled and he didn't feel like he could take a full breath.

"Are you alright?" Snape said sometime later, pulling Harry from his thoughts.

He swallowed the bile in his throat. All right was not what he felt right now. He wished he could just leave. However, he felt shaky and wasn't sure if he could even stand, let alone run from Snapes sitting room. He felt frozen to his spot on the couch. His mind was screaming but his body felt unable to react.

"Harry?" Snape called softly.

Harry took a deep breath and turned to look at the man. He tried to hide the suspicion and disgust he was feeling.

The look on Snapes face said he wasn't doing a particularly good job at that though.

"Did um…Er…Where are…" Harry tried but his pounding heart and racing mind weren't allowing him to say what he wanted.

Severus set his cup of tea down and leaned forward. The room was dark, but Harry's face shown with the flicker of the fire. His shoulders were pulled up and his arms were wrapped around his stomach. The slight shine in Harry's eye told Severus the boy was holding back tears.

"Harry, what's going on?" Severus said calmly.

The blush on Harry's cheeks darkened before Severus' eyes.

"Where are my clothes?" Harry nearly whispered.

"The one's I fell asleep in." Harry rasped.

Severus' brows furrowed before he felt his stomach clench.

Harry thought he had changed his clothes; thought he had touched him while he was asleep. Severus hated the fearful look in Harry's eyes.

Pulling his wand, Severus waved it at the boy and undid the transfiguration.

"It was a temporary transfiguration." Severus said quietly.

Harry made a soft gasping noise that sounded like a suppressed sob.

"Harry look at me please." Severus called.

Harry turned teary green eyes to him.

"I would never hurt you. I know you don't like to be touched, and I wouldn't touch you when you were asleep. I took your glasses out of your hair. They're on the table there." Severus said quietly.

Harry took a deep breath and nodded.

"Sorry." Harry whispered.

Severus sighed and brushed his hair back from his face. It was still a tangled mess from sleep.

"I'm sorry I've upset you." Severus said quietly.

Harry shook his head and scrubbed at his face before putting his glasses back on.

"It's fine. I guess yesterday just had me on edge or…something." Harry trailed off before shaking his head.

Severus studied Harry for a moment.

"I know yesterday was stressful, did something specific happen? Something that would bring up these concerns?" Severus asked worriedly.

He knew that Draco had been with Harry for a while. His concern from earlier in the summer hadn't been alleviated. Draco was over the moon for Harry, but Harry still seemed clueless. He didn't want Draco to trigger Harry. He knew that Draco wouldn't do something on purpose but Harry was pretty adverse to any kind of affection. Draco doing something as stupid as trying to kiss him could possibly send Harry into a spiral.

Harry bit his lip and shrugged.

"It's nothing." Harry sighed.

Severus kept himself from rolling his eyes. He wished that Harry could be more forthcoming when something was bothering him.

"Clearly, it's nothing. That's why you're fidgeting and clenching your jaw. We talked about this Harry. We're here to help you. If something's bothering you, talking about it can help." Severus said.

Harry seemed to consider for a moment and nodded. He didn't raise his head as he began to speak.

"I…er…It's weird." Harry whispered.

Severus did roll his eyes this time.

"I know that your relatives have put some strange notion of 'normal' in your mind, but most people are 'weird'. I've been a teacher here for nearly your entire life. I've watched teens for all those years and none of them are normal. Whatever it is I'm sure it isn't as weird as you feel like it is." Severus said placatingly.

Harry snorted.

"I'm not normal." Harry said.

"Your hardly growing a second head." Severus drawled.

Harry laughed and Severus felt his heart lighten a little. It was so rare to see Harry laugh. The levity of the situation melted away a moment later.

"No, I suppose not. I just…I feel like…like a freak. Sometimes more than others." Harry sighed.

Severus lips pinched tightly.

"When Draco found me yesterday…I um was in the training room. I'd been working out and practicing. If I'm on my own, I practice in base form. I'm more comfortable like that." Harry started softly, as his hands pulled at the hem of his shirt.

Severus nodded. Harry had seemed more at ease any time he'd seen him in base form. He knew from personal experience how hard it was to wear a mask all the time.

"I was working hard and getting overheated…So, um...I took my shirt off. I didn't think anyone would see me." Harry whispered.

Severus nodded his understanding. Draco must have seen Harry's scars.

"I see." Severus said.

Harry sighed.

"I don't um…I don't let people see me like that…and then um…" Harry sighed before running his fingers through his hair, making it stand up all over.

