There are eighty Quarter Quell cards, and each of them caused fear and chaos in the Districts. This is the story of each of these Games. First, here is the list of the Cards:

On the Twenty-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that it was their choices that lead to the Hunger Games, and their children dying, each District will be required to vote on the two tributes that will represent them in the arena. There is no volunteering allowed.

On the Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that twice the number of rebels were killed then Capitol people, Districts will reap twice the number of tributes.

On the Seventy-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the bonds that were broken during the Dark Days, each District will reap a brother-sister pair.

On the One-Hundredth anniversary, as reminder to the rebels that the entire nation could only work as one, there will be only one reaping bowl in the Capitol, from which twenty-four names will be picked. There will be no volunteering

On the One-Hundredth-and-Twenty-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the women who fought and died in the Dark Days for no reason, all tributes will be female.

One the One-Hundredth-and-Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the men who fought and died in the Dark Days for no reason, all tributes will be male.

On the One-Hundredth-and-Seventy-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even their older warrior dies, all tributes will be eighteen years old.

On the Two-Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the children left without parents after the Dark Days, all tributes will be orphans.

On the Two-Hundredth-and-Twenty-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that Panem cannot run if one District is not doing their parts, only one District will provide all tributes.

On the Two-Hundredth-and-Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the rates of starvation quadrupled in the Districts after the Dark Days, each District will reap four times the number of tributes.

On the two-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder of the power the Capitol has over the district citizens lives, the tributes will be handpicked by the Head Gamemaker. No volunteers are allowed.

On the three-hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the same punishment will happen if they decide to rebel again, two Hunger Games will be held, and the two separate Victors will then fight each other until the lone Victor emerges.

On the three-hundred-and-twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they were heartless killers, all tributes will all be convicted murderers.

On the three-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that both their strongest and weakest were destroyed by the Capitol, only the districts with the highest and lowest number of Victors will compete, each reaping half the tributes.

On the three-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder that the Capitol is kind, gracious and believes in second chances, forty-eight fallen tributes from the past twenty-five games will be revived to have a second chance at victory.

On the four-hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the parents that abandoned their children and fought in the rebellion, parents between ages twenty-five and sixty will be the potential tributes.

On the four-hundred-and-twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder that even the smartest district citizens pale in comparison to the intelligence of the Capitol, the tributes will be reaped from the top two percent in their schools' academic records.

On the four-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they sent children into the war, the tributes will all be twelve years old.

On the four-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they would be lost without the Capitols guidance, the tributes will be of mental or physical handicap.

On the five-hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that, for every person they sent into fight, six people were left grieving at home, each district will reap six times the number of tributes.

One the five-hundred-and-twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the President of Panem has control over the entire county, including all the citizens, the sitting President will hand pick the tributes in each District.

On the five-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they chose to enact the Hunger Games, due to their choice to rebel, all tributes are to be volunteers.

On the five-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they cannot always rely on others to help them, there will be no volunteers.

On the six-hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even their leaders of the rebellion made choices that killed rebels, the living Victors of each District will be required to decide on which children will enter the Hunger Games this year.

On the six-hundred-and-twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that people of all ages died in the Dark Days, due to the rebels, the age range of reapable tributes will be increased to include ages five to eighty.

On the six-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the direct relation between their actions, and the consequences of those, each District will provide the number of tributes equal to the number of living Victors that district has.

On the six-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of that danger of ever thinking they are safe from the Capitols power, forty-eight victors will be revived from the grave and will fight in an all-stars Hunger Games.

On the seven-hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that eight people became orphans for each Capitol citizen who died, there will be eight times the number of tributes.

On the seven-hundred-and-twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the power the Capitols decisions, the Capitol citizens will all vote for what happens in the arena.

On the seven-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even those closest to power and fortune cannot overcome the Capitols power, all the tributes will be related to a living Victor in some way.

On the seven-hundred-and-Seventy-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the smallest victories come with a huge cost, the Victor of the games will stop their District from reaping tributes until the next Quarter Quell. However, the first District to lose both their tributes will be required to reap twice the tributes until the next Quarter Quell.

On the eight-hundredth anniversary, as a reward to the rebels for eight hundred years of loyalty, two victors will be allowed.

On the eight-hundred-and-twenty-fifth, as a reminder to the rebels that the Capitol will always remember their names and actions, the tributes will immediate family to the tributes of the previous Hunger Games.

On the eight-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the mayors were the main instigators of the rebellion, the tributes will be reaped from the children of the mayors and officials of each district.

On the eight-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they can never trust anyone, apart from the Capitol, there will be only one reaping bowl in each District from which one name will be picked. This reaped tribute will be required to pick the tribute of the opposite gender to enter the Arena with them.

On the nine-hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that one twelfth of Panems' population was killed during the Dark Days, each District must provide twelve times the number of tributes.

On the nine-hundred-and-twenty-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that for every two rebels, one was a Capitol spy, a third reaping bowl will be in each district that was full of mixed genders. One name will be reaped from this bowl after the male and female tributes are reaped.

On the nine-hundred-and-fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they chose to bring more people into the rebellion, thereby leading to their death, each reaped tribute has to choose which person of their gender will fight in the Hunger Games.

On the nine-hundred-and-seventy-fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the Capitols generosity and power, each tribute will have two lives in the arena, due to a clone being created before they enter the arena, and after the death of the first body, the clone will be put into the arena twelve hours later in a random location

On the One-Thousandth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the mass death during the Dark Days, each District will reap forty-eight tributes each, twenty-four male and twenty-four female. These tributes will be placed into a Hunger Games for each District. The final male and female tribute from each District will enter a second Hunger Games with all other survivors, where one tribute will be crowned Victor.

