Fontina Ori-chan: Here is Chapter 4. Also, i was kinda confused writing this one, but finally able to wrote it down. Here is your beloved. Hope you enjoy it.
MMTyler: Okay, Boss. Got it. Expect it done in two or so days.
Chapter 4
Warning: Gore/NSFW, you might want to skip this part because i'm going to be a little detailist and Isabella is playing the Butcher.
p.s, There's some mild smut. This chapter is rated M.
"NO! nononon- URGH!" black tears streamed down her cheek, and couldn't understand why that was, never will know why that was as Isabella cut thig open. "P-please- please stop!"
Isabella didn't say anything, instead, she move her attention elsewhere, manouvering the machete in her hand, she changed it's position, her intention clear and Bella screamed at her to stop. But she didn't as she cut Bella's left leg off, separating it from her body.
"S-stoOp, please.. it hurts.." Bella sobbed.
"Tell that to your master, he'd done this to me, well, not to the point i got my leg cut off-" Isabella kicked off the separated limb "-but you get some idea, right?" Bella was still begging her to stop.
But Isabella was not done. No. She move on to the other leg, flaying the skin on the pet's foot, the palm of her right foot to the back of it. And relishes in the screams and pleas. She peel off the nails on the toes, one by one, ever so slowly. Then she break the toes, until all Bella feels were pain. Once that done, she flayed the thig and then cut off the leg.
Bella was choking on her black tears now. Isabella hummed emotionlessly. "He always done this to me, you know? except he didn't cut off my leg. He only put his venom on top of the wounds so they won't bleed off. Oh, he was soooo happy. Very.. very happy. He never planned to stop either. He was going to keep you human. And feed on you sooo slowly, torture you, and everything. And i will put you off that fate, just after i'm done with you."
With that, she move on to Bella's left arm. Flaying her skin, peeling her nails, then cut off her arm. Humming as she moved to the other arm, ignoring the pleas for her to stop. After she cut off the other arm, she move to the stomach. Flaying the skin, from the stomach to her back, to her throat. And finally...
"I think i'm done. Oh, wait. This is the least painful cut." She harshly grabbed Bella's hair, the pet was numb by now, but she still yelped when she did that. "we need to give us a hair cut, this hair is too long." swiftly, she cut off the hair and Bella fall to the ground with a heavy thud, moaning at the pain that gave her. "Cool. It's time."
"A..are...u...going...t'" Isabella hummed.
"i've dragged this too long. I guess i should say 'i'm sorry' but i'm not going to." Bella glared as Isabella picked her up and put her back on the chair.
"'" Isabella snorted.
"Sometimes, we just gotta be more than our torturer. But hey, at least i am killing you by the end of this." Her dark humor was very present a that moment, she chuckled to herself before pulling the machete on top of Bella's throat and Bella was silent the entire time, and in a show of skill, Isabella cut her head with one chop.
She quickly burned it and collect the pet's dust in a jar. A pop told her that someone just entered her mind through the door she left open. And when she turned around, she saw her wolves. Isabella smiled brightly at them both, before letting the jar out of her mind and she can feel one of the spirits take it to secure it somewhere safe and sealed.
Her wolf barked and ran to her, she let herself fall when he got to her. She laughed as he licked her face and snuggled into her neck, breast, stomach, and center. Her man joined them and kissed her cheek before he kissed her neck and left a trail behind his ministration. Those things made her moan from pleasure.
But they need to stop now. They need food, like real food. "Sto- oohhh- op guys! Oh god- guys! Guys hea ah- me ouUuuhh" They didn't stop, gosh. She decided to hit them lightly, the wolf first then the man, Seth finally stopped with a pout and badly hidden laugh. She glared at them, "no cookies for you for a week." she heard his dramatic gasps, from both wolf and man.
"How could you, Isa!" He mock-accused her, and the wolf make a weirdly human agreeing sound. It reminded her of many things, which was scooby doo.