"When Sirius and Remus found me on the pitch, they…um." Harry shook his head.

Severus waited patiently. Harry was obviously struggling, and he wanted to give him space to get it all out before he commented.

"They told me to go get showered and changed." Harry nearly whispered.

Severus brows pinched in confusion.

"I don't understand." Severus admitted.

Harry took a deep breath and seemed to be steadying himself.

"I haven't been in the locker room since my first quidditch practice, first year. I panicked after that first practice and…I just couldn't. I always shower in the dorm bathroom. I know it's pathetic." Harry said shaking his head.

Severus nodded his understanding.

"It's not pathetic Harry. Avoiding triggering situations is a way to protect yourself. Did you tell your parent's any of this?" Severus asked, though he was sure that Harry hadn't said anything.

Harry confirmed this with a quick shake of his head.

"I don't want them to…" Harry broke off and sighed.

"I don't want them to see what a freak I am. All the other players go shower after practice and games. It doesn't bother them." Harry said, wrapping his arms tighter around himself.

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

"Your parents don't see you as a freak, Harry. That doesn't mean you haven't been traumatized. Remus wants to help you work through those issues." Severus said.

Harry just shrugged.

"What did you tell them to stay out of the locker room?" Severus asked.

Harry bit his lip and shook his head.

"I just went in." Harry whispered.

Severus sighed.

"There are certainly situations where just pushing yourself is the right choice. I'm sure your Gryffindor bravery has pushed you past your fears before. This isn't like that though. Pushing yourself into a panic attack isn't going to help you. It's just going to reinforce that the situation is dangerous." Severus tried to explain.

Harry's shoulder shook.

"So, I'm never going to be normal." Harry said through tears.

Severus pinched the bridge of his nose. It was far too early for this conversation. He could already feel a headache coming on and he hadn't even had his first cup of coffee.

"That's not what I meant. Simply that you need to talk out your fears and understand them. I'm sure Remus will have a better understanding of how to go about that. You wouldn't be trying to face those fears alone or unprepared though." Severus explained calmly.

Harry wiped at his face and shrugged a little.

Severus considered these last few conversations that he and the boy had had.

"I know you've been struggling to speak with your parents. Can you tell me what makes it easier for you to speak with me?" Severus asked curiously.

He was starting to feel a bit like a translator between Harry and his guardians. Harry didn't seem to realize how much they wanted to help, and the mutts seemed to keep pushing all of Harry's buttons without realizing it.

Harry sighed.

"You hate me." Harry deadpanned.

Severus gave the boy a bewildered look. He certainly did not hate him. How could Harry still think that?

"Sorry. I…I guess what I mean is you always hated me. Or…well you didn't like me. This…" Harry broke off and waved his hand between them.

"It's new…if…well if it goes away. It's not a surprise, I guess." Harry mumbled.

Severus wasn't sure he fully understood but nodded, hoping Harry would continue.

"Sirius and Remus have been…I don't know, kind of inconsistent. And they've left me before. I know they love me, but I think I want it too much. I can't have them look at me like…like they hate me." Harry whispered.

Severus nodded.

"You've been consistent. Mean…but consistent. Then this summer…you've just been there for me." Harry said softly.

Severus considered all of that.

"I see." Severus said with a nod.

They sat quietly for a few minutes.

"I can see how that would scare you." Severus said quietly.

"I'm not scared." Harry huffed.

"I just…I don't want to be wrong." Harry said running his hands through his hair and standing.

"I should go." Harry said as he gathered his books.

"You may borrow those books of mine for your research." Severus said.

Harry smiled softly and nodded.

"Thank you." Harry whispered.

"Just remember it's not your job to solve everyone's problems Harry. Ms. Bell's injuries aren't your fault." Severus said.

Harry sighed and nodded as he slipped his books back in his bag.

"You need to floo to your parent's quarter's." Severus said, stopping Harry from heading to the door.

Harry sighed.

"Sorry for falling asleep on your couch again." Harry said quietly.

"You're always welcome here." Severus said firmly.

Harry gave him a half smile.

"Thank you." Harry mumbled.

"Um…if Draco says something…could you just…" Harry trailed off with a sigh.

Harry fidgeted uncomfortably from foot to foot.

"I assume you're concern is that he saw your scars." Severus said neutrally.

Harry blushed lightly and nodded.

"It's disgusting." Harry sneered.

Severus understood why Harry felt that way, but it was hard to hear him talk about himself like that.

