Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed, blah blah blah

As the Charmed ones mourned the loss of their whitelighter, beloved husband and brother to them, Chris was slightly less upset. He didn't want any of them, especially Piper, to know that Leo was missing, particularly because he had just told Piper that he'd spoken with Leo. He was devoutly hoping that she would be too incapacitated by her grief to make that connection. Chris decided it would be best to stay away for a while anyways, after all, there was no use in reminding her of their previous conversations and besides, he didn't know Leo all that well. So, slightly irritated that his plans had been upset a little, he decided to have a meeting with his brother, who just happened to be the Source of all evil. What Chris had "forgot" to tell his new wards was that, in the future he was from, the gods and goddesses had made a deal with Zarion, his brother, that had enabled Zarion to become all powerful, as a unique mix of demon and god, unopposed ruler of the underworld. However, the gods had become greedy and power-hungry and had killed Zarion so that they alone would rule the world again, as had been denied them before. In an effort to change his brother's unfortunate future, Chris had gone back in time, a power granted to him by Zarion. Done musing about the past, Chris blinked to Zarion's underworld lair.

"It just doesn't make any sense," Paige complained, sipping some herbal tea that she and Phoebe had used to calm Piper down. "I know, something's not right. How could an Elder just disappear?" Phoebe questioned, following Paige's train of thought. "Has anything like this ever happened before?" Paige wondered. "I don't think so. The only time an Elder disappears is when he deliberately gives away his powers and appoints a new Elder to take his place," Phoebe supplied. "But Leo wouldn't do that, he has a wife and child." Phoebe nodded her agreement and the sisters went upstairs to check on Wyatt and Piper, who were both asleep in Piper's room.

"What do you mean the Charmed ones know about Leo?" Zarion asked, angry at his brother's inability to keep Leo's disappearance a secret. "All they know is that he's gone, they don't know how or if he's even dead," Chris pointed out. "Our plan isn't ruined yet. The sisters are too distraught to ask any leading questions." "You better be right. You should get back to them, they're probably wondering where you are, which is something we don't need right now." Chris orbed to the kitchen of the Halliwell Manor, he only blinked when he was going to Zarion. The last thing he needed was anyone questioning his unusual powers.

The next morning was a disaster. The weather outside was gray and rainy, a steady downpour that looked like it would never end. It was thoroughly depressing Phoebe and Paige, who had thought to go to the park with Wyatt and Piper in the hopes of making Piper feel a little better. She was still upstairs, crying. And no one knew where Chris was, he was supposed to be getting more information from the elders.