Fontina Ori-chan: Here is chapter 2 of Cat and Dogs. This is actually funny, unless you guys have a weird sense of humor or something. Or is it me? Because Jared just imprinted on a freaking cat! If you don't know that she was also a shifter, you would find it funny, too.

Chapter 2

What the fuck. His world just got flipped. And it seems like the spirits were trying to make a joke or something.

Jared were still staring at the little creamy furry thing that he had imprinted on even after more than ten minutes. And he was still processing it all. Like; What was the spirits thinking?! Did they think that he was a joke or something? His match was a damn cat!

It was before it turned into a fifteen minutes staring contest that the little thing jumped from the tree- actually jumped and landed on his face; butt first. Ain't cats supposed to be all on four legs?

He grabbed the creamy cat and put her in his arms instead; his wolf had been going crazy since he imprinted on the cat. The cat immediately relaxed in his arms, all nuzzling and scenting him. He checked if she was alright from that jump, and she was, good.

Once he was done checking, the cream cat jumped onto his shoulders and started nuzzling his cheeks and licking his face. Jared got a feeling that she was claiming him in a way, and his wolf was purring, he realized next that both he and the cat were purring.

He decided that it was enough and put the white cat back on the ground. The cat waited for him, he half expected her to pounce on him, but she didn't and just stare up at him. Jared decided to phase back in.

Hey bro, got anything? Paul asked, and Jared's mind went back to how he found the owner of that scent and imprinted on her. It took Paul and Sam exactly ten seconds to realize he imprinted on a fucking cat.

Paul didn't try to hide his opinion on Jared's predicament. And Jared was about to shut him up when the white cat bumped her head on his front legs, his wolf nudged her with his muzzle and the cat licked it. He really felt funny when he licked her back, but decided that his wolf was going to have all the fun anyway.

The cat- let's call her Kitty for now- jumped on his head and made her seat on his back, just right behind the neck. She made herself comfortable and was definitely enjoying her stay there, probably new favorite spot.

Jared couldn't help but sigh, ignoring Paul and try to check for Bella's scent, no luck. I think i'm done for today, Sam.

Yeah, let's stop it for today here. Paul, you got patrol duty. Sam said, effectively shutting Paul up and made him protest. Just do one round then go home. And Jared, i... guess that congratulations are in order...

Just don't Sam. I already need a lot of time to think about my life choices. Jared didn't say anything more and started to run to his home. He didn't forget his little passenger, who were clearly enjoying her time on his back.

It didn't take long for him to made it home, and it was like Kitty understand he needed to phase back human; she jumped off him and waited patiently, it feels like she was watching him, like how you would watch your parents do things and follow their examples.

He quickly phase back, put his shorts on and she was back on his shoulders in seconds. He sighed, but smiled and scratched her chin. Then he walked to the back door of his house.

Kitty didn't say anything when he opened the door, just staying on his shoulder and looking around, scrunching her nose at how dirty it looked, not that Jared notice that one.

"Alright, Kitty. This is my house, make yourself at home while i go shower." He really didn't get why he was talking with her as if she'd understand, she was a wildcat that probably lived all her life in that forest, but to his surprise, she just licked his cheek and jumped on the kitchen counter, seemingly to inspect things. She looked busy enough, so he just go upstairs and showered.

When he was about to go down, Kitty was already curled on his bed, closing her eyes, but she was dirty and it made his sheets dirty. He sighed and picked her up, taking her by surprise, but she didn't fight him, making his job easier.

He decided that she also needed a bath, and that's exactly what he did. He bathed her, making sure she was clean, and realized half way that Kitty weren't exactly cream-furred cat, but pure white cat.

The cat didn't even fight him when he bathed her, but she still flinched and watched him while he rubbed her furs. When he dried her, she looked disturbed by how wet she was and he just couldn't help but laugh. Laugh at how adorable she actually is. Laugh at his own situation. Laugh at the fact that he practically imprinted on an animal.

He then feel her again, she was warping her front paws around his stomach; was she 'hugging' him? Jared hugged her, she was his source of comfort now, and he feels calm with her in his arms, close to him. Even though she was a cat, he decided that this imprint wouldn't be so bad.

He fell asleep with her not long after.

Bella can't help but cuddle the wolf. He was her wolf, now. She know. It was instinct.

The old her would be confused and denying things, thinking that- things wouldn't be so simple. But it was. She was a new kind of Bella now, a werecat or whatever, she was someone who turned into a damn cat, and if tha wasn't enough, maybe being with this wolf-man or werewolf were one those things she had to consider herself now.

She wondered what it would take her to turn back human. All this time, she was focused on other things, except exactly what she wanted to be; human. So maybe...

Bella closed her eyes, relaxing herself in her wolf's arms, and think of her life. Thinking what would really made her human. Her wolf, no. Cooking, yes. Cooking, her dad, her mom, reading books.

Her body started to shift again, she could feel it, and it was painful, but she can take it. She let it happen, and there. She was back human. Yes! But all of that shifting was trying her, so she decided to snuggle closer to her wolf and let sleep take her. Inhaling his smell before falling into dream land.

Her last thought before going to sleep were that she really liked his smell.

Fontina Ori-chan: Lol, Jared is in for a shock when he woke up. Anyway, that's it for chapter 2, yeah, i know, short. But hey, at least this one is fast.