"It shows your strength Harry not your weakness. You've faced a lot, but you've endured. You're still here and that takes a lot of strength." Severus said softly, standing from his chair.

Harry shrugged a little.

"Did Draco say anything?" Severus asked curiously. He thought Draco had enough tact not to say something hurtful but that didn't mean he hadn't commented.

Harry shook his head.

"No, but I could see it in his eyes. No one would…he won't…" Harry tried to say something before his voice cracked with emotions.

With a heavy sigh Harry seemed to deflate.

"Never mind." Harry said shaking his head.

Severus wondered what Harry specific concern was, but he didn't seem ready to talk about it. He wouldn't push the matter.

"I'm always here if you want to talk about anything." Severus said, leaving the conversation up to Harry to continue if he wanted.

Harry nodded before he shuffled his feet and headed to the floo.

"Thanks again." Harry said before dropping floo powder in the fireplace and disappearing in a woosh of green flames.


Remus paced the living room trying to gather his thoughts. Harry had left a note on the kitchen counter that he was back, which Remus appreciated since he'd returned before they'd been awake. However, it was noon now and Harry still hadn't come out of his room.

He was feeling anxious but didn't want Harry to feel uncomfortable here. They'd made mistakes with Harry at the cottage and Remus didn't want to repeat them.

Sirius had left for a head of house meeting and Remus knew he would be gone for a few hours.

Shaking his anxiety off he headed down the hall. He and Harry were scheduled to have daily sessions. Now would be a good time to do that.

Knocking on the door pushed it open slightly. Apparently, Harry hadn't closed it fully and Remus wondered if he'd left it open on purpose.

Harry sat on the floor with books all around him and parchment strewn over every available surface.

"Just a minute." Harry mumbled as he scribbled something out.

Remus leaned against the door and just watched in silence. Remus wondered what Harry was working on. At first, he'd assumed homework but there were books from just about every subject on the floor around him. Plus, several others that clearly weren't school related. He also had what looked to be several open journals.

Remus recognized writing in two of them. One was Severus', the man had had the same spidery scrawl the whole time Remus had known him. The other was Lily's. Remus wondered if it was something Harry had found in the vault.

With a sigh Harry laid down the quill and looked up at Remus from his place on the floor. There was a blankness to Harry's eyes that Remus recognized as Harry using full shields. He wondered if he'd already been occluding that hard before he'd come in.

"What are you working on?" Remus asked casually.

Harry bit his lip and looked around at the mess. Remus could see a blush climbing up Harry's face.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled as he began collecting his things.

"Harry it's your room. This is your space. Please use it any way you want to. I'd rather there wasn't moldy food in here or sock's so ripe we can smell them from the hall, but this is your space." Remus reassured.

Harry gave him an unsure look, but something seemed to change, and Harry's shoulders relaxed slightly.

Harry nodded and smiled slightly before looking down at his work.

"I'm working on a few things, actually. I ran into a snag in one project, so I decided I'd give it a break and work on something else and that sort of spiraled I suppose." Harry admitted, scrubbing his hand across his forehead.

Remus nodded.

"Sounds like you could use a break. Why don't you come have lunch with me." Remus suggested.

Harry bit his lip again before picking up his quill and writing something in the corner of a parchment before he nodded.

"Sure." Harry mumbled as he stood and stretched his back.

Remus nodded and headed down the hall to the kitchen.

He summoned a house elf and asked that he bring whatever was being served in the Great Hall before taking a seat at the table.

He was feeling slightly anxious about talking to Harry. For weeks now Harry had just shut him out and he'd really like to change that, but he was considering some alternatives if that didn't seem like it was going to happen. Harry had a lot of trauma to work out and if he couldn't do that with him then they needed to make other arrangements. Harry couldn't keep on like this.

The food appeared on the table about the same time Harry appeared in the doorway. He seemed hesitant but slowly made his way to the table and sat down.

They ate in near silence. Remus was just thankful to see Harry eating. He was still mostly picking at his meal but at least a few bites were being eaten. He didn't want to bring up Harry's eating again. He knew it was a sensitive subject, but it needed to improve.

"Remus…um…" Harry said breaking the silence.

Remus couldn't explain the relief he felt at hearing his own name. Harry had only referred to him as Professor for weeks now and while Remus had never corrected Harry or pushed him it had felt heartbreaking to be pushed away like that.