"Well- i'm also horny, but we need food and a world to face soon. So i'd rather not do this here. After we dealt with everyone else, we get a cabin deep in the woods and mate for days, how about that? I'll even let wolf do it, in wolf form." Both wolf and man spirits look at her as if she just grew a second head. But hey- who are they(you) to judge for a girl with a beastility kink? (A/N: here's a secret, i like some twisted smut like that)
But after a few seconds, the wolf bounced on her again, this time she didn't fall and he was just licking her to thank her for whatever reason it was- she know what it was and she let him.
Once he calmed down, the man came up to her and pull her in a deep- passionate kiss. Tongue got involved and there were some grinding before the wolf interrupted and barked accusingly at the man, who rolled his eyes. Isabella just giggled.
"Come on, dear mate, let's face the world. Remember to apologize to Charlie, though. You kind of did stole his little girl." she snickered at his terrified face.
"He'll shot me!"
"Not before Jake pounce on you." she teased.
Seth huffed, "I can deal with Jake. Gun shot? i don't want to deal with that." Isabella patted his arm and his wolf head.
"Nothing will happen to you, not on my watch. And- we stick together, okay?" He nodded, trusting her in a matter of seconds. He knew well that Isabella can protect herself, but when they're together, they could be a deadly opponent to face for anyone who tried to do something that stupid.
They ready themselves for what will come, and left her mind.
It had been three days since Seth passed out beside Bella, who also passed out. They had taken them to the Black's house and lay them in Rachel and Rebecca's room. They also slept in one bed.
At first, Charlie was against it, but when they showed him how it affected them when they both were separated made him let them sleep in one bed together.
After that, Old Quil, Harry, Sam, and Billy take him aside and told him everything, Sam even showed him his black wolf and boy were they enormous. It didn't take long for Charlie to piece it together that the Cullens were 'Cold Ones' or vampires. And he was angry by the fact that his daughter had been dating one! When he asked, they told him that she was willing, well, everyone bar Old Quil who seemed to know something they don't.
Now, he tried to be calm. And think on everything that had happened to them all.
All started when Bella graduated, no it all started when his daughter comes home. Not tha it effected him that much, but he did notice his daughter acting like a drug addict, but he checked her bedroom for any stash and found nothing there. Then the Cullen boy dumped her in the woods, and she acted like she was having a withdrawal. The worst of withdrawal cases that Charlie almost thought she was going to die.
Tha scared him. And when She went missing for the third time when she lived under his roof, he can't help but be angry. Especially when she take that boy back, she shouldn't have. And then- then when the went to the res (because the Cullens never went there) she was having another sign of withdrawals, but this time was mixed with something else entirely, it was like looking at someone who was being hunted, always looking over her back, waiting as if she was waiting for something to attack her.
And then- the first night it happened again. Only this time, she ran to the forest and the rest of the house followed, Jacob made it to her first along with some of his friends. But something happened when she suddenly slipped off Jacob's arms to a small clearing floor, and then, as if something pushed him and his friends, no one could physically get to her.
Something else happened when Seth Clearwater also became unapproachable like Bella and he looked like he was having conversation with someone and then he walked to his daughter and then knocked her up. The wall thing was gone, but Seth's eyes and growls keep anyone from getting near bar Old Quil.
Charlie didn't know what the shaman did, but after he made some weird symbols on his daughter and Seth's faces, everything went wild. Words hard to decipher came out of Seth's mouth and black liquids were coming out of his daughter's body. Then, Seth suddenly collapsed and Old Quil told the boys to take them to the Black. Sam were the one that carried Bella while Seth was carried by Leah. Quil III won't let Jacob to touch Bella, not even after three days.
And after they were lays beside each other in the Twin's bedroom, Old Quil finally told him everything about the supernatural, he didn't tell him what happened to his daughter or Seth, only saying that it was not his place to tell.
And after three days of worrying and frustation, they woke up.
Fontina Ori-chan: Call me cruel. I was really confused with this one, but i like it enough. Next chapter is... idk. Let's read more and i will write more (hopefully). #FtP is on the way.