She wanted to be free. She was supposed to be free. But when he came back, she was put down once again. But this time, she was not weak, she was stronger, and her wolf will help her to freedom.
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Twilight. The pairing is Seth/Bella. Kinda Cullen Bashing, but we're not counting Jasper in it because to me, he's a Whitlock, and Whitlocks are awesome that way, i love Peter, especially him, and Char. Anyway, enjoy! ;)
Chapter 1
It all started on that night in Port Angeles. When three or so men chased after her and he 'saved' her.
So forceful and controlling and-
It all started when Jess and Angela practically left her to die. And not metaphorically, in all literal sense of the word 'death'. But she didn't blame them, he 'convinced' them to let her 'have dinner with him'.
Isabella had always noticed details. She was an expert at spotting the smallest problem, she grew up doing it. Because she always need to walk with hr tippy toes around Renée, trying to keep her happy and not set things a mess.
So, she did notice it when he got closer. When he started to breath of her face. And when they all started to do the same thing. She should have throw herself away from them when she noticed it was too weird already. But she was in too deep, too late. And he was too close to her.
The stalking her in her sleep didn't help her situation to get out. Gosh- they were... everywhere. No one understand her enough to notice the sign of her asking for she blamed it on Renée for being such an airhead that her own daughter had to take care of her. She often wondered if she was the one who gave birth to that girl- because admittedly, Renée barely acted like a woman despite her age.
Her only chance to get out of it was when they left her. Yet, she didn't anticipate the long effect of their presence in her life. It would've taken her a few years before she could be free from- from herself! She wanted to cry, but all tears were gone with this 'girl' that took her place, the girl that they molded; it was never her, never Isabella, that Bella girl took her body, the robber.
But when she found the wolves, she also found out that with their continuous presence in her life, the effect were disappearing faster, and she was able to put ideas in Bella.
Those are the doubts. Doubts of Edward really 'loving' her. Doubts of the Cullen's being really 'kind' and 'good' vampires. Were they really her 'family'? Did they really care? And other 'poisonous' thoughts. And that the pack were their real family, because they feel 'right'. Isabella really like them, too.
Their presence help her and it keep her near the surface, enough that she can walk astral and have more control than normal human could have with their mind. And she also found the 'shield' that had been protecting her from Edward's mind reading, she trained it so it could be so much stronger and she was almost able to block any vampire's 'gift'.
Other than that, she also managed to talk with many deceased people, who call themselves 'the spirits'. And they taught her many things, it give her a strenght, one she will not expect from normal human if it weren't her own power.
Isabella can't do it out of the spirit world, though. Not until she got her body back.
But her way to fast recovery ended when Bella stupidly jumped off a cliff to cliff dive while a storm were brewing and the red head who hunted her down were also in that water. Alice came.
That's the problem. She was almost there. almost there. She was almost free!
But noooooooo. Bella had to be 'the martyr' and they had to reenact 'Romeo and Juliet' and she goes to Italy to 'save' Edward. She screamed for hours that even Bella was affected with a light headache by it.
By the end of it all, she was finished. Dead set on ending this shit.
Can i kill Bella? No, Can i kill Edward? That little ferret(no offence, Draco) was dead if she ever manage to get out of this thing. If she managed to gain her place back if they really did change her.
They were back now. Acting like nothing really happened, and it was overwhelming Bella and annoyed Isabella.
The pack didn't want anything to do with her, and she didn't like that. Not that she blamed them for being upset, but Isabella didn't like that they blamed her for 'choosing' Edward. They never noticed her struggle anyway, so she didn't stay mad at them for too long.
Now that Victoria was gone, Edward and Bella was about to get married. Yey~
Anyway, Isabella had been trying hard to whisper in Bella's ears that she need to go to La Push. And also whispering in Charlie's ear to stop the damn wedding, or get his daughter to La Push.
In the end, her effort finally made fruits. Charlie out-authorized Edward's command and Bella was to be in La Push, away from the Cullens. And Bella agreed because she 'wanted to see Jake for the last time before she get turned'. She didn't hold back the evil cackle, and the spirits were in this plan, too. They were going to help her get her control back, no comas.
Oh Isabella can't wait for it.
Billy noticed that there was something odd about Bella the moment she stepped in his house. Charlie's worried look didn't help his own.
Bella looked like she lacked sleep. She looked around and jumped as if something took her spooked her. She was jittery, as if she was just getting off drugs and didn't take her medicine. When Jake hugged her, she tensed in his arms. What was wrong with his goddaughter?
Jake also notice this, but no one mentioned it to her. When Jake and Bella was gone, Billy asked what happened with Bella.
Charlie confessed that he bring her here out of whims and also because it feels like something was telling him to get her here, away from the Cullens. And Billy can't help but wonder if something else was going on.
But nothing else happened, and he thought that Bella was fine, nothing to be worried about but the fact that she was going to die in a few days or weeks.
That's what he thought, until he heard an ear-splitting scream in the middle of the night.
Fontina Ori-chan: Done now. I actually want to continue, but think twice about it, and here it is. Anyway, there was actually a fic where i continued it, so i'll also upload it if you guys like this one. See you guys later :)