"Did um…Did you take a vow…Er when you became a mind healer? That you couldn't talk about what people tell you? Like in sessions or whatever?" Harry asked anxiously.

Remus sat up a little straighter before he nodded.

"Yes, it's part of getting certified." Remus answered.

Harry bit his lip and nodded.

"So, you um…you haven't been telling Sirius about what we talk about?" Harry asked.

Remus took a deep breath. This was important and he didn't want to blunder it somehow.

"No, Harry. What we talk about in session is just between you and I." Remus answered.

Harry nodded again and seemed to be considering something.

"What about when we were still at the cottage? Before you got certified? Did um…were you…" Harry broke off with a sigh.

"No, Harry. I haven't discussed anything with Sirius or anyone else that we have talked about in private." Remus answered.

Harry seemed to noticeably relax. He knew he had told Harry that he wouldn't talk to Sirius and wondered if they shouldn't have discussed it more.

"How does that make you feel?" Remus asked.

Harry's brows scrunched a little and he bit his lip. Eventually he shrugged.

"I er…I guess it makes me feel better. Knowing that you're not telling anyone anything." Harry said quietly.

Remus nodded but felt there was a 'but' hanging at the end of Harry's statement.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't clearer about that before." Remus said.

He wondered if things might have been different if he'd done a better job at reassuring Harry.

Harry shrugged.

"Is there something else?" Remus asked.

Harry sighed deeply and tilted his head a little like he was considering something. Sirius did the same thing.

"I'm not sure. I guess I just assumed Sirius knew everything too. I feel a little bad that he doesn't…but also relieved…I suppose the relief makes me feel guilty." Harry admitted, as he began twisting his hands in his lap.

Remus raised an eyebrow. This was more of an acknowledgment of Harry's feeling than he'd ever really gotten in session. At least since they'd been back.

"You don't need to feel guilty Harry. You're allowed that privacy. Mind healing is very personal and you are allowed to want to keep it that way. If you want to share something with Sirius, I know he would be happy to listen to you." Remus said firmly.

Harry nodded but he was biting his lip.

"Or if you would prefer, I can relay certain parts that you are comfortable with." Remus offered.

Harry looked up through his hair uncertainly. There was obvious trepidation there.

"It's up to you Harry. You have control in how all of this works. If Sirius knowing certain things is important to you, I can share those things. I won't break your trust and share more then you are willing to share." Remus said.

Harry took some slow deep breaths and finally nodded.

"I told you yesterday that I intend for us to start having daily conversations again for a while. I know that feels like a lot, but I think it will help." Remus said softly.

Harry nodded but didn't look up at him.

"If doing this with me feels uncomfortable, we can find another mind healer. I want you to know that is an option. I won't have any hard feelings. I just want to see you doing better. I'm happy to work with you but I know we have our own complicated relationship, and I don't want to make the mistake of thinking I know what's best." Remus explained.

He wanted to help Harry, but it wasn't about him, it was about Harry. Getting him help was more important than how he felt about it.

Harry seemed to consider that for a long moment. Perhaps weighing what he'd like to do. Remus tried to think of who he might reach out to if Harry did decide he'd rather see someone else.

"I haven't been very fair with you. I know you want to help. I guess I'm still afraid I'll say the wrong thing and you'll leave." Harry said just above a whisper.

Remus heart twisted painfully. He knew it was on them that Harry felt this way. They'd not been around the way that they should have.

"I'm sorry we haven't been here for you more Harry. I promise there is nothing you could say or do that would make me leave." Remus tried to reassure.

Harry still looked hesitant.

"We could try it. You give mind healing a real shot until Christmas hols and at that point we can reassess. If either of us feel like it's not helping you or what your telling me is too much for me to handle, then we will come up with a new plan?" Remus offered.

He didn't think Harry had given mind healing any real energy and he wouldn't feel any better if he didn't try. He also knew that Harry was really hurting right now and even if they could find another mind healer that might take a while. He hoped Harry would be willing to stick it out with him a little longer.

"All right." Harry agreed hesitantly.

Remus gave him a reassuring smile.

"I would like to make you as comfortable as possible with this process. I also think consistency is important. Where would you like our sessions to be? My office is the obvious choice but if you would prefer to do it here, we can or someplace else." Remus asked.

Harry seemed to consider for a moment.

"Your office." Harry finally answered.

Remus nodded. He thought it was probably the best choice as well. It was nice to have one place to talk about the heavy stuff.

"Shall we." Remus said standing from the table.

