Jared imprinted! Problem is? He imprinted on a cat! Laugh all you want, wait until she got you with her pretty lips cussing you out and claws on your face. Don't mistake small for weakness. *cue the smug face*
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Twilight. This idea had been in my mind since a year ago. I'm just confused where to go or how would they meet. And yes, this is a Bella/Jared pairing, NOT OC/Jared. Hope you like it:) Because i'm liking this more and more.
Chapter 1
Bella can't believe her luck! It had been an accident. Really. But somehow she was here, without a way out of this situation. Or at least she doesn't know how to get out of it.
This is what happened; Edward broke up with her, and when she tried to follow him, she got lost. She was lost, in the middle of the woods. And damn if it wasn't scary! Worse, it started to get dark, and suddenly, she was so overwhelmed by emotions, anger and sadness, scared to death, the need to survive in a forest at dark-
The next thing she know, she was shrinking and was covered by her clothes; which was too big. But she realized that the cold din't effct her much anymore, it still didn't help the cold, but it was better. The next thing she realized was that she was standing on all four and she had paws! When she screeched, she realized another thing; she had a tail.
And Bella is smart, she is, even an idiot wll know that HUMANs don't grow tails.
The last thing she noticed was the furs and the fact that she can't pronounce English; instead she was mewling and hissing and sounded too much like an animal.
She decided to get out of her pile of clothes, thinking she won't need them if she was too small and furry to wear it.
After getting out, she realized that her senses were enhanced, and her eyesight were much different than when she was human; yes, she was admitting she wasn't human anymore, not with the furs and tail. Speaking of them, they're everywhere. And then her smelling sensor were also much more sharper, she can smell things for miles, and she can also smell herself and- goddamn; what the fuck is that smell? she wondered.
There was another smell other than her own, it was smelling closer to a sickly sweet smell of a corpse mixed with bleach and expired milk and expired bread and- yeah, you got it? It's Awful. Big capital A.
Bella decided that she'll just go some other way and avoid that Awful smell. She also wisely covered her clothes in mud, just a incase someone got the wrong idea that she was dead- she's not. She was going to find a way to turn back human and get home.
Grumbling all the way to wherever she was going, avoiding the sickly sweet smell thing, covered her clothes with mud and leaves and thing whatever. And it was getting late, too. Bella wondered if she will even be able to get home.
Hopefully, she will get home.
Where the fuck is that leech lover?! Paul shouted in the pack mind. And his brothers agreed with him silently.
They had been searching for her for days. Yet, somehow, Bella Swan was nowhere to be found. And the pour didn't help with th search, either, it was washing away the girl's scent and it was hard without it, their noses could do so much, after all.
Jared sniffed again, and found nothing new, except- hey! I got something! He followed the trail. It was a faint scent of coffee and strawberry; weird combination but he's not judging. There was also a very faint scent of a leech latching on it, too.
His pack brothers waited for his find while approaching his spot. And it didn't take Jared long to find it.
He quickly phased back into human and didn't bother putting his shorts back on as he picked a- definitely- pair of female clothes. It was covered in mud and the scent was faint, but it was the same one as the one he found before.
He inspected the clothes and smell it again, and he picked a new scent. It wasn't a leech, but it was a new one; female, feline, wild flowers and morning after coffee. Mate.
He shaked his head. What was that? His answer were his wolf's rumble and anxiousness. Jared decided to ignore that for now. He need to find the Swan girl.
He phased back into a wolf, his pack brothers wanting to know his find. That's her clothes, but i got nothing more on her. Except- His wolf rumbled Mate.
He could feel their odd looks sent at him, but he was more conflicted now. I got a new scent, i'll follow it and see what i find.
Alright, you go Jared. I'll look for her near the Cullen's, Paul, you go south the Swan house again. With that, they go their own way.
Jared followed the new scent, his wolf was as impatient as him to find the end of this scent, just different expectations.
She had been a cat for days. Yeah, she found out she was a cat. And had taken the advantage of her new body to climb the trees, find her way out of this damned forest, but she was sure that she just walked in deeper. She could try to follow the Awful smell, which she started to think were probably the Cullens smell, she guessed that it was since she figured this was their... teritorry.
Bella had been doing everything she can to survive, accepting that she was now a cat, she can also eat something cats eat. She should since it was her cat body, different from a human. She managed to eat squirrels and small fishes- that one she found a pond where there were fishes and she also drank from there.
She can't believe this is what her life had turned out to be. A cat. How did she turned into one was a mistery, but she just accepted it for now. No use in denying it- she'll only make things difficult for herself.
So, Bella took her newself in stride. She tries to find a way to make herself human, every single time, it just didn't work. But she was enjoying her life as a cat, as well. At least as a forest cat. It was somwhat... freeing. She could do anything without anyone to judge her here.
Well, until today, she was alone.
Bella was eating her new catch, a fish from the pond, when her nose catch something. It was the smell of predator, one she had never came across in her days as a cat.
She quickly finished her food before climbing up the trees to avoid predators. She watched as a- is that a Giant WOLF?
The wolf were brown in color and he were searching for something. He keep sniffing the ground like a search dog. And when he sniffed where she had been eating, she knew instantly that he was searching for her. Bella made an effort to hide herself in the trees, put of his sight. And watched again as he picked her smell up to the tree she was hiding herself in.
He barked at the tree, where he knew she was hiding in. Then he surprised her; by turning into a freaking human! What the fuck. She thought.
"I know you're there! Come out, i'm not going to hurt you!" He was naked, but Bella was now more shameless, being an animal and naked for days did that to you. So, she didn't think much on it, but still.
He's a predator. A wolf. Cat and dog don't mix! But- damn. He smell nice. Soo nice that she wanted to pounce on him and- get a grip, Bella! He's a predator. But he was also human, she could ask him how to turn back into a human.
So, without preparing anything, she came out of her hiding spot and look down at her place from the tree at him. He was also looking at her; their eyes meet and things didn't go as planned.
Not that they planned anything.
Fontina Ori-chan: Here, a new story. Damn me for doing this shit. Anyway, don't worry about the other stories, i'm going to update them anyway... Just dragging it out.