Chapter 1: The New Enemy
It was a beautiful 1787 June morning, and a young brunette was getting ready for the events of the day. The brunette was Taichi Kamiya; he stood at a height of 6 feet. He got out of his futon and walked around his dojo. He taught the local kids martial arts and how to use a wooden sword for defense. After knowing that the dojo was okay he opened the gates and walked down the street to a house a few houses down. When he got there he called out. "Mimi, it's time to go or we'll be late."
"Coming!" Called back an angelic voice from within the house. After a couple of minutes the doors of the house opened and out came Tai's angel. In front of him stood a girl of 5' 7'' with cinnamon eyes and hair to match. She was wearing a blue kimono with Sakura prints all over it.
"Mimi, you look positively beautiful." The man complimented her.
"Really, you think so. It's not to much is it?" She asked while making sure her shoes were on right.
"No, it's perfect. So shall we get going?" Tai asked, while offering his arm.
"Yes, the wedding is three weeks away and we must get as much as we can get done today," she said, taking hold of his arm. After spending the morning picking out the flowers for the ceremony and other wedding necessities,
they decided to stop by a restaurant for lunch; before heading back to Tai's dojo. While eating, Tai thought of the dream he had last night. It was more of a nightmare to him. For in the dream he lost Mimi, she was gone and he didn't know where she went. He was brought out of his train of thought when he felt something hitting his leg. "What," he asked Mimi, after realizing she was kicking his leg.
"Can we leave soon?"
"Of course, why?"
"Well I'm feeling uneasy."
"Are you sick?" Tai asked with a bit of panic.
"No, I just feel weird with someone staring at me," she said pointing at someone behind him. Tai whipped around as fast as he could to see, and sure enough there was someone staring at his Mimi. This made Tai mad. 'How can he stare at her still, even after knowing that he's found out?' Tai started to think. 'The nerve of the guy. Oh crap!' The man stood up and walked over to their table.
"Hello, I'm sorry if you were disturbed by me staring at you. It's just that you are really beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off you." He said to Mimi. "Hi my name is Michael.
'Yeah so your name is Michael my new enemy.' Tai thought.
HugeAnimefan1: Who is Michael and what will Tai do to him?
Tai: What are doing asking them? I'll tell you right now what I'm gonna do to Michael, I'm gonna mmff mmhh *Mimi covered his mouth*
Mimi: Now Tai don't tell, that's why they read for the next chapter. Anyways, hope you guys like the story. Read and review, ciao!
HugeAnimefan1: Sorry the chapter is short I'll try and make the next one longer.