Harry sighed softly before standing from the table and following him out of their quarters.

Draco looked across the Great Hall. His mind kept flicking back to his time with Harry on Saturday. The patronus lesson and sword practice were amazing. Spending that time alone with Harry had felt special and he hoped that they could do it again.

"What are you looking for?" Teddy asked from beside him.

Draco blinked and turned to find half of his friends giving him questioning looks.

Shaking his head he looked back down at his half-eaten breakfast.

"Nothing. Just lost in thought I suppose." Draco shrugged it off.

Harry wasn't in the great hall. It didn't matter how long he stared at the table he just wasn't there. They both had transfiguration this morning and Draco hoped Harry would show up for class. He didn't know exactly what had happened this weekend, but Severus had seemed worried. He hoped that Harry hadn't had another vision. The Prophet had been strangely quiet this week. Something was coming. He was sure that he wasn't the only one who had noticed.

"Well, finish up. We're going to be late." Pansy said, standing from the table and collecting her bag.

Draco shook his head and followed. He'd lost any appetite he'd had.

Draco leaned against the wall outside the Transfiguration class. Harry had been in class, but he'd stayed after, and Draco wanted to talk to him. Harry had seemed fidgety during class. Though, Draco had tried to avoid staring at him too much. Hermione had caught him more than once.

When the door to the class opened, Draco was nearly bowled over by Harry rushing from the class.

"Shit." Harry cursed as he stumbled to keep his balance.

"Sorry." Draco said, Reaching out and catching Harry's arm to help him stay upright.

Harry looked up and smiled at him and Draco felt his heart skip a beat.

"What are you doing out here? We're going to be late." Harry said, as he began walking down the hall.

"I was waiting for you." Draco said, even as he felt his cheeks heat at the admission.

Harry shot him a confused look as he continued down the hall. Draco followed close behind.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to do more sword work today. After classes maybe. I think you were making some improvements but…I don't know…if you're interested, maybe." Draco rambled.

He felt like kicking himself for the unintelligent statement.

Harry turned and smiled at him and Draco felt like his insides were melting.

"I'd like that. I've got a lesson with McGonagall after classes today though." Harry said.

"Oh." Draco said feeling a little dejected.

"After dinner?" Draco asked as nonchalantly as he could.

He didn't want to sound desperate, though he could admit he was a little desperate to spend time with the other boy. Severus had seemed pretty confident that Harry wasn't dating George. While that shouldn't matter, it did to Draco. He had promised himself that he would be Harry's friend regardless of whether Harry was interested in more or not. However, the potential for more made him feel greedy for time with Harry.

"Erm…I've got a DA meeting." Harry said, shrugging his bag up on his shoulders.

"Sorry. I've kind of filled every minute of my week recently." Harry said. He did sound genuinely apologetic.

"You could come to the DA meeting." Harry said with a big smile as they exited the large front doors of the school and began making their way across the grounds.

Draco's stomach clenched at the thought of joining Harry's friends.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea." Draco mumbled.

Harry sent him another smile and Draco felt the warmth of it wash over him.

"I've been telling the DA that I want to unite the houses. They're all skeptical that I can do it. I want them to know we're friends." Harry said reassuringly.

Draco smiled softly back and nodded.

"Alright." Draco agreed.

"Brilliant. We're all just meeting in the training room after dinner tonight. Just come up when you're done. You can bring your friends to if you want. They are welcome to come but they need to get along. I don't want to break up fights. I got permission this year to keep the DA going but if we start hexing each other the professors might shut it down." Harry said, as they took the last few steps to join their classmates in front of Hagrid's hut.

Draco gave one last nod. He wasn't sure he would be able to convince the others but perhaps if he went tonight and things went well, he'd have better luck later.

Draco tried to talk the others into joining but they weren't ready. Draco was being sent as a scout, which was fine. Though he worried that Harry's friends would see him as a spy.

Draco had left the great hall before Harry and was now waiting on the seventh floor. He'd decided to hang back and wait for some others to show-up first.

He saw Ron and Hermione arrive first, quickly followed by several other Gryffindor's. Draco bit his lip anxiously. He could feel his palms sweating slightly. He really wanted this to work out. He and Harry had talked at the Burrow about training and uniting the houses and in theory it sounded great. In practice, however, it felt a lot more complicated.

He hadn't exactly done anything to build friendships outside of his own house. This could go very poorly, and he didn't think Harry had fully thought this out.

When he saw Harry approaching the door, Draco left the spot he'd been watching from.

