Hello, this is HugeAnimefan1 speaking. Here is the disclaimers: I do not nor ever will (to my regret) own Rurouni Kenshin. Well have fun and read the story.
"Onii-chan, where are you?" The princess Misao was calling out for her brother, through the palace garden. "Onii-chan you get your butt out here NOW!"
"Where did that 'oro' come from?" She questioned herself. "Did I hear that or was it my imagination?" With that said a plan snuck into her head. "It probably was which means I'm losing my mind. Oh no." She began to sob.
"This is all *weep weep* my mean *sob* onii-chan's fault." She continued to cry for she knew that if her brother was around and heard her crying he would come right away because he hated to hear her cry. While doing her
fake sobs someone fell out of a nearby tree in an effort to get down. "Onii-chan it's you" She cried while running towards the stranger.
"Hai, Misao, it's me." The stranger said.
"Kenshin you are such a jerk!"
"What did I do?"
"You were here the whole time. That is what you didn't do you meanie."
"Maa maa Misao, I was only playing a joke." He said, while laughing at the expression on his sister's face.
"Joke or no joke, you still could have had the courtesy to answer me when I called."
"But Misao if it's a joke, then the point is to not to answer you." He said, still laughing.
"Kenshin no baka!" With that statement Misao slapped her brother smartly across the face and stomped back into the palace.
The prince stared after his sister's retreating figure. Smiling to himself he thought 'she is so kawii' with that in mind he went after his sister.
"Welcome Megumi-san," the king said.
"Thank you for inviting me to talk with you your highness."
"Um…Megumi-san you were the one that wanted to talk to me." King Hiko told her while raising an eyebrow.
"That's right I have important matters to discuss with you." Megumi said as if she didn't make that foolish mistake, but the king could see that she was nervous.
"Is that so? Well, then spit it out Takani."
"Firstly, would you like some tea?"
"Actually, no I wouldn't like tea."
"But I make a special blend that can sooth your soul."
"Really? Is that so?"
"Yes," replied Megumi with a hint of irritation in her voice. The king gave her a fix-your-tone look. "I mean being a doctor means you have to know soothing things to help the patient relax. Ohohohoho," Megumi replied with a sweat drop.
"Well….I'm more of a…um...uh… I prefer sake." The king replied with a sweat drop.
"Yes, but if you are so set into having tea bring it on."
"Oh thank you, your highness." Out of thin air Megumi Takani pulls out 2 cups of tea. "Here your highness. Taste?" With those words he tasted the mysterious tea.
"What *spits tea all over Megumi* is this crap?!"
"It's my special tea. Does it sooth your soul?"
"No, but it's irritating it, as are you. So spit it out. Why are you here?"
"I wanted to talk about the ouji-sama and who is to be his wife."
"What about it?" The king eyed Megumi suspiciously.
"Since the ouji-sama won't marry any of the princesses, I was thinking that he should marry me."
"Oh you did, did you?"
"Yes, Ou-sama."
"Haa haa haa. Are you serious?" the king asked through his laughter.
"No, I was just saying it for laughs," Megumi retorted sarcastically. That tone stopped the king's snickers.
"Watch who you are talking to Takani-san." His eyes narrowed.
"Ou-sama you want me to make your tea taste better."
"As much as I would I don't want to give my son's hand in marriage for better tasting tea." He said through tears of laughter. "Especially, since I hate tea." He mumbled afterwards with more tears.
"Here I would gladly sweeten it." With that said she grabbed the cup of tea while extracting a brown pouch with white powder contained within it out of her sleeve. "Here you go Ou-sama." She said handing him back his tea (which she had poured some of that powder into,) trying hard not to burst out and splash the tea in his face.
"What did you place in my tea?" The king questioned, his eyes were narrow and slits.
"I put in…um...well it's…um…its sugar." She replied with a smile nervously.
"Yes of course to sweeten the flavor, and as you can see its white like sugar." She said while smiling with an evil look on her face.
"Yeah you are right." With that in mind he took a swig of his drink. "Ahh, nice and sweet."
"Good I'm glad you liked it." She said sweetly. 'Fool.' "Now Ou-sama let's talk about me marrying the ouji-sama again, shall we?" Megumi asked mischievously.
"Yes, I would gladly talk about it with you. I would talk about anything with you." The king replied with a blank and dead stare in his eyes.
Was that powder really sugar, is the king going to accepted Megumi's proposal to Kenshin, and why does Misao get mad over the joke. Find out in the next chapter.
Hello again. This is my first fanfic. So I would really be thankful for any review. The reviews could be about how you like the story or how you did like it. I really don't care. But if you are going to dis my fic then please be gentle about it pleaseeeeeee. J Well hope you enjoyed the fic and watch out for the next chapter. Bye.