On the One-Thousand and Twenty-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the danger they face without the Capitol, there will be no Cornucopia, no Sponsors and no help from the Capitol in any way.

One the One-Thousand and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the lower six District were more loyal, District Seven to Twelve will be required to reap twice the tributes while One to Six reap none.

One the One-Thousand and Seventy-Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the young adults who died, all tributes will be seventeen years old.

On the One Thousand One Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebel that even though the lower six District were more loyal than the upper six, they still need to be punished, District One to Six will reap twice the tributes, while Districts Seven to Twelve will reap none.

One the One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of their mayors choices leading to death, the mayor of each District will handpick the two Tributes.

One the One Thousand One Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the young one killed needlessly during the Dark Day, all tributes will be thirteen years old.

On the One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of their reliance on each other, each odd numbered District will have the reaping bowl for them, and the District above theirs, for example, District Eleven will have District Twelves names in the bowl.

On the One Hundred Two Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the sixteen members of the Presidents family killed in the Dark Days, all tributes will be sixteen years old.

On the One Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the Capitol will never forget their names and actions, the tribute who will be reaped, will be related to the Tributes from the First Hunger Games.

One the One Thousand Two Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the direct results of their success, each District will reap the same number of tributes as all time Victors that District has.

On the One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of of the Capitol never ending power, the Capitol citizens will vote for each tribute in each District.

On the One Thousand Three Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of siblings torn apart, the reaped tribute must pick a sibling to enter the Arena in their place, regardless of gender.

On the One Thousandth Three Hundredth and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the fifteen bombs dropped on the District, for each one dropped on the Capitol, all tribute will be fifteen years old.

On the One Thousand Three Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the lack of power they have over the Capitol, no tribute can have received any training.

On the One Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of their strongest being the same as their weakest to the Capitol, only the District with the most living Victors and the least living Victors will reap half the tributes each.

One the One Thousand Four Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they defied the Capitol through their actions, words and choices, there will be no battle this year. Instead, every day, there will be a nation wide vote on who get eliminated each day until the lone Victor emerges.

On the One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of all the siblings torn apart in the Dark Days, only one person will be reaped from each District, but all reaping age siblings will enter the Arena with them. Anyone who volunteers, automatically volunteers their siblings at the same time.

On the One Thousandth Four Hundredth and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the rebels of the Capitols kindness, the District will have a vote as to which past two Quarter Quells will happen at the same time this year. The only ineligible year is the One Thousandth.

On the One Thousand Four Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the Capitols absolute power, the Capitol will vote as to which past three Quarter Quells will happen again at the same time this year. The only two ineligible years are the Fortieth and Fifty Eighth Quarter Quells.

On the One Thousand Five Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even their strongest cannot overcome the power of the Capitol, the male and female tribute will be reaped, from the existing pool of Victors in each District.

On the One Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the fourteen area of Panem that existed before the Dark Days, all tributes will be fourteen years old.

On the One Thousand Five Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the multiple ways they defied the Capitol, there will be no fighting. Instead, the tribute will compete in a logic, physical and mind puzzles each day. The tribute deemed the least successful will be executed each day.

On the One Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to rebels that even their wealthiest are not exempt from the Hunger Games, only children who have never taken tesserae up to now will be eligible for the reaping.

On the One Thousand Six Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of how they can never get used to anything, the amount of slips in the bowl will be reversed. So twelve year olds have seven slips, and eighteen year olds will have one slip. Tesserae slips will not be added this year.

On the One Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of their function and place in Panem, each District will reap the same amount of tributes as their District number.

On the One Thousand Six Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children are dying due to the choices of parents, the parents of each District with reaping age children will be required to vote on which children will enter the Arena.

On the One Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the importance of their Victors, each District last Victor will hand pick the tributes.

On the One Thousand Seven Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that the odds are rarely in your favour, only the children with the highest number of tesserae will be eligible for reaping.

On the One Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of that their function and place in Panem can be changed at the Capitols decision, each District will reap the same amount of tributes as their opposite District number. So One will reap twelve, Two will reap Eleven and so on.

On the One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that you cannot protect anyone from the Capitol, only couples will enter the Arena. The age range will be extended to fourteen to thirty years old.

On the One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children's lives are worth more than any rebellious plans, the tribute will be reaped from the oldest children in families.

On the One Thousand Eight Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children will never be safe, the tributes will be reaped from anyone with at least one living parent. Children younger than five are excluded.

On the One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they should see their children as worth more than themselves, parent can volunteer to take the place of their children.

On the One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the family bonds ripped apart during the Dark Days, only one person will be reaped from each District. However, the entire immediate family of that tribute will go into the Arena with them. Anyone who volunteers, automatically volunteers their entire family as well.

On the One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Fifth Hunger Games, as a reminder to the rebels that remembers each year of the Dark Day, and every year since, each District will reap the same number of tribute, as years since their last Victor, starting at one tribute for the District with last years' Victor.

On the One Thousand Nine Hundredth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they will never be away from the Capitols power, the last two second place tributes for each District will be revived, regardless of gender, for another shot at Victory.

On the One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that sixteen hundred thousand people died in the Dark Days, each District will reap sixteen times the number of tributes.

On the One Thousand Nine Hundredth and Fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that they are criminals and thugs, the tributes will be reaped from the population of each Districts prisons.

On the One Thousand Nine Hundredth and Seventy Fifth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels to never assumes they were out of danger, the tributes will all be nineteen years old.

On the Two-Thousandth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels of the (total number) of deaths during the Hunger Games, there will be one reaping bowl in the Capitol, from which (same number) of names will be pulled. The will be no volunteering. After this, the Hunger Games will end forever. May this two thousand year long punishment serve as a reminder to the Capitols never ending power. Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem Forever.