"Hey." Draco called out.

He hoped that if he went in with Harry it would at least lower the tension, even if it couldn't all be dispelled.

Harry turned and grinned at him.

"Hey, thought you'd decided not to come. I waited by the great hall for you but when I realized you were gone, I figured you'd just gone down to the dungeons." Harry said, walking down the hall to meet Draco.

Draco felt his cheek's warm a little and his stomach twist happily. Harry had waited for him.

"No, just finished early. I was waiting…I'm not sure your friends will be very welcoming." Draco said.

Harry gave him another reassuring smile.

"I told a few that you were coming. I still don't think they believe me. Just be yourself. It'll go fine." Harry said lightly.

Draco took a deep breath and nodded.

Harry nodded to a few Ravenclaws walking by before he seemed to focus over Draco's shoulder.

"Friend of yours?" Harry asked, nodding down the hall behind Draco.

Draco's brows creased as he turned.

He didn't see anything for a moment, then a mop of curly brown hair disappeared.

"Quinn?" Draco said, taking a few steps closer as she darted back around the corner.

The little first year had become quickly attached. He didn't mind much but he hadn't expected to find her up here.

When he looked around the corner, he found the girl looking up at him with big eyes. She gave him a half smile before looking over at Harry who had obviously followed him.

"What are you doing up here?" Draco asked calmly.

Severus had privately told Draco that the injuries he'd seen weren't abuse but Draco wasn't convinced. The more time he spent with Quinn the more certain he was that there was something going on that wasn't right.

"Er, I heard you invite your friends up here. I just wanted to see what you were doing. Sorry." Quinn admitted.

Harry laughed and Draco sent him a glare.

"Were working on some defense practice. Do you want to join us?" Harry offered.

Quinn looked from Harry back to Draco. Draco nodded and Quinn quickly smiled.

"Yes, please." Quinn said with a bright smile.

"Brilliant. We've got the lower years working on tripping jinxes this week." Harry said with a smirk and turned to lead them back down the hall.

Draco sighed and shook his head.

When they entered the training room most eyes fell on them. Draco swallowed anxiously.

"All right." Harry said clapping his hands and stepping into the room.

Draco watched Harry's effortless leadership. Everyone immediately looked away from him and Quinn and watched Harry.

"First and second year will be focusing on tripping jinxes. Pillows are along the wall." Harry instructed.

In a fluid motion the youngest children separated from the older ones and began setting up. Draco had never even seen a defense class work that smoothly.

"Third and fourth years will be working on summoning. Remember start with something small if you are still getting the hang of it." Harry said.

There were nods and more of the students claimed another corner.

"The rest of you will be working on shields. We practiced a few last week. Partner up and take turns. Casting partners please don't cast anything above a stinging hex. We will strengthen our shields to protect against more aggressive attacks on Friday." Harry said with a final nod.

The rest split off before Harry, Ron and Hermione walked over to Draco.

Quickly Draco realized that Quinn was still glued to his side.

"I see you finally decided to show up. Harry said you were coming." Ron said with a smirk.

Draco took a deep breath and gave Ron a slight nod. They were still not really friends, but things no longer felt quite as tense. They'd also not really interacted since coming back to school.

"Are you proficient in the skills were working on?" Hermione asked.

Draco glanced around before nodding.

"Yeah, we worked together over the summer." Harry answered.

Hermione nodded.

"Alright, well I'm going to help the younger kids." Hermione said, before catching sight of Quinn.

"Hello." She said softly.

Draco looked down at Quinn who gave Hermione a skeptical look.

"Quinn this is Hermione Granger. Granger this is Quinn." Draco said managing the introductions.

There were some quiet hellos before Quinn reluctantly left Draco's side. Ron headed over to help with summoning charms which left Harry and Draco standing alone.

Draco looked up and met Harry's eyes. Harry blushed slightly and looked away.

Draco found Harry's blush very endearing. Harry shot him a mischievous smile before heading towards the group practicing shields and Draco followed.

Draco walked amongst his peers helping Harry correct wand movements and being used as an example of how to stand. It was shocking to realize how unprepared many of them would be in battle. He knew they'd had rubbish for defense teachers but to see it in practice was horrifying. Maybe Harry was on to something with his idea of arming them with swords.

As the night began to get late Harry finally called an end to the meeting. Instructing them the next meeting would be held on Friday.

Draco was surprised that some of his peers took his advice while he'd been helping Harry, he'd even gotten a few thank you's.

There were nods and smiles as the students all filed out. Draco was happy to see Quinn had even found a new friend. His heart gave a painful tug when he realized it was the second year Hufflepuff he had saved from the manor. The boy met his eye and gave him a nod.

Draco felt a little panic climb into his chest before he nodded back.

Part of him wanted to call out to Quinn and have her wait so that he could walk her back to the dorm, but he also wanted time to talk to Harry.

Finally, he decided to just let her go. He watched as Quinn left with the Hufflepuff.

When the room was empty except for them, Draco turned to Harry.

"You should become a teacher." Draco said honestly.

Harry snorted.

"No." Harry said shaking his head, before taking a seat on the floor and leaning against the wall.

"Why not? You're good at it." Draco said, settling on the floor next to Harry.

"It's exhausting. I don't know how the professors do it all day. For years. I'd lose my mind." Harry said with a slight laugh.

Draco shrugged.

"Still, you are really good with them." Draco said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes for a moment.

Today had been long. He was thankful that this had gone well but he knew he still had homework to finish afterwords.

They sat quietly for a few minutes, just enjoying the peace and quiet. It was such a stark contrast to the noise that had filled the room for the last two hours.

"I should probably head back to the common room. I've got to put some work on the potion's essay. Severus is going to bury us in work this year." Draco groaned as he sat forward.

Looking over at Harry, Draco saw that he was staring blankly out at the room.

"Can I walk you back to the tower?" Draco offered. He wasn't quite ready to let go of this time with Harry even if he had other responsibilities.

Harry's cheeks pinked but not in the way that normally did when he was being shy. It was the uncomfortable blush that took over his face and spread down his neck when he was embarrassed.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked worriedly.

Harry sighed.

"I'm not staying in the tower." Harry all but whispered.

Draco's brows creased in concern as he watched Harry.

"What do you mean? Where are you staying?" Draco asked.

There was a few minutes of silence and Draco could feel his stomach twisting in anxiety. He really did think something had happened this weekend.

With a deep sigh Harry turned and looked at Draco. He felt his breath catch at the slightly broken look in Harry's eyes.

Harry glanced away before he spoke.

"I went to Snape in the middle of the night on Friday…or I guess Saturday morning. I wasn't okay." Harry admitted hoarsely.

Draco took a deep breath to steady himself.

"What do you mean by not okay?" Draco asked as calmly as he could.

Harry bit his lip.

"I was feeling overwhelmed. I…I thought I might hurt myself." Harry answered quietly.

Draco nodded and looked out into the room. He supposed that's why everyone was so worked up on Saturday when they couldn't find Harry.

"Are you still feeling that way?" Draco asked quietly.

Harry shrugged before he pulled himself to his feet.

"I'll be fine." Harry muttered.

Draco wasn't so sure about that.

"I'm here if you want to talk…or if you need anything." Draco said as he also stood.

Harry gave him a tight-lipped smile and nodded.

"Thanks Draco." Harry said as he headed towards the door.

"So where are you staying?" Draco asked as they stepped into the hall.

"With Sirius and Remus for a while." Harry said quietly as they stood awkwardly in front of the vanishing door.

"Would you like me to walk you there?" Draco asked, knowing that Harry was feeling this way raised his anxiety. He didn't want Harry to be alone right now.

Harry shrugged and began heading to the stairs. Draco kept pace with him, and they slowly descended from the seventh floor, down to the third. Draco didn't want to follow Harry or make him uncomfortable. However, He would rather make Harry slightly uncomfortable then leave him alone.

Harry stopped near a portrait.

"I told the other's I wasn't staying in the tower because I was training." Harry said softly.

Draco nodded. It was a statement, but he heard the unasked request. He would keep Harry's secret.

"I'm glad they know. I know I've already apologized but I want to again. I'm sorry about what I said to you after you removed my friends' marks. I do worry about you. I…I care about you. Even if the others don't know, I do know what happened this summer. I'm here, if you want to talk, or just hang out. I'm sorry I haven't been around." Draco said, trying to catch Harry's eye.

A small smile creased the corner of his mouth, but Harry looked exhausted.

"Thank you." Harry said softly.

"Any time." Draco said with a smile.

Harry nodded in a resigned way.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Harry said, turning to the portrait and whispering the password.

Draco watched Harry disappear and wished he could reach out to him and pull him into a hug.

With a sigh and a shake of his head he turned and headed towards the dungeon.

When he made it to the common room, he was glad to see Quinn had made it back. She was sitting alone by the fire with a book in her lap. He let his eyes scan the room and quickly found his friends. He wanted to let them know the meeting had gone well. Despite their misgivings about the other houses, they really needed to put in some effort to try and work with them.

Their goal of neutrality had mostly worked. There had still been several fights amongst Slytherin's and other students, but they had stuck to the plan of not engaging and that had mostly worked. They had quietly told there snake buddies to do the same.

"How did it go in the lion's den?" Pansy asked, sitting up from where she had been resting on Millie's shoulder.

"Let's go up to the dorm." Draco said quietly, when he noticed a pair of seventh year boys glaring at him from another table. He felt a chill run down his spine. So far none of them had been able to reach out to the older students. Other than Blaise none of them had had much interaction with the year above them. Blaise had tried to talk to one boy he'd been fooling around with last year and had gotten a black eye for his efforts.

Draco wasn't sure there was much they could do. He wished Severus or the headmaster would just kick them out of the school. All they did was glare at them. There had yet to be any action that would lead to expulsion, but Draco knew what their orders were. He knew that he was in danger. His friends were as well if they were found out. So far, the news of their marks being removed hadn't spread, but it was only a matter of time.

Draco sat heavily on the end of his bed and watched as his friends filled the room. The dorm wasn't really big enough for so many students, but they'd been doing this since their first year.

Once everyone was seated on a bed or trunk and looking at him, Draco began.

"The meeting went really well. I wasn't sure that I would be welcomed but it wasn't anything like I thought it would be. Quinn followed me up…" Draco started when he heard a snicker from beside him.

He bumped shoulders with Teddy and shook his head.

He caught the laughs from a few of the others. They'd been teasing him about the little first year that had attached herself to him.

"Anyhow…. She was allowed in, no questions asked. Harrys got everyone divided into groups learning different things. I think we could all learn something up there. He wants us to all be on the same side but he's not willing to risk the group for house squabbles." Draco explained.

There were some nods but none of them looked very sure.

"Listen, I don't want to be involved in this war either. Do you really think we're going to get a choice?" Draco growled.

"I know you're right but some of us are at more of a risk than others." Pansy said quietly.

Draco sighed. He knew that Pansy was afraid. He'd talked to her a few times and learned that she and Millie would be sold to other death eater's if they weren't able to complete their tasks.

Draco swallowed thickly.

"I think if you start coming to meetings, Harry will find a way to keep you both safe." Draco said with more conviction then he felt.

There were skeptical looks all around but eventually they nodded.

"When's the next meeting?" Blaise asked.

"Friday after dinner." Draco said.

Once again there were nods but none of them looked convinced that this was a good idea. He hoped he wasn't making a mistake. He had been welcomed but would more of the Slytherin's be. He could only hope.

Harry closed the door to Sirius and Remus' quarters and leaned against it heavily. His whole body felt heavy. He didn't know why Draco had suddenly decided to come back into his life, but it was wonderful…and making him miserable.

Harry groaned and ran his hand through his hair before stepping into the sitting room. He quickly realized Sirius and Remus were both sitting on the couch staring at him. His cheeks heated and he looked away from them.

"How was your practice?" Sirius asked.

Harry pulled his shields a little tighter and nodded. He'd had to tell them where he was going and hated it. He didn't want to have to tell them everything he did. He knew they were worried, but he wasn't going to throw himself off the astronomy tower.

That thought felt like a punch as a memory flickered into his mind.

Remus sat on the edge crying.

Harry gasped. He'd slowly realized he had more of Remus' memories then he'd realized after having gone into his mind over the summer. He'd started noticing this when they'd been having their 'family meetings' at the cottage. Remus would answer a question, and Harry would realize he knew the answer.

Harry looked sadly at Remus.

Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Are you all right?" Remus asked worriedly.

Harry bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself calm and nodded mutely.

He felt like he kind of understood Remus' drive to help him now. Blowing out a slow breath he stepped around the seating in the sitting room and headed for the hall.

"Harry?" Sirius called.

Harry looked over his shoulder.

"You can talk to us." Sirius said.

Harry gave them a tight smile and nodded before he disappeared down the hall. His wall felt like it was cracking under the weight of Draco and his revelation about Remus. Closing his door, he let his shield down and before the first tear could fall, he shifted into Akela.

He curled his body up in a dark corner and whimpered.

Today had been too long and too emotional. He hoped sleep would come